Replica Airguns Blog | Airsoft, Pellet, & BB Gun Reviews

Different Types of Airgun Sights

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Different Types of Airgun Sights

Sights for guns in general are the same for Airguns as is with real steel guns for the most part and can be mixed and matched with a couple of exceptions. Spring piston rifles for instance are an exception because of the unique vibration the spring makes and how it can damage a standard optical sight, so in this case you’re best to use an optical sight designed for a spring piston Airgun. In most other cases sights can be used on all types of guns.

In this Airgun Sights video I will go over the various types of sights that either come as part of the gun design or can be added afterwards using a rail or mounting system.

Types of Airgun Sights most commonly used.

Iron Sight (Fixed or removable).

Iron Sight (Adjustable).

Iron Sight (White Dot, Fiber Optic).

Come in Post/Notch, Post/Aperture (Peep).

Common on Pistols and Rifles

Laser Sight:

Generally added to a rail or can sometime be integrated into the design of the gun.

Common on both Pistols and Rifles.

Red Dot and Holographic:

Generally not magnified.

Most common on Rifles but can be used on Pistols.

Optical Magnified (Telescopic)

Come in a variety of magnifications for different shooting ranges.

Generally for Rifles but can be used on Pistols.

Categories: Airsoft, BB, Comparison, Pistol, Non Airguns, Real Gun, Rifle, Vimeo Video, Revolver Tags: Sights

Different Types of Airgun Safeties

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Gun Safeties generally are going to be similar for all types of guns, so Safeties used with Airguns are often the same types as used with Real Steel Guns. Some guns will have no Safeties at all while other guns many have multiple Safeties on them. In this informative video I go over six of the more common types of Gun Safeties used in Real Steel Guns and Air Guns.

Here is a list of the more common types of gun Safeties.

  • Trigger Safety

  • Cross Bolt Safety

  • Slide Safety

  • Frame Safety

  • Grip Safety

  • Magazine Safety

Categories: Airsoft, BB, Blank Gun, Pellet, Pistol, Real Gun, Rifle, Vimeo Video, Gun Safety, Comparison Tags:

Full Blowback Versus Partial Blowback Airguns Explained

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I sometimes mention in my review videos that a gun is either Full Blowback or Partial Blowback and some people may not understand exactly what this means and how it effects the Airguns Blowback Action and Performance so I figured it would be best to make a dedicated video talking about the differences and also some of the Pro’s and Con’s of each type of Blowback Action.

In the video I obviously go into a fair amount of detail and show you around each type of Airgun and Magazine as they do differ a fair amount but to summaries for you here in this written form, the main difference is going to be how much the slide moves back and forth. With Full Blowback Airguns the slide will move much longer back and forth on the frame of the Airgun much like a real gun does and the slide Catch/Lock generally locks back further too. With a Partial Blowback Airgun the slide generally has a shorter range of movement back and forth on the frame with the slide locks usually about half of the distance compared to a Full Blowback Airgun.

The magazines are also very different as a Full Blowbacks Airgun generally has a partially exposed BB which is pushed into the barrel by the nozzle with each slide cycle. With a Partial Blowback Airgun the BB is generally not exposed and either the trigger action or simply the CO2 force is required to transfer the BB in the breach of the Airgun.

Another point to mention is that Full Blowback Airguns tend to use more CO2 and have a slightly lower velocity as compared to Partial Blowback Airguns but this is not a rule.

Categories: Airsoft, BB, Blowback, CO2, Comparison, Gas, GBB, Pistol, Review, Vimeo Video Tags:

Airgun Magazine Types Explained - BB - Pellet - Airsoft

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There are many types of magazines used in Airguns and some of this is dependent on the ammunition used.

For instance a stacked type of magazine often used for Steel BB and Airsoft can not be used for Pellets as pellets tend to deform when stacked in such a way since there is no metal casting protecting them from mashing into each other.

So what type of magazines do we generally see in Airguns? The most common Airgun magazines are as follows:

Simple Stick Magazine

  • Mostly used with Steel BB but also found in some Airsoft Airguns.

  • Some Pellet Airguns use a type of stick magazine with a rotary magazine on each end.

  • Used in non-blowback and blowback Airguns.

  • Can be made from plastic or steel or a combination of both materials.

Full Size Drop Out Magazine

  • Used with Steel BB and Airsoft guns.

  • Generally you will find these types magazines hold both the BB’s and CO2.

  • Used in non-blowback and blowback Airguns.

  • Commonly used with Airsoft Rifles in mid to high capacity.

  • Can be made from plastic or steel or a combination of both materials.

Rotary magazine

  • Used with Steel BB, Airsoft and Pellet Airguns.

  • Used in non-blowback and blowback Airguns.

  • Can be made from plastic or steel.

  • Can often use mixed ammo types as in both 4.5mm Steel BB and .177 caliber pellet.

Belt Fed Magazine

  • Like rotary magazine belt fed magazine can accommodate Steel BB, Pellet and Airsoft but are most often used with Pellet Airguns.

  • Usually found in a full size magazine that also holds the CO2.

  • Used in non-blowback and blowback Airguns.

  • Can be made from plastic or steel or a combination of both materials.

Internal Magazine

  • Used with Steel BB, Airsoft.

  • Can have a hopper built in hat feeds a spring fed magazine.

  • Usually found in lesser expensive Airguns but not a rule.

In this Video I go through each type of Airgun Magazine and talk about their differences and uses.

Categories: 4.5mm / .177 cal, .22 cal, 6mm, AEG, Airsoft, BB, Blowback, CO2, Comparison, Bulk Air, Gas, GBB, How To, Pellet, Pistol, Review, Revolver, Rifle, Vimeo Video Tags:

BB Versus Airsoft Full Auto Fun Video 3 Top Pick

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I have another Full Auto Fun Video this one focusing on 4.5mm Steel BB Versus 6mm Plastic and which one is better in terms of accuracy and shredding power. I perform this super scientific test by shooting obviously in full auto two comparable Steel BB and Plastic Airsoft Rifles at a paper target setup 20 feet away with a magazine as a backer so I can see what the accuracy is like and how much of the paper magazine gets shredded by each ammo being tested.

I have split this video into three separate videos, in video one I compare two similar AR styled rifles, a CO2 powered Blowback 4.5mm BB Rifle to a Gas Blowback 6mm Airsoft Rifle. In video two I compare two AK type Blowback Rifles to each otters, again a CO2 4.5mm Steel BB along with a Gas 6mm Airsoft.

And lastly in Video three I compare my top picks for each category which include a non-Blowback CO2 4.5mm BB Machine gun to an AEG 6mm Airsoft Rifle.

In this video (Video Three) the Airguns being used are the Original Baikal Drozd CO2 BB Machine Gun and the Tokyo Marui CQBR Block1 AEG Airsoft Rifle.

Categories: 4.5mm / .177 cal, 6mm, AEG, Airsoft, BB, CO2, Comparison, Field Test, Full Auto, Full Auto Fun, Review, Rifle, Vimeo Video Tags: Baikal, Drozd, Tokyo Marui, CQBR Block 1

BB Versus Airsoft Full Auto Fun Video 2 AK

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I have another Full Auto Fun Video this one focusing on 4.5mm Steel BB Versus 6mm Plastic and which one is better in terms of accuracy and shredding power. I perform this super scientific test by shooting obviously in full auto two comparable Steel BB and Plastic Airsoft Rifles at a paper target setup 20 feet away with a magazine as a backer so I can see what the accuracy is like and how much of the paper magazine gets shredded by each ammo being tested.

I have split this video into three separate videos, in video one I compare two similar AR styled rifles, a CO2 powered Blowback 4.5mm BB Rifle to a Gas Blowback 6mm Airsoft Rifle. In video two I compare two AK type Blowback Rifles to each otters, again a CO2 4.5mm Steel BB along with a Gas 6mm Airsoft.

And lastly in Video three I compare my top picks for each category which include a non-Blowback CO2 4.5mm BB Machine gun to an AEG 6mm Airsoft Rifle.

In this video (Video Two) the Airguns being used are the Crosman AK1 CO2 Blowback BB and the WE AK74 UN GBB AIrsoft.

Categories: 6mm, 4.5mm / .177 cal, Airsoft, BB, Blowback, CO2, Comparison, Field Test, Full Auto, Full Auto Fun, GBB, Gas, Review, Rifle, Vimeo Video Tags: Crosman, Crosman R1, WE, Kalashnikov AK74UN, Kalashnikov AK74

BB Versus Airsoft Full Auto Fun Video 1 AR

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I have another Full Auto Fun Video this one focusing on 4.5mm Steel BB Versus 6mm Plastic and which one is better in terms of accuracy and shredding power. I perform this super scientific test by shooting obviously in full auto two comparable Steel BB and Plastic Airsoft Rifles at a paper target setup 20 feet away with a magazine as a backer so I can see what the accuracy is like and how much of the paper magazine gets shredded by each ammo being tested.

I have split this video into three separate videos, in video one I compare two similar AR styled rifles, a CO2 powered Blowback 4.5mm BB Rifle to a Gas Blowback 6mm Airsoft Rifle. In video two I compare two AK type Blowback Rifles to each otters, again a CO2 4.5mm Steel BB along with a Gas 6mm Airsoft.

And lastly in Video three I compare my top picks for each category which include a non-Blowback CO2 4.5mm BB Machine gun to an AEG 6mm Airsoft Rifle.

In this video (Video One) the Airguns being used are the Crosman R1 4.5mm CO2 Blowback RIfle and the Tokyo Marui CQBR Block1 6mm Gas Blowback Airsoft Rifle.

Categories: 6mm, 4.5mm / .177 cal, Airsoft, BB, Blowback, CO2, Comparison, Field Test, Full Auto, Full Auto Fun, Gas, GBB, Review, Rifle, Vimeo Video Tags: Crosman, Crosman R1, AR15, Tokyo Marui, CQBR Block 1