Low cost CO2 BB guns are not really known for their power and accuracy but sometimes they can actually test out pretty decent. I don;t expect a replica action shooter to be the best shooter but as long as it can get a relatively small grouping and pump out 4.5mm Steel BB's over 400 fps then that's good enough for me, at least with a non-blowback CO2 BB Pistol.
Starting off with my velocity test using my newly acquired Caldwell Ballistic Precision Chronograph, I was able to get a little higher then the 410 factory claimed fps for the Umarex Glock 19 CO2 BB Pistol with an average of 423 fps. This was with a slightly used (A couple of magazines shot already) but fully warmed up CO2. I was shooting in about room temperature settings so not too warm and not too cold.
Next I placed 10 shots with my Umarex Glock 19 CO2 BB Pistol from 30 feet down range using my standard seated and rested shooting position and shot about a 1-1.5 inch 10 shot group with only one shot coming out a bit extending the range to the full 1.5 inches. The Umarex Glock 19 CO2 BB Pistol did seem to shoot a little bit high and to the left but not by very much and perhaps it was a little bit because of the shooter?
I think the low cost Umarex Glock 19 CO2 BB Pistol is a great choice for anyone looking for a licensed Glock BB pistol to get some trigger time with for pennies a shot and without having to always go to a gun range to shoot. The Umarex Glock 19 CO2 BB Pistol feels and holds pretty much the same as a real Glock 19 and even has a similar trigger feel, maybe not 100% but in the ball park. Sure you will not get that simulated recoil since there is no blowback but you do get a lot of shots per CO2 and more power than most CO2 Blowback pistols.
I finally got the chance to do my first official Field Test Shooting Video Review using the Caldwell Ballistic Precision Chronograph and like my Test video everything went really well. I was a little bit scared since my first round through it shooting the Crosman DPMS SBR CO2 Blowback BB M4 was a "no read" but then the following 5 shots where all good. I think my shot placement was just a tad off on the first shot as I adjusted my aim a bit for the tore 5 shots.
So getting to the results of the Crosman DPMS SBR CO2 Blowback BB M4 Air Rifle... I was using a somewhat used set of 12 gram CO2 cartridges that I had previously shot a couple of magazine through shooting in a bit of semi auto and full auto so I would assume I had at least half of, if not a bit more of my CO2 left in them. The Crosman DPMS SBR CO2 Blowback BB M4 was also fully warmed up and it had been a day since I shot it last which lets the CO2 and the gun warm up and pretty much perform as if it was using new CO2 for the most part.
Moving on to my accuracy testing. I would like to note I was using a Red/Green dot scope which I think is a great add on for any action shooting air rifle. Shooting with the included open iron sights may not have given us a little bit different results but I don't think by too much. My first grouping was with 10 shots all in semi auto shooting mode and this resulted in a nice very close to 1 inch grouping with 8 out of the 10 shots all within about a 3/4 inch group. I then adjusted my selector switch to the much more fun full auto mode for the 15 remaining 4.5 mm Steel BB's and setup again 30 feet away. I then let her rip releasing all 15 rounds till the Crosman DPMS SBR CO2 Blowback BB M4 bolt locked back and to be honest I was fairly surprised at how tight my 15 round full auto group was. It only spread out to about 2 inches with not too much vertical drop so velocity remained pretty consistent which was nice to see.
All in all you really can not go wrong with the Crosman DPMS SBR CO2 Blowback BB M4, it's got more than enough velocity at right around 400 fps which is great for a blowback action shooter still providing some nice accuracy not only in semi auto but also full auto shooting modes. And it has got to be the coolest looking and functioning 4.5mm Blowback BB M4 out there right now.
This test of the DJI Spark Mini Drone was to make sure I could use it in the way I intended for it when I am outdoors and want to get that nice higher up flowing camera angel you can only get form a drone.. The method I use in this video doesn't even require a remote control or smartphone and I can have it take off right out of my hand.
I then use hand gestures to control the DJI Spark Drone to do things like: Place the drone in the right starting location, make the DJI Spark start recording video, have the Spark zoom up and out from me for an "eye in the sky" aerial follow me mode and then of course when I am finished what I want it to record have the DJI Sparkreturn to me and land again on my hand. Again all of this without even taking the remote out of the box or even using a smartphone to control the DJI Spark Mini Drone!
