Replica Airguns Blog | Airsoft, Pellet, & BB Gun Reviews

Shipping Container Project - Electrical All Done

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Yup, another Shipping Container Project Update Video! For those of you interested in this project I am sure you have been waiting with baited breath ;) And for those wanting more airgun videos you are probably wondering when I will resume making more... Heck, I'm with you on that one, this manual labour stuff is way harder than making airgun videos, but it is all for the greater good. I will try and slip in some airgun related videos before this Shipping Container Project is finished, that's almost a promise!!!

At this point I am almost ready for drywall, all the electrical is completed including running the power and Internetunderground to the poorhouse and main house. I need to have my Internets at full jam, that's a must!

This week I will be getting the electirfcal all hooked up to the main box, adding isulation and vapour barrier, some more window baar cleanup and painting and by end of the week I hope to have the drywall in place along with the taping and first layer of mud.

Oh yah, this video also includes a huge bonfire, every spring and fall we usually burn all the fallen branches and yard debris, everyone comes out and enjoys the huge fire :)

Categories: Replica Airguns News Tags: Shipping Container Project

Shipping Container Project - All Framed with Window and Doors

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The Shipping Container Project is moving along nicely, this past week I finished up my office area framing, I also got the door and window cutout and installed! Next up on my list is cleaning up and painting the window bars so I can make the unit a bit more secure. I suppose I will have to do the same with the metal door since it is in dire need of a facelift. Once the doors and windows are all taken care of I will be moving on to the electrical and wiring. My goal is to get all of this done by end of week... The sooner I get this Shipping Container Project done the sooner I can get back to making even better  and more consistent airgun videos in my new home.

Categories: Replica Airguns News Tags: Shipping Container Project

Shipping Container Project - Framing Started

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This week I started framing in my new office and in this video I show the wall closest to the airgun range where the door and shooting opening are situated. I managed to frame the back wall in too. I also talk about how much time it takes even before you pick up a drill or hammer simply planning everything out and acquiring all the supplies required for a project like this. I have spent a ton of time researching what I need to make this Shipping Container Project into the vision I have for it. Spoiler alert, in my next video the framing is all done including the installation of my window and outside door, glad that part is over!

Categories: Replica Airguns News Tags: Shipping Container Project

Easter Sale - Save 10% in Canada and US Stores Until Easter Monday!

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No need to hunt for deals this Easter, EVERYTHING in our store is on sale! So kickoff your long weekend with a long-barreled revolver. Celebrate spring’s arrival with a spring powered sniper rifle. Or treat yourself to a hollow chocolate bunny and some hollow point pellets. This deal ends soon, so hop to it!

Categories: Replica Airguns News Tags:

Umarex Colt Single Action Army SAA Pellet Revolver Table Top Review

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Type: Pellet air revolver.

Distributed by:UmarexUSA.

Model:Single Action Army Revolver with Colt licensing

Materials: Mostly metal with plastic grips.

Weight: 2.35 pounds (1070  grams).

Barrel: 6.75 inches rifled.

Propulsion: 12 gram CO2.

Action: Revolver, single action only.

Ammunition Type: .177 cal. pellets.

Ammunition Capacity: 6 rounds.

FPS: 380.

Trigger Pull: Trigger pull on all the Umarex Single Action Army BB and Pellet Revolver is really great. Being that these Single Action Army Revolvers are single action only, most of the work is done while you pre-cock the hammer with your thumb. The trigger single action pull is under 2 pounds and has virtually no take up with a crisp release. I love the ratcheting sound of the cylinder as you pull back the hammer just like using a real SAA Revolver!

Accuracy: I have not yet tested the Umarex Colt Single Action Army Nickel & Gold Pellet Revolver so far but expect it to perform very similarly to the 4.5 inch barreled pellet shooting version I tested a while back. On that Field Test Shooting review I was abel to get pretty close to the claimed fps with an average of 378 fps. During my accuracy portion shooting from 30 feet back onto a paper target I got a very respectable .75 inch 6 shot grouping using a semi rested position. I do expect the slightly longer barrel on the Nickel and Gold version to perhaps improve fps slightly.

Build Quality: All of the Colt Single Action Army BB and Pellet Revolvers have a mostly all metal construction other than the plastic grips and any seals. The fit and finish is excellent with a great overall weight in the hand. The mechanical action of the hammer and trigger feels just like it would on a real single action army revolver. I really like the two tone nickel and Gold finish on this longer barreled SAA revolver.

Realism: In terms of replicating a real steel Colt Single Action Army Revolver, again these Umarex old west 6 shooters are absolutely amazing replicas. It's really hard to tell the airgun version apart from the real steel version, with the exception of the smaller diameter shells and the discreet safety switch located under the frame. Even the barrel is nicely recessed and has some fake rifling twists in it to give the appearance of a large caliber barrel opening. The CO2 is well hidden with the Allen key built into the handle so no ugly CO2 screw tab hanging down.

Available in the:Replica Airguns Store


  • Still the best airgun reproduction of the Single Action Army Revolver, a very accurate replica of the real steel old west version.

  • Nice large caliber Recessed barrel.

  • Great weight and feel in the hand.

  • Shell loading design that loads from the back so no need to remove shells if you wish not to.

  • Hammer and trigger action is about perfect, no take-up, very crisp and super light (under 2 pounds).

  • Nickel and Gold finish looks really great!

  • Colt licensing via Umarex.

  • Very well concealed CO2 with built in Allen key.

  • Discreet safety location under the frame.

  • Longer barrel is unique and should get a bit higher fps than the standard  shorter barreled versions.


  • A lot more expensive than the standard barrel length in standard finishes.

  • Real version would shoot 45 caliber, dummy shells are actual closer to 357 so a bit smallish.

  • The safety in all of these ghost is really firm and hard to change.


We have pretty much established that these Umarex Colt Single Action Army pistols are fantastic airgun copies of the old west real steel 6 shooters in pretty much every way. For this reason they have been super popular! The Umarex Colt Single Action Army Nickel & Gold Pellet Revolver is yet another rendition of this same airgun but with a longer barrel and the tow tone Gold and Nickel finish. You will pay a bunch more for the longer barrel and two tone finish, is it worth it? If your on a budget perhaps not but if you want something that really stands out and may even perform just a little better than pony up the extra bucks and pick one of these beauties up.

My Vimeo Table Top Review for the Umarex Colt Single Action Army Nickel & Gold Pellet Revolver:

Categories: 4.5mm / .177 cal, CO2, Pellet, Pistol, Review, Revolver, YouTube Video Tags: Colt Single Action Army, Umarex

Shipping Container Project - Jacked and Leveled

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Lately I have been doing a lot of sourcing out figuring out how everything is going to be laid out, what kind of lighting I want to use, how am I going to heat the office area in my shipping container. I want to keep everything pretty low power so my plan is to go with all LED lighting and a 400 Watt heater which should be

fine in my 90 square foot insulated office space. I plan to blast the shooting range with some propane heat on days when I need it for the shooting testing during the colder months.

I did pickup some hardwood flooring pretty cheap at Big Box Store and also got my 3x6 office window from Surrey New and Used. I already have metal doors that my father-in-law has had stashed away for several decades but at least now they are going to come in handy.

The first job or actual work I needed to do on the Shipping Container Project was to level and place the Sea Can onto some bricks/slabs, this also helps to keep the underside dry so it does not rust out. There shouldn't be much settling since the storage container is resting on my gravel parking area and the gravel goes right down about 1 foot deep to the hard pan.

Next on my list is starting the framing, figuring out exactly where the windows and doors will be and of course cutting the container to fit them.

Categories: Replica Airguns News, YouTube Video Tags: Shipping Container Project