Replica Airguns Blog | Airsoft, Pellet, & BB Gun Reviews

ASG CZ 75 P-07 Duty CO2 Airsoft Pistol Shooting Review

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Here is my Field Test Shooting Video Review for the ASG CZ 75 P-07 Duty CO2 Airsoft Pistol. Make sure to checkout my previous Table Top Review for more detailed info about the ASG CZ 75 P-07 Duty Airsoft version.

My 5 shot Chronograph test resulted in a much lower than expected average velocity of around 265 fps, the ASG CZ 75 P-07 Duty CO2 Airsoft Pistol did start off in the mid350 range but then suddenly drop into the mid 200 fps range and according to ASG's rating, we should of been getting closer to 400 fps so something may have been up with this gun? My 10 shot accuracy test from 30 feet out using a semi rested position came in at around 4 inches. I am happy to say that my shots did seem to get to the target a bit faster than I was expecting with such a low fps chronograph testing. In terms of shot placement the ASG CZ 75 P-07 Duty CO2 Airsoft Pistol shot a bit high and to the left so you may have to adjust your aim point since there is no hop-up or windage adjustments on this pistol.

I was expecting a lot more power from the ASG CZ 75 P-07 Duty CO2 Airsoft Pistol since the 4.5mm Steel BB version of this same gun even with blowback operation still got an average of closer to 350 fps? I do like the lighter single action trigger the blowback version offers but the double action trigger of the non-blowback version is pretty good, not too heavy and fairly smooth. You can also expect to get at least 100 shots or more from a single 12 gram CO2 which makes this an relatively inexpensive gun overall.

Watch my Vimeo Video Field Test for the ASG CZ 75 P-07 Duty CO2 Airsoft Pistol:

Categories: 6mm, Airsoft, CO2, Field Test, Pistol, Review, Semi Auto, YouTube Video Tags: ASG, CZ 75 P-07 Duty

ASG CZ 75D Compact CO2 Airsoft Pistol Shooting Review

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Here is my Field Test Shooting Video Review for the ASG CZ 75D Compact CO2 Airsoft Pistol. Make sure to checkout my previous Table Top Review for more detailed info about the ASG CZ 75D Compact Airsoft version.

My 5 shot Chronograph test resulted in an average velocity of just over 400fps while my 10 shot accuracy test from 30 feet out using a semi rested position came in at around 2 inches for most of the shots with a few hitting a bit higher. I did have one misfeed which resulted in a double shot for the next trigger pull, those shots obviously did not hit the target as well as expected. For some reason I got a double shot when I tested the 4.5mm Steel BB version so perhaps this is something inherent to this air pistol? In terms of shot placement the ASG CZ 75D Compact CO2 Airsoft Pistol shot fairly well centered left to right but on the high side near the top of the target. You should be able to adjust the internal hop-up to lower the shots a bit if need be.

The ASG CZ 75D Compact CO2 Airsoft Pistol is about what I expected in terms of performance since I have already shot the 4.5mm Steel BB version but with the blowback option. I do like the lighter single action trigger the blowback version offers but the double action trigger of the non-blowback version is pretty good, not too heavy and fairly smooth. You can also expect to get at least 100 shots or more from a single 12 gram CO2 which makes this an relatively inexpensive gun to buy and shoot.

Watch my YouTube Video Field Test for the ASG CZ 75D Compact CO2 Airsoft Pistol:

Categories: 6mm, Airsoft, CO2, Field Test, Pistol, Review, Semi Auto, YouTube Video Tags: ASG, CZ 75D

ASG Ruger MK II Dual Tone CO2 6mm Airsoft Pistol Shooting Review

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Make sure to also check out my Table Top Review for this Airsoft Pistol for more information on features, specifications and high quality photos taken by yours truly! If your interested in the ASG Ruger MK1 then you can find my review for it here.

In this Field Test Shooting Reviews I test out the ASG Ruger MK II CO2 6mm Airsoft Pistol and put five rounds through my Chronograph to find out what the average fps is using .20 gram BB's and a brand new 12 gram CO2 cartridge. ASG claims 417 fps, I was expecting to get pretty close to that but did average a little bit lower at right around 399 but it was only about 7 degrees Celsius or 45 degrees Fahrenheit. Kind of a cold one!

I also shoot the ASG Ruger MK 2 CO2 6mm Airsoft Pistol from the 30 foot range since I hadn't had a chance to shoot it yet. While shooting from a semi rested position at 30 feet back, I was able to get a 5 inch 10 shot group but did notice that the bulk of the shoots seemed to all hit within a 2 inch group with two outliers that shot a bit low and to the right. The other 8 shots all hot really close to dead center on the target. All the ASG Ruger MK pistols have both adjustable hop-up and a rear sight that is adjustable for windage so you should be able to dial this gun in for your shooting style. The trigger pull on the ASG Ruger MK II CO2 6mm Airsoft Pistol is double action only and kind of on the long side but it is pretty smooth and has a nice satisfying metallic click to it when released, I found it pretty easy to shoot but it does take some practice time to get the feel for it.

If you are a Ruger MK series 22LR shooter than you may just want to get your hands on one of these and have the freedom of being able to shoot it just about anywhere for even cheaper than using 22LR ammo!

My Vimeo Field Test Video Review for the ASG Ruger MK2 CO2 6mm Airsoft Pistol:

Categories: 6mm, Airsoft, CO2, Field Test, Pistol, Review, Semi Auto, YouTube Video Tags: ASG, Ruger, Ruger MK2

When is an Airgun Better than a Real Gun?

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This is not to say that a “Real Gun” is not as good as an Airgun or better in other ways, in this video I’m just pointing out how an Airgun in some cases can actually be better suited than a Real Gun.

Availability: What I mean by this, is that in many countries Real Guns can be very hard to acquire and often require safety course and applications before one can purchase a Real Gun. I have no problem with this but it is a reality that must be considered. Having an Airgun versus not having a gun at all makes it a better option for people that live in countries that have strict gun laws. Here in Canada we are allowed Real Guns, even pistols but we do have restriction on our pistols and so I can only get certain guns in an Airgun version. As a collector this is better than not having the gun at all.

Price to Buy: Generally speaking you can pickup an enter level Airgun for much less money than a real gun.

Cost to Shoot: Real gun ammo prices have been steadily increasing to the point that a day out shooting can cost several hundred dollars just on the ammunition alone.

Comparison of Price:

  • 50 rounds of 9mm ammo will cost around $18.00

  • 6000 rounds of 4.5mm Steel BB will cost about $18.00

  • CO2 is a bit less than $1 per 12 gram Cylinder which can yield up to 100 shots each.

  • To shoot 100 rounds of 9mm will cost close to $40 versus 100 shots of 4.5mm steel BB at around $1.

  • For this reason alone an Airgun can make a lot of sense even for Real Gun owners looking to get more cost effective practice time.

Access to Shooting Locations: Depending on where you live you will have to consider your local laws and where you are allowed to shoot both types of guns but typically you can shoot an Airgun safely just about anywhere as long as you implement some backstop safety precautions. Here in Canada we can only shoot a pistol at designated gun ranges, where as Airguns have a lot more allowances to shot them as long as you are not braking any city bylaws.

Training Guns: Even if you plan to eventually step up to a Real Gun at some point, an airgun is a great option to first learn proper gun handling skills since if you where to make a mistake, the consequences are much less severe. Airguns are also a lot less intimidating than a real gun since they are much quieter and have less recoil, you don’t even need to wear ear protection with most Airguns which means an instructor can communicate to his pupil on the range a lot easier.

Prop Guns: Since Replica Airguns look so much like real guns these day, they can often be used as a safer substitute for use in Movie, TV or other Photo and Video productions. Using a Real Gun on set generally requires a certified “Gun Wrangler” be on hand as Real Guns must be transported, stored and handled using very strict regulations. Airguns generally do not need to follow the same rigid regulations that Real Guns are bound to.

Tactical Training with Live Targets: Obviously shooting a real gun at a live target would not fair well for anyone involved, so that is completely out of the question. Airsoft Airguns are however perfect for Tactical Training and other weapons based simulations. All that is required for safety when using Airsoft guns is the use of eye protection and generally some heavy clothing.

I am sure there are some more areas in which Airguns may have the advantage over a Real Gun but these are the main ones that I could think of.

Categories: Airsoft, BB, Blank Gun, Blowback, CO2, Comparison, GBB, Gas, Gun Law, Gun Safety, Pellet, Pistol, Real Gun, Review, Revolver, Rifle, Semi Auto, YouTube Video Tags:

Gletcher NGT NGT-R CO2 BB and Pellet Revolver Follow-up

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I already made several review videos for both Gletcher NGT (4.5mm Steel BB) and the Gletcher NGT R (.177 Cal Pellet) Revolvers, including table top and shooting videos. So make sure to check those videos out for more information on both versions of Gletcher NGT and NGT R Revolvers.

I did however miss some noteworthy details that I wanted to cover in this video. Firstly, the real steal Nagant M1895 Revolver this Gletcher NGT is styled after has a very unique gas-sealing system that the Airgun version does not replicate or really require but it is worth mentioning.

Here is some more info on how the original Nagant M1895 Revolver Gas Seal System works:

(From Wikipedia) The M1895 by contrast, has a mechanism which, as the hammer is cocked, first turns the cylinder and then moves it forward, closing the gap between the cylinder and the barrel. The cartridge, also unique, plays an important part in sealing the gun to the escape of propellant gases. The bullet is deeply seated, entirely within the cartridge case, and the case is slightly reduced in diameter at its mouth. The barrel features a short conical section at its rear; this accepts the mouth of the cartridge, completing the gas seal. By sealing the gap, the velocity of the bullet is increased by 15 to 45 m/s (50 to 150 ft/s.) This feature also eliminates the possibility of injury through the dangerous expansion of gases from the cylinder behind the barrel, which are easily capable of severing a finger if the user holds the gun incorrectly (with a finger positioned in front of the cylinder during fire) - a noted safety-issue in conventional revolvers.

Moving on to some of the features incorporated into the Gletcher NGT NGT-R CO2 BB and Pellet Revolver that I did not point in any of my previous videos. There is an extractor rod that can be used to extract a shell, this is not really necessary on the airgun version since the shells do not expand and tighten on the cylinder as they would n the real steal Nagant M1895 Revolver built is nice that we can replicate this feature with the Airgun version. You can also remove the cylinder completely from both the BB and Pellet shooting Gletcher NGT NGT-R CO2 Revolvers. The cylinder is actually very heavy and adds a lot of weight to this compact 7 shot Revolver.

It is always nice when an Airgun is built in such a way that it replicates the real steal version as closely as possible and the Gletcher NGT NGT-R CO2 BB and Pellet Revolvers do this nearly perfectly.

Categories: 4.5mm / .177 cal, BB, CO2, How To, Pellet, Pistol, Review, Revolver, YouTube Video Tags: Gletcher, NGT, NGT R

Halloween Costume Contest Giveaway 2016 Winner

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I have decided after watching all the video entries again the winner of this years Halloween Costume Contest Giveaway, and the winner is ApAmplifier with his Elysium Exoskeleton Costume. I have to say ApAmplifier's costumes was very unique and I am sure took a lot of time to put together. I also thought his video production was very creative and well done.

To everyone else that entered. I want to thank you all for taking the time to create a costume and make and an entry video. To those that didn't make a video there is always next year so start thinking about what you can be for next years Halloween Costume Contest Giveaway. Make sure to checkout all of this years entry videos

Watch my Halloween Costume Contest Giveaway 2016 Winner YouTube Video:

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How to Get Rid of That Ugly White Writing on Your Airgun

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I get asked on a daily bases form many of my Vimeo Viewers about how and if there is a way to get rid of the White lettering on Airguns, Typically people are wanting to remove the intrusive Warning instructions from Airguns like the Cybergun Tanfoglio Witness 1911, the Cybergun/Swiss Arms GSG 92/P92 and many other CO2 Replica Airguns that have lettering or branding that you may want to get rid of.

In this Instructional Tutorial Video I show you how can at least tone down the white lettering and even completely remove it on some Airguns without damaging the Airguns finish underneath the white lettering. You will have to use some patience and perhaps repeat this method a few times but the end result is worth the effort.

The magical product I use to remove the white lettering on many popular Airguns is a product from Birchwood Casey called the Presto Gun Blue Pen. This product is actually designed to touch up real steel gun in areas where the blueing has worn off, lucky for us the Birchwood Casey Presto Gun Blue Pen also works well to remove the ugly white lettering from Airguns.

Categories: 4.5mm / .177 cal, 6mm, Airsoft, BB, Blowback, CO2, How To, Pellet, Pistol, Review, Revolver, Semi Auto, YouTube Video Tags: Cybergun, KWC, Umarex

Which Shells Work in Which Shell Loading Revolvers?

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I have often been asked which of the Shells for the Shell Loading Revolvers work in which Shell Loading Revolvers? After all many of them look a lot alike so can you mix and match Shells for the various types of Shell Loading Revolvers?

In this Vimeo Instructional Video I test out a bunch of Shells to see which ones actually will work or not work in several of the most popular Shell Loading Revolvers.

Some of the Shell Loading Revovers Tested in this Instructional Video are:

Categories: 4.5mm / .177 cal, 6mm, Airsoft, BB, CO2, Comparison, How To, Pellet, Pistol, Review, Revolver, YouTube Video Tags: 357, ASG, Colt Single Action Army, Dan Wesson, Dan Wesson 715, G731, Gletcher, KWC, NGT, NGT R, Umarex, Webley

Replica Airguns Futuristic Lone Ranger Halloween Costume 2016

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OK so here's my Halloween Costume Entry for this Years Halloween Contest. I decided to be a futuristic Lone Ranger since I already had pretty much everything I needed to pull it off.

I am kind of a hybrid Lone Ranger combo that consists of the classic Lone Ranger first appearing in film back in 1938 later being made into a TV series from 1949 to 1957. I also add a bit of the new Lone Ranger from the 2013 Move and then updated it all just a bit to add some futuristic look to the outfit. I did keep the classic Single Action Army Pistol.

Make sure to get your costume Entries in my no later than midnight November 10th!

Contest entry details can be found here.

Buy the Colt Single Aciton Army Pistol in Canada

Buy the Colt Single Aciton Army Pistol in th US

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