Entries in 6mm

Sig Sauer ProForce MCX Virtus AEG Airsoft Rifle Table Top Review

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Type: Airsoft Rifle.
Manufacturer: Sig Sauer
Model: ProForce MCX Virtus.
Materials: Metal and Polymer.
Weight: 7 pounds (3kg).
Barrel: 11.6 inches (295mm).
Propulsion: AEG.
Action: Semi & Full Auto - SAO Electronic trigger.
Ammunition Type: .6mm plastic Airsoft BB’s.
Ammunition Capacity: 120 (Mid cap).
Max FPS: 408 Tested (.20 gram).

Trigger Pull: The trigger on the Sig Sauer ProForce MCX Virtus AEG Airsoft Rifle is essentially a Single Action Only electric on off switch that can allow for semi and full auto shooting along with a safety position based on the sector switch position. Because of this it is fairly short and light weight. There can be a slight delay from the time you pull the trigger to when the BB is released as since the electric motor needs to first pull back the internal spring before being released. A higher voltage battery will shorten the time between your trigger pull and the Airsoft BB release. Higher voltage battery also increases the full auto cycle rate.

Accuracy: I did already perform my Field Test Shooting Video for the Sig Sauer ProForce MCX Virtus AEG Airsoft Rifle so I do have some information to share relating to the shooting abilities of this AEG Airsoft Rifle. During my Velocity Chronograph Test I was able to average 408 fps using .20 gram Airsfot BB’s, that was using the out of the box installed 120 spring. In terms of accuracy, my 10 shot grouping at 30 feet away yielded a 1.5 inch spread and when I placed the Sig Sauer ProForce MCX Virtus AEG Airsoft Rifle in full auto it did not open up that much more, only to around 2 inches since there is virtually no recoil to throw off full auto shot placement. You can watch my full Field Test Shooting Video here!

Build Quality: The build quality of the Sig Sauer ProForce MCX Virtus AEG Airsoft Rifle is exceptional with high quality material inside and out, this Airsoft Rifle is mostly metal with a CNC machined receiver and a hefty 7 pound weight to it. Internally you will find VFC Avalon Gearbox featuring improved bearings, quick change spring system, built in MOSFET, and powered by high torque neodymium magnet motors.

Realism: The Sig Sauer ProForce MCX Virtus AEG Airsoft Rifle is designed and licensed by Sig Sauer to be as close to their real steel version of the MCX Virtus as possible in every way. As expected you will find Sig Sauer and Virtus licensing all over, size, handling and weight are also true to the original.


  • Super high quality AEG Airsoft Rifle.

  • Bolt locks back for easy hop-up adjustments.

  • Sig Sauer designed and licensed.

  • Lots of metal parts including the CNC machined metal receiver, rear stock guide rails and most mechanical moving parts.

  • Lots of mounting points with it’s full length picatinny top rail with M-LOK handguard.

  • Awesome internals, VFC Avalon Gearbox, quick change spring system, built in MOSFET, high torque neodymium magnet motors.

  • Easy to mount a sling with it’s QD tactical sling mounts on handguard, lower receiver, and stock.

  • Performed well in the Field test hitting close to claimed fps and easily shooting a 1.5 inch 10 shot group for 30 feet away.


  • No included sights so you will need to add your own iron, red dot or optical sight.

  • Battery area is a bit tight so you will need fairly compact batteries.

  • Comes with orange flash hider but can be swapped out.

  • On the high end of the price spectrum.

The Sig Sauer ProForce MCX Virtus AEG Airsoft Rifle is not only a looker but also a performer and is one of the higher quality AEG AR Styled Airsoft Rifles out there. I know there are a ton of AR AEG Airsoft Rifles to pick from but if you want something a little bit different then the rest than the Sig Sauer ProForce MCX Virtus AEG Airsoft Rifle is for sure one to look at. It is a bit more money up front but will offer exceptional performance and the high quality internals will not only perform well but will last the test of time saving you money long term.

Categories: 6mm, AEG, Airsoft, Review, Rifle, Semi Auto, Vimeo Video Tags: Sig Sauer Virtus

Tokyo Marui CQBR Block1 GBB Airsoft Rifle Field Test Review

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This was a fun Field Test Shooting Video Review to make for the Tokyo Marui CQBR Block1 GBB Airsoft Rifle. Overall it performed really well for me in terms of power and accuracy. As usual I test out the velocity pacing several rounds through my Chronograph and averaging them out. Then I proceed to test out the accuracy shooting 10 rounds in semi auto at a paper target 30 feet away followed by some full auto bursts to see how that effects the accuracy. You can watch my Preview Vide for the Tokyo Marui CQBR Block1 GBB Airsoft Rifle for some more details and specifications

Starting with my velocity test, I placed 6 rounds through my Chronpgrah using .20 gram Airsoft BB’s with a fully gassed up magazine. The slowest shot was 332 fps while the fastest shot was 350 fps for a 6 shot average of 337 fps, the temperature was not overly warm in the Sea Can for this Field Test so I would imagine in a warmer shooting conditions the velocity would be a little bit higher.

Switch to my Accuracy test for the Tokyo Marui CQBR Block1 GBB Airsoft Rifle I set myself up using a rested seated shooting position with a sand bag up front for stability. My fresh paper target was 30 feet down range for this test. I was able to place 10 rounds in semi auto all within about 1.5 inches slightly high on the target but well centered left to right. This is just using out of the box already setup hop-up and sight adjustments. I then shot the remaining 25 rounds left in the magazine using several full auto bursts until the magazine was empty and as expected the grouping opened up more since this Gas Blowback Airsoft Rifle really does have some kick and does move around a fair bit.

I really enjoyed testing out the Tokyo Marui CQBR Block1 GBB Airsoft Rifle in the Replcai Airguns Sea Can Indoor Airgun Shooting Range. It performed exactly how I was hoping with mid range velocity and excellent accuracy in semi auto. If you are looking for one of the more realistic and higher quality GBB Airsoft AR-15 type Airsoft Rifles on the market you really can not go wrong with the Tokyo Marui CQBR Block1 GBB Airsoft Rifle as it checks all these boxes!

Categories: 6mm, Airsoft, Blowback, Field Test, Full Auto, Gas, GBB, Review, Rifle, Semi Auto, Vimeo Video Tags: Tokyo Marui, CQBR Block 1

Sig Sauer Proforce MCX Virtus AEG Airsoft Rifle Field Test Review

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Yet another Indoor Field Test Shooting Video performed in the Replica Airguns Sea Can Airgun Shooting Range. Today I put the Sig Sauer Proforce MCX Virtus AEG Airsoft Rifle through its paces and it came out a winner for sure! I really like the way this AR15 type AEG Airsoft Rifle looks and feels and was hoping to get a good result today, I was not disappointed! I have not yet made my Table Top Video for the Sig Sauer Proforce MCX Virtus AEG Airsoft Rifle but plan for this next week, you can watch my Preview Video for some details and specifications in the mean time

As I always do, I first tested out the Sig Sauer Proforce MCX Virtus AEG Airsoft Rifle by shooting several rounds through my Chronograph to see what the actual velocity is in fps. I used .20 gram Airsoft BB’s for this test and was able to get a 6 shot average of 408 fps so perfect for most shooting situations as this is not too hot or too cold. My slowest shot was 402 fps while the fastest shot was 410 so pretty consistent for sure.

Next I placed a fresh paper target 30 feet down range on my ammo trap and proceeded to shoot around 10 rounds into it using a rested seated shooting position with a sand bag up front to help with stability. The first shot out of the barrel felt and sounded like a double shot and this one did strike the target just a tad low so I left that one out of the test results. All the other Airsoft BB’s shot easily within 1.5 inches maybe even a bit tighter and all where well centered left to right but just a bit low on the target most likely because I was using a red dot with a riser that places the sights fairly high. Since the Sig Sauer Proforce MCX Virtus AEG Airsoft Rifle can also shoot in full auto I had to give it a try and pretty much emptied the magazine until the target actually fell off the ammo trap. The full auto grouping did open up just a slight bit as expected but only marginally.

I really like the Sig Sauer Proforce MCX Virtus AEG Airsoft Rifle, yes it’s an AR15 at it’s core but Sig has made it their own in terms of looks and styling. The performance was also excellent so this gun is not just for show. You will need a sighting system of some sort when you buy it so keep that in mind. I suggest a red dot of some sort but you could add on iron sights if you like more traditional sights.

Categories: 6mm, AEG, Airsoft, Field Test, Full Auto, Review, Rifle, Semi Auto, Vimeo Video Tags: Sig Sauer Virtus, Proforce, Sig Sauer, Sig Sauer MCX

Tokyo Marui CQBR GBB - Sig Sauer MCX Virtus AEG - Umarex Airsaber Elite X2 Preview

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In this Preview Unboxing Video I take a look at three rifles, two are Airsoft Rifles and one is an Archery Rifle. Then First Airsoft Rifle form Tokyo Marui i s full Gas Blowback all metal build AR 15 of the highest quality and realism while the second Airsoft Rifle from Sig Sauer is an AEG but again a high quality product for sure. Lastly I take a look at Umarex’s lates Airsaber which now sports dual Arrow configuration for quick follow up shots. I do plan to make future more intensive table top and shooting videos for some if not all of thees Rifles but this video will at least wet your appetite a bit.

Tokyo Marui CQBR Block 1 GBB Airsoft Rifle:

  • Type: GBB Airsoft

  • Caliber 6mm Airsoft

  • FPS: 350-400

  • Magazine Capacity: 35

  • Weight: 9.9 pounds

  • Length: 27.5 inches

  • Material: Mostly Metal

  • Action: Semi & Full Auto

Sig Sauer Proforce MCX Virtus AEG Airsoft Rifle:

  • Type: AEG Airsoft

  • Caliber 6mm Airsoft

  • FPS: 420

  • Magazine Capacity: 120

  • Weight: 7 pounds

  • Length: 29 inches

  • Material: Mostly Metal

  • Action: Semi & Full Auto

Umarex Airsaber Elite X2 Archery Rifle:

  • Type: PCP Archery

  • Capacity: 4000 PSI / 240 CC Tank

  • FPS: 450 / 169 ft-lbs

  • Ammo Capacity: 2

  • Weight: 8.7 pounds

  • Length: 42.5 inches

  • Material: Metal & plastic

  • Action: Side cocking lever

Categories: 6mm, AEG, Airsoft, Arrow, Blowback, Bulk Air, Full Auto, Gas, GBB, PCP, Review, Rifle, Semi Auto, Scope, Vimeo Video Tags: Umarex, AirSaber, Elite X2, Sig Sauer Virtus, Tokyo Marui, CQBR Block 1

G&G Piranha SL GBB Airsoft Pistol Field Test Review

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In this Field Test Review Shooting Video I take the G&G Piranha SL GBB Airsoft Pistol through its paces to find out what we can expect in terms of velocity and accuracy. I perform two main tests, the Chronograph Test where I shoot around 5 rounds and average them out to see what the real world fps is and then I shoot 10 rounds at a paper taggert setup 30 feet downrange to see how tight of a grouping I can achieve with the G&G Piranha SL GBB Airsoft Pistol. I don’t talk much about the specifications and details in this video so if you are interested in that information you can watch my Table Top Video for this Airsoft Pistol here.

Starting first with the Chronograph Velocity Test I loaded .20 gram Airsoft BB’s into both of the supplied magazines and filled them up with propane gas. Often times because the valves may be tuned just a bit differently, you can expect each magazine to shoot a slightly different velocities or fps. This was the case with the G&G Piranha SL GBB Airsoft Pistol as the shorter double stack 25 round magazine averaged 353 fps while the longer single stack 20 round magazine shot a 328 average fps. So 25 fps difference between the two.

Moving on to the accuracy portion of the test I was able to get close to a two inch grouping fairly well centered shooting at a fresh paper target setup 30 feet away from a rested shooting position with my hands on a sand bag up front and sitting in the back. I was having some problems with the shorter double stack 25 round magazine not chambering rounds consistently which meant I had to reset my shooting position many times but even so I was able to get close to a two inch grouping. I did load up a different 25 round magazine from another Piranha Airsoft Pistol I had around and this magazine shot perfectly without any chambering problems so there must be something not exactly right with the short magazine that came with my G&G Piranha SL.

Other than the feeding issue I had for the double stack 25 round short magazine that came with my G&G Piranha SL GBB Airsoft Pistol, the Airsoft gun performed well. It for sure made for an entertaining video spraying Airsoft BB’s all over the Sea Can and trying o figure out why the Airsoft Pisotl was not working as it should. Such is life and at the end of the day it was simply something going on with the one magazine which seemed ot have a problem releasing the Airsoft BB’s into the gas chamber. All that was needed was a new magazine and we where back in business!

Categories: 6mm, Airsoft, Blowback, Field Test, Gas, GBB, Pistol, Review, Semi Auto, Vimeo Video Tags: G&G, Piranha SL

KJWorks CZ P-09 GBB Airsoft Pistol Field Test Review

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In this Field Test Shooting Video I test out the KJWorks CZ P-09 GBB Airsoft Pistol in the Replica Airguns Indoor Sea Can Shooting Range to find out what the velocity and accuracy is using .20 gram Airsoft BB’s. If you’re more interested in details, specifications and close up video of the KJWorks CZ P-09 GBB Airsoft Pistol then make sure to watch my Table Top Video for that information.

Starting with the velocity test I averaged out 6 rounds using my chronograph to find out the fps velocity for the KJWorks CZ P-09 GBB Airsoft Pistol and I was able to get 279.5 fps, the slowest of the 6 shots was 279 with the fastest being 281 so actually fairly closer to each other. I do mention at the end of the video that it felt like the velocity was not consistent because the blowback action to me felt like it was heavier on some shots than others? I felt like this might effect accuracy in terms of elevations if the velocity was not consistent but it ended up not being a factor as far as I could tell.

For my accuracy test I loaded 10 rounds in the KJWorks CZ P-09 GBB Airsoft Pistol and proceeded to place them to the best of my ability into my paper target setup 30 feet down range using a rested and seated shooting position (Sand bag up front, seated on a stool in the back). Even though the grouping spread out to about 4 inches, all but one round stayed within about 2 inches and side to side the spread was closer to about 1.5 inches for all shots. In terms of placement on the target they where all fairly well centered out of the box.

The fps for the KJWorks CZ P-09 GBB Airsoft Pistol is a bit low using the preinstalled short internal barrel that does not allow for the added threaded barrel extension but you could install the short internal threaded barrel and add the external barrel extension to increase the fps to more in the range of 360+. That said you would have a fairly long brass inner barrel protruding from your gun with no way I can see to install a mock suppressor to hide it so it would not look so good this way and there is also the possibility of damaging the thin exposed external barrel. Overall the KJWorks CZ P-09 GBB Airsoft Pistol performed well but I feel needs a little bit of break in time to smooth out the blowback consistency but even as is it shot consistent fps and was able to get most rounds well placed on the center of the target.

Categories: 6mm, Airsoft, Blowback, Field Test, Gas, GBB, Pistol, Review, Semi Auto, Vimeo Video Tags: KJWorks, CZ P-09

KJWorks CZ P-09 GBB Airsoft Pistol Table Top Review

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Type: Gas Blowback Airsoft Pistol.
Manufacturer: KJWorks
Model: CZ P-09
Materials: Metal & Polymer.
Weight: 2.3 pounds (1050 grams).
Length: 9 inches (229mm) total.
Barrel: 4.4 inches (120mm), Metal non-rifled smooth bore. (Comes with barrel extension)
Propulsion: Green gas or propane.
Action: Blowback, single and double action.
Ammunition Type: 6mm plastic Airsoft BB's.
Ammunition Capacity: 25rounds.
FPS: 376 fps.

Trigger Pull: The trigger pull on the KJWorks CZ P-09 GBB Airsoft Pistol is good in both single and double action shooting modes. Most of the time you will be shooting in single action as the blowback action will do all the work cycling the slide and retracting the hammer allowing for light quick single action follow up shots. If you do decide to drop the hammer in-between shooting you can then pull the double action trigger which is much longer and a bit heavier but this will draw the hammer back and release the trigger as expected with single action shots to follow.

Accuracy: So far I have not made my Field Test Shooting Video for the KJWorks CZ P-09 GBB Airsoft Pistol but do expect it to behave much like the ASG distributed version of this same gun which by the way is also made by KJWorks. The only real difference to consider will be the gas used in both of these Airsoft guns as the ASG distributed version uses CO2 while the KJWorks version reviewed in this video uses Green Gas or Propane which will reduce the velocity a little bit. We will find out next week when I make my Field Test Shooting Video for the KJWorks CZ P-09 GBB Airsoft Pistol.

Build Quality: KJWorks is know for making high quality products and the KJWorks CZ P-09 GBB Airsoft Pistol is no different. Fit and finish is excellent and the quality of material is also very good with similar materials used as you would expect them compared to the real steel version with the exception of the metals not having to be as high grade because of way less force and pressure on the Airsoft version.

Realism: The KJWorks CZ P-09 GBB Airsoft Pistol is a one to one Replica of the real steel CZ P-09 firearm and on first inspection would be hard to tell apart. You are going to find CZ licensing throughout this Airsoft Pistol in all the right places and all the controls work just like the powder burning CZ P-09. The full blowback operation, reassessed barrel and ability to field strip it also aid in making the shooting experience super realistic.


  • Build quality feels really goods, lots of weight to this Airsoft Pistol.

  • Full length blowback action.

  • Accurate licensed CZ P-09 Replica.

  • Trigger pull is nice in both single and double action.

  • Picatinny rail for adding accessories like a tac light or laser.

  • Double stack full size drop out Metal Magazine holds the Green Gas and 25 Airsoft BB’s

  • No orange tip which is always nice.

  • Easy to see white dot front and back sights.

  • Green Gas which when using propane is fairly cheap to shoot.

  • Easily Field Strippable.

  • Adjustable Hop-up.


  • Sights don’t seem to be adjustable.

  • Controls are not fully ambidextrous.

  • Green Gas version has less velocity than CO2 version.


The KJWorks CZ P-09 GBB Airsoft Pistol is really almost exactly like the ASG Distributed version since both are made by KJWorks at the end of the day. There are some slight differences between them like CO2 versus Green Gas and some other very minimal cosmetic changes. I would say go with which ever version is in stock and perhaps is less expensive at the time. You really can’t go wrong as this is a great choice to make for an Airsoft Side arm to use on the Airsoft field or for plinking in your yard or indoor range.

My Table Top Review Video of the KJWorks CZ P-09 GBB Airsoft Pistol:

Categories: 6mm, Airsoft, Blowback, Gas, GBB, Pistol, Review, Semi Auto, Vimeo Video Tags: KJWorks, CZ P-09

G&G Piranha SL GBB Airsoft Pistol Table Top Review

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Type: Gas Blowback Airsoft Pistol.
Manufacturer: G&G
Model: Piranha SL
Materials: Metal & Polymer.
Weight: 1.85 pounds (838 grams).
Length: 10.3 inches (262mm) total.
Barrel: 5.6 inches (142.5mm), Metal non-rifled smooth bore.
Propulsion: Green gas or propane.
Action: Blowback, single action only.
Ammunition Type: 6mm plastic Airsoft BB's.
Ammunition Capacity: 20/25rounds.
FPS: 370+ fps.

Trigger Pull: The trigger pull on the G&G Piranha SL GBB Airsoft Pistol is typical single action only with a super easy short take up (some of which is the trigger safety engaging), followed by a crisp predictable light release. The quick slide cycle allows for some quick semi auto shooting with the G&G Piranha SL GBB Airsoft Pistol making it a great fast action shooter with quick target acquisition.

Accuracy: I have not done my actual Field Test Shooting video review for the G&G Piranha SL GBB Airsoft Pistol but I expect it to perform similar to the G&G Piranha MK I and TR GBB Airsoft Pistol I made a Field Test Shooting Video for earlier and shoot consistently in the mid to high 300 fps with a 10 round grouping around 1-2 inches. Stay posted for my Field Test Shooting Video where I will confirm these predictions…

Build Quality: Like pretty much all G&G Airsoft guns including the Piranha series, the G&G Piranha SL GBB Airsoft Pistol build quality is really good. Fit and finish are excellent with virtually zero slide wiggle, I like the two tone stainless slide and chrome finish barrel version but the all black looks really good too. As with the entire Piranha line, the SL also has an updated Ceramic Whirl Cylinder Valve technology from G&G that should significantly help with freezing in colder or fast shooting situations along with a new Hop-up system you can easily adjust without taking the Airsoft gun apart by using the bullet shaped tool.

Realism: The G&G Piranha SL GBB Airsoft Pistol as far as I can determines not an exact replica of any specific real steel gun in production but it does share its looks and feel to that of the Glock but perhaps with an even more modernized look to it. Of course the SL version is elongates. You will find realistic function to the G&G Piranha SL GBB Airsoft Pistoling terms of it’s operation with its full blowback action, working slide catch release, magazine release trigger safety and takedown lever allowing for it to be field stripped easily.


  • Good balance of metal and plastic for a balanced and light feel.

  • Partial slide Blowback operation should allow for even better gas performance and snappy operation.

  • Fiber optic sights front and back for easy target acquisition.

  • Has a working trigger safety.

  • Smaller grips perfect for people with smaller hands. Larger hands work just fine too!

  • Comes in a well presented soft foam form fitted box case.

  • New Hop-up system for quick and easy fine adjustments with no need to field strip the gun.

  • Long bottom rail for adding accessories.

  • Comes in all black and two tone black and sliver.

  • Comes with two magazines (20 round short and 25 round extended with fake bullets)

  • Comes with high quality speed loader.

  • Threaded barrel tip for add on mock suppressor if you want to.


  • Sights are non adjustable.

  • Not an actual replica of any specific gun I know of but does share some Glock attributes.

  • Wish the extended mag held more rounds?

  • I like the hard shell case better that comes with the other Piranha versions.


The G&G Piranha SL GBB Airsoft Pistol is for sure the flashiest version of the Piranha series of G&G Airsoft Pistols with its extended barrel and extended magazine with the fake bullets. I also imagine the extra barrel length will add some addition fps to the velocity and we will find out when I make my Field Test Shooting Video for it shortly. I am hoping the extended magazine holds more than an addition 5 rounds but again we are going to find out in my my Field Test Video so be sure to watch that one! If you don’t mind the additional bulk of the G&G Piranha SL GBB Airsoft Pistol over the MK 1 and TR than you will get an extra magazine and I a bit higher velocity.

My Table Top Review Video of the G&G Piranha SL GBB Airsoft Pistol:

Categories: 6mm, Airsoft, Blowback, Comparison, Gas, GBB, Pistol, Review, Semi Auto, Vimeo Video Tags: Piranha SL, G&G

KJWorks KP-16 GBB Airsoft Pistol Field Test Review

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In this Field Test Shooting Video I perform two main test in the Replica Airguns Sea Can using the KJWorks KP-16 GBB Airsoft Pistol. First a chronograph test to see what the real world velocity is and then I perform an accuracy test to see how accurate the KJWorks KP-16 GBB Airsoft Pistol is at 30 feet from the target. If you’re interested more in specifications and details along with close up video of the KJWorks KP-16 GBB Airsoft Pistol then check out my Table Top Video Review for it where I show you around and do a field strip on camera.

Starting off with my chronograph velocity test. I decided to find out what the differences would be using the included internal short barrel and the extended external barrel since the KJWorks KP-16 GBB Airsoft Pistol does come with both in the box to allow for higher fps and easier import into Canada. The KJWorks KP-16 GBB Airsoft Pistol is rated for 360+ fps using the extended longer barrel so I used that one first to establish a baseline and was able to achieve a 394 fps 4 shot average. Switching up to the shorter internal barrel without the extension, the velocity was reduces as expected and I got an average 3 shoot velocity of 301 fps. So I can safely say that the barrel extension added an additional 90+ fps to the velocity in this case!

Next I placed a brand new paper target 30 feet down range and shot ten 20 gram Airsoft BB’s into it using a seated shooting position with my hands resting on a sand bag up front, this allows for a fairly stable platform to shoot from but is not without some human error to factor in. I also decided to use the barrel extension for this test as the threading on the end of the internal barrel can disrupt airflow causing air turbulence a bit and effect accuracy. I was able to get around a 2 inch grouping with my 10 rounds. The KP-16 GBB Airsoft Pistol shot a bit low and to the left out fo the box, adjusting the hop-up should correct the elevation but in terms of windage there is not sight adjustment other than perhaps playing around with the front removable sight and trying to movie it a bit to the left so as to make it shoot more to the right.

My take on the KJWorks KP-16 GBB Airsoft Pistol is it is a solid Airsoft Shooter with great modern 1911 tactical looks. The white dot sights make it a lot easier for my older eyes to line up on the target which makes this more practical for me. I also like the higher capacity magazine which again makes this a decent side arm for Airsoft wars. If you like the look of the 1911 but want it in a bit more of a modern configuration then the KJWorks KP-16 GBB Airsoft Pistol may just be the way to go!

Categories: 6mm, Airsoft, Blowback, Field Test, Gas, GBB, Pistol, Review, Semi Auto, Vimeo Video Tags: KJWorks, KP-16, 1911 TAC, 1911

WE 1911 GBB Airsoft Pistol Field Test Review

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In this Field Test Shooting Video I perform two main test using the WE 1911 GBB Airsoft Pistol. A chronograph test to see what the real world velocity is and then I perform an accuracy test to see how accurate the WE 1911 GBB Airsoft Pistol is at 30 feet away. If you are interested more in specifications and details along with close up video of the WE 1911 GBB Airsoft Pistol then check out my Table Top Video Review for it where I even do a field strip on camera.

Starting off with my chronograph velocity test. I decided to find out what the differences would be using the internal short barrel and the extended external barrel since the WE 1911 GBB Airsoft Pistol does come with both to allow for higher fps and easier import into Canada. The WE 1911 GBB Airsoft Pistol is rated for 360+ fps using the extended longer barrel so I started with that one first and was able to achieve a 383 fps 4 shot average. Switching to the shorter internal only barrel the velocity was reduces as expected and I got an average 3 shoot velocity of 300 fps. So it is safe to say that the barrel extension added an additional 80+ fps to the velocity!

Next I placed a fresh paper target 30 feet down range and shot 10 rounds into it using a seated shooting position with my hands resting on a sand bag up front, this allows for a fairly stable platform to shoot from but is not without some human factor. I also decided to use the barrel extension for this test as the threading on the end of the internal barrel can disrupt airflow causing turbulence a bit and effect accuracy. I was able to get around a 2.5 inch grouping with my 10 rounds. The WE 1911 GBB Airsoft Pistol shot fairly well on the bullseye up and down with the out of the box hop-up setting but it did shoot just slightly to the left. Since there are no sight adjustments you will have to factor this into your aim point when shooting out at farther ranges, but at around 30 feet you should not have much problem shooting a human sized target or even a pop can.

All in all the WE 1911 GBB Airsoft Pistol perfumed as expected with consistent fps and a nice 10 shot grouping on my paper target. I did find the sights a bit hard to see as my eyes are not what they use to be so black sighted pistols with whit dot sights make it a lot easier for me to line up my target. People with younger eyes will most likely not have this problem but for us a bit older guys, keep this in mind. If you’re looking for a classic 1911 A1 that performs well and looks really nice then the WE 1911 GBB Airsoft Pistol may be just the perfect fit for you!

Categories: 6mm, Airsoft, Blowback, Field Test, Gas, GBB, Pistol, Review, Semi Auto, Vimeo Video Tags: WE, 1911, M1911 A1

Update - Sig 1911 BB - KJWorks CZ P-09 GBB - Glock 19 GBB - 17 Gen 5 Paintball

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In this Update Preview Unboxing Video I take a look at 4 newer products that just came across my table and are in our Replica Airguns Online Stores. One is a CO2 Blowback BB Pistol, one is a CO2 .43 Caliber Paintball Pistol and two are GBB Airsoft Pistols, so a rather nice selection for us to take a look at here! I will be following up this Update Preview Unboxing Video with proper Table Top and Field Test Shooting Video to find out all the details and how well they perform.

Sig Sauer 1911 Emperor Scorpion CO2 BB Pistol

  • Type: BB PIstol.

  • Manufacturer: Sig Sauer.

  • Materials: Metal & Polymer.

  • Propulsion: 12 gram CO2.

  • Caliber: 4.5mm steel BB's.

  • Magazine Capacity: 17 rounds.

  • FPS up to 300 FPS.

  • Action: Semi-auto SAO.

  • Overall Length: 8.7 inches.

  • Weight: 2.6 pounds.

Umarex T4E Glock 17 Gen5 CO2 Paintball Pistol

  • Type: Painball Marker.

  • Manufacturer: Distributed by Umarex.

  • Materials: Metal & Polymer.

  • Propulsion: 12 gram CO2.

  • Ammunition Type: Paintballs.

  • Magazine Capacity: 8 rounds.

  • FPS: 350-400.

  • Action: Semi-auto SAO.

  • Overall Length: 7.95 inches.

  • Weight: 1.6 pounds.

Umarex Glock 19 GBB Airsoft Pistol

  • Type: GBB Airsoft Pistols.

  • Manufacturer: Distributed by Umarex.

  • Materials: Metal & Polymer.

  • Propulsion: Green Gas or Propane.

  • Ammunition Type: 6mm plastic Airsoft BB's.

  • Ammunition Capacity: 19 round drop out full size metal magazines.

  • FPS: Claimed 410 with .20 gram Airsoft BB’s (Extended Barrel on).

  • Action: Semi auto SAO.

  • Overall Length: 7.25 inches.

  • Weight: 1.64 pounds.

KJWorks CZ P-09 GBB Airsoft Pistol

  • Type: Airsoft Pistols.

  • Manufacturer: KJ Works.

  • Materials: Metal & Polymer.

  • Propulsion: Green Gas or Propane.

  • Ammunition Type: 6mm plastic Airsoft BB's.

  • Ammunition Capacity: 24 round drop out full size metal magazines.

  • FPS: Claimed 370+ with .20 gram Airsoft BB’s (Extended Barrel on).

  • Action: Semi auto SAO.

  • Overall Length: 8.2 inches.

  • Weight: 2 pounds.

Categories: 4.5mm / .177 cal, 6mm, .43 cal, Airsoft, BB, Blowback, CO2, Gas, GBB, Paintball, Pistol, Review, Semi Auto, Vimeo Video Tags: Umarex, Glock, Glock 19, Glock 17, Gen 5, Gen 3, KJWorks, CZ P-09, Sig Sauer, 1911 Emperor Scorpion, 1911

KJWorks KP-16 GBB Airsoft Pistol Table Top Review

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Type: GBB Airsoft Pistol.
Manufacturer: KJWorks
Model: KP-16
Materials: Mostly all metal build.
Weight: 2.16 pounds (980 grams).
Barrel: 4.5 inches, non-rifled.
Length: 9.75 inches.
Propulsion: Green Gas / Propane (Can also accept a CO2 Magazine)
Action: Semi Auto, single action only trigger.
Ammunition Type: 6mm Plastic Airsoft BB's.
Ammunition Capacity: 26 round full size dropout metal magazine.
FPS: 366+ with extended barrel.

Trigger Pull: The trigger pull on the KJWorks KP-16 GBB Airsoft Pistol is exactly what your would expect from a 1911 pistol which is always a good thing as 1911’s are generally short and light which makes fast action shooting super fun and easy! There is virtually no take-up in the trigger, and then a predictable nice and light release. Trigger reset is almost non existent like most 1911’s.

Accuracy: I have not yet made my Field Test Shooting Video for the KJWorks KP-16 GBB Airsoft Pistol but plan to next week so stay posted for that video. I will be testing out both the included extended barrel and internal short barrels to see what the velocity difference will be and then when it comes to accuracy I will test out the KJWorks KP-16 GBB Airsoft Pistol using the extended barrel to exclude the threading on the short barrel interfering with airflow and accuracy.

Build Quality: The KJWorks KP-16 GBB Airsoft Pistol is a really great looking pistol with its tan with black/dark accent finish. You will find it has that KJWorks solid build quality, it is virtually all metal even including the chunky grips being metal. Fit and finish is excellent, I’m not sure if there is a better made Airsoft 1911 out there?

Realism: As is with most Full Blowback Airsoft Pistols they are built to look and act the part of their real steel counterparts and the KJWorks KP-16 GBB Airsoft Pistol checks off all the boxes here! All mechanical parts work just like the real steel version and you can easily field strip the KJWorks KP-16 GBB Airsoft Pistol to swap out the internal barrel and adjust the hop-up. I like the fact that If you are not a fan of the compensator extension then you will be happy to know that KJWorks also includes a standard barrel bushing you can replace it with to shorten up the gun and make it look more traditional to a 1911.


  • Full metal gun with good weight to it.

  • Heavy Full blowback operation.

  • Excellent fit and finish as always with KJWorks pistols.

  • High capacity full size drop out magazine that holds 26 rounds.

  • Versatile magazine options, also works with CO2 magazines.

  • Easy to see white dot sights front and back.

  • All working components like the real steel 1911.

  • Vented extended barrel compensator looks great but can be removed easily.

  • Comes with extended barrel for higher velocity and easier import into Canada.

  • Field strip-able.


  • Sights are not adjustable.

  • Real steel grips will not fit without some modifications.

In terms of Tactical 1911’s, I would saye the KJWorks KP-16 GBB Airsoft Pistol is one of my favorites out there. I really like the tan with dark highlights and the way KJWorks decided to match up the metal grips with the compensator with what I would call a dark chrome look to them. The KJWorks KP-16 GBB Airsoft Pistol really does look like it is right out of a video game or movie but if you want to dress it down a bit you can also remove the compensator to make it look more like most other Tactical 1911’s. I guess all that’s need to do now is test the KJWorks KP-16 GBB Airsoft Pistol out in the Replica Airguns Sea Can Range and see how well it performs!

My Table Top Video of the KJWorks KP-16 GBB Airsoft Pistol:

Categories: 6mm, Airsoft, Blowback, Gas, GBB, Pistol, Review, Semi Auto, Vimeo Video Tags: KJWorks, KP-16, 1911, 1911 TAC

WE 1911 GBB Airsoft Pistol Table Top Review

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Type: GBB Airsoft Pistol.
Manufacturer: WE Airsoft
Model: 1911 A1
Materials: Mostly all metal build.
Weight: 1.7 pounds (760 grams).
Barrel: 4.5 inches, non-rifled.
Length: 8.5 inches.
Propulsion: Green Gas / Propane
Action: Semi Auto, single action only trigger.
Ammunition Type: 6mm Plastic Airsoft BB's.
Ammunition Capacity: 15+1 round full size dropout metal magazine.
FPS: 366+ with extended barrel.

Trigger Pull: The trigger pull on the WE 1911 GBB Airsoft Pistol is about what your would expect from a 1911 type pistol which is a good thing since they are generally short and light which makes for easy fast action shooting! There is just a bit of slack in the trigger, perhaps less than a millimeter with a predictable light release. Trigger reset is almost non existent.

Accuracy: I have not yet made my Field Test Shooting Video for the WE 1911 GBB Airsoft Pistol but plan to next week so stay posted for it. I will be testing out both the extended barrel and internal short barrel to see what the velocity difference will be and then when it comes to accuracy I will test out the WE 1911 GBB Airsoft Pistol using the extended barrel to exclude the threading on the short barrel interfering with accuracy.

Build Quality: The WE 1911 GBB Airsoft Pistol is a really gorgeous looking pistol in the stainless finish. You will find it has an overall solid build quality, it is virtually all metal with only the grips and some internal parts like the gas chamber and nozzle being plastic. There is almost zero slide wiggle and all the mechanical parts work and engage nicely. The only thing I noticed was that the ejection port near the front could have been finished a little bit better as there seemed to be some slight ridges in the metal there.

Realism: As is with most Full Blowback Airsoft Pistols they are built to look and act the part of their real steel counterparts and the WE 1911 GBB Airsoft Pistol is again no exception! All mechanical parts work as intended and you can easily field strip the WE 1911 GBB Airsoft Pistol to swap out the internal barrel and adjust the hop-up. I like the fact that WE Airsoft color matched the magazine rather than simply shipping it with the black magazine as I have found some other companies do.


  • All metal pistol with decent weight to it.

  • Crisp Firm full blowback operation.

  • Very good fit and finish.

  • No marking on the metal parts at all, some may like this.

  • Color matched stainless magazine.

  • Gun will accept real 1911 grips 99% sure of this :)

  • All controls work just like there real steel version, safety, slide catch release, safety and grip safety.

  • Should have good fps with barrel extension, enough for import into Canada.

  • Very believable working replica of the real steel Colt 1911 A1 Pistol.

  • Fully field strip-able.

  • Comes with extension barrel and replaceable inner barrel if not going to use extension.


  • No markings or licensing on the gun if that is important to you?

  • Perhaps a bit lighter than a real steel 1911 at 1.7 pounds.

  • Magazine only holds 15 rounds but the real steel 1911 only held 7 rounds.

As I have mentioned in many of my other videos, I am a huge 1911 fan and even go so far as to prefer the standard Government issue over all others as it is the most basic and closest to its original version. There are a ton of BB and Airsoft Blowback 1911’s available now so it is really hard to pick which one to get understandably. If you are a WE fan then this choice should be fairly easy, if you are not sure about WE then all I can say is this is one of the nicer 1911 A1’s and if you want a lighter weight gun over a heavier gun then that may also play a roll in your buying decision. I can’t comment just yet on performance but I will know shortly so stay posted. If it performs well then there is no reason not pick yourself up on of these WE 1911 GBB Airsoft Pistols!

My Table Top Video of the WE 1911 GBB Airsoft Pistol:

Categories: 6mm, Airsoft, Blowback, Gas, GBB, Pistol, Review, Semi Auto, Vimeo Video Tags: WE, 1911, Colt 1911 A1

Cybergun Licensed L6 .50AE Desert Eagle GBB Airsoft Pistol Field Test Review

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In this Field Test Shooting Video I give the Cybergun Licensed L6 .50AE Desert Eagle GBB Airsoft Pistol my usual run though and test it out using my Chronograph to see what the average 5 shot Velocity is using .20 gram plastic Airsoft BB’s. I then placed 10 rounds at a paper target setup 30 feet down range using a seated shooting position with my hands rested on a sand bag up front for stability. If you want information on specifications and details along with some close up video of the Cybergun Licensed L6 .50AE Desert Eagle GBB Airsoft Pistol then watch my Table Top Video for it here.

Starting off with my Chronograph test, the Cybergun Licensed L6 .50AE Desert Eagle GBB Airsoft Pistol was able to get a 6 shot average of 351 fps with the fasters round hitting 359 fps and the slowest Airsoft BB recording 346 fps. The indoor temperature was around 20 degrees Celsius which is close to 70 degree Fahrenheit for reference so with warmer temperatures I would expect velocities up to the claimed 360+ fps.

Moving on to the accuracy portion of my Field Test Test for the Cybergun Licensed L6 .50AE Desert Eagle GBB Airsoft Pistol, I slowly and carefully placed 10 rounds into my fresh paper target and was able to get a nice 2 inch group perhaps even verging on 1.5 inches if I remove one outlier. I was shooting rather low at first so I raised my aim point up a bit, since the sights are not adjustable you might want to adjust your hopup a bit to spin/arc the Airsoft BB up just a bit.

Overall the Cybergun Licensed L6 .50AE Desert Eagle GBB Airsoft Pistol is an awesome Airsoft gun to shoot, it really has a lot of blowback action you can feel in your hands probably because of its large overall size, you will need some sizable hands to shoot this Airsoft Pistol as the grips are large and wide just like the real steel version. Performance wise the Cybergun Licensed L6 .50AE Desert Eagle GBB Airsoft Pistol performed as expected and maybe even better than I expected hitting really close to the claimed fps and shooting a nice tight 10 shot grouping for me. If you are a Desert Eagle fan and like the gold bling then this may just be the product for you.

Categories: 6mm, Airsoft, Blowback, Field Test, Gas, GBB, Pistol, Review, Semi Auto, Vimeo Video Tags: Cybergun, Desert Eagle, DE .50, L6 .50AE, Desert Eagle L6, DE L6

Cybergun Licensed L6 .50AE Desert Eagle GBB Airsoft Pistol Table Top Review

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Type: Airsoft Pistol.
Manufacturer: Cybergun.
Model: L6 .50AE Desert Eagle.
Materials: Metal & plastic.
Weight: 2.43 pounds (1100 grams).
Barrel Length: 5.1 inches (Smooth bore).
Total Length: 10.24 inches.
Propulsion: Green Gas / Propane.
Action: GBB semi auto, single action only.
Ammunition Type: 6mm plastic Airsoft BB's.
Ammunition Capacity: 27 rounds.
FPS: 368fps claimed.

Trigger Pull: The trigger pull on the Cybergun Licensed L6 .50AE Desert Eagle GBB Airsoft Pistol is single action only which means you will need to rack the slide to not only draw the hammer back but to also chamber the first round. After that the blowback action will do this for you until you are out of ammo and then the slide will lock back. The trigger itself is really nice, it’s light, short and has a crisp release perfect for fast action shooting.

Accuracy: At this point I have not made my Field Test Shooting portion of my review for the Cybergun Licensed L6 .50AE Desert Eagle GBB Airsoft Pistol and I really don’t know what to expect? Cybergun claims an fps of 368 using green gas or propane but this may be on the high side since green gas generally produces less velocity than CO2. In terms of accuracy, again I have no idea since I have not reviewed this version of Desert Eagle before. So stay posted till next week when I make the Field Test Shooting Review for it.

Build Quality: Overall the all metal build quality of the Cybergun Licensed L6 .50AE Desert Eagle GBB Airsoft Pistol is good which I would hope to be the case for a higher priced Airsoft Pistol like this. I did however notice under the slide there was a bit of a rough area that I feel could have been sanded or polished out a bit better. Other than that this gun looks amazing and the fact that both the slide and receiver are both metal gives this Airsoft gun good weight and feel.

Realism: The Cybergun Licensed L6 .50AE Desert Eagle GBB Airsoft Pistol is an excellent Replica Airsoft version of the real steel L6 .50AE Desert Eagle including the top and bottom rails and the ported front barrel. It also has full blowback action and you can fully field strip it. Combine that with an all metal build and it doesn't get any more realistic than that.


  • Full metal build, close to true weight of real steel version.

  • Nice gold or silver Electroplated finish.

  • Realistic full blowback action.

  • Fully Licensed via Cybergun.

  • Rails on top and bottom for adding accessories.

  • Nice light and short single action trigger.

  • Injection molded polymer grip panels with Desert Eagle markings.

  • Realistic field strippable.

  • Full size drop out metal magazine.

  • Adjustable Hop-up to adjust elevation and accuracy at range.


  • Comes with red/orange tip installed.

  • Price is on the higher side.

  • This version is not full auto.

Going off just the looks and feel for the Cybergun Licensed L6 .50AE Desert Eagle GBB Airsoft Pistol I can say it is for sure one of the nicest Desert Eagles I have reviewed to date. I’m not generally a fan of gold guns but I think gold really suits the Desert Eagle since this iconic pistol is known for being over the top. It’s also full metal as compared to the KWC versions so that’s a big plus. I guess it will come down to how well it performs during my Field Test Shooting Video in terms of power and accuracy. If it doesn't let me down here, it may just be worth the nearly $400 piece tag!

My Table Top Video of the Cybergun Licensed L6 .50AE Desert Eagle GBB Airsoft Pistol:

Categories: 6mm, Airsoft, Blowback, GBB, Gas, Pistol, Review, Semi Auto, Vimeo Video Tags: Cybergun, Desert Eagle, DE .50, L6 .50AE, Desert Eagle L6, DE L6

Umarex S&W M29 8 Inch Barrel Shell Loading CO2 BB Revolver Table Top Review

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Type: BB Pistol.
Manufacturer: Umarex.
Model: M29.
Materials: Metal & plastic.
Weight: 2.5 pounds (1135 grams).
Barrel Length: 8.375 inches (Smooth bore).
Total Length: 12.13 inches.
Propulsion: 12 gram CO2 cartridge.
Action: Revolver, single and double action.
Ammunition Type: 4.5mm steel BB's (Also available in 6mm Airsoft).
Ammunition Capacity: 6 rounds.
FPS: 420fps claimed.

Trigger Pull: The trigger pull on the Umarex S&W M29 8 Inch Barrel Shell Loading CO2 BB Revolver is light in single action but not too light, there is virtually no take up and the release is predictable. In double action the trigger pull is heavier as the cylinder and hammer are both actuated manually by the trigger but even so the pull is not what I would call heavy for a double action revolver. The double action trigger pull is nice and even and will not tire out your finger too much firing all six rounds quickly.

Accuracy: At this point i have not made my Field Test Shooting portion of my review for the Umarex S&W M29 8 Inch Barrel Shell Loading CO2 BB Revolver but I expect to get close to the 420 fps claimed velocity and I also expect to shoot around a 1 to 2 inch grouping based on my past experienced with similar Shell Loading BB Revolvers. I may even pull of a 1/5 inch group if I am on my game and so is the gun… We will have to all wait till next week when I record the shooting portion of my review for the Umarex S&W M29 8 Inch Barrel Shell Loading CO2 BB Revolver.

Build Quality: Overall the all metal build quality of the Umarex S&W M29 8 Inch Barrel Shell Loading CO2 BB Revolver is very good. The black chrome finish looks really nice but does show every finger print and any grease from your hands. The imitation wood grips look just like real wood and with only the exception of a small scratch or crack in the front plastic red sight, the Umarex S&W M29 8 Inch Barrel Shell Loading CO2 BB Revolver was flawless.

Realism: The Umarex S&W M29 8 Inch Barrel Shell Loading CO2 BB Revolver is the same revolver used in one of the Dirty Hariy Movies and really looks exactly the same. As with all the shell loading BB/pellet/Airsoft Revolvers, they look and perform exactly like the real steel versions other than recoil of course. The only give away for the Umarex S&W M29 8 Inch Barrel Shell Loading CO2 BB Revolver would be the diameter of the shells as Umarex decided to repurpose the 38/357 shells used in their other smaller caliber shell loading revolvers. It would have been nice to have a larger 44/45 caliber sized shell that they could use in both the Colt 45 Single Action Army Revolvers and this 44 Magnum version of the Smith and Wesson M29 Revolver. The barrel opening is closer to that of a 44 Magnum so they did get that part right.


  • Classic iconic 44 magnum movie revolver.

  • Mostly all metal build.

  • Good overall weight, it’s big so expected to weigh a fair amount.

  • Lots of detail, well made, fit and finish is very good.

  • Fully S&W Licensed via Umarex.

  • Love the black chrome look but prone to finger prints.

  • Simulated wood grips look real enough.

  • Should have good overall power, accuracy and shots per CO2 (claimed around 80 per CO2).

  • Adjustable rear sight for windage/elevation with red dot front sight.

  • CO2 Allen key built into grip.

  • Recessed barrel true to 44 magnum opening size.

  • Nice Trigger pull in both single and double action.


  • Shells are closer to 357 not 44 magnum in size.

  • Don’t like the white writing on the right side.

  • Black chrome finish shows lots of finger prints and grease.


I really like that Umarex decided to give us this more classic Revolver to add to our collection of Airgun Revolvers! I was a big fan of the Dirty Harry Movies so this gun is for sure going to be part of my Airgun collection and even if you are not a fan, you should probably be a fan of the Smith and Wesson M29 which was considered to be one of the most powerful revolvers back in its day. Right now you can get it in 4.5mm Steel BB and 6mm Plastic Airsoft but hopefully there is a .177 caliber Pellet version on its way at some point.

My Table Top Video of the Umarex S&W M29 8 Inch Barrel Shell Loading CO2 BB Revolver:

Categories: 4.5mm / .177 cal, Airsoft, 6mm, BB, CO2, Pistol, Review, Revolver, Vimeo Video Tags: Umarex, S&W 29

S&W 29 - WE 1911 - KJW KP-16 - Cybergun Desert Eagle - G&G Piranha SL Preview

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I have a nice Airgun Pistol Update Unboxing video to checkout where I take a look at 5 Airguns four of which are Gas Blowback Airsoft Pistols and one is a CO2 BB Revolver. I don’t go into a lot of details here on each Airgun as this is mainly just a preview video to let everyone know we have these products in our Online Replica Airgun Stores and give a you a quick look at them. I will be following up with individual Table Top and Field Test Videos where I go into more details and also show you how each gun performs in the Replica Airguns Indoor Sea Can Shooting Range.

Umarex Smith & Wesson M29 CO2 BB Revolver

  • Manufacturer: Umarex

  • Type: BB Pistol

  • Ammo Type: Steel BB

  • Powersource: CO2

  • FPS: 415

  • Action Type: Revolving

  • Capacity: 6 rounds

  • Finish: Blued

  • Safety: Manual

  • Front sight: Fixed

  • Rear sight: Fully Adjustable

  • Overall Length: 14.1 in

WE 1911 GBB Airsoft Pistol

  • Type: Airsoft Pistols

  • Manufacturer: WE

  • Model: 1911

  • Materials: Full metal

  • Weight: 925 g (2.04 lbs)

  • Length: 220 mm (8.66 in)

  • Barrel: 110 mm (4.33 in)

  • Power Source: Green Gas

  • Action: Semi-Automatic

  • Ammo Type: 6mm airsoft BBs

  • Ammo Capacity: 15 rounds

  • FPS: 366

KJWorks KP-16 GBB Airsoft Pistol

Cybergun Desert Eagle Gold GBB Airsoft Pistol

  • Color: Available in different colors

  • Dimensions: 260mm x 150mm

  • Magazine: 21 rounds. Designed for use with WE-Tech Desert Eagle magazines

  • Gas Type: Green Gas, Red Gas, Propane

  • Firing Mode: Semi-Automatic, Safety

  • System: Gas Blowback

  • Hop-up: Yes, Adjustable

  • Velocity: ~368 FPS

  • Package Includes: Gun, Magazine, and Manual

G&G Piranha SL GBB Airsoft Pistol

  • Manufacturer: G&G

  • Propulsion: Green Gas / Propane

  • Caliber: 6mm Airsoft BBs

  • FPS: 366

  • Fire Mode: Semi-Auto/ Safety

  • Magazine Capacity: 20 rounds

  • Magazine Compatibility: G&G Piranha MKI Pistol Magazines / SMC-9 Magazines

  • Inner Barrel Length: 142.5 mm

  • Length: 262 mm

  • Weight: 838 g

  • Material: Polymer and Metal

Categories: 4.5mm / .177 cal, 6mm, Airsoft, BB, Blowback, CO2, Gas, GBB, Pistol, Review, Revolver, Semi Auto, Vimeo Video Tags: S&W 29, Umarex, WE, 1911, KJWorks, KP-16, Cybergun, Desert Eagle, G&G, Piranha SL

Action Army AAP-01 GBB Airsoft Pistol Field Test Review

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In this Field Test Shooting Video I put some .20 gram Airsoft BB’s through the Action Army AAP-01 GBB Airsoft Pistol to see what the actual velocity is compared to the claimed fps. I also put 10 rounds into a paper target setup 30 feet downrange to find out just how accurate and what kind of grouping I can get from this Gas Blowback Airsoft pistol and also do a full mag dump! If you have not already watched my Table Top Review for the Action Army AAP-01 GBB Airsoft Pistol then make sure to watch if for more specifications and details along with some nice close up video.

For my Chronograph test I placed 5 rounds through my Chrony using .20 gram plastic Airsoft BB’s and was able to average 314 fps with the short barrel and 385 fps with the longer barrel extension added. I was surprised with the addition 70 fps just by adding an extra 4 inches or so to the barrel.

For the accuracy portion of my Field test Shooting Video for the Action Army AAP-01 GBB Airsoft Pistol, I ended up first placing 10 rounds into a fresh paper target setup 30 feet down range. I was using my standard seated and rested shooting position which does offer a fairly stable shooting platform but not without some degree of human interaction. I was a little bit disappointed in the grouping I got as it was one of the larger groupings I have gotten for a test like this spreading out to at least 5-6 inches, still perfectly fine shooting at human target 30-40 feet away. I then uploaded up a full magazine with BB’s and gas and did a mag dump on the same target. As expected there was a lot fo gas and a lot ammo spraying everywhere but the Action Army AAP-01 GBB Airsoft Pistol did make it through the full 22 rounds and get at least some of them on the target.

The Action Army AAP-01 GBB Airsoft Pistol may not be the most accurate GBB Airsoft Pistol out of the box but does offer both semi and full auto and at the end of the day when using this Airsoft Pistol in an actual game situation the accuracy will be not as important since your target will generally be a human torso which is much larger than the 5-6 inch grouping I got. I’m not sure how useful the full auto feature really is in a real world situation but it sure is fun and maybe if you pair up a higher capacity G-series magazine this compact full auto pistol could work as a nice min machine gun!

Categories: 6mm, Airsoft, Blowback, Field Test, Full Auto, Gas, GBB, Pistol, Review, Semi Auto, Vimeo Video Tags: Action Army, AAP-01

Action Army AAP-01 GBB Airsoft Pistol Table Top Review

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Type: Airsoft Pistol.
Distributer: Action Army.
Model: Action Army AAP-01.
Materials: Metal and polymer build.
Weight: 1.43 pounds (648 grams).
Barrel: 5/9.25 inches.
Total Length: 9 inches.
Propulsion: Gas Blowback.
Action: SAO.
Ammunition Type: .6mm Airsoft BB’s
Ammunition Capacity: 22 rounds.
FPS: 360.

Trigger Pull: The trigger pull on the Action Army AAP-01 GBB Airsoft Pistol is fairly light, it is a single action only trigger meaning you will need to pull the bolt back to engage the trigger and load an Airsoft BB into the breach. I noticed there is about a 1/4 inch of take-up with a firm breakpoint and easy trigger release. You will also notice there is a trigger safety on the trigger but it does not get in the way at all.

Accuracy: I have not had the chance to really test out this Airsoft Pistol but will be doing so next week when I make my Field Test Shooting Video for the Action Army AAP-01 GBB Airsoft Pistol. I did load up a magazine with propane and do a mag dump in full auto and managed to get though it all but I did pretty much use up all the Gas shooting in full auto. I am sure when in semi auto the gas will go a lot further. I look forward to seeing how it performs in the Filed test in term of accuracy and velocity.

Build Quality: The Action Army AAP-01 GBB Airsoft Pistol has a good overall build quality and fit and finish. There is a lot of plastic on the outside but good use of metal internally in the bolt, barrel and magazine giving it decent weight but not making it too heavy.

Realism: The Action Army AAP-01 GBB Airsoft Pistol is not an actual Replica specifically of any one particular real steel gun in production, that said it does resemble the Ruger series of 22LR pistols in design and how the bolt functions. You will finds lots of working parts that function as you would expect to them if this was a powder burner. Like the bolt, slide catch, magazine release, safety, trigger safety and full size drop put metal magazine. You can even field strip this gun easily.


  • Full Blowback operation.

  • Full size dropout G-series metal magazine .

  • Fiber optic front and back sights.

  • Can mount rails on top and bottom (not included).

  • Comes with short and long barrels.

  • Has a 14mm threaded barrel which can be used to add a mock suppressor to hide the barrel extension.

  • Working trigger safety and added cross bolt safety.

  • Mostly everything is ambidextrous.

  • Can be used in semi auto or full auto mode with the flick of a switch hidden under the bolt.

  • Overall a nice looking custom Airsoft Pistol!


  • Rear sight not adjustable.

  • May be hard to find a holster for it.

  • Seems to eat a lot of gas especially in full auto mode.

What I really like about the Action Army AAP-01 GBB Airsoft Pistol is that it is rather unique looking, it looks nothing like a Glock, or 1911, or a Beretta or Sig so if you want something that stands out from the crowd then this may be it. I also like the ability to shoot in semi auto or full auto with the click of a switch and since it uses standard G-series magazines you should be able to easily find higher capacity extended mags that hold more gas and more Airsoft BB’s which you will for sure need if you plan to be shooting this one in full auto often.

My Vimeo Table Top Review Videos for the Action Army AAP-01 GBB Airsoft Pistol:

Categories: 6mm, Airsoft, Blowback, Full Auto, Gas, GBB, Pistol, Review, Semi Auto, Vimeo Video Tags: Action Army, APP-01

Umarex Ruger Mark IV - Action Army AAP-01 - Bear Desire XL - Crosman A4-P - Air Venturi Avenger Preview

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In this Preview Unboxing Vimeo Video I take a look at five very different products! A Spring Piston .177 Caliber Pellet Pistol, an Airsoft GBB Pistol, a Compact Crossbow, a full auto CO2 Blowback BB Pistol and a PPC .22 Caliber Pellet Rifle.

First up is the Umarex Ruger Mark IV Spring Piston Pellet Pistol which is a single shot replica pellet pistol that shoots .177 caliber pellets at up to 320 fps using a spring piston break barrel system. The Umarex Ruger Mark IV Spring Piston Pellet Pistol is a target plinker with fully adjustable fiber optic sights and should be a lot of fun to shoot!

Next I take a look at a Gas Blowback Airsoft Pistol from Action Army that closely resembles the Ruger Mark IV pistol with perhaps a more compact look. The Action Army AAP-01 GBB Airsoft Pistol is full blowback a full size drop out magazine and fiber optic sights. It also come with a threaded barrel and barrel extension for adding a longer barrel and much suppressor.

Next on my list of new items is the Bear X Desire XL Crossbow which is a 2.2 pound compact bolt shooting crossbow that sports a rail system with included adjustable iron sights that also allow for a red dot if you want to really customize it. The Bear X Desire XL Crossbow has a 60 pound draw and shoots arrows/bolts at up to 175 fps.

Another AR BB Rifle/Pistol from Crosman is the Crosman A4-P Full Auto CO2 BB Pistol which is essentially a pistol version of the AR Platform. If you like the Crosman DPMS SBR, R1, PDW then you will probably also like the Crosman AP-4. Like the others it uses dual CO2’s and shoots 4.5mm Steel BB;s in semi or full auto at 1400 rounds per minute until the 25 round magazine is empty.

Last included in this preview video is the Air Venturi Avenger Regulated PCP Pellet Rifle. I’m a bit uncertain about this one as I am pretty sure it is the non detuned PAL version that requires a firearms license here in Canada as it shoots at full velocity (.22 caliber pellet at 950 fps). If that’s the case then it will not be available in our Canada Replica Airguns Store but may be available in the US Replica Airguns Store. If it is the detuned version or a detuned version becomes available in Canada then I imagine we will at some point have it in the Canada replica Airguns Store. That said the Air Venturi Avenger Regulated PCP Pellet Rifle uses compressed air and shoots either .177. .22 or .25 caliber pellets using a latch system and rotary magazine.

Categories: .22 cal, 6mm, 4.5mm / .177 cal, Airsoft, Arrow, BB, Blowback, Break Barrel, CO2, Bulk Air, Crossbow, Full Auto, GBB, Gas, Non Airguns, PCP, Pellet, Pistol, Review, Rifle, Semi Auto, Slingshot, Spring Piston, Vimeo Video Tags: Umarex, Crosman, Air Venturi, Action Army, Bear River, M4-P, A4-P, Desire XL, APP-01, Ruger Mark IV, Avenger