Replica Airguns Blog | Airsoft, Pellet, & BB Gun Reviews

Why Would You Want a Blank Gun?


What is a Blank Gun?

The best way to describe a Blank Gun is to imagine it as a real gun in just about every way except one… There are no dangerous bullets flying out the front of it. That’s right, a Blank Gun just like a real gun uses a brass or metal shells, loaded with a primer and gun powder, but for what ever reason reason, some rocket scientists forgot to put a bullet at the end of the Blank shell. 

Why Would You Want a Blank Gun?

Isn’t the entire purpose of a gun to shoot something? So why on earth would you buy a gun that doesn't  shoot anything at all, what purpose would it serve? Even Nerf guns, water guns, potato guns all shoot something…

One way to look at a Blank Gun is to imagine it as a cap gun, but for grown ups. Similar to how kids like to shoot their cap guns because they go bang and sparks and smoke fly out of them, Blank Guns do the same thing but on a much grander scale and in most cases they look and sound a lot more like a real gun than a cap gun does.

So Blank Guns don’t actually do the main function of a real gun (that is to shoot a bullet), but they do look and sound the part of a gun. So how could this be of practical use to anyone?

Signalling Devices:

First off, have you ever heard of a Starter Pistol or a Flare Gun? Blank Guns have been historically used to signal the start of races. Many Blank Guns also have the ability to shoot flares by adding a flare adaptor to them so a person can shoot a flare into the air to signal distress if they are lost or hurt.

Gun Handling and Training:

Since many Blank Guns look, operate and feel almost exactly like real guns, Blank Guns are a great place to start out when training a person on proper gun handling and operation. If they make a mistake while using a Blank Gun, the consequences are far less severe than with a real gun. There is also much less kick from a Blank Gun so shooting a Blank Gun is less scary or intimidating for new shooters.

Dog Training:

Dogs used for police, military and hunting are required to stay calm around loud noises like gun shots, trained dogs also need to get used to the presence of guns and even how to attack the gun hand of a person who could be a potential threat. Again using Blank Guns in this training situation is a much better option than using a real gun for obvious reasons.

Movies, Video TV and Stage:

Introducing live ammunition on a movie set would be ridiculous, there is absolutely no need to shoot a bullet in this type of situation. Blank Guns make perfect stage props since they again look the part and sound the part without the dangerous bullets flying all over the place…


Many collectors want to own guns but for reasons like gun restrictions in their area, they may not be able to own a real gun or certain types of real guns. Blank Guns can offer a person with heavy gun restrictions in their area the ability to own similar Blank Gun versions. Perhaps they can own real guns but just simply don’t want to go through the licensing and registration hassle of owning a real gun. Blank Guns can generally be purchased for far less money than a real gun which is appealing to collectors who in many cases may not even shoot them.


In places like Turkey, people celebrate holidays and events by shooting Blank Guns into the air, at one time they actually shoot real guns, but people where getting injured or even killed by the falling bullets. Because of this, Blank Gun production became an industry in places like Turkey as Blank Gun manufacturers like EKOL, Retay and Zoraki (also know as ATAK Arms) are Turkish companies.

So now you know some of the reasons why a person would want to own a Blank Gun. I have Blank Guns and I also own real guns too. One reason is because there are many Blank Guns I own that I can not own in their real steel versions because of Canadian gun restrictions so obtaining a similar version in a Blank Gun allows me to own these models.

If a Blank Gun is not for you, then by all means get a real gun, but please understand that there is a place for Blank Guns, and in those environments, a Blank Gun is actually a better choice than a real gun.

Categories: .22 cal, 8mm, 9mm, Blank Gun, Comparison, Full Auto, Gun Law, Gun Safety, Pistol, Real Gun, Review, Semi Auto, YouTube Video Tags:

Best BB Guns

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First off let’s get one thing straight! What I’m looking for in a BB gun is more than likely going to be way different than what someone else is looking for in what they think is the “Best BB Gun” available.

Many people will determine the Best BB Gun as the BB gun that has the highest price tag, usually you get better quality the higher the price goes up but not always, there are times when perhaps you are paying for a name brand or cosmetic add ons that don’t always make the gun better or the best.

On the other hand, some people will determine the best BB gun as the one that is the least cost since they may not have a lot of money to spend, and an expensive BB gun is a BB gun that that person would not be able to afford or even own, far from an ideal or the Best BB Gun for them.

Many people only look at the specifications to determine if that particular BB gun is the outright best BB Gun. One specification that people seem to fixate on is how powerful is the BB gun in question? If it has the highest FPS then surely it must be the best BB Gun! That Pop can never saw it coming! What about cost of operation, so things like reliability and how many shots per CO2 you can get out of a BB gun. All important features to consider when picking out the Best BB Gun!

Style is another important part of what makes a BB Gun the Best option for you, are you wanting a classic BB Pistol? Perhaps a Modern BB Gun, Maybe even a BB gun that you can not get in your area because of gun laws? Style is a very individual preference and what looks good to me may look terrible to someone else.

One aspect that is very important to me, is realism, does the BB Gun operate the same and does it have similar metal and plastic parts as the real steel version? Does the BB gun I am considering have blowback operation and a true single or double action trigger like it’s big brother? What about a full size drop out magazine and the ability to field strip the BB Gun?

Some people want their BB gun for simple backyard good old fun shooting and so as long as it shoots pretty straight and works as it’s supposed to, then that is all they care about. Many real steel shooters want a BB Gun to operate exactly like their real steel version, so they can practice with it to get in more trigger time when going to a gun range is not an option.

Of course there are aspects like Reliability, Performance, Fit and Finish, Licensing and Build Quality that all determine what makes the Best BB Gun and again it really depends which of these qualities are most important to you that will determine which BB Gun is the best BB Gun.

So how do you determine which is the Best BB Gun? Make a list of what you are looking for in a BB Gun. Attributes like Cost, Performance, Build Quality, Style, Realism, Availability…

Once you have narrowed down your Best BB Gun list, get as much information on each BB Gun you are considering, to narrow the list down even more. There are tons of Youtube videos you can watch for your Best BB Gun final short list to help you determine your ultimate choice.

So please don’t ask me what the Best BB Gun is? I can not even tell you which one I like the best since my wish list changes from day to day…

Categories: 4.5mm / .177 cal, 6mm, Airsoft, BB, Blowback, CO2, Comparison, Full Auto, GBB, Gas, Pellet, Pistol, Q&A Video, Repeater, Revolver, Semi Auto, YouTube Video Tags:

BB Guns vs Pellet Guns


Not Airsoft:

First off we are not talking about 6mm Plastic Airsoft Guns but rather 4.5mm Steel BB versus .177 caliber Pellet.

Same but Different:

Generally speaking a BB CO2 Pistol and a Pellet CO2 Pistol are very similar, they just shoot a bit different types of ammo, that will determine a couple mechanical differences in both guns. You may come across a CO2 Pistol that can shoot both Pellets and BB's but these are not as common.

Magazine Types:

The fist main difference is usually the magazine design, since lead pellets don’t stack on top of each other very well compared to steel BB’s, action CO2 BB and Pellet pistols will have a very different types of magazine designs. Pellet CO2 Pistols will generally use a rotary type magazine while BB Pistols will use a stick or stacked ammo magazine. In terms of realism, a stick or stacked magazine is better suited than a rotary magazine. Some Action Pellet Pistols will have what looks like a stick magazine, but the stick will actually have two rotary magazine on either side. You will often find higher capacity magazines in BB CO2 Pistols since Rotary magazines usually only offer around 8 rounds (16 on a double sided stick style).

Another downside to a rotary magazine is knowing when you are out of ammo, a rotary magazine does not allow for this, it will just keep turning around and around no matter if there is ammo in it or not, so you need to listen to the the sound of the CO2 gun to determine when a rotary type magazine is empty. BB Action shooters do not have this problem since in most cases the magazine BB spring follower acts exactly the same as real steel gun follower locking back the slide on the last shot, stopping any follow up shots from happening.

