Here we go with the first installment of the Replica Airguns Q&A Questions and Answers! Below are some of the questions I answer for some of my YouTube subscribers and followers.
I find your vids very informative. One Quick question. All of the pistols I have are all close copies of real guns :- PPK ,1911 etc. What I would really like now is a western 6 shooter. Are there any in the pipeline ? Thanks Paul.
Kevin Men:
Will you be selling the Kalashnikov AK47 co2 bb gun? I heard it was made of real AK 47 parts and it might be banned in the US! Do you think the gun will be for sale ever again?
When is the KWC Luger P-08 4.5 BB version going to be for sale in your USA store? Thanks!
Knight Rider:
Hey i found on a store two types of CO2 cartridge for a bb gun and i want to know if I can use bought in the same gun? One CO2 cartridge has lubrication in it and the another one is just a normal cartridge?
Will you get the pellet version of the Dan Wesson revolver available for purchase in the Canadian store?
When are you going to make a how to get buff channel?
I also talk about generic gun repair questions.