Replica Airguns Blog | Airsoft, Pellet, & BB Gun Reviews

Real Action Paintball RAP4 - RAP5 4.5mm BB MP5 Machine Gun Review


Make sure to also checkout my update video for the RAP4-RAP5 where I compare the RAP5 to my Umarex MP5K PDW and also take out a bunch of cans...

Type: BB machine gun.

Manufacturer: RAP4.

Model: RAP5 (H&K MP5).

Materials: Metal & Polymer.

Weight: 6-7 pounds.

Barrel: 9.5 inches, metal non-rifled.

Propulsion: CO2 or bulk air.

Action: Semi & full auto, single action.

Ammunition Type: .4.5mm steel BB.

Ammunition Capacity: 21 round magazine.

FPS: 400fps.

Trigger Pull: The trigger pull on the Real Action Paintball RAP5 feels kind of like an on/off switch, even though it is not an electronic switch it kind of feels like one a bit and it seems to need some CO2 or Air pressure in order to operate. Once the pressure is there, you can engage the trigger. The trigger is fairly short and nice and light.

Accuracy: I was pretty impressed with the RAP5 BB machine guns overall accuracy. I did not have to play around to much with my Red Dot scope to get it on target and keeping it on target is easy to do in both semi and full auto modes. I was especially impressed with how well it stayed on target in full auto mode. I like the fact that it pumps out BB's very quickly and they go exactly where you want them too go.

Build Quality: I was very impressed with the overall build quality of the RAP5, it has lots of metal parts exactly where they would be metal on the real MP5 giving the RAP4-RAP5 BB machine gun a very solid feel. Even the magazines feel solid and are made with metal. I was bit concerned about how the RAP5 would feed and shoot the BB & casing combination but it really seemed to work well and the combined full auto and ejecting casings makes the RAP5 a total gas to shoot!

Realism: The RAP5 BB machine gun is extremely realistic, you can even mix and match real H&K MP5 accessory parts! The only way you can tell its not the real steel is the small ejection port where the .43 caliber casings fly out, and they really come out with some momentum! Other then that this BB machine gun is very realistic in how it operates, looks and feels.

Purchased From: RAP4 (Real Action Paintball)


  • Extremely realistic replica of a real H&K MP5.

  • Lots of metal on this gun.

  • Ejecting casings makes for a realistic experience.

  • Semi and full auto selectable with a nice high rate of fire in full auto.

  • Can customize with actual MP5 add on parts. (stocks, rails, grips)

  • Good accuracy even in full auto mode.

  • Can use either CO2 or bulk-air power sources.

  • Decent 400fps for a full auto machine gun.


  • Not a cheap gun!

  • Hunting down the ejected casings can be a bit of a chore but they are not expensive to buy.

  • .43 caliber ejection port on the side is a bit of a giveaway.

  • Would have liked more options of power-sources when purchasing. (Dual 12 gram CO2 adaptor should come standard)


When I heard about this BB machine gun, I new I had to have it and mostly because of the way it feeds and ejects the shell casings, much like a real gun! I'm also a big fan of the H&K MP5 styled rifle and PDW version. I was genuinely impressed with everything about this BB shooter; design, quality, realism and shoot-ability and I hope to one day get the RAP4 (M4 styled) version of this gun which uses the same feeding mechanism. If you want the most realistic looking and operating full auto 4.5mm BB machine gun you can get then this is really it.

Categories: 4.5mm / .177 cal, BB, Blowback, Bulk Air, CO2, Field Test, Full Auto, Paintball, Review, Rifle, Semi Auto, YouTube Video Tags: MP5, RAP4, RAP5 4.5 BB

Questions & Answer Page Added to the Replica Airguns Website


Things have been getting busier and busier all the time around here and I tend to answer a lot of the same questions so I thought it would be a good idea to put up a FAQ page. (Requently Asked Questions).

I will most likely be adding to this over time but at least it's a start. You can also checkout my Terms & Conditions page for some more of our Store related information.

Categories: Replica Airguns News Tags:

ISSC MK22 FN SCAR 22LR Rimfire Rifle Review


Type: .22 caliber rifle.



Materials: Metal & Polymer.

Weight: 6.5 pounds.

Barrel: 16 inches, metal rifled.

Propulsion: Gun Powder.

Action: Semi auto, single action.

Ammunition Type: .22LR caliber rimfire.

Ammunition Capacity: 22 round magazine.

FPS: 1,138 - 1255.

Trigger Pull: The trigger pull on the ISSC MK22 is fairly short with a bit of noticeable break point in it but overall is pretty light. I get the feeling that this may be a striker based action because of the slight tension before the release.

Accuracy: I put about 300 rounds through the ISSC MK22 and took some time getting used to how it felt and also sighting in the sights on my 4 power scope. Once I felt comfortable I setup a new target and placed a full magazine (22 shots) all with in a 2 inch group from 20 yards out (60 feet). I was in a seated position using and elbow based rest. I was very happy with these results.

Build Quality: To me the ISSC MK22 SCAR clone feels like the real deal, it's not till you load it up and fire off a few rounds that you can even tell you are shooting the .22 caliber rimefire version. The MK22 has a lot of metal parts and the fit and finish is very good. You do have to use quality .22 caliber ammo in this guns for the best results because it can be a bit picky and also make sure to also take a bit of extra time when loading your magazines to ensure the ammo is set well to the back of the magazine. I'm not saying you can't use the cheap box ammo but you will have to be prepared to clear a few rounds from time to time.

Realism: It doesn't get any more real than this, the ISSC MK22 is basically an FN SCAR in a smaller cheaper .22LR caliber. But if you want to spend $3000 on the real thing and several hundred dollars per day at the range in ammo then get the full NATO round firing version. Unfortunately my pocket book does not allow for this and I don't think we can even get the larger caliber versions here in Canada. I also go to an indoor range that allows .22 caliber rifles to be used alongside the pistols which makes getting out and using the ISSC MK22 that much easier.

Purchased From: ???


  • One fifth the price of the NATO round firing version to purchase and operate.

  • Mostly metal construction with good usage of polymer in the right places to keep it light.

  • Lots of rails to mount just about any type of accessory you can think of.

  • Nice high capacity 22 round magazine to keep the shoots going.

  • Versatile flip up multi position sights for pistol or rifle based target acquiring.

  • Fully adjustable stock with three length positions and check hight position, can also be folded in.

  • Most bad ass looking .22 caliber rimefire rifle around.

  • Made in Germany

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  • Not the Cheapest .22LR on the market in this category but well worth the added price tag.

  • Can be a bit picky about which bullet's you use in it and how you load the magazine.

  • The rear stock cheek rest is a bit high when using the pistol sights or a low rise scope, you may need a riser under your scope.


As you know, I don't do a lot of actual "real gun" reviews, the ones that use gun powder and shoot lead bullets. I do have a very soft spot for the .22 caliber rifles for a few reasons. Firstly, they are usually more inexpensive to buy and also to shoot as the ammo is only a fraction of the cost of the larger caliber ammo. .22 rimefire guns can also be shot in more areas and at most gun ranges so you are more likely to get better use out of it in the long run. The ISSC MK22 FN SCAR clone is definitely the most impressive .22 caliber tactical styled rifle you can get, at least in Canada and even though it is at the top of the price rang in it's category it is well worth it because it is really a very high quality gun at a reasonable price.

My Vimeo Video Review for the ISSC MK22 FN SCAR Type .22LR:

Categories: .22 cal, Field Test, Non Airguns, Real Gun, Review, Rifle, Scope, Semi Auto, YouTube Video Tags: ISSC MK22 SCAR 22LR

New Crosman M417 M4 Styled Pneumatic Air Rifle


Crosman just made a press announcement for their latest M417 Pneumatic Air Rifle which looks a lot like an M4 assault rifle.


Although it looks like a semi auto, under the hood is a multi-pump pneumatic system that requires pumping between shots, you can pump just a few times or several to get right up to 625 fps with 7.9 grain pellets so I am assuming this one is not coming to the Canadian market in it's current configuration. By the way you can also shoot BB's by loading up to 350 into the BB reservoir located on the side of the receiver, while an 18 round track feeds the BB's for shooting.

Some other interesting points to mention are the adjustable rear stock and windage adjustable, dual aperture (2-position), flip rear sight, and elevation adjustable front sight that can also be removed entirely for alternative sighting like a red dot or scope.

The Crosman M417 - M4 styled pellet and BB rifle uses a polymer stock, receiver and forearm and sports tactical rails for mounting accessories in several locations. MSRP is right around $119.

Here 's to hoping for a Canadianized version some time in the near future...

Buy Air rifles in Canada   -   Buy this rifle in the US

Categories: 4.5mm / .177 cal, Airgun News, BB, Multi-pump, Pellet, Repeater, Rifle Tags: Crosman, M4-177

RAP4 - RAP5 4.5mm BB MP5 Machine Gun Just Arrived


It has been a hell of a past week but I will continue my pursuit of my passion for airguns and blank guns. And to be honest, nobody has really tried to stop me. The events of the past week did dim my spirits a bit but I am feeling a bit more like myself these days partly do to the arrival of a new toy - The RAP4 - RAP5 4.5mm BB shooting semi and full auto PDW.

This RAP5 (made by Real Action Paintball) is a very well made MP5 replica that started life out as a .43 caliber paintball gun, I purchased mine already converted to the 4.5mm steel BB version. If you have the .43 caliber paintball version you can purchase a 4.5mm BB or a 6mm Airsoft barrel conversion kit separately from RAP4. The standard magazine works with either conversion kit but you will need to purchase the shell ejecting plastic adaptors that you place the BB's into and then into the magazine.

The RAP5 I ordered came with a refillable 60 gram CO2 tank that fits on the back and is perfectly concealed by the rear stock. You can also remove the stock and attach a larger HPA or CO2 bottle directly to the RAP5. I did just that today to try it out and the gun worked flawlessly in both semi and full auto mode using my HPA bottle.

I of course will be doing a full review of this very cool shell ejecting BB machine gun shortly and I will show you my custom made shell casing catcher!

Categories: 4.5mm / .177 cal, BB, Blowback, CO2, Full Auto, Replica Airguns News, Rifle, Semi Auto Tags: RAP4, RAP5 4.5 BB

Welcome CBC News Visitors!


This may be "News" to some of my regular visitor but if this is your first time here, (perhaps after reading one of the CBC News article related to the imported BB shooting AK-47 airguns). I  would like to welcome you to the Replica Airguns website.

First off, Canada is still a somewhat free country and this gives us all the right to freely peruse our legal hobbies and passions even if they are not fully understood by others. For those of you that do not understand what this website is about, I respect that but I also want you to know that your opinion is not all that important to me and most of the people like me that enjoy collecting and shooting replica airguns and blanks guns.

Owning guns in Canada is still our legal right and with this right comes great reasonability, just like driving a car or even drinking alcohol within ones limits. Yes people have died from gun related accidents, just like people have died from vehicles, alcohol, sports and many other mishaps that can happen to any one at any time each and every day. Life is precious and valuable and so are our rights.

The guns sold on, although they may look to some to be scary and dangerous, in reality they have a very small bite. In other words, the consequences of being shot with an air gun pail in comparison to being shot by a real gun and although people have died from airguns (usually thigh powered licensed versions not sold on this website), these instances are rare. Airguns must always be taken seriously and treated like any other gun, with respect!

Air guns are one of the best ways to introduce a young person to gun safety. For the most part, it's not the educated gun people who cause the accidents, it's ignorance and stupidity and hiding your head in the sand that causes these accidents and deaths unnecessarily! My children are very young but I have already started to teach them how to respect all types of guns because one day when I am not around to tell them what to do, I know they are going to do the right thing and perhaps save the life of one of their "gun curious" friends who was "Sheltered" from guns and in so was never given the tools to treat them in a safe and respectful manor.

Anyways, this is not a debate, this is my opinion and you don't have to like it! I don't really care and I don't have to like your opionion either ;)

So what brought us to this point? I am not going to say all that much because there is an ongoing investigation and I do not want to interfere with the RCMP investigation in any way.

Here are some facts:

  • This incident has not effected the Replica Airguns Store operation as the warehouse that ships the products is still fully functioning and operating at 100%.
  • All items sold at are legal within Canada and are imported and sold legally at the time of their sale. Everything available in the Replica Airguns Store can be sold to an adult in Canada without the need for a special licence.
  • Replica Airguns is not an import company. (We purchase from other importers)
  • Yes we perviously sold a legally imported BB shooting AK47 styled air gun that is now being investigated by the RCMP, as they have concerns about it being converted to a real firearm.
  • If you have questions or concerns about the BB gun in question then you need to contact the RCMP and ask them your questions as I can not provide you with the answers.
  • Was I raided? Yes I was, it was not fun. The police took all my stuff and it disrupted my life and my family, pretty much what you would expect from a police raid… At this time most of my personal airguns and blank guns have been returned to me. I am still waiting for my computer related items and registered firearms to be returned to me.
  • I have not been charged with anything at this time and I do not believe I will be charged based on the findings and information provided to me by the police and the fact that I have not done anything wrong.
  • Do I still support the police in their efforts? Yes I do! I still feel that their intensions where good even if some of their information may not have been accurate. It is unfortunate that this happened to law abiding people like me across Canada but sometimes good people get caught in the middle and all we can hope for is that in the end it all gets sorted out…

Michael Kaye

Categories: Gun Law, Gun Safety, Replica Airguns News Tags:

Halloween Costume Contest Giveaway


It seems like we just had a Replica Airguns Giveaway Contest... Oh - that's right we did! So why on earth is there another giveaway contest so soon? What can I say - I'm just that kind of guy and why not get into the Halloween mood by making it a costume based contest this time.

And in keeping with the theme around here, the costumes must be weapons based so basically any costume that is accompanied by a weapon of some sort is what you will need to take part in this contest. And you will have to make a short video of you in your costume and send me a video response to this Halloween Costume Contest Giveaway YouTube Video.

Here are some ideas: Police, SWAT, Military, Navy Seal, Rebel Force, Ninja, Viking... Even Cave Men had spears...

You get the idea!

The winner (Ultimately picked by me) will receive a Retay Baron HK 9mm P.A.K. Blank pistol styled after the Sig Sauer P228.

And here are the official rules...

  • You need to make a video and send me a video response of you in your "Weapons Related Costume": Can be Military, Police, Rebel Force, Special Ops, Ninja, Viking, Caveman with a Spear… as long as you are in character and have a weapon of some sort!
  • You need to be Subscribed to my YouTube Channel.
  • You need to Favorite this video.
  • You must be an adult or have your parent/s or guardians permission to accept the prize.
  • Contest ends at midnight on November 15th and the winner will be announced shortly there after.
  • Anyone located outside of North America will be compensated to their PayPal account the approximate value of the giveaway prize.

May the best Cop, Soldier, Rebel, Ninja, Mercenary, Viking, Cave "Person" win!

Buy Blank Guns in Canada   -   Buy Blank Guns in the US

Categories: 9mm, Blank Gun, Pistol, Replica Airguns News, Semi Auto, YouTube Video Tags: Baron HK, Retay

And the Winner is Rambo1216...


Congratulations to Rambo1216, he is the randomly selected winner of the 3,000,000 Video Views & 4,000 Subscribers Gun Giveaway. Now all he has to do is contact me and choose his weapon of choice! If for some reason Rambo1216 does not contact me, I will select another random winner. Please no whining, just be happy for the lucky winner.

And by the way, stay tuned for another contest coming out this week which will be a Halloween based theme!

Categories: Replica Airguns News Tags:

Retay CS9 - Smith & Wesson CS9 9mm P.A.K. Blank Gun Review

1 Comment

Type: Blank Gun.



Materials: Mostly Metal.

Weight: 2 pounds.

Barrel: Semi plugged - front firing.

Propulsion: Gun powder.

Action: Semi auto single action only.

Ammunition Type: 9mm P.A.K. blanks.

Ammunition Capacity: 13+1 round magazine.


Trigger Pull: The trigger pull on the CS9 is fairly light with a shorter pull. There is no double action on the Retay CS9 but it does have an exposed hammer making it easy to pull back and fire if you have a round already in the chamber but your gun is de-cocked.

Accuracy: N/A.

Build Quality: The build quality is similar to that of my EKOL blank guns which is what you would expect since they are both Turkish made guns. The Retay CS9 is well built and uses good quality materials with pretty decent fit and finish, this gun is mostly metal and has good heft for its small size weighing in at 2 pounds. My review unit is the Gloss black version but keep in mind we will be selling the CS9 in Matte Black and Satin only. The Retay CS9 performed very well for me and had no problems with chambering, firing and ejecting rounds when I tested it, just like the other Retay blank guns I tested before it

Realism: The Retay CS9, Smith & Wesson CS9 copy is a pretty good Smith & Wesson CS9 replica with the exception of the de-cocker and a few other minor differences. The basic gun shape and main features are similar to that of a Smith & Wesson CS9.

Purchased From: the Replica Airguns Store.


  • Good hefty 2 pound weight.

  • Almost all metal build

  • Black finish looks really nice on this gun - Satin would give it a nice tow tone look also.

  • Decent replica of the Smith & Wesson CS9 semi auto pistol.

  • Smallish gun but still holds 13+1 double stack magazine.

  • Performed very well in my tests with no chambering, firing or ejection problems.

  • Easy to field strip with the supplied tool.

  • Fills the void the Zoraki 914 left behind in Canada.

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  • Barrel back pressure screw needs to be removed in order to use flare adaptor.

  • Could have been just a bit closer to the real CS9.

  • No Manual or cleaning rod included.


I wasn't sure about the Retay CS9 at first and kind of preferred my Retay Baron HK and Eagle over the CS9 at first but this smaller Retay has really grown on me. It's almost the perfect size yet it retains a very compact frame while still having a mid sized guns weight and magazine capacity. And as mentioned, it kind of fills the void that the Zoraki 914 left behind when it was reclassified as a prohibited firearm in Canada. I will most likely be picking myself up a Satin version of this one to go with my black Retay CS9, hey you can't lose at this very good price.

My Vimeo Video Review of the Retay Baron HK Sig Sauer P228 copy) Blank Gun:

Categories: 9mm, Blank Gun, Field Test, Pistol, Review, Semi Auto, YouTube Video Tags: CS9, Retay

ISSC MK22 SCAR 22LR Rimfire On Its Way


As many of you may know, I don't just own a bunch of airguns and blank guns. They are one of my biggest passions but I also have my Restricted Firearms License here in Canada and I own several "Real" hand guns and rifles that I enjoy very much.

I have four .22 caliber rimfire guns and I have another one on its way - the ISSC MK22 SCAR .22LR, you may ask why I need another .22 rimfire? Well similarly to airguns, .22 caliber rimfire guns are relatively cheap to buy and operate compared to their big brother larger caliber versions. So I guess that draws me to them, they are just so fun to shoot and in a guilt-free kind of way. With large caliber guns I tend to head to the range with a preset amount of ammo that I am willing to part with and when it's all gone then it's time to switch over to the .22 calibers and go nuts! And not only that, our .22 caliber rimfire rifles do not have the magazine round restriction like our 5 round restriction on large caliber rifles.

For example, the ISSC MK22 SCAR .22LR that is on it's way costs a fraction of the price of the full on military version at around $650 Canadian, that might sound like a lot but the NATO round firing version goes for about $3000 and as far as I know is not even available in Canada to the average joe like me? And you will be counting ammo with one of these NATO round firing bad boys, at least I know I would be :)

I will be doing a full review of the ISSC MK22 SCAR 22LR so make sure to check it out if this type of gun interests you also.

Here are some of the specifications for you till I get a chance to review this awesome .22 tactical rifle!

  • Caliber: .22LR
  • Overall Length Collapsed: 34.65 in./880 mm
  • Overall Length Full: 36 in./916 mm
  • Overall Width: 2.81 in./71,5mm
  • Barrel Length: 16 in./420 mm
  • Rifling Length: 15 in./406mm
  • Number of Grooves 6
  • Sight Length Max: 15.7 in./400mm
  • Weight w/o Magazine: 6.5 lbs./2990 g
  • Magazine weight, empty: 3.8 ozs. /110 g
  • Trigger Pull, approx.: 4 lbs.
  • Magazine Capacity:22 rds.
  • This is a non-restricted firearm.
Categories: .22 cal, Non Airguns, Real Gun, Replica Airguns News, Rifle, Semi Auto Tags: ISSC MK22 SCAR 22LR

Retay Baron HK - Sig Sauer P228 9mm P.A.K. Blank Gun Review


Type: Blank Gun.


Model:Baron HK.

Materials: Mostly Metal.

Weight: 2.3 pounds.

Barrel: Semi plugged - front firing.

Propulsion: Gun powder.

Action: Semi auto single action only.

Ammunition Type: 9mm P.A.K. blanks.

Ammunition Capacity: 14+1 round magazine.


Trigger Pull: The trigger pull on the Retay Baron HK is about light to medium with a fairly short pull. The actual real steel Sig Sauer P228 would have both single and double action but many semi auto guns shoot in single or double action only.

Accuracy: N/A.

Build Quality: The build quality is similar to that of my EKOL blank guns which makes sense since they are both Turkish made guns. The Retay Baron HK is well built and uses good quality materials with pretty decent fit and finish, this gun is almost all metal and has good heft to it weighing in at 2.3 pounds. The matte black finish on this gun is pretty close to what you would find on a blued gun but with less shine to it, keep in mind we will be selling the Baron HK's in Matte Black and Satin. The Retay Baron HK performed very well for me and had no problems with loading, firing and ejecting rounds when I tested it.

Realism: The Retay Baron HK Sig Sauer P228 copy is a really good Sig Sauer P228 replica. The grips could even almost be swapped with a real Sig Sauer P228 grip if the screw holes where just a bit closer to the center of the hand grip. The basic gun shape and main features are almost dead on to the real Sig Sauer P228 including the de-cocker, slide catch and take down leaver. Internally the gun does differ as the Baron HK has a single action only trigger and a fixed barrel.

Purchased From: the Replica Airguns Store.


  • Good hefty 2.3 pound weight.

  • Matte black finish looks close to blued finish, satin finish also available.

  • Good replica of the Sig Sauer P228 semi auto pistol.

  • Working de-cocker.

  • 14+1 round double stack magazine similar to real steel version.

  • Performed very well in my tests with no chambering, firing or ejection problems.

  • Easy to field strip.

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  • Barrel back pressure screw needs to be removed in order to use flare adaptor.

  • Grips are a bit shiny and the texture takes some getting used to.

  • No Manual or cleaning rod included.


This gun for me was another must have blank shooter as I already own a real steal 9mm version of this gun (My Norinco NP-34), I just really like the look of Sig Sauer semi auto pistols! I will be getting another Retay Barron HK but this time in the satin finish. Because I have the real gun version, I was able to see how really close this gun is to an actual Sig in looks weight and handling. As a training gun, this is ideal as there is much less risk when using blank guns for practicing things like holster draws or even basic gun control drills.

My Vimeo Video Review of the Retay Baron HK Sig Sauer P228 copy) Blank Gun:

Categories: 9mm, Blank Gun, Field Test, Pistol, Review, Semi Auto, YouTube Video Tags: Baron HK, Retay

Retay Eagle - Desert Eagle 9mm P.A.K. Blank Gun Review


Type: Blank Gun.



Materials: Mostly Metal.

Weight: 3.1 pounds.

Barrel: Semi plugged - front firing.

Propulsion: Gun powder.

Action: Semi auto single & double action.

Ammunition Type: 9mm P.A.K. blanks.

Ammunition Capacity: 18+1 round magazine.


Trigger Pull: The trigger pull on the Retay is about medium pull, it is a bit heavier in double action mode as would be expected and I found that the release is fairly near the very end of the pull. I'm pretty sure the real Desert Eagle only has single action operation but being able to shoot in both actions is kind of nice.

Accuracy: N/A.

Build Quality: The build quality is similar to that of my EKOL blank guns which makes sense since they are both Turkish made guns. The Retay Eagle is well built and uses good quality materials, this gun is almost all metal and has good heft to it weighing in at 3.1 pounds. The finish quality is typical of other Turkish guns - good but not perfect. The satin finish on this gun has a raw metal look but with a slight gold tint and a semi polished look, keep in mind we will be selling it in Matte Black, non-shiny Chrome and Nickel. The Retay Eagle performed very well for me and had no problems with loading, firing and ejecting rounds when I tested it.

Realism: The Retay Eagle Desert Eagle copy is a pretty decent Desert Eagle replica with a few small exceptions. Overall I would say it is slightly smaller than a real Desert Eagle and has a bit smaller handle which may be good for people with smaller hands and it also has 2 screws near the front of the slide on each side that would not be there on a real Desert Eagle.

Purchased From: the Replica Airguns Store.


  • Good hefty 3.1 pound weight.

  • Satin finish looks good but the Nickel is going to look even better :)

  • Good replica of the Desert Eagle semi auto pistol.

  • Trigger is both single and double action.

  • 18 round magazine is very high capacity for a pistol.

  • Performed very well in my tests with no chambering, firing or ejection problems.

  • It's a Desert Eagle for goodness sake - isn't that enough!

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  • Slightly smaller in size then a real Desert Eagle?

  • The screws on the slide are a bit out of place and would look better color matched.

  • Barrel back pressure screw needs to be removed to use flare adaptor

  • No Manual or cleaning rod included.


This gun was a must have blank gun for me, owning a real Desert Eagle is pretty much out of the question because they are not cheap to buy and operate. For a very small fraction of the price of a real Desert Eagle I get to own the next best thing and as a matter of fact, I may just buy one in each color since the price is very affordable! As with many of the blank guns, the Retay Eagle would make an excellent prop gun for TV or Movie scenes. And you can always impress you friends by pulling out the Retay Eagle and proclaiming "That's not a gun - This is a gun!"

My Vimeo Video Review of the Retay Eagle (Desert Eagle copy) Blank Gun:

Categories: 9mm, Blank Gun, Field Test, Pistol, Review, Semi Auto, YouTube Video Tags: Desert Eagle, Eagle, Retay