Ammo Size:

Steel BB’s traditionally only come in 4.5mm which is the same as .177 caliber. Lead pellets can come in a myriad of sizes, the most comma being .177, .20 and .22 caliber but they can go as large as 50 caliber for PCP air rifles used to hunt even large game.

Barrel Rifling:

Another common difference between BB and Pellet CO2 Pistols is the rifling inside the barrels. Lead pellets need to spin in order for them to shoot straight. Steel BB’s on the other hand fly pretty true thought the air weather they spin or not. Rifling is most often not used in steel BB pistols because the hardened steel can damage the rifling and since there is little to no benefit in adding rifling to a BB guns barrel in terms of accuracy, then why even have it. Pellet pistols with their softer lead ammunition need to have the rifling in order to create the spin that keeps the pellet true and straight while in flight.


Even though many BB CO2 Pistols can shoot accurately at close to medium ranges, they are not as accurate as a Pellet CO2 Pistol, especially as the distance become greater to your target. Not only does the spinning of the pellet help accuracy, but also the added mass of the lead pellet keeps them from being as effected by cross winds and airborne debris.

Hunting and/or Pest Control:

In most cases I do not recommend using a pistol for pest control because, plain and simple they are harder to shoot accurately. This is because there is no stock on a pistol to help steady the gun, and the front and rear sight are much closer together on a pistol than compared to rifle sights which means there is more margin for error when signing in a target. Pistols are generally lower powered than rifles which also plays a roll when considering a pistol for pest control since it may not have enough power to get the job done humanly. That said, there are pellet pistols deigned with power in mind, usually these are spring piston, or pressurized air powered air guns which can have a lot more power than a standard CO2 BB or Pellet Pistol.

Pistols versus Rifles:

This is not the forum for a full pistol versus rifle comparison. I can tell you that you will find a lot more pellet rifles than your will find BB rifles, they both exist but for the most part rifles are geared more towards target shooting and hunting. Most of the BB rifles available would be styled after replicas so the focus is not necessarily on power and or accuracy in these models.


In terms of Replica Action Shooters, BB Pistols outweigh the Pellet pistols by a land-slide. BB’s just work better in action pistols because the round hard steel ammo operates much easier and more reliably than the softer lead pellets, at least for action shooters. And the point of Replica Action Shooters is not so much power and accuracy but more so towards rapid fire good old back yard fun shooting.

Which is Best?

Well… Neither one is best, it just depends what you are looking for. 

  • Do you want accuracy at longer ranges - if so maybe get a Pellet CO2 Pistol.

  • Do you want more realism in terms of magazine loading and your slide locking back on the last shot - then you may be in the market for a BB CO2 Pistol.

  • Do you want more power down range - heavy pellets are going to hit harder and truer than lighter Steel BB’s.

  • Do you want trouble free shooting - hard steel BB’s rarely miss-feed or misfire compared to softer Lead Pellets especially in action shooters.

The best is what’s best for you and not always what's best for me…

Categories: .20 cal, .22 cal, 4.5mm / .177 cal, BB, Blowback, Break Barrel, Bulk Air, CO2, Comparison, Full Auto, PCP, Pellet, Pistol, Repeater, Revolver, Rifle, Semi Auto, Spring Piston, YouTube Video Tags:

ROHM Little Joe Belt Buckle 6mm Flobert Blank Gun Review


Type: Blank revolver.


Model:Little Joe Belt Buckle.

Materials: Mostly metal with plastic grips.

Weight: .3 pounds (134 grams).

Barrel: Front firing.

Propulsion: Gun powder.

Action: Revolver, single action only

Ammunition Type: .22 caliber crimped blanks (6mm Flobert).

Ammunition Capacity: 5 rounds.


Trigger Pull: The trigger pull for the Little Joe blank revolver is single action only, you must pre-cock the hammer first to rotate advance the cylinder and ready the hammer to fire. I very short medium weight trigger pull with virtually no take-up is required to fire this tiny revolver at that point.

Accuracy: NA.

Build Quality: Even though in general blank/signal guns do utilize scaled down metals like zinc alloy (not high pressure gun steel), the ROHM line of blank pistols are made very well and many of the internal mechanical parts, pins and screws are solid steel. The fit and finish is excellent and when I tested my none belt buckle Little Joe it shot flawlessly for me. Don't expect much recoil from the small acorn .22 rounds.

Realism: The ROHM Little Joe Belt Buckle 6mm Flobert Blank Gun is not a true replica of any real steel revolver in production but it does look a bit like the North America Arms NAA22s Mini-Revolver chambered in .22 short. North America Arms even has a belt buckle version of their own!

ROHM Guns Available in the: Replica Airguns Store


  • It’s a blank gun that fits into a belt buckle!

  • German made Quality.

  • Like the satin or stainless finish.

  • Pretty much all metal gun with some steel in a few areas.

  • Front firing revolver that will fir a flare adaptor.

  • Uses inexpensive 22 Acorn blanks (6mm Flobert)

  • Kind of rare in Canada, cool if you own one :)


  • Hard to get the Belt Buckle version here in Canada.

  • Not sure about legalities actually wearing the belt buckle in Canada?


I already thought the standard ROHM Little Joe Blank firing mini revolver was a really cool gun, to actually find one that fits into a belt buckle is even cooler! I wish we had these for sale in our Canada Replica Airguns Store but it's probably best we don't since I know some people will decide to wear theirs which is bad news since it's only a matter of time before a call is made and a lot of explaining is in order... The good news is we do sell the none belt buckle version of the Little Joe .22 Caliber (6mm Flobert) Mini Revolver in our Canada Replica Airgun Store along with many other ROHM German quality blank pistols so check them out for sure!

My Vimeo Table Top Review for the ROHM Little Joe Belt Buckle 6mm Flobert Blank Revolver:

Categories: .22 cal, Blank Gun, Comparison, Pistol, Review, Revolver, YouTube Video Tags: Little Joe, ROHM

EKOL ES 66 CO2 BB Pistol Table Top Review


Type: BB air pistol.


Model:ES 66 / ES 66 C

Materials: All metal construction.

Weight: 2.03/2.13 pounds (920/968 grams)

Barrel: Metal rifled.

Propulsion: 12 gram CO2 x 1.

Action: Semi auto, single & double action.

Ammunition Type: 4.5mm BB's.

Ammunition Capacity: 15 round magazine.

FPS: 410.

Trigger Pull: The trigger pull with both the EKOL ES 66 CO2 BB Pistols is fairly heavy in double action mode as the hammer spring is fairly firm. In single action mode the trigger pull lightened up a lot and allows for more precise shooting when required. The double action pull is fairly long and the release point is fairly far back.

Accuracy: I have not shot either of these EKOL ES 66 styled airguns but I have conducted a similar test using a similar EKOL BB  Pistol, the EKOL ES 55 which is basically the same base gun with a different slide. I would expect all of the EKOL airguns to shoot about the same. Based on my past experience the ES 66 C and ES 66 should shoot right around 420 fps or more and get 1-2 inch groupings from 30 feet out. We will find out for sure when I conduct my official Field Test Shooting Review for them.

Build Quality: The EKOL ES 55 comes from a company that primarily makes blank pistols. EKOL makes this gun directly from a similar model (The EKOL Sava) that shoots blanks so in many ways the ES 55 and ES 66 are designed more like a real gun than an airgun. The EKOL ES 66 Series is all metal with rubber grips and feels fantastic in the hand. There are really no plastic parts to speak of and I could not find any quality concerns on these airguns at all! The Chrome finish is something you don't often see in airguns but does look nice, just watch out for those finger prints ;)

Realism: The EKOL ES 66 CO2 BB Pistol is not an exact replica but does look a lot like a browning Hi-Power other than some small cosmetic differences. The basic size and shape is very close. With the shorter EKOL 66 C, this similarity is harder to see.

Available at: The Canada Replica Airguns Store


  • All metal construction - very heavy and solid feeling gun.

  • Expect to have decent accuracy and good power.

  • Safety is actually a de-cocker but a nice touch.

  • Nice full size drop out Magazine that holds the CO2 and 4.5mm Steel BB’s.

  • Double and single action trigger / hammer.

  • One of the few BB pistols with a rifled barrel.

  • Nice wrap around ergonomic grips.

  • Very unique airgun, not a lot of them around.


  • Some parts don't function - slide release - slide when CO2 is in the gun.

  • No cutout ejection port.

  • Sights are none adjustable.

  • Double action is a bit heavy and trigger take-up is long.


EKOL makes several blank guns and I have reviewed many of them back when we used to be able to import more varieties of blank guns here in Canada. What makes the EKOL airgun version kind of different than most airguns out there, is that it is made very similarly to the way EKOL makes their blank guns. Many parts are interchanged so in some ways the airgun is a lot like the blank gun version which one could say is a lot like how a real gun is made. What I am getting at here is that the EKOL ES 66 and ES 55 look and feel more like real guns than an airgun. Make sure to pick one of these EKOL airguns up before we run out, our supply for them is limited and when they are gone we may not be able to get any more?

My EKOL ES 66 CO2 BB Pistol Table Top Vimeo Video Review:

Categories: 4.5mm / .177 cal, BB, CO2, Comparison, Pistol, Review, Semi Auto, YouTube Video Tags: EKOL, ES 66

Gletcher APS Stechkin CO2 Blowback BB Pistol Table Top Review


Type: BB Pistol.


Model: APS (Stechkin)

Materials: Metal & plastic.

Weight: 2.29 pounds (1040 grams).

Barrel: 5.5 inches, smooth bore.

Propulsion: 12 gram CO2.

Action: Blowback - single & double action.

Ammunition Type: 4.5mm Steel BB's.

Ammunition Capacity: 22 rounds.

FPS: 394fps (120m/s)

Trigger Pull: The trigger pull on the Gletcher APS Stetchkin is nice in both double and single action modes. Double action is fairly light as the hammer spring tension is moderate. The blowback operation will of course pre-cock the hammer allowing for single action shooting on almost all of your shots but the trigger pull length remains the same in both single and double action. The only difference is that in single action mode, the first part of the trigger pull, or should I say the take-up portion is much lighter until it gets to the hammer release point where you will notice more pressure and a short crisp release point.

Accuracy: I have done no preliminary shooting with this pistol so other than how the trigger feels I can not comment on the performance. The Gletcher APS Stechkin CO2 Blowback BB Pistol has a fairly long barrel length so it should get close to the claimed almost 400 fps and since the rear sight is adjustable for elevation I will be abel to make aim point adjustments up and down if need be. The slide does snap back with decent firmness so I am also expecting there to be a decent amount of blowback feel.

Build Quality: The Gletcher APS Stechkin CO2 Blowback BB Pistol is well made, the metallic dark grey finish looks really nice and the fit is good, not a lot of slide wiggle  and pretty much the entire pistol is metal including the frame, slide, trigger, slide catch-release, safety, hammer, magazine and inner and outer barrel. The only plastic parts would be the grips and some internal seals and o-rings.

Realism:The CO2 BB Gletcher APS is a 1 to 1 replica of the Stechkin Soviet Military sidearm, all the mechanical parts function just like you would find on the real steel version other than the full auto mode located on the safety, which has been disabled, perhaps for the European markets where full auto airguns are not allowed. The barrel opening and the stick magazine are the real only tell-tale signs that this is the airgun version rather than a real Stechkin.


  • One of the only 4.5mm BB shooting Stechkin replicas I have come across.

  • Very solid and weighty gun. Mostly all metal.

  • High capacity 22 round all metal stick magazine

  • Blowback operation seems heavy, slide locks back on last round.

  • Operational parts all work like they should (slide catch, safety, hammer, elevation adjustment, mag release)

  • Field Strippable.

  • Should be able to put a stock on it?

  • Shooting performance pros yet to be determined… 


  • No reassessed barrel opening.

  • Would have liked to have seen full size drop out metal magazine on this gun.

  • Full auto feature disabled on safety

  • Shooting performance cons yet to be determined…


When I saw this pistol in the Gletcher catalog, I did not realize how large it actually was, I was expecting the Gletcher APS Stechkin to be a bit larger than the Makarov but it really does dwarf the Makarov. Being that it is a large pistol it does have some weight to it but it does not feel heavy for its size. The grips are long front to back but not overly thick side to side so even medium sized hands should be OK shooting this BB air pistol. I am really happy to see another historic airgun added to the available Replica Airguns at our disposal and it's a bonus that we also get this one with blowback operation.Let's hope the Gletcher APS Stechkin shoots as well as it looks!

My Vimeo Table Top Video of the Gletcher APS Stechkin CO2 Blowback BB Pistol:

Categories: 4.5mm / .177 cal, BB, Blowback, CO2, Comparison, Pistol, Review, Semi Auto, YouTube Video Tags: APS, Gletcher, Stechkin

ASG Bersa BP9CC - CZ 75D Compact - CZ 75 P-07 Duty CO2 Airsoft Pistol Table Top Review


First off I have reviewed all of these ASG guns in the BB version which I will link to below so you can read the full reviews. The main difference with this review is that I am reviewing the 6mm Airsoft versions and in the case of the ASG Bersa BP9CC and ASG CZ 75D Compact, the only difference is the ammo they shoot, with the ASG CZ 75 P-07 Duty, my Airsoft version is not blowback whereas the 4.5mm Steel BB version I reviewed earlier did have blowback operation.

My YouTube video for these ASG Airsoft versions does go into a lot of detail on each gun but in this written review I will keep to the basics since you can get most of the detailed information already in my 4.5mm Steel BB reviews for each gun.

Here are the links to my 4.5mm BB Reviews:

Below are some of the sepcifications for these ASG CZ and Bersa Airsoft Pistols:

  • All use 12 gram CO2 cartridges.

  • All shoot 6mm plastic Airsoft BB’s.

  • All have working slides.

  • Bersa BP9CC has blowback action.

  • CZ 75 P-07 Duty & CZ 75D Compact are single and double action.

  • Bersa BP9CC is single action only.

  • FPS: (Bersa BP9CC 400 fps - CZ 75D Compact 425+ fps - CZ 75 P-07 Duty 480 fps).

  • Bersa BP9CC has a stick magazine with 15 round capacity.

  • CZ 75 P-07 Duty has a stick magazine with 16 round capacity.

  • CZ 75D Compact  has a full size metal drop out magazine with 15 round capacity.

  • All replicas of their modeled after firearms.

  • All are distributed by ASG (Action Sport Games) and made in Taiwan.


  • Bersa BP9CC love the design and how compact it is.

  • Bersa BP9CC has good weight for its small size, metal slide, trigger, stick magazine, barrel, slide catch release.

  • Bersa BP9CC is the only one with blowback action.

  • CZ 75D Compact has a full size drop out metal magazine that holds CO2 and BB’s.

  • CZ 75D Compact has nice comfortable rubberized grips.

  • CZ 75D Compact is the only one with adjustable hop-up and adjustable rear sight.

  • CZ 75 P-07 Duty has the highest fps at 480 claimed.

  • CZ 75 P-07 Duty lots of metal parts: Slide, barrel, magazine, hammer, trigger, slide catch, safety, magazine release.

  • CZ 75 P-07 Duty has a really nice double action trigger.


  • Bersa BP9CC slide only goes back part way, not a full cycle blowback operation.

  • Bersa BP9CC does not have adjustable hop-up or adjustable sights.

  • CZ 75D Compact has a plastic slide.

  • CZ 75D Compact is a bit light weight especially with the magazine out.

  • CZ 75 P-07 Duty does not have blowback operation.

  • CZ 75 P-07 Duty does not have adjustable hop-up or adjustable sights.

Make sure to watch my more detailed Vimeo Video Review for these ASG Airsoft Pistols as I cover much more info than this written article.

Categories: 6mm, Airsoft, Blowback, CO2, Comparison, Pistol, Review, Semi Auto, YouTube Video Tags: ASG, Bersa, CZ 75 P-07 Duty, CZ 75D, Compact

2013 Blued Baikal Makarov MP-654K CO2 BB Pistol Table Top Review

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Type: BB air pistol.


Model: MP-654K.

Materials: Weapons grade steel slide, frame and most parts.

Weight: 1.7 pounds.

Barrel: 3.8 inches, metal-rifled.

Propulsion: CO2 x 1.

Action: Semi auto, double and single action.

Ammunition Type: Steel/Lead BB's 4.5mm.

Ammunition Capacity: 13 rounds.

FPS: 380.

Trigger Pull: The trigger pull on the 2013 Blued Baikal Makarov MP-654K CO2 BB Pistol is good in single action mode (When cocked), when shooting in double action mode it is a bit heavy but it seems like over time the gun is working its self in a bit as the metal is hard and as with many Russian made guns, they need some break in period. The trigger springs are heavy so don't expect light trigger pulls.

Accuracy: The accuracy and true feet per second performance will be tested when I do my future Field Test Shooting review.

Build Quality: Excellent, the Baikal Makarov MP-654K CO2 BB Pistol is made side by side using the same machine sand same materials as the original Makarov PM (9x18) firearm that it is Replica of. There simply is not another airgun made to this quality level or that is as accurate a replica of it's real steel version.

Realism: You simply can not get any closer to how close this gun resembles the original Makarov PM (9x18). You can even field strip this gun exactly like the original. The only acceptation is when it come time to fire the BB gun version, The Baikal MP-654K is not designed to have blowback operation which is understandable as it would be impossible to fabricate this gun so close to the original and still give it blowback operation.


  • All Steel construction

  • Made side by side in the factory to the real steel version with same build quality and on same machines.

  • The closest BB gun to a real gun you can get in terms replicating the parts and being made out of the same materials as the real version.

  • Can filed strip like the real version.

  • New 2013 version has recessed barrel.

  • New 2013 version has the flush CO2 screw.

  • New 2013 version is the PM style with narrower handle and PM grips.

  • Can field strip like the real version.

  • Shoots in single and double action.

  • Safety works as a de-cocker.

  • Made in Russia!


  • Expensive compared to other airguns.

  • No blowback operation.

  • Only a 13 round magazine.

  • Gun requires some breaking time.


The new 2013 Blued Baikal MP-654K PM Styled BB Air pistol is one of those must have airguns if you are a collector, sure the price is a lot more than most airgun replicas out there but the 2013 Blued Baikal MP-654K is built like no other airgun. Rather than creating a replica gun around existing airgun parts, Baikal takes a different approach and reworks a real Makarov backwards so it is made to shoot steel BB's using CO2 rather than 9mm rounds. You could say it is a real Makarov but chambered to shoot steel BB's and use CO2. These guns are rarely available in Canada since they often get stuck in customs because they are so realistic. I was actually very surprised when we located a secure that had some that they where willing to give up!

My Vimeo Video Review for the 2013 Blued Baikal Makarov MP-654K CO2 BB Pistol:

Categories: 4.5mm / .177 cal, BB, CO2, Pistol, Real Gun, Review, Semi Auto, YouTube Video Tags: Baikal, MP-654K, Makarov

ASG Products Back in Stock In Canada Store

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Some of you have been waiting on back orders and to also make new orders of ASG products, we just received an ASG order so many ASG items are now back in stock! Any back orders will be taken care of first and then new orders will be processed, as always, stock is limited especially on certain items so act fast!

Categories: 4.5mm / .177 cal, 6mm, AEG, Airsoft, BB, Blowback, CO2, Full Auto, Pellet, Pistol, Replica Airguns News, Revolver, Rifle, Semi Auto, Spring Piston Tags: ASG