Replica Airguns Blog | Airsoft, Pellet, & BB Gun Reviews

What is an Uncontrolled Firearm in Canada?


This Article and Video expresses my views and opinions on this matter and should not be taken as legal advice.

Main points covered:

  • Uncontrolled Firearms do not require a Firearms License within Canada to own and operate.

  • What is an Uncontrolled Airgun and Airsoft Gun?

  • What is an Uncontrolled Blank Gun / Starter Pistols?

  • What about Fully Automatic Airguns and Airsoft Guns?

  • What about Replica Guns?

NOTE: Controlled Firearms require a POL (Possession Only License) , PAL (Possession Acquisition License) or R-PAL (Restricted Possession Acquisition License) within Canada to own and operate. 


Firearm – a barreled weapon from which any shot, bullet, or other projectile can be discharged and that is capable of causing serious bodily injury or death to a person, and includes any frame or receiver of such a barreled weapon and anything that can be adapted for use as a firearm.

“Uncontrolled”firearms are those devices that, although falling within the definition of a firearm in the Criminal Code, are exempt from specific legal requirements of the Firearms Act and its regulations, as well as from other legislative provisions. “Uncontrolled” firearms should not be subdivided into any of the non-restricted, restricted, or prohibited classes. The following types of firearms are deemed “uncontrolled”:

Flare, blank, rivet and industrial guns: Any device that is designed exclusively for signaling, for notifying of distress, or for firing blank cartridges or for firing stud cartridges, explosive-driven rivets or other industrial projectiles, provided that the importer intends to use it only for the purpose for which it is designed.

NOTE: (Toy guns and starter pistols do not generally qualify as firearms. However, some toy or model guns and starter pistols may be designed with very realistic mechanisms or appearances (e.g., color, size, scale, translucency) and resembling a real make and model of a firearm. In such cases, they may be considered replica firearms even if they are made of plastic, die cast zinc, or other material.)

Low muzzle velocity/energy guns: Any barreled weapon that is not designed or adapted to discharge projectiles at a muzzle velocity exceeding 152.4 meters per second (500 feet per second) and at a muzzle energy exceeding 5.7 Joules, or to discharge projectiles that are designed or adapted to attain a velocity exceeding 152.4 meters per second (500 feet per second) and an energy exceeding 5.7 Joules. Both thresholds of 152.4 mps and 5.7 Joules must be exceeded for the firearm to be considered “controlled”. This requirement exempts firearms that fire below the threshold velocity with a standard projectile, but exceed the threshold velocity when fired with a high-velocity projectile. 

Airsoft guns and certain types of paintball guns or markers may qualify as a replica firearm, if the muzzle velocity of the projectile does not cause serious bodily harm and their external features are clearly designed to resemble a specific and readily identifiable make and model of a firearm. To be considered a firearm, within the meaning of the Criminal Code, an airsoft gun must have a muzzle velocity in excess of 111.6 meters per second (366 feet per second).

NOTE: This memorandum used to state when using a .20 gram BB but does not specify this BB weight anymore?

NOTE: The term air gun is a colloquial term referring to BB or pellet guns. Such guns operate either as spring- powered, gas-powered, or electrically powered. If the muzzle velocity of the air gun is less than 152.4 mps (500 fps)/5.7 joules but still able to cause serious bodily injury to a person, it may be considered an “uncontrolled” firearm. Airsoft guns and certain types of paintball guns may qualify as a replica firearm (see paragraph 49 of this memorandum).

Replica firearms:

“Replica firearm” is defined as any device that is designed or intended to exactly resemble, or to resemble with near precision, a firearm, and that itself is not a firearm, but does not include any such device that is designed or intended to exactly resemble, or to resemble with near precision, an antique firearm.

For a device to be a replica firearm it must meet all three requirements:

  • (a) it cannot be a firearm, meaning it does not discharge a projectile with sufficient energy to cause serious bodily injury or death to a person. If the device is a firearm, then it cannot be a replica firearm (and vice versa);

  • (b) it must resemble exactly, or with near precision, a real existing firearm of an identifiable make and model. With respect to visual examination, note that the maximum observing distance is one at which the equivalent make and model of the firearm can be identified. This distance will vary from one firearm make to the next. For example: A Luger pistol has a very distinctive silhouette as compared to other makes and is therefore more readily identified from further away. The examination of the object is something more than casual, but less than detailed. The device does not need to be so close that markings are identifiable; and

  • (c) it cannot be designed or intended to exactly resemble, or to resemble with near precision, an antique firearm. 

RCMP Website "Air Guns"

1. Air guns that are "Controlled" Firearms for purposes of both the Firearms Act and the Criminal Code

These are air guns with both a high muzzle velocity (greater than 152.4 meters or 500 feet per second) and a high muzzle energy (greater than 5.7 joules or 4.2 foot-pounds). The "muzzle velocity" is the speed of a projectile at the instant it leaves the muzzle of a gun, normally expressed in meters per second or feet per second. The "muzzle energy" is the energy of a projectile at the instant it leaves the muzzle of a gun, expressed in joules or foot-pounds. Air guns need to meet both standards to be classified as "Controlled" firearms for purposes of the Firearms Act.

These high-powered air guns are subject to the same license and registration requirements as a conventional "Controlled" firearm. Owners and users are also required to store, transport, display and handle them safely in accordance with the regulations supporting the Firearms Act.

Usually, the manufacturer's specifications are used to determine what muzzle velocity and muzzle energy an air gun was designed to have. This information may be available in the user's manual or on the manufacturer's website. If the information is not available, individuals can call the Royal Canadian Mounted Police Canadian Firearms Program (CFP) at 1-800-731-4000 and ask to speak to a firearm technician to find out if the air gun is considered to be a firearm for purposes of the Firearms Act.

High-powered air rifles are generally classified as non-restricted firearms. However, the classification depends on the exact design of the air gun. Air rifles manufactured to resemble an assault rifle could be non-restricted, restricted or prohibited depending on the exact model imitated. High-powered air rifles would also be prohibited firearms if fully automatic or if they have a sawed-off barrel. They could also be restricted firearms if they have a folding stock that reduces the overall length to less than 660mm. 

Additional thought on this subject: Even though Uncontrolled Firearms are not governed by the same laws that apply to Controlled Firearms within the Firearms act and do not need to be handled or stored similar in the same way you are required to handle, transport and store a Controlled Firearm, we need to treat our Uncontrolled Airguns, Airsoft Guns and Blank guns with care and go over and above what is expected when had handle, transport and store them.

Categories: Airsoft, BB, Blank Gun, Full Auto, Gun Law, Gun Safety, Non Airguns, Paintball, Pellet, Pistol, Real Gun, Revolver, Rifle, YouTube Video Tags:

Off Road Ridding with the Kids in the Yard


This is not gun related, just some good o'l fun with the kids involving motorized vehicles :)

The kids and I been getting out a bit and doing some ridding in the yard. My daughter Jordan has a kids GIO 110cc Quad she rides, my son Gabriel has a tricked out 50cc Honda CRF-50F clone that we got him  year ago and I have a 110cc Pit-bike that started life as a basic stock bike that I upgraded most of it by adding a rolling chassis kit to it.

These rather small bikes and quad are the perfect size for us for ridding around the acreage, I even cut a couple of trails in the tree'd area which ads to the fun and ridable terrain. I thought I would share a short video of us ridding around before the summer was over. Unfortunately I had everyone geared up with cameras but Gabriel's camera glasses did not want to record for us on this day :( I still got some awesome video of the kids and I having fun on our off road mini machines ;)

Categories: YouTube Video Tags:

Umarex EBOS 4.5mm Steel BB Full Auto Fun

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Perhaps the last of my 4.5mm Steel BB Dull Auto Fun Video? We'll see? Today I take out my Umarex EBOS (Electric Burst of Steel) 8 Round Burst BB Machine Gun and again take aim at a bunch of clay pigeons I set up 30 feet away. Even thought the EBOS does not have the highest rate of fire with only 500 rounds per minute, it does get the job done because it stays true on target and really proved to be very accurate allowing me to even trim off the smallest bits of clay pigeon stuck in the edges of the holders.

The rate of fire on the Umarex E.B.O.S. almost reminds me of what you would hear or expect from an AK 47 type machine gun.

Near the end of this video I try my luck at shooting some of the clay pigeons out of the air shotgun style but failed horribly :( Perhaps I should give by modified 1200 rounds per minute Drozd Blackbird a go at it :)

Categories: 4.5mm / .177 cal, BB, CO2, Field Test, Full Auto, Full Auto Fun, Review, Rifle, Scope, Semi Auto, YouTube Video Tags: EBOS, Umarex

Umarex Steel Force 4.5mm Steel BB Modified Full Auto Fun


Only a few more Full Auto Fun Videos left to do for you, todays features the Umarex Steel Force which is basically an updated version of the Steel Storm but instead of having an H&K styled outer shell, the Steel Force is based around the popular AR 15 series and like many modern AR 15's, the Steel Force has an adjustable stock which really helps with target acquisition and accuracy.

Like my other Full Auto Fun Videos, I take out a bunch of clay pigeons from about 30 feet away. The Umarex Steel Force proves to be very accurate and CO2 efficient (got about 300 shots from the pair of 12 gram CO2's) but is a bit of a pain to reload the spring fed 30 rounds magazine when the 300 round BB hopper is full.

All in all if you'er looking for a low cost and super fun BB machine gun with a high rate of fire, good CO2 efficiency, awesome pinpoint accuracy and pretty decent power, then pick yourself up one of our Umarex Steel Force BB Guns!

Categories: 4.5mm / .177 cal, BB, Blowback, CO2, Field Test, Full Auto, Full Auto Fun, Review, Rifle, Semi Auto, YouTube Video Tags: Steel Force, Umarex

Walmart Police Shooting of John Crawford While Holding Crosman MK-177 Airgun


This YouTube video was made to touch upon the tragic shooting and death of a young man at the Beavercreek Walmart in the US. The tragedy was the result of poor judgment and misunderstanding of the situation that started with John Crawford (22) deciding to walk around a Walmart store with a very realistic looking replica Air Rifle. Subsequently in the midst of all the excitement as customers ran out of the store, Angela Williams (37) had a medical emergency that also cost her her life. 

Below is an outline of YouTube video that follows:

John Crawford 22 Years old was shot  by police in a Beavercreek Walmart while holding a Crosman MK-177 Pellet BB gun.

Another death as a result: Angela Williams, 37, was with her 9-year-old daughter and suffered a medical emergency and died as a result as people attempted to flee the store amongst the panic.

John Crawford is Survived by: LeeCee Johnson, 22 Mother of Crawford's children (Believe he had 2 children)


  • Walmart US keeps these guns on shelf in the box generally, but not locked up or behind glass.
  • In Canada Most places keep even Airguns behind locked glass. 

The weapon (Crosman MK-177), which can shoot both pellets and BBs, had been removed from its original packaging, was this done by John Crawford or was it already unpackaged when he picked it up?

Ronald Ritchie made the original 911 call, I listened to two of the police 911 phone call recording and he seemed to be talking level headed and not making it out to be anything more than what he saw which was a black man walking around a Walmart with what looked like a real rifle. John Crawford was holding the rifle while he had his phone between his shoulder and ear, John was fiddling with the rifle and looked to be trying to load it. Ronald Ritchie said John was periodically pointing it at people (which may or may not have been intentional).

LeeCee Johnson, 22, who identified herself as the mother of Crawford’s children, said she was talking to Crawford on her cell phone at the time of the shooting:

“We was just talking. He (John) said he was at the video games playing videos and he went over there by the toy section where the toy guns were. And the next thing I know, he said ‘It’s not real,’ and the police start shooting and they said ‘Get on the ground,’ but he was already on the ground because they had shot him,” she said. She added she “could hear him just crying and screaming” and said officers “shot him down like he was not even human.”

First and Foremost, this event is very tragic and my condolences go out to the families and friends of John Crawford and Angela Williams.

Questions we need to ask ourselves:

  • Why was John Crawford walking around the Walmart with what looked like an "assault rifle" in a very public location?
  • With all the public shootings these days, why would you walk around a public Walmart with what looks like a very real and threatening rifle, similar to the kinds used in these types of shootings in the past?
  • Why did the police seem so quick to shoot John down? Where they a bit eager or hyped up? It would be very interesting to see the surveillance video for this tragedy?
  • Why are very realistic Airguns on open display and so easy to attain? Keep in mind even a regular break barrel Airgun looks like a real rifle to most people.

What is so damaging about all this:

  • This will add "ammunition so to speak" for bureaucrats and authorities to question if Airguns should look realistic, or if they now need to have bright colored markings all over them so people will assume they are not reel? Or perhaps outlaw them completely or make them very hard to attain for the average person.
  • Now the general public will have yet another reason to have a negative view on Airguns. I fear that putting more restrictions on airguns is just a stepping stone to more restrictions on real guns and more restrictions on our rights overall.


What ever happened to common sense? It has become uncommon these days…

 Based on how easy it is for a person to get their hands on very realistic looking Airguns in most US based retail stores, I am surprised this tragedy has not happened already, or more often.

Would you walk around your neighborhood with what looks like an Assault rifle? So why walk around a Walmart with one?

Unfortunately we can not protect everyone from themselves, the more failsafes we put in place, the less reasonability people have for themselves and the more responsibility it seems is placed on businesses, government, organizations, parks and events…

We even need warning labels on our coffee telling us it's hot, or to not put poison in our mouths, there are railing and barriers around any bit of water or slight ledge.

Society is programing people to think less fore themselves and trust that everything is going to be OK.

Well it's not true, there is still something called survival of the fittest no matter how many safety nest are in place.

We need to spend more time teaching our kids how to act and behave and how to think for themselves and not be so dependent on everyone else to protect them from themselves. Don't  leave it up to the TV, movies, video games or even their just as oblivious friends. 

Categories: Airgun News, Gun Law, Gun Safety, YouTube Video Tags: Crosman, MK-177

KWC Mini UZI and M92 Beretta 4.5mm Steel BB Full Auto Fun


This one is a bit of a revisit since I already did Full Auto Fun Videos for both my Cybergun GSG 92 and Cybergun Mini UZI, both of which I had to do the conversion mods (GSG 92 Full auto Mod Video - Mini UZI  Full Auto Mod Video) to allow them to shoot in full auto modes.

The good news is that out of the box the KWC Mini UZI and KWC M92 both shoot in selectable semi auto and full auto modes. And if you didn't already know, the KWC versions are virtually the same guns since KWC makes them for Cybergun. The only real difference being the KWC version does not have the licensing or white lettering on the BB guns and of course the KWC versions are full auto ready to go.

So with that said, enjoy my YouTube Full Auto Fun Video of the KWC Mini UZI and KWC M92 Full Auto ready 4.5mm Steel BB CO2 Blowback Replicas.

Categories: 4.5mm / .177 cal, BB, Blowback, CO2, Field Test, Full Auto, Full Auto Fun, Pistol, Review, Semi Auto, YouTube Video Tags: Beretta, GSG 92, KWC, M92, UZI

Umarex Walther SG 9000 Shotgun 4.5mm Steel BB Full Auto Fun


Alright, so todays Full Auto Fun Video may be stretching things just a bit but I figured that since my Umarex Walther SG 9000 does have the ability to shoot 3 rounds with each pull of the trigger that we'll give it the benefit of the doubt and include it in this round of Full Auto Fun Videos.

The Walther SG 9000 is a kind of different looking airgun, the back half looks like a Walther Pistol while the front half is more of a tactical styled shotgun. And like a shotgun you can shoot multiple BB's with one shot. You actually have teh option of shooting single shot or three shot burst. In single shot mode, the Walther SG 9000 is pretty peppy shooting at around 500 fps on a fresh and warm 88 gram CO2. When you switch the SG 9000 over to three shot burst mode, it does slowdown somewhat closer to the 250 fps range so not really that great for any serious penetration.

But I figured since I was shooting clay pigeons which are made for shotgun use, why not use a BB styled multi-round shotgun on some of them! All in all the Umarex Walther SG 9000 got the job done...

I am sad to say that Umarex does not seem to make the Walther SG 9000 anymore so if you're looking for one you may have to settle for a used on if you can find an owner willing to give it up.

Umarex Steel.jpg
Categories: 4.5mm / .177 cal, BB, CO2, Field Test, Full Auto Fun, Pistol, Review, Rifle, Semi Auto, YouTube Video Tags: SG9000, Umarex

Large Umarex Order Just Arrived in Canada - Lots of Stock on Hand

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Categories: 4.5mm / .177 cal, BB, Blowback, CO2, Full Auto, Pellet, Pistol, Replica Airguns News, Revolver, Rifle, Semi Auto, Single Shot, Spring Piston Tags: Umarex

Umarex Steel Storm 4.5mm Steel BB Modified Full Auto Fun

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Today's Full Auto Fun Video features the Umarex Steel Storm CO2 (Internal) Blowback Semi Auto and 6 Round Burst BB Gun. In my books any gun that can shoot at least 3-6 rounds for every pull of the trigger is full auto in my opinion. I tend to shoot in short bursts even if the gun is truly full auto since holding the trigger down till the mag is empty just means you have a lot of down time reloading on your hands. I prefer short controlled bursts because they are more accurate and you can make corrections if need be. You also use less CO2 giving the gun and CO2 a chance to warm up a bit between bursts.

The Umarex Steel Storm has been in my collection of a while now and was the first out of the box full auto BB gun I reviewed on my YouTube Channel. Version 2 of the Steel Storm is the Steel Force which shares many mechanical attributes to the Steel Storm but the Steel Force (externally) is modeled after the AR platform and has the addition of a multi-position AR styled stock which does help with target hold and accuracy.

I will be shooting the Steel Force in an upcoming Full Auto Fun Video so stay posted for that one!

Categories: 4.5mm / .177 cal, BB, Blowback, CO2, Field Test, Full Auto, Full Auto Fun, Pistol, Review, Semi Auto, YouTube Video Tags: Steel Storm, Umarex

ZMZ Tyrex PPA-K-01 4.5mm Steel BB Full Auto Fun

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Yes! More Full Auto Fun Videos on the way and to kick of this week I shoot my ZMZ Tyrex PPA-K-01 Full Auto BB Gun. If you're not aware of the background on this very hard to get ahold of Airgun, I bought it new from another collector and imported it into Canada. I Paid an arm and a leg for it because the Tyrex PPA-K-01 is really hard to find here in Canada and the US, new or used.

The ZMZ Tyrex PPA-K-01 is a super close copy of the Kedr PP-91 (9 x 18 mm Makarov), also made in the same Russian ZMZ factory. So like my Baikal Makarov, the BB version and real steel version are made side by side and both guns use weapons grade steel and some parts from the real guns. Nothing of course that could be converted to a real gun.

As with my other Full Auto Fun Videos, I shoot up a bunch of clay pigeons and record all the fun using several cameras from several angles and points of view. The ZMZ Tyrex PPA-K-01 Blowback CO2 Full Auto BB Gun has a very high rate of fire and sounds like a real machine gun but much quieter of course. It is also surprisingly accurate as you will see in this Full Auto Fun Video!

Categories: 4.5mm / .177 cal, BB, Blowback, CO2, Field Test, Full Auto, Full Auto Fun, Pistol, Review, Semi Auto, YouTube Video Tags: TYREX PPA-K-01, ZMZ

KWC Cybergun GSG 92 4.5mm Steel BB Modified Full Auto Fun


You guessed it, another Full Auto Fun YouTube Video! And another great Blowback BB gun from the past dusted off and brought out for some more shooting fun :)

You may remember my Cybergun GSG 92 CO2 Blowback 4.5mm Steel BB Pistol that I made several video reviews of, including a how to modify it to shoot both in semi auto and full auto modes. Well the good news is our new KWC Model M92 unlicensed versions (no ugly warning lettering either) now come with the semi and full auto selectable feature so no need to modify, just buy one and your ready to go!

With that said this video is me actually shooting my original Cybergun / KWC Licensed GSG 92 version that I modded to shoot full auto. It was giving me a bit of trouble today but it seemed to work out the kinks near the end.

In an upcoming Full Auto Fun Video I do plan to bring out a new KWC full auto ready M92 and Mini UZI to see how these factory full auto 4.5mm BB guns shoot out of the box.

Categories: 4.5mm / .177 cal, BB, Blowback, CO2, Field Test, Full Auto, Full Auto Fun, Modification, Pistol, Review, Semi Auto, YouTube Video Tags: Cybergun, GSG 92, KWC