Entries in .43 cal,Airsoft

KJWorks KP-08 CO2 Airsoft Pistol Field Test Review


As promised this week, here is my full Field Test Shooting Video for the KJWorks KP-08 CO2 Airsoft Pistol. Make sure to watch my Table Top Review of the KJWorks KP-08 CO2 Airsoft Pistol if you’re looking for more details and specifications along with closeup video.

Starting with finding out the raw real world power for the KJWorks KP-08 CO2 Airsoft Pistol, I performed the Chronograph Test using my CaldwellBallistic Precision Chronograph and put 6 shots through it using a brand new 12 gram CO2 along with .20 gram plastic Airsoft BB’s. I was able to average 350 fps which is pretty decent considering it was only around 15 degrees Celsius (60 degrees Fahrenheit). In warmer summer conditions I am sure we would easily reach around 360-370+fps.

Next up I placed a paper target on my ammo trap 30 feet down range and shot off 10 steady paced rounds to see what kind of grouping I could get from the KJWorks KP-08 CO2 Airsoft Pistol. There is always going to be a bit of human factor involved since my Airguns are not braced in a vice or hold of any kind other than my two handed rested grip. (Sandbag upfront, sitting on a stool in the back). I was pleased to see a roughly 3 inch grouping on the target. There was one BB that did shoot a little bit higher then the rest of the grouping otherwise it would have been closer to a 2 inch grouping. I di notice that I was shooting a bit under the bullseye but this could are easily rectified by adjusting the hope slightly to add some more backspin to the Airsoft BB.

All in all I really like the KJWorks KP-08 CO2 Airsoft Pistol, it looks great, is well built, is not going to come in super heavy and seems to perform very well in terms of power and accuracy. I have always been a fan of the 1911 pistol and I like that KJWORKS didn’t deviate too much form the original A1 look and feel with this slightly more tactical version. It still looks and feels like a classic 1911 but is upgraded enough to keep the weight down while adding in a double stack styled magazine with more overall tactical features.

Categories: 6mm, Airsoft, Blowback, CO2, Field Test, Gas, GBB, Pistol, Review, Semi Auto, YouTube Video Tags: KJWorks, KP-08, M1911

KJWORKS KP-08 CO2 Airsoft Pistol Table Top Review

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Type: 6mm Plastic BB Airsoft Pistols.
Manufacturer: KJWORKS.
Model: KP-08 (1911 Replica)
Materials: Metal slide, polymer frame.
Weight: 2 pounds (931 grams).
Barrel: Metal non-rifled smooth bore.
Propulsion: 12 gram CO2.
Action: Blowback, Single action only.
Ammunition Type: 6mm plastic Airsoft BB's.
Ammunition Capacity: 28 rounds.
FPS: 360+ fps.

Trigger Pull: The trigger pull on the KJWORKS KP-08 CO2 Airsoft Pistol is what you would expect from a true 1911 single action only trigger, it has very little take up with a smooth crisp and light release to it The grip safety like a real 1911 also works on the KJWORKS KP-08 so it will needed to be engage in order for the trigger to function.

Accuracy: I have not shot the KJWORKS KP-08 CO2 Airsoft Pistol so far but plan to do so this week so I can have my Full Field Test Shooting Video Review for you ASAP. Keep posted as I this is next on my list!

Build Quality: I have always been extremely impressed with the build quality of all the KJWORKS Airsoft guns to date. The fit and finish is the best around compared with any of my airguns including my 4.5mm steel BB shooters. I would say KJWORKS and KWA Airsoft Guns are comparable in terms of build quality, fit and finish so it’s great we now offer both brands for you to choose from.

Realism: The KJWORKS KP-08 CO2 Airsoft Pistol is a replica of a High Capacity styled tactical 1911 45 Auto and is a great looking and functioning replica. You will not find actual Colt or other manufacturer licensing other than KJWORKS on this pistol and the CO2 magazine does stick out a bit to accommodate the 12 gram CO2 but other than that this Airsoft pistol looks and works near exactly like a real 1911 tactical 45 semi auto and is fully field strip-able. I really like the updated more tactical add ons like the tactical rail, machined trigger and hammer, white dot adjustable sights, and much lighter polymer frame that helps keep the overall gun weight down to around 2 pounds.

Available in the: Replica Airguns Store


  • Metal parts where you need them, polymer frame to keep it lighter weight.

  • Heavy Full blowback operation.

  • Excellent fit and finish as always with KJWorks pistols.

  • High capacity full size drop out magazine that holds 28 rounds.

  • Versatile magazine options, also works with Marui Hi-Capa Magazines.

  • Easy to see white dot sights and adjustable for windage rear sight.

  • All working components like the real steel 1911.

  • Clean looking but still has that tactical quality about it.

  • Field strip-able.


  • Grips are wider than a typical single stack 1911, may not fit the hands of small shooters.

  • No ambidextrous safety, not a problem for right handed shooters but lefties would benefit from this.


The KJWORKS KP-08 CO2 Airsoft Pistol is KJWORKS first Airsoft pistol with a polymer frame. It’s also very versatile in that you can use KJWORKS KP-05 magazines and even High-Capa Marui Mags if you won them. The red internal gas tube allows you to use pretty much any type of magazine too which means Green gas, propane and CO2 are all good to go with the KJWORKS KP-08 CO2 Airsoft Pistol! The polymer frame really helps keep what would normally be a rather heavy Airsoft pistol a bit bit more light weigth and field friendly but you still have all the perks of a High-Capa 1911 so it’s a win win for me.

Categories: 6mm, Airsoft, Blowback, CO2, Gas, GBB, Pistol, Review, Semi Auto, YouTube Video Tags: KJWorks, KP-08, M1911

KWA M226-LE and KJWorks KJ1060 Sig Sauer P226 Airsoft Pistol Shooting Review

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If you haven’t already watched my Table Top Comparison Review for the KWA M226-LE and KJWorks KJ1060 Sig Sauer P226 Airsoft Pistols than make sure to have a look at that video if you’re interested in more of the specifications and details and some closeup shots of both Airsoft Guns.

In this Field Test Shooting Video Review I compare the KWA M226-LE and KJWorks KJ1060 Sig Sauer P226 Airsoft Pistols head to head and side by side to see how these two very similar Sig Sauer P226 Airsoft Replicas perform. They both cost about the same, are built with similar quality and look a lot alike but what I really wanted to know is how do they shoot!

First off I tested out the power of both Airsoft Guns shooting 5 consistent .20 gram Airsoft BB’s from each gun through my Chronograph. Keep in mind I was using a full magazine of propane gas in the KWA M226-LE and a brand new 12 gram CO2 in the KJWorks KJ1060 (KP-01). As CO2 is know to have more power than green gas I was expecting a bit more pop out of the KJWorks KJ1060 which I did get. The temperature in my indoor Sea Can Airgun Shooting Range was 18 degree Celsius (64 degrees Fahrenheit) so not too cold or too hot. The KWA M226-LE averaged right around 320 fps while the KJWorks KJ1060 averaged 350 fps.

Moving on to my accuracy portion of the test for the KWA M226-LE and KJWorks KJ1060 Sig Sauer P226 Airsoft Pistols. I placed fresh paper targets 30 feet down range for each Airsoft pistol and put 10 rounds into each target shooting from a rested seated position. I did not adjust the hop-up or sights for either Airsoft Pistol prior to this test to see how close to the bullseye they would get out of the box. First up was the KWA M226-LE and it performed nicely for me shooting close to the bullseye, just a little bit low but getting around a 3.5 inch 10 round group. I then followed up with the KJWorks KJ1060 (HP-01) and also shot fairly near the Bullseye out of the box but the grouping opened up just a bit resulting in a 4.5 inch 10 round group. Still respectable for a close Airsoft quarters sidearm.

At the end of the day, the KWA M226-LE and KJWorks KJ1060 Sig Sauer P226 Airsoft Pistols came out pretty close to each other in this head to head Filed Test Shooting Comparison Review. One shot a little bit harder while the other one was a little bit more accurate but neither was a standout in either category. I guess you’re going to have to flip a coin deciding on which one of these two very well made Sig Sauer P226 Airsoft Pistols you’re going to choose but either way you will be getting a winner here.

Categories: 6mm, Airsoft, Blowback, CO2, Comparison, Field Test, GBB, Gas, Pistol, Review, Semi Auto, YouTube Video Tags: KWA, KJWorks, KJWorks KJ1060, KWA M226-LE, Sig Sauer P226, Sig Sauer

KWA M226-LE and KJWorks KJ1060 Sig Sauer P226 Airsoft Pistol Comparison Review

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Type: 6mm Plastic BB Airsoft Pistols.
Manufacturer: KWA & KJWorks
Model: KWA M226-LE - KJWorks KJ1060 (Sigt Sauer P226)
Materials: Metal slide & frame.
Weight: About 2.5 pounds.
Barrel: Metal non-rifled smooth bore.
Propulsion: Green Gas - 12 Gram CO2.
Action: Single and double action.
Ammunition Type: 6mm plastic Airsoft BB's.
Ammunition Capacity: 24-25 rounds.
FPS: 350-400 fps

Trigger Pull: The trigger pull on both the KWA M226-LE and KJWorks KJ1060 Sig Sauer P226 Airsoft Pistols is very similar, they both shoot in single and double action and both actions are fairly light on the finger. I found the KWA M226-LE had a bit lighter double action trigger while the KJWorks KJ1060 seemed lighter when shooting in single action. This is all based on simply dry firing both guns to see who the triggers felt in both their single and double actions.

Accuracy: So far I have not shot either Sig Sauer P226 Airsoft Pistol but plan to get to my Field Test Shooting Review very soon. I will be testing both Airsoft Guns out head to head to see how each performs against each other for power and accuracy.

Build Quality: The build quality for the KWA M226-LE and KJWorks KJ1060 Sig Sauer P226 Airsoft Pistols is excellent. Both KWA and KJWorks make exception quality Airguns so which ever one you pick will be a good choice here. Both Airsoft Sig Sauer P226 Pistols are all metal full Blowback ultra realistic Airguns It may just come down to a few small differences. Overall I liked the fit and finish on the KWA M226-LE just a little bit more but it was very close.

Realism: In terms of realism it does not get any more realistic than this. You are going to find that the KWA M226-LE and KJWorks KJ1060 Sig Sauer P226 Airsoft Pistols mimic a real Sig Sauer P226 very closely with working parts as you would find them in the real steel version. The only tell tale sign on the KWA M226-LE is the orange tip which by they ways was not what we ordered so in future versions they will not have orange tips. The KJWorks KJ1060 comes with a CO2 magazine which is a bit elongated from the pistol grip but there are shorter Green Gas magazines for this gun available.

Available in the: Replica Airguns Store

What I like about out each gun:

  • I like that both guns have full blowback operation, full size drop out magazines, easy to use white dot sights.

  • Working de-cockers and true to form single and double action triggers.

  • I like the finish on the KWA M226-LE, it’s smoother and has stamped in branding on the slide and frame.

  • I like the Grips on the KWA M226-LE, more ergonomic and comfortable.

  • Fit and overall quality feels just a little bit better on the KWA M226-LE.

  • I like the look of the flush green gas magazine on the KWA M226-LE.

  • I like the additional power the CO2 Magazine will give the KJWorks KJ1060.

  • I like that the KJWorks KJ1060 doe snot have an orange tip.

  • I like the the KJWorks KJ1060 comes with a speed loader.

What I dislike about each gun:

  • I don’t like that either gun doe snot have adjustable sights.

  • I don’t like the orange tip on the KWA M226-LE.

  • I don’t like the way the extended CO2 mag looks on the KJWorks KJ1060

No matter which of these two awesome Sig Sauer P226 Airsoft Pistols you may choose, you are going to love it. I am a big Sig Sauer fan and so it makes sense for me to own something like this so I can shoot it any time I want without having to go to the actual gun range and spend a boat load of money firing off real 9mm ammo. You really do get a very realistic experience shooting these ultra realistic Airsoft Pistols. They are the same size and weight, all the controls work the same, the triggers have the same weigth and feel to them, the blowback action simulates the recoil. The only difference is the cost to shoot, less recoil feel obviously and the fact that most people can shoot them safely and quality in the privacy of their own back yards.

My Table Top  Comparison Review of the KWA M226-LE & KJWorks KJ1060 Sig Sauer P226 Airsoft Pistols:

Categories: 6mm, Airsoft, Blowback, CO2, Comparison, Gas, GBB, Pistol, Review, Semi Auto, YouTube Video Tags: KWA, KJWorks, Sig Sauer P226, KWA M226-LE, KJWorks KJ1060

KWA LM4 RIS PTR and KR7 Full Metal GBB Airsoft Rifle Field Test Review

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If you haven’t already watched my Table Top Review Video for the KWA LM4 RIS PTR and LM4 KR7 Full Metal GBB Airsoft Rifles then make sure to do so for Specifications, Pros & Cons and close up video of both the KWA LM4 RIS PTR and KR7 Full Metal GBB Airsoft Rifles.

In this Field Test Shooting Review I only test out the KWA LM4 RIS PTR GBB Airsoft Rifle since both the RIS and KR7 are virtually identical in terms of their build and internal components, the KR7 has a a slightly shorter barrel but both KWA Airsoft AR M4 Rifles should perform very similarly.

To begin this Field Test Shooting Review of the KWA LM4 RIS PTR GBB Airsoft Rifle I first place 5 shots through my Chronograph using .20 gram plastic Airsoft BB’s and a full mag filled with propane gas. The rounds varied anywhere from around 330-360 fps but averaged a nice 345 fps which is perfect for most Airsoft games.

Next I placed a fresh paper target 30 feet away in my Indoor Sea Can Airgun Range. I then proceeded to shoot 10 shots in semi auto to see how accurate the KWA LM4 RIS PTR GBB Airsoft Rifle would perform for me. I am not a big fan of the aperture or peep sights found on most AR rifles, sure they work well for quick target acquisition but in terms of accuracy at least for me I find them hard to look through. Even so I was able to get about a 4 inch grouping with the KWA LM4 RIS PTR GBB Airsoft Rifle. I am pretty sure I could tighten this up with some more practice using these types of sights so user influence was involved here.

Of course I also had to place the KWA LM4 RIS PTR GBB Airsoft Rifle in Full Auto mode and do first a mag dump of the remaining 25 rounds and then I switched up the magazine for a fresh 40 rounder and did some shorter bursts again followed by a mag dump. The KWA LM4 RIS PTR GBB Airsoft Rifle performed flawlessly even in this somewhat cooler environment (17 degrees Celsius - 62 degrees Fahrenheit).

the KWA LM4 RIS PTR and LM4 KR7 Full Metal GBB Airsoft Rifles are fantastic performers, it’s hard to find consistent Gas Blowback Full Auto guns that can truly get through an entire mag without some sort of major cool down effecting their performance. In my testing even at the end of a full auto magazine the cycle rate was still high and there was no problem at all getting all 40 rounds out. If you want one of the highest quality and best performing Gas Blowback AR M4 styled Airsoft rifles then look no further!

Categories: 6mm, Airsoft, Blowback, