Replica Airguns Blog | Airsoft, Pellet, & BB Gun Reviews

Umarex PPK 4.5mm Steel BB Modified Full Auto Fun

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Some more Full Auto Fun Videos coming at you and make sure to check my previous ones out too!

In this Full Auto Fun Field Test Shooting video I bring out my original Umarex Walther PPK Blowback CO2 BB Pistol. The PPK I converted to full auto and that started it all off by being my first YouTube video upload. Wow, that was a while ago now!

I do have to say, modifying the PPK to Full Auto is not recommended, mine originally worked well but the heavy blowback in full auto eventually broke the firing pin setup and I lost it somewhere in my back field. I had to Macgyver a bolt in place to kind of work but now my Full Auto Modded PPK shoots out of control, what I mean by this is when I press the trigger, it does not stop shooting until all the BB's are gone. Safe, I don't think so!

My suggestion is to leave the Umarex Walther PPK as is, it truly is a an awesome CO2 Blowback BB replica with some really decent blowback recoil in a small airgun.

Categories: BB, Blowback, CO2, Field Test, Full Auto, Full Auto Fun, Modification, Pistol, Review, Semi Auto, YouTube Video Tags: PPK, Umarex, Walther

Baikal Drozd Blackbird 4.5mm Steel BB Gun 1200 rpm Modified Full Auto Fun

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Full Auto Fun video number three this week and this one is perhaps the craziest one! When you take a Drozd Blackbird that already has a 800-1000 round BB magazine, convert it to 1200 rounds of full auto, add a custom JimC Barrel to it, some bulk CO2 and a bunch of other cosmetic accessories... Well you get the most ridiculous full auto BB gun you can ask for.

Since I had an extra 800-900 BB's more than I am used to when making these full auto videos, I decided to add a few additional targets over and above the clay pigeons I have been using so far. I picked up a nice fairly heavy gauge Santa tin and a rather solid hard wax candle from the dollar store that proved to add some drama to this Full Auto Fun video!

Make sure to also watch my first two Full Auto Fun videos:

If you like what you see in this video and want an absolutely crazy BB gun, then checkout our Replica Airguns Store where we Sell the Drozd BB gun and some add ons for it!

Categories: 4.5mm / .177 cal, BB, Bulk Air, CO2, Field Test, Full Auto, Full Auto Fun, Modification, Review, Rifle, Semi Auto, YouTube Video Tags: Drozd, Drozd-Blackbird

RAP4 RAP5 MP5 4.5mm Steel BB Modified Full Auto Fun

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Video number two in a summertime series I'm calling "Full Auto Fun". My first video featured the KWC/Cybergun CO2 BB Blowback Mini UZI. The KWC Mini UZI has lots of kick and is a bit hard to figure out where exactly the sweet spot is but once you find it, it really tares up the targets in full auto mode!

In this "Full Auto Fun" video I bring out my RAP4 - RAP5 MP5 Full auto BB Rifle. The RAP5 MP5 started out life as a .43 caliber paintball gun but I bought it converted in the factory to 4.5mm Steel BB. RAP4 converts it by adding a barrel sleeve adaptor and includes some plastic casings that allow you to place 4.5mm Steel BB's into a kind of donut shaped shell that is then placed into the 21 round magazines. The plastic Donut BB shells eject from the gun like a real shell casing which is super cool!

Like my KWC Mini UZI Full Auto Fun video, I shoot up a bunch of clay pigeons but this time using my RAP4 - RAP5 MP5 4.5mm Steel BB Full Auto Rifle which I found to be very accurate but perhaps a bit thirsty when it comes to CO2 usage. Some bulk air would be a nice combination with this BB shooter, maybe in another video...

Buy Full Auto BB Guns in the Canada Store

Buy Full Auto BB Guns in the US Store

Categories: 4.5mm / .177 cal, BB, Bulk Air, CO2, Field Test, Full Auto, Full Auto Fun, Review, Rifle, Semi Auto, YouTube Video Tags: MP5, RAP4, RAP5 4.5 BB

KWC Cybergun Mini UZI 4.5mm Steel BB Modified Full Auto Fun


This "Full Auto Fun" video focuses on my KWC/Cybergun 4.5mm Steel BB CO2 Blowback Mini UZI BB Gun, where I kick of a short series based around shooting a bunch of 4.5mm Steel BB machine guns! Sounds like fun cause it is fun!