Watch me test out the DJI Spark Mini Drone in my backyard while I shoot some of my Airguns at miscellaneous targets while I walk around and have the DJI Spark follow me while recording video.
What? Another Drone? Is Replica Airguns becoming a drone review channel... No I am not going to be reviewing drones as a habit but I did decide to upgrade my Yuneec Breeze 4K to a DJI Spark for a number of reasons.
Reason number one it's a DJI and they simply make some of the best Drones you can buy for the money. The main reason I ultimately went with the DJI Spark is because it just takes better quality 1080p Video which is what I'm after. It does this because it has a dedicated 2 axis mechanical gimbal that smoothes out the video even before the internal stabilization gets to it and make the video look even smoother so the end video output is incredibly smooth!
Some other reasons I feel the DJI Spark Fly More Combo was a better option for me are: It's super small, it was not really a lot more expensive, it has better tracking technology and can even understand hand and arm gestures for flying without even using a remote of any kind. The DJI Spark can fly faster and much farther than the Yuneec Breeze and has a little bit better battery run time.
In this DJI Spark Fly More Combo Unboxing Video I open the box for the first time and take a look at what you get inside. I had not flown the DJI Spark or even checked it out yet so everything is new to me and I am seeing it first hand and for the first time. I can say it is way smaller than I thought it was going to be. Look forward to some cool drone video on the channel in some of my upcoming videos...
I am happy to say that the first Field Test using my new Caldwell Ballistic Precision Chronograph went really well for me today. Perhaps I have found a new brand of Chronograph that will last longer than a year or so and give me reliable results that I can count on...
So other than that one chronograph reading error for the day which may have been an alignment issue on my part, the Caldwell Ballistic Precision Chronograph performed excellent for me. I would also like to note that I was using the same Caldwell LED Lighting System I have been using in my Sea Can Indoor Airgun range which as expected fit perfectly onto their own Chronograph system and worked well.
My struggle for a reliable and dependable Chronograph to test the feet per second velocity of the airguns I test in my indoor Sea Can shooting range has been going on for some time now. My original Chrony Chronograph just never gave me consistent results and over time it pretty much became useless so I ended up shooting the living tar out of it (Watch that video) and replacing it with a slightly better Chronic Chronograph.
The new Chrony Chronograph setup in my indoor Sea Can Airgun range worked really well for me especially using the LED lighting system I added to it (Made by Caldwell). But not even two years later my new Chrony Chronograph just flat out died on me, the screen went all garbley-goop and became unreadable. I tried a new battery and looked everywhere to see if there was a factory reset I could do but was not able to get it working again :(
Well I figured I invested enough money buying Chrony Chronographs with not so good results from them so it was time to look to another company for my airgun velocity testing needs. I ended up going with the Caldwell Ballistic Precision Chronograph which by the way is compatible with my LED lighting system since it is all made by the same company. I paid $149 Canadian for my Caldwell Ballistic Precision Chronograph which is pretty good and it even came with a super long cable to connect a smart phone that works on both iPhone and Android phones using the Caldwell App to display velocity readings in the their smartphone App.
I will be making a "test" video where I shoot several airguns I have not Chronographed yet to see how my new Caldwell Ballistic Precision Chronograph works so stay posted for that video coming out very soon!
On another note I upgraded my Drone just a little, I previously bought the Yuneec Breeze 4k Drone to use in my future videos to get some new interesting camera angles while I do some of my outdoor shooting and to be honest the quality is really good on it. Probably good enough for what I'm doing, but for only a couple hundred dollars more I was able to buy the DJI Spark which is by far a much better drone than the Breeze in many ways. Video is more stable and "follow me modes" are way more reliable to name a few things the DJI Spark does that are important to me.
You'll get to see video from the DJI Spark shortly in fixture videos. This little Drone is crazy!
Type: Non-blowback CO2 BB Pistol. Manufacturer: Distributed by Umarex. Model:Glock 19. Materials: Metal & Polymer. Weight: 1.6 pounds (725 grams). Barrel: Metal Non-rifled. Propulsion: CO2 x 1. Action: Semi auto non-blowback, double action only trigger. Ammunition Type: 4.5mm BB's. Ammunition Capacity: 16 round drop out metal stick magazine. FPS: Claimed 410.
Trigger Pull: The trigger pull on the Umarex Glock 19 Non-blowback CO2 BB Pistol is double action only and has that inner barrel that protrudes out of the barrel external barrel thing that happens. You see this on many lower cost CO2 BB pistols. I believe the barrel is actually part of the action and kind of acts like the hammer hitting the valve after it has allowed a BB to enter the break area. The double action trigger is a bit long but not overly heavy and does have a working trigger safety on it.
Accuracy: At this point I have not shot the Umarex Glock 19 Non-blowback CO2 BB Pistol so I can only quote what Umarex is saying in terms of FP2 which is 410. That's sounds reasonable and based on other similar guns like this the Umarex Glock 19 Non-blowback CO2 BB Pistol should get lots of shots out of a CO2 and produce decent shot groupings on target. We will find out when I get another Chronograph for my Field Test Shooting Videos.
Build Quality: TheUmarex Glock 19 Non-blowback CO2 BB Pistol is really well made. It's super solid at 1.6 pounds and feels in the hand like a real Glock would. Fit and finish are very good and you are going to find lots of metal parts where they would be and need to be on this air pistol.
Realism: The Umarex Glock 19 Non-blowback CO2 BB Pistol absolutely looks the part, sitting on the table and even holding it in your hand you are going to think it's the real deal. When you start trying to cycle the slide and eject the magazine is when you are going to quickly realize this is not a 9mm Glock 19 but rather a replica 4.5mm Steel BB version. I am hoping that down the road Umarex and Glock will come out with a full blowback and full metal drop out magazine version? Available From: The Replica Airguns Store.
Great weight and feel to it, build quality seems really good.
Really nice looking replica of the original Glock 19.
Fully Glock licensed.
Easy to see white dot sights front and back.
Working trigger safety.
Recessed barrel for added realism.
Accessory rail for adding a laser or tactical light.
Stick magazine but plate gives the elusion of a full size magazine.
Warning instruction are nice and discreet under trigger guard
So far the only Glock official licensed 4.5mm Steel BB pistol.
Not bad feeling double action only trigger, perhaps a bit long.
410 fps is nice and strong.
Fixed slide with no blowback action.
Has a stick magazine rather than a full size magazine.
Sight are non-adjustable which is common with low cost airguns like this one.
Would have liked to have seen more pristine packaging from Glock.
I know this version of the Umarex Glock 19 Non-blowback CO2 BB Pistol is not exactly what we where all hoping for... That said we are making progress. Glock actually licensed there name out to an Airgun manufacturer and is working with them to come out with even better future versions and models so be happy with what we do have and pick one of these first generation Umarex Glock 19 Non-blowback CO2 BB Pistols, after all this is history in the making and I know I want to own the first ever officially licensed Glock BB Pistol, don't you for under $100?
If you're interested in picking up an Umarex Glock 19 Non-blowback CO2 BB Pistol for yourself you can find them in our Replica Airguns Canada and US Online Store.
What some of you may not think about is all the stuff that goes behind the scenes when a Vimeo video is being made. It's a lot more than simply grabbing a camera and saying what's on your mind although that can work sometimes.
Most of the time multiple cameras are used, tripods and special lighting are important and even how you record the audio source can make a huge difference as to the sound and what people hear in your final video.
With all that said I am always looking for a new way to help me out with the quality of my video recording and production. How can I make things look better or more interesting, how can I improve the sound quality and clarity of my videos?
Well today I show you two new products I picked up that I feel will help me out in these areas. First in the audio department I show you my new Wireless Headset/Lapel Mic system from a company called FiFine Technology. They actually sent me their FiFine Wireless Headset and Lapel Mic for free so thanks a lot for that! My plan is to use the FiFine Wireless Headset and Lapel Mic to record the audio portion of my videos rather than the built in mic in my camera since I will get less room noise and better direct voice audio recording. I think it will also be useful when doing outside shooting videos to get super clear audio with less outside noise at all times. For this testing I simply connected the FiFine Wireless Headset and Lapel Mic to my Samsung Android phone using a USB adaptor, the same can be done suing an iPhone.
Moving on now to a new video product, I have been wanting to get a Drone to capture more interesting video that I can shoot from multiple viewing angles and also be able to have a moving camera while I shoot outdoors videos. The problem is they can be kind of expensive for anything decent, because of this, so far I have not been able to justify bitting the bullet and buying a drone. That was until I saw a great deal on the Yuneec Breeze 4k Selfie Drone at my local Best buy for half price ($249 CAN) What a deal!
Anyways, watch me fumble around while I try to figure things out with my Yuneec Breeze 4k Selfie Drone for the first time, there is always a learning curve when you get something new but I do hope to be able to utilize both of these new products in upcoming videos for everyone.
Type: BB Rifle. Manufacturer: Crosman. Model: DPMS SBR. Materials: Metal & plastic. Weight: 6.5 pounds (4.98 kilograms). Length: 26.9 - 30.4 inches. Propulsion: 12 gram CO2 dual cartridges. Action: Blowback - single action only. Ammunition Type: 4.5mm steel BB's. Ammunition Capacity: 25 rounds. FPS: 430fps. Rate of Fire: 1400 rounds per minute in full auto
Trigger Pull: The trigger pull on the Crosman DPMS SBR CO2 Blowback BB M4 Rifle is single action only since the charging handle must be cocked first before you can shoot it. The trigger is short and fairly light but not too light that a misfire can happen easily. The Crosman DPMS SBR CO2 Blowback BB M4 Rifle makes for a great action shooter in semi auto or full auto mode!
Accuracy: So far I have only played around with the Crosman DPMS SBR CO2 Blowback BB M4 Rifle but I can say it feels pretty good and seems to hit what I aim at even when in full auto mode which does rock the gun a bit. Don;t expect full auto mode to be the most accurate but it sure is fun and with all those BB's coming out the barrel at 1400 rounds per minute you're probably going to hit what ever your shooting at. Because of the blowback operation you will get a little over 400 fps which is totally fine for an action shooter like this.
Build Quality: The Crosman DPMS SBR CO2 Blowback BB M4 Rifle is well made all around. Weighing in at 6.5 pounds it feel solid and well built. There is a lot of metal going on inside and out of this rifle but keep in mind the top and bottom receiver are plastic but metal parts are where they need to be like in the internals, pretty much all the working parts are metal, the magazine is full metal, the buffer tub is metal and of course the barrel is metal.
Realism: The Crosman DPMS SBR CO2 Blowback BB M4 Rifle is about as real as you are going to get in a CO2 Blowback M4 styled Airgun. You can even take it apart into the top and bottom receivers like the real steal version. The blowback action gives you some recoil but more importantly offers a true single action trigger and of course the full auto ability we all love. Almost all the working parts work like they would on a real M4 other than the forward assist which is moulded into the receiver.
Most realistic working M4/AR 4.5mm BB Rifle out there right now.
Full blowback operation with both semi and full auto shooting, can feel the blowback operation rocking the gun.
Great weight and feel to it.
Almost everything works exactly like there pal steel version. (Charging handle, dust cover, bolt release, magazine release, selector switch…)
Duel CO2 full metal drop out magazine that holds 4.5mm steel BB’s as well.
Adjustable buttstock.
Adjustable pop-up iron sights.
Lots of rails of mounting additional cool hardware.
Included adjustable foregrip.
Muzzle cap looks cool too!
Receiver is plastic but well made and does not compromise feel or weight since there is lots of metal throughout this gun.
Rear Buttstock is not compatible with the AR platform.
This gun is literally too much fun…
If you haven't figured it out already I love the Crosman DPMS SBR CO2 Blowback BB M4 Rifle and I know anyone that picks one up will love theirs too! I just wish we had them in our Replica Airguns Store but for now we are not Crosman distributes :( We do have some other nice M4/AR styled BB rifles like the HellBoy which I may put head to head against the Crosman DPMS SBR CO2 Blowback BB M4 Rifle at some point even though they are very different in how they operate and their pros and cons.
My Vimeo Table Top Video of the Crosman DPMS SBR CO2 Blowback BB M4 Rifle: