It’s been long time coming but here is the last bit of my journey to get my 1993 Ducati 750 Super Sport licensed and on the road! I know not everyone is going to be interested in a motorcycle video since this is an Airgun channel but a lot of people did mention to me that they wanted to know more about my Ducati and how it was all going. Besides even if you have never owned a motorbike they are super cool to look at and listen to :)
In this “Getting the 1993 Ducati 750 Super Sport on the Road” YouTube video I go through the final process I need to do to get my Ducati 750ss registered and licensed for road use. This final step requires me to get BC Vehicle Inspection done where an authorized mechanic inspects the vehicle to make sure it complies to all the road use standard in place here in Canada BC.
We recently updated our Canada Replica Airguns Online Store and made some visual and navigation changes to help our customers find products they are looking for a little bit easier. We will also be rolling this new look and design over to the US Replica Airguns Online Store shortly but for now you can see the before and after by swathing between Canada and US Stores.
Watch my Replica Airguns Online Store Update and New Look Video to see some of the new changes!
Third time is a charm or so they say? Now that we are on the third version of the Umarex “Steel” series of BB CO2 Blowback Semi and 6 Round Burst Air Rifles what can we take away from this Field Test Shooting Video? Does the Umarex Steel Strike CO2 Blowback BB Rifle measure up to its predecessors? Without a full on spoiler alert I would have to say the Umarex Steel Strike CO2 Blowback BB Rifle did not let me down…
Starting off with the Chronograph Velocity portion of my Indoor Sea Can Airgun Shooting Test, things did not start off so good, first shot out of the Umarex Steel Strike CO2 Blowback BB Rifle was below 200 fps? I think this is because the duel CO2 system needs a least a couple of shots to get primed up because the Umarex Steel Strike CO2 Blowback BB Rifle only seemed to get better with each shot which is the opposite of what happens with most CO2 Airguns. After several shots the Umarex Steel Strike CO2 Blowback BB Rifle seemed to settle into a nice 390 fps range and the temperature was only 18 degree Celsius or 64 degrees Fahrenheit. In warmer conditions I would expect to get at least the 400 fps claimed by Umarex.
Moving onto the accuracy portion of the Field Test Shooting Review for the Umarex Steel Strike CO2 Blowback BB Rifle, I was very pleased with the results. Placing 10 semi auto shots 30 feet down range into my paper target using a rested seated position I was able to get just under a 1 inch grouping. And this was using the built-in flip up none adjustable peep sights which I do fins a little bit hard to use with my aging eyes… The Umarex Steel Strike CO2 Blowback BB Rifle even shot well centred just a little bit low and slightly to the left but very close to the bullseye. When I flipped the selector switch to 6 round burst things did spread out a bit but this was mainly because of the vibration that caused me to pull the gun to the right with each 6 round burst.
At the end of the day the Umarex Steel Strike CO2 Blowback BB Rifle is a really fun CO2 Blowback “full Auto” BB Rifle that has a crazy 6 round burst rate of fire and shoots pretty hard with good accuracy. You get all of this at a pretty affordable price. Are there other Full auto capable BB rifles that look a little bit better than the Steel Strike? I’m thinking about the Crosman DPMS SBR… Sure but in terms of performance the Umarex Steel Strike CO2 Blowback BB Rifle isn not lacking anything in this department. It may depend on your budget and if you’re simple just looking for a fun full auto CO2 BB rifle at the end of the day.
It’s not always about bunnies and chocolates, why not celebrate Easter with some savings over at the Canada Replica Airguns Online Store! Save 10% Sitewide till Monday April 22nd.
Type: BB Machine Gun/Rifle. Manufacturer: Umarex USA. Model: Steel Strike (AR Platform). Materials: Plastic shell with internal metal parts. Weight: 3.8 pounds (1720 grams). Barrel: 9 inch Metal non-rifled. Propulsion: CO2 x 2 (housed in b uffer tube) Action: Semi and 6 round burst blowback, single action only. Ammunition Type: 4.5mm BB's. Ammunition Capacity: 900/30 round drop out hopper/magazine. FPS: 400.
Trigger Pull: The trigger pull on the Umarex Steel Strike CO2 BB Rifle is single action only, so you will need to charge the rifle by pulling back the charging handle first, once this is done the trigger is reset and the gun is ready to shoot. The blowback operation charges the internal bolt automatically after each shot so keep this in mind as the gun is going to be live and ready to shoot until you either run out of ammo or CO2. Make sure to place it in safe mode when not in use especially when you have CO2 in the gun.
Accuracy: I have not shot the Umarex Steel Strike CO2 BB Rifle yet but will remaking a Field test Shoting video very soon for it. But for a reference I did shoot the Umarex Steel Froce which is a very similar product and this is how it performed for me:
Shooting the Umarex Steel Force at a target from 30 feet away in a semi rested position using both the semi auto and 6 round burst modes, the Steel Force performed very good getting around a 1.5 inch 10 shot grouping in semi auto and then spreading out a bit in 6 round burst mode which was to be expected, still a respectable grouping. Shots where well centered on the target but I did have the advantage of using a red dot scope, I found when using the none adjustable open sights that come with the Umarex Steel Force that I was shooting under the target at closer ranges. My Chrony testing did not go exactly as planned due to my temperamental Chronograph but I was able to get two shots to read and they average out at 466 fps, well over the 430 claimed fps.
Build Quality: The Umarex Steel Strike CO2 BB Rifle is mostly plastic on the outside with most of it's metal parts on the inside, pretty much everything you can see on the outside is going to be plastic except for maybe the magazine release and selector switch. The plastic seems durable enough but it has just a bit too much shine for me which I think makes it look less like metal and more like plastic. Everything seemed to function as expected but again I would have liked to have seen a bit more metal, not necessarily the outer shell, but I feel the flash hider, trigger, flip up sights and charging handle could have been made out of metal and would have given this Umarex Umarex Steel Strike CO2 BB Rifle a bit more weight and balance to it.
Realism: The Umarex Steel Strike CO2 BB Rifle is designed on the AR platform and for the most part is about the right size shape and look of an AR 15 / M16 type rifle. Even the selector switch, magazine release, rear adjustable stock and Charging handle function just like a real AR 15! Some parts are molded in just for looks like the bolt release, dust cover and forward assist but at least they look the part. The plastic for me was the real tell here as it kind of looks like plastic where as some plastic guns are really hard to tell they are not metal, but other than that this is a pretty decent replica of an AR Rifle.
Will get a decent amount of shots with its dual CO2 configuration.
Removable and 2 position adjustable stock.
Flip up sights with optical sight top rail option.
Lots of rials for adding on accessories.
Not a bad replica of an AR platform gun.
Full auto has a very high rate of fire.
Internal blowback does give a bit of recoil feedback feel.
CO2 in the buffer tube makes more sense?
Price point is good for a fun full auto BB rifle.
Pop up sights are non adjustable.
Plastic finish could have been a bit higher grade, like what most Airsoft AR's use.
Just a bit more metal would have been nice and added to the overall weight a bit. (Switches, Sights, Charging handle.
No sling mounts.
The Umarex Steel Strike CO2 BB Rifle looks to be an improvement over the Steel Storm and Steel Force, I like the new placement of the duel CO2 into the buffer tube and changing the location of the BB’s from the upper receiver and into the drop out magazine which is where we would normally expect them to be. We also get a magazine hopper capacity of up to 900 rounds with the new Umarex Steel Strike CO2 BB Rifle so no having to refile int for several CO2 swap-outs. I think the overall looks ahed improved and the tighter aperture of the pep sight shoudl make getting BB;s on target with more accuracy a bit easier. I look forward to seeing what kind of performance I get out of the Umarex Steel Strike CO2 BB Rifle when I test it out during my upcoming Field Test Shooting Video.
My Vimeo Table Top Videos for the Umarex Steel Striker BB Rifle:
This is going to be the only video this week. I’m turning 50 on Friday April 5th and had a goal that I wanted to complete before I reached 50. I wanted to get my 1993 Ducati 750 Super Sport all fixed up and ready to go, and it’s been a lot of work cleaning, fixing, painting… Perhaps it’s a bit of a mid life crisis sort of thing but at least it’s gotten my but in gear :) Stay tuned till the end of the video for some video of what the mighty Ducati looks like today if you’re into that sort of thing!
Getting back to the KWA Ronin TK.45 Tekken AEG 2.5 & AEG 3 Airsoft Rifles. You may remember my Shot Show Interview with Jonathan, well he went front to back and up and down the entire KWA product line ending with the KWA Ronin TK.45 Tekken AEG 2.5 & AEG 3 Airsoft Rifles and boy does he know his stuff, I will be adding the portion of Jonathan’s interview that deals with these rifles at the end of this video also.
Here is some info on the KWA Ronin TK.45 Tekken AEG 2.5 & AEG 3 Airsoft Rifles…