This KWC/Cybergun Blowback Mini UZI comes in a variety of versions, 4.5mm Steel BB and Airsoft versions, it also comes in RWS and KWC Distributed models.

In this video I basically shoot a bunch of clay pigeons positioned in various locations and film it using 4 different camera angles to spice things up a bit.

I also mention some upcoming videos where I will be shooting my RAP4 MP5 and Baikal Drozd Blackbird Full Auto BB guns so make sure to watch those video when I upload them later on this week!

Categories: 4.5mm / .177 cal, BB, Blowback, CO2, Field Test, Full Auto, Full Auto Fun, Modification, Pistol, Review, Semi Auto, YouTube Video Tags: Cybergun, KWC, UZI

More Full Auto BB Gun Videos on the Way - Update Video

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I had so much fun getting my modded Drozd Classic Full Auto BB Gun out the other day and shooting it, that I thought I would make some more Full Auto videos for you! So this upcoming week I will be taking a look at some of the following BB guns:

Stay tuned... Not sure exactly what I am going to do in terms of shooting tests and comparissons but I do know it will be fun :)

Categories: 4.5mm / .177 cal, BB, Blowback, Bulk Air, CO2, Field Test, Full Auto, Pistol, Rifle, YouTube Video Tags:

Most Powerful Air Pistol Shootout

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In this "head to head to head" pistol shootout I compare three of my more powerful, or you could say effective air pistols against each other. Shooting at some pop cans from about 30 feet away to see how destructive each one is. I don't generally recommend air pistols for pest control simply because they tend to be less accurate and powerful than rifles, especially out at the longer ranges where a magnified scope is required and notably where the pesky vermin like to hang out.

I would have to say out of the three tested in this video comparison, the Webley Alecto in .22 caliber and the Modified Drozd Full Auto BB Gun would for sure get the job done at closer ranges. The Webley Alecto simply because it can hurl a heavy grain .22 caliber lead pellet right around the 500 fps mark which will take down small pests, again at close ranges.

My second choice or even first choice depending on how active the pest are would be my modified full auto 1200 rounds per minute Drozd that hurls 4.5mm Steel BB's at over 500 fps (under 4.2 foot pounds) at a rate of 20 BB's per second! A 4.5mm Steel BB traveling at 500 fps will penetrate fur and feathers very well and with most of the 20 BB's hitting a target in a matter of 1 second, that is going to humanly put a small to even medium sized pest down for sure. And yes the Drozd becomes a pistol when yuo take the rear stock off ;)

My last choice for the job is the Xisico XSP180 in .177 caliber since like the Webley Alecto it is only a single shot, so you got to make it count and being that it has less overall energy than the Webley Alecto again I would prefer the Alecto over the XSP180.

Watch my "head to head to head" Vimeo video to see how these three pellet pistols compare:

Categories: .22 cal, 4.5mm / .177 cal, BB, Bulk Air, CO2, Comparison, Field Test, Full Auto, Modification, Multi-pump, Pellet, Pistol, Review, Single Shot, Spring Piston, YouTube Video Tags: Alecto, Baikal, Drozd, Webley, XSP180, Xisico

Replica Airguns Q&A Questions and Answers #2


Some more answers to some of your commonly asked questions. In this second Q&A Questions and Answers YouTube video I discuss some more of your questions, specifically:

  • What's going on with my order?

  • Do I need to clean and oil my airgun?

  • What is the most powerful blowback BB gun? 

  • I don't live in Canada or the US, do you ship to other countries?

So make sure to watch my second installment for the Replica Airguns Viewer Q&A Questions and Answers.

Categories: Q&A Video, YouTube Video Tags:

What to do About Trolls on Your YouTube Channel

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This video is going to go on all of my YouTube channels: GetFitOver40 - ReplicaAirguns - MrKnife. I feel that trolls on the Internet in general are a real parasite and they don't serve any positive purpose. Similar to a parasite in your body, the best course of action is to remove that parasite as quickly as possible.

I ask that if you like the message of this video, make sure to favorite, like and get the word out about this video…

First off, what is a troll?

WIKIPEDIA "A troll is a person who sows discord on the Internet by starting arguments or upsetting people by posting inflammatory, extraneous, or off-topic messages in an online community (such as a newsgroup, forum, chat room, or blog) with the deliberate intent of provoking readers into an emotional response, or otherwise disrupting normal on-topic discussions."

To also make one thing very clear, this is not about censorship, it is about respect and consideration towards others. I have no problems with alternative opinions, but I will not put up with abusive and derogative content of any sort on my YouTube Channel.

Since this is not really airgun related, if you are interested in this topic, you can read my entire Written Article over at my Website here.

Categories: YouTube Video Tags:

Replica Airguns Q&A Questions and Answers #1

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Here we go with the first installment of the Replica Airguns Q&A Questions and Answers! Below are some of the questions I answer for some of my YouTube subscribers and followers.


I find your vids very informative. One Quick question. All of the pistols I have are all close copies of real guns :- PPK ,1911 etc. What I would really like now is a western 6 shooter. Are there any in the pipeline ? Thanks Paul.

Kevin Men:

Will you be selling the Kalashnikov AK47 co2 bb gun? I heard it was made of real AK 47 parts and it might be banned in the US! Do you think the gun will be for sale ever again?


When is the KWC Luger P-08 4.5 BB version going to be for sale in your USA store? Thanks!

Knight Rider:

Hey i found on a store two types of CO2 cartridge for a bb gun and i want to know if I can use bought in the same gun? One CO2 cartridge has lubrication in it and the another one is just a normal cartridge?


Will you get the pellet version of the Dan Wesson revolver available for purchase in the Canadian store?


When are you going to make a how to get buff channel?

I also talk about generic gun repair questions.

Categories: Q&A Video, YouTube Video Tags:

Webley Tempest Ultimate Back Packer Pellet Pistol Review

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A classic air pistol with its roots going as far back as the 1920's, the Webley Tempest still holds its own with todays modern sprig piston air pistols. And perhaps in one category (Back Pack Pistol) it may even outshine most of them!

Even though for the most part this website and YouTube channel are dedicated to replica style airguns, there are still many of us who plain and simple like all types of airguns and both appreciate and at times even need more of a single purpose target / hunting airgun for either pest control or taking with us while in the back country.

If you plan on spending some time in the wilderness and may even be required to fend for yourself in terms of food, you would, I am sure appreciate something like the Webley Tempest in your backpack. It will add an additional 2.1 pounds plus the weight of a tin of lead pellets but you never know, it could even save your life if you get lost or injured and need to camp out till help arrives.

The really great part about the Webley Tempest is that it is considered an uncontrolled firearm here in Canada because it just squeezes under our Canada limits in terms of fps and power so you can legally pack it around with you while out hiking, camping, backpacking or what have you. With that said I feel the Webley Tempest still has enough fps, foot pounds of energy and accuracy to wrangle up some small game at close range.

In this YouTube video I demonstrate the effectiveness of the Webley Tempest at taking down 6 "small game" sized targets at a distance of 30 feet or so shooting free hand. I also put a couple of rounds through the Chronograph using some RWS 11.9 grain lead pellets to show you that it has some decent power for such a small compact spring piston air pistol.

Categories: .22 cal, 4.5mm / .177 cal, Field Test, Pellet, Pistol, Review, Single Shot, Spring Piston, YouTube Video Tags: Webley

Replica Airguns New Q&A Videos Announcement


This YouTube Video is to announce that I will be starting an official Question and Answer video where I will answer your questions. I will not be able to answer every question of course but I will for sure answer the ones that seem to come up often and that I think others will also benefit from.

I'm not sure how often I will be making these Q&A videos, I guess it kind of depends on how many question I need to answer and how many other review and or tutorial videos I am making for any given week.

The best way to ask your question is to submit your question as a comment in one of the Q&A YouTube Videos.

Watch my YouTube Q&A Announcement video for more info on this:

Categories: YouTube Video Tags: