Full Auto Fun video number three this week and this one is perhaps the craziest one! When you take a Drozd Blackbird that already has a 800-1000 round BB magazine, convert it to 1200 rounds of full auto, add a custom JimC Barrel to it, some bulk CO2 and a bunch of other cosmetic accessories... Well you get the most ridiculous full auto BB gun you can ask for.
Since I had an extra 800-900 BB's more than I am used to when making these full auto videos, I decided to add a few additional targets over and above the clay pigeons I have been using so far. I picked up a nice fairly heavy gauge Santa tin and a rather solid hard wax candle from the dollar store that proved to add some drama to this Full Auto Fun video!
Make sure to also watch my first two Full Auto Fun videos:
If you like what you see in this video and want an absolutely crazy BB gun, then checkout our Replica Airguns Store where we Sell the Drozd BB gun and some add ons for it!