Action: Semi and full auto blowback, single and double action.
Ammunition Type: 4.5mm Steel BB's.
Ammunition Capacity: 18 rounds.
FPS: 310.
Trigger Pull: The trigger pull on the Umarex Beretta Mod. 92 A1 BB Pistol is like what you would expect from a real Beretta 92 A1, it offers both single and double action but most of the time you will be shooting in single action since the blowback cocks the hammer after each shot. Single action has a little bit of take-up but has a predictable release that is not overly light or heavy. Double action shots are longer and heavier which is as expected.
Accuracy: I have not shot this "version" of the Umarex Beretta Mod. 92 A1 but it will undoubtedly perform very similar to the many other full blowback CO2 pistols I have tested like the KWC and Cybgergun M92's, 1911's and Sigs. I did notice the slide spring on the Umarex Beretta Mod. 92 A1 CO2 Blowback 4.5mm BB Pistol to be very firm so I am expecting it to have pretty good blowback action. One other consideration is this CO2 airguns offers both semi and full auto shooting options but with the heavy blowback, don't expect much accuracy when shooting in full auto mode :)
Build Quality: Very good, with almost all metal construction, good weight and craftsmanship. Don't quote me on this but I have a feeling the Umarex Beretta Mod. 92 A1 CO2 Blowback 4.5mm BB Pistol may be made by KWC, if this is the case then we know to expect the same quality as we have found with other KWC full blowback airguns which is pretty good overall. There may be some wear in the high spots of the finish over time but I kind of like this since it gives the gun a more realistic look.
Realism: This is by far the closest Beretta Model 92 out there, even the magazine butt plate looks the part, the safety is true to form and it is full licensed and trademarked throughout the gun via Umarex. I'm not sure if the real steal Umarex ever offered full auto or not but we can look past this for the sake of how much fun it is going to be shooting in full auto! The only negative aspect in terms of realism is the white warning writing on the left side of the slide.
Your choice of shooting in either semi auto or full auto mode.
Really nice replica of the original Beretta 92 A1.
Great weight and feel to it.
All metal design, fit and finish is very good.
Strong slide spring so it should have heavy blowback action.
Realistic working safety and working slide catch and release.
Full size dropout metal magazine that holds BB's and CO2.
Can be field stripped like original Beretta 92 A1.
Fully Beretta licensed.
Will probably eat CO2 especially in full auto mode.
Non-adjustable sights.
Ugly white warning instruction on the slide.
I know the KWC M92 and Cybergun GSG 92 have been out for a while and the Umarex Beretta Mod. 92 A1 CO2 Blowback 4.5mm BB Pistol is along the same lines, but I do like that it is a true Beretta Replica rather than the Taurus copy. I like that Umarex went the extra mile and made the magazine look the part with a much shorter butt plate and adding semi and full auto right out of the box with a dedicated selector switch is pretty cool too. I am really looking forward to testing this gun out and seeing how the blowback action combined with the full auto ability is going to recoil, I have a feeling it's going to kick like a mule!
My Vimeo Videos for the Umarex Beretta Mod. 92 A1 CO2 Blowback 4.5mm BB Pistol:
A little while back, a company by the name of Plan Beta reached out to me about their new Tacticam I.C.U 2.0 HD 720p Tactical Camera. I have been suing my Pivot Head Camera Glasses for a while not and they are really good quality but the idea of being able to use a discreat and compact gun mountable camera for my review videos seemed appealing to me. Having another camera angle while shooting field test videos never hurts after all!
The Tacticam I.C.U 2.0 HD 720p Tactical Camera looks for the most part like a picatinny mountable laser and but instead of housing a laser inside of it, it has a 720p camera internally. Because of this you could be playing an Airsoft game and nobody would even know you are recording anything.
Here are some of the basic features and specifications for the Plan Beta Tacticam I.C.U. 2.0 HD 720p Camcorder:
Record 720p at 30 frames per second.
Also takes 5 Mpixel still photos with Photo Burst mode.
Has auto image rotation for top or bottom picatinny mounting.
Has a built in power on, start and stop cable wiht switch for easy handle mounting.
Uses red and green indicator LED's for camera status.
Uses 8GB to 32GB Micro SD Cards.
Lens cover comes off to allow for lens filters to be inserted.
There is a Plan Beta Tacticam I.C.U. 1.0 Camcorder which is not HD and to be honest the quality for the I.C.U. version 1 is very poor especially the frame rate. I did get a chance to test the Plan Beta Tacticam I.C.U. 1.0 Camcorder out also but I would not recommend it especially since the Plan Beta Tacticam I.C.U. 2.0 720p Camcorder is so much better and not a lot more expensive at the end of the day.
In terms of usability, the Plan Beta Tacticam I.C.U. 2.0 720p Camcorder does a pretty good job, you will get best results in decent lighting but this is true with most action cameras. The 720p 30/fps quality is obviously not as good as my high end 1080p 60/fps professional cameras but for the price, size and ability to be able to easily and discreetly mount a camera on any gun that has a Picatinny rail, why not.
Type: Pellet Rifle. Manufacturer: Sig Sauer ASP Model: Sig Sauer MPX ASP Materials: Metal and Nylon Fiber build. Weight: 7 Pounds (3300 Grams). Barrel: 8 inch steelrifled. Propulsion: 88 or 90 Gram CO2. Action: Semi Auto,double action only. Ammunition Type: .177 caliber pellets. Ammunition Capacity: 30 rounds belt fed. FPS: Up to 600 fps (When shot by a Unicorn)
Trigger Pull: The trigger pull on the Sig Sauer MPX ASP .177 Caliber Pellet Rifle is actually pretty decent when you consider the first part of the trigger pull is used to advance the belt fed 30 round magazine. One would think that there would be a lot of added friction from the belt but this does not seem to be the case. There is some internal blowback action going on but it is only used to cock the internal hammer/striker which does lesson the overall amount of trigger pull required. The trigger pull is shorter than expected with all that is going on and it's not overly heavy so quick and predictable action shooting is very possible with the Sig Sauer MPX ASP .177 Caliber Pellet Rifle.
Accuracy: So far I have not done my official Field Test Shooting Video for the MPX ASP .177 Caliber Pellet Rifle but I did have the chance to get out and shoot some rounds down range at my Sig provided Quad Shooting Gallery that I had setup about 35-40 feet away. Even though I did not have my red dot all perfectly sighted in I was still able to hit the smallish metal targets fairly well using the Sig Sauer MPX ASP. In terms of velocity you can expect from the Sig Sauer MPX ASP .177 Caliber Pellet Rifle, 600 fps is a bit optimistic. Sig did send me a real world fps performance spread sheet they had conducted using both 5.25 grain alloy pellets and 8.18 grain lead pellets shooting 8 rounds and averaging out the fps. The 5.25 grain pellets averaged in at just over 500 fps while the heavier 8.18 grain pellets came in with an average of just under 450 fps. Pretty much what I would expect from a shorter barreled CO2 rifle.
Build Quality: The build quality for Sig Sauer MPX ASP .177 Caliber Pellet Rifle is excellent, you can tell Sig Sauer had a lot of hands on in the design and production of this Pellet Shooting Air Rifle! The materials used and fit and finish are top notch and the mechanical function again is really good, I am kind of amazed at how well their belt fed rotary magazine design works in terms of feeding and operation. So far I have not experienced any pellet feeding problems at all using both lead and alloy flathead pellets.
Realism: The Sig Sauer MPX ASP .177 Caliber Pellet Rifle is for the most part designed to be used as a side by side optional training aid for the real steel Sig Sauer MPX Rifle. Sig wanted the pellet version to look and feel as close as posable and Sig has done a good job with this. Other than the lessor recoil and noise factor, the Sig Sauer MPX ASP .177 Caliber Pellet Rifle works and shoots much the same as a real steel Sig Sauer MPX Rifle.
Has to be the best semi auto pellet rifle replica I have seen and shot to date.
Near perfect replica of the real steel Sig Sauer MPX including licensing and trademarks.
Awesome build quality, lots of metal parts and the nylon parts are true to form and very solid.
Rifle has been tested to shoot over 15,000 rounds reliably.
30 round full size belt fed magazine has super high capacity and works flawlessly.
Decent fps performance, about what I would expect from a multi-shot CO2pellet shooter and totally usable.
Trigger feels really good, not too long or to heavy and very consistent feel on every shot.
Fully adjustable pop up front and rear sights.
Lots of rails for your pick of sight options and other add on accessories.
Very accurate with it’s 8 inch rifled barrel.
Rear stock is none adjustable so the gun may feel kind of cramped for larger shooters.
Internal blowback action does not advance the belt fed magazine but does cock the internal hammer.
FPS claim of 600 fps seems a bit optimistic compared to real world testing.
I have been waiting to get my hands on the Sig Sauer MPX ASP .177 Caliber Pellet Rifle for some time now and the wait has been worth it for sure. There are really no other guns out there right now other than perhaps the Umarex CX4 Storm that compare to the Sig Sauer MPX ASP .177 Caliber Pellet Rifle and even so I feel the Sig Sauer MPX is by far the better of the two CO2 Air Rifles. OK so the MPX does not really come close to hitting 600 fps but did you really believe that in the first place? Still consistent 450 fps from a decent grain lead pellet is about what you would expect from a short barreled CO2 rifle. If you do want more fps then look at the MCX with over double the barrel length of the MPX, this will easily get you an additional 100+fps for those of you who thrive on velocity performance. I am fine with 450-500 fps since this is all that is needed to accuracy shoot and nock over most targets at a variety of ranges.
My Vimeo Table Top Review of the Sig Sauer MPX ASP .177 Caliber Pellet Rifle:
To celebrate our Canada Victoria Day Long weekend there will be free shipping all long weekend till end of day Monday in our Canada Replica Airguns Store on all Products! Make sure to take advantage of this limited time offer!
I was excited when I first heard that Sig Sauer was coming out with their own line of pellet shooting airguns and that was about 2 years ago! So it's been a long time coming for me to finally get my hands on one of Sigs own in-house Airguns. Sig Sauer was kind enough to send me three of their ASP (Advanced Sport Pellet) airguns, one of which arrived last week, the Sig Sauer MPX ASP .177 Caliber Pellet Rifle. I will also be receiving Sigs P250 and P226 CO2 Blowback Pellet Pistols for review when they are sent to me hopefully soon.
I will be performing my standard Table Top and Field Test Shooting videos for all of the Sig Sauer Airguns being sent to me but wanted to get out this preview video for the Sig Sauer MPX ASP .177 Caliber Pellet Rifle to give you a little info on it right away and also let you know what's coming up in terms of Sig Sauer product reviews.
In this preview video I do a little bit of fun backyard shooting simply because I could not resist having a go with this awesome air rifle any longer and needed to shoot it. I was not disappointed! Every pellet I placed in the 30 round belt fed magazine fired flawlessly from the Sig Sauer MPX ASP .177 Caliber Pellet Rifle. I used both Sigs high velocity 5.25 grain alloy pellets and some flathead 7 grain RWS lead pellets and all my ammo shot well in the Sig Sauer MPX ASP .177 Caliber Pellet Rifle. I have not done a Chronograph test so far for the Sig MPX but can say the pellets where getting to my Sig Sauer Quad Shooting Gallery Target in no time and I had placed a good 35-40 feet away. Once I figured out my sights I was able to continently hit what looked like pretty small targets from where I was standing, this was no surprise since the Sig Sauer MPX ASP .177 Caliber Pellet Riflehas an 8 inch rifled barrel.
Sig has done some real world pellet fps testing on their own using both light weight 5.25 grain pellets and heavier 8.18 grain pellets and the numbers for an 8 shot average came in at around 505 fps using 5.25 grain pellets and around 450 fps using 8.18 grain pellets. That's plenty enough power to rip into your targets setup even further down range.
My Sig Sauer MPX ASP .177 Caliber Pellet Rifle is the open sight only version but you can get one already paired with Sigs Red Dot system or add your own sighting system, since there are plenty of rails to add just about any kind of accessory to the Sig Sauer MPX ASP .177 Caliber Pellet Rifle.
Check back shortly for my office Table Top and Field Test Shooting videos for the Sig Sauer MPX ASP .177 Caliber Pellet Rifle. And when I do finally get the Sis Sauer p250 adn P226 ASP Air Pistols I will have review videos out for them too.
Seems like all I am focussing on is Airsoft guns lately, well that's just what is coming across my table at the moment... Don't worry I am sure there will be some BB gun reviews coming up shortly :) Anyway in this Field Test Shooting Review I take a look at the ASG Bersa BP9CC CO2 Blowback Airsoft Pistol and test its accuracy and velocity. If you want some more details on this gun I have already made some other videos for the 4.5mm steel BB version so you can watch both my Table Top and Field Test Shooting videos for the 4.5mm Steel BB ASG Bersa BP9CC CO2 Blowback Pistol.
Getting to the actual Field Test Shooting review, I performed my standard five round Chronograph velocity fps test using .20 gram plastic Airsoft BB's with a brand new 12 gram CO2. The fastest Airsoft BB achieved by the ASG Bersa BP9CC CO2 Blowback Airsoft Pistol was 413 fps and the slowest came in at 342 fps with a five shot average of 390 fps. The slowest shot was the last one in my Chronograph test and it even sounded a bit different like it wasn't getting full CO2 from the valve. This would present a problem later on in my accuracy test as it seemed the CO2 valve need to working in before this gun started to perform properly. I am guessing there may have been some debris in the valve area that needed to work its way out?
On with my Field Test Shooting portion of this review to determine the accuracy of the ASG Bersa BP9CC CO2 Blowback Airsoft Pistol. I set myself up 30 feet back shooting from a semi-rested position (Sand bag up front and standing in the back). This shooting position serves to provide a stable shooting platform for overall accuracy and what I should expect to get from the ASG Bersa BP9CC CO2 Blowback Airsoft Pistol. Keep in mind the results are always dependant on how I shoot on the day of my testing.
I shot rounds through the ASG Bersa BP9CC CO2 Blowback Airsoft Pistol but as I mentioned before I believe the CO2 valve was messing with the guns performance, so what was happening was some shots would get full Co2 and work fine while other shots only got a portion of the CO2 which did not allow for the blowback action to fully cycle and caused the internal hammer to not get set in the full cocked position. I did get about half of my shots to hit the target but my results where not what I would expect from the ASG Bersa BP9CC CO2 Blowback Airsoft Pistol. It is more than capable of getting at least a 4 inch group from 30 feet out so don't take this particular test to seriously.
After tearing down my camera gear I decided to load up another CO2 into the ASG Bersa BP9CC CO2 Blowback Airsoft Pistol and shot several magazines through it. This did seem to fix the problem and which leads me to believe that I simply needed to work this gun in a little bit. Out of the box Airguns can have some machining materials in them that can cause performance issues as I believe was the case for the ASG Bersa BP9CC CO2 Blowback Airsoft Pistol. Luckily I was able to get mine working properly!
Another Airsoft Field Test Shooting Review for you guys where I test out the Cybergun distributed KWC made CO2 powered Blowback 6mm Plastic BB shooting Colt M1911 A1 Pistol. I have already done some table top Reviews for a few other versions of this same KWC made pistol... I have already made a lot of videos for this super popular KWC 1911 pistol, it comes in 4.5mm Steel BB and Airsoft version distributed by companies like Cybergun, Umarex and Gletcher to name a few. Each of these companies brands them under their own name and license and in some cases the cosmetics are a little different on each version.
Getting to the meat of this review and back to the Field Test shooting portion. I performed my standard five round Chronograph velocity fps test using .20 gram plastic Airsoft BB's with a brand new 12 gram CO2. The fastest Airsoft BB achieved by the Cybergun KWC Colt M1911 A1 CO2 Blowback Airsoft Pistol was 386 fps and the slowest came in at 374 fps with a five shot average of 380 fps. I was actually a bit surprised at how hard this Airsoft pistol shot being that the 4.5mm steel BB version shoots closer to the 300 fps range. Still a usable fps for most Airsoft games.
Next up in my Field Test Shooting Review was my accuracy target test, I set up 30 feet back shooting from a semi-rested position (Sand bag up front and standing in the back). This shooting position serves to provide a nice stable shooting platform for overall accuracy and what I can expect from the Cybergun KWC Colt M1911 A1 CO2 Blowback Airsoft Pistol. Of course the results are always dependant on how I'm shoot on the day of my testing, after all I am only human!
I shot my usual 10 rounds through the Cybergun KWC Colt M1911 A1 CO2 Blowback Airsoft Pistol but for some reason this 1911 Airsoft replica liked to shoot on the high side. My first shot curved well above my target and my second shot just clipped the metal portion. For my remaining 8 shots I lowered my aim to the lowest ring to see if I could get some shots on paper and even with this rather deliberate sight adjustment I was still hitting really high on the target, some shots still even off the paper and hitting metal. Either the adjustable BAXS Hop-up was way off or the Airsoft Ammo I was using did not agree with this 1911 pistol. It is kind of hard to say what kind of grouping I can actually get using this pistol as it stands but from shooting similar versions of this pistol I should be able to get at least 2 inch groupings once it is set up right and using ammo that works well with it.
The Cybergun KWC Colt M1911 A1 CO2 Blowback Airsoft Pistol has a great single action trigger with the feel you would expect form a real 1911 45 caliber pistol. The blowback action is strong, you can actually feel it not just in your hand but further back in your arms and even shoulders a little bit. I'm pretty sure with a quick hop-up adjustment or ammo swap, this Cybergun KWC Colt M1911 A1 CO2 Blowback Airsoft Pistol will perform like all the others KWC pistols I have tested before it.
In yet another Field Test Shooting Review I test out an Cybergun distributed KWC made CO2 powered Blowback 6mm Plastic BB shooting Sig Sauer P226 X-Five Pistol. I have already done some table top Reviews for a few other versions of this same KWC made pistol... The 4.5mm Steel BB shooting version of this same Cybergun distributed pistol and also the KWC unlicensed version in Airsoft and with some slightly different cosmetics.
Getting to the Field Test shooting portion of this review. I performed my standard five round Chronograph velocity fps test using .20 gram plastic Airsoft BB's with a brand new 12 gram CO2. The fastest Airsoft BB achieved by the Cybergun KWC Sig Sauer P226 X-Five CO2 Blowback Airsoft Pistol was 327 fps and the slowest came in at 298 fps with a five shot average of 312 fps, that might seem low but in terms of a close range Airsoft gun this is ideal.
Next up in my Field Test Shooting Review was my target test, and like always, I set up 30 feet back shooting from a semi-rested position (Sand bag up front and standing in the back). This shooting position provides a nice and stable shooting platform to get a good idea on the overall accuracy I should be able to expect with the Cybergun KWC Sig Sauer P226 X-Five CO2 Blowback Airsoft Pistol. Of course the results are a little dependant on how I'm shoot on the day of my testing :)
I shot 10 rounds through my Cybergun KWC Sig Sauer P226 X-Five CO2 Blowback Airsoft Pistol and they all easily found their mark close together on the paper target, 8 of the 10 shots grouped within a 3/4 inch hole with 2 shots coming out juts a bit extending the grouping to about 2-3 inches. With light Airsoft BB's some shots will stray a little bit but the fact that 8 out of the 10 shots pretty much made one small hole shows that this Blowback Airsoft Pistol is very accurate to say the least.
The Cybergun KWC Sig Sauer P226 X-Five CO2 Blowback Airsoft Pistol has an awesome single action trigger, if your not ready for it it can almost get away on you but after a couple of shots you will easily figure out the break and release points and be hitting targets down range with ease from this super short and light trigger. The Cybergun KWC Sig Sauer P226 X-Five CO2 Blowback Airsoft Pistol does also have a double action trigger if you decide to lower the hammer but need to take a quick shot. The Blowback action is one of the heavier blowback actions you will find on an CO2 Blowback airgun and the gun itself is fairly large and a bit on the heavy side but at the same time really well balanced and a joy to shoot.
In this Field Test Shooting Review I test out an early generation CO2 powered blowback 4.5mm Steel BB shooting Desert Eagle Replica made by Daisy nearly 20 years ago. This is probably one of the first blowback BB guns made and being that I picked it up used and it's around 20 years old, I was not even sure if it would still shoot let alone get any decent results. Either way I figured I would test it out and see for myself.
I have no yet done my official Field Test Shooting Video for the Daisy Powerline Model 400 CO2 Blowback BB Pistol but I have made a preview video for it that you can see here. In short, I picked this nice find up at a local gun show in my area for $75 and it really is in pristine condition, I would say as new condition!
Getting back to the Field Test shooting portion of this review. As per usual I started off by shooting five rounds of 5.1 grain zinc coated RWS steel BB's using a brand new 12 gram CO2 through my Chronograph which actually worked rather well for me this time around. The fastest BB achieved by the Daisy Powerline Model 400 CO2 Blowback BB Pistol was 361fps and the slowest came in at 338fps with a five shot average of 347fps, not bad for a 20 year old blowback BB pistol!
Next up in my Field Test Shooting Review was my accuracy test, and like always, I set myself up 30 feet back shooting from a semi-rested position (Sand bag up front and standing in the back). This shooting position provides a fairly stable shooting platform to get a good idea on the overall accuracy of the gun. Of course the results are a little dependant on how I shoot that day...
I shot 10 rounds through my Daisy Powerline Model 400 CO2 Blowback BB Pistol and they all found their mark on the paper target, a little high but well centered left and right. Most importantly the 10 shot grouping all came in under 2 inches which again kind of surprised me from this old time BB replica pistol. The sights on the Daisy Powerline Model 400 CO2 Blowback BB Pistol are none adjustable so if I plan to shoot targets at this range I will have to aim a little under them, no big deal!
In terms of how this CO2 Blowback BB Replica shoots, it has a fairly nice single action only trigger, not super light but decent enough and the blowback action does cock the hammer back with each shot and also give a little of that simulated recoil effect even with the light plastic slide. One area the Daisy Powerline Model 400 CO2 Blowback BB Pistol did not perform as well as newer BB guns was in the CO2 efficiency, I only got 2 magazines worth of shots so around 40 shots out of a CO2 before the gun would not blowback all the way anymore. Still, I am very happy with this purchase and plan to keep my Daisy Powerline Model 400 CO2 Blowback BB Pistol as it is not easy to come by anymore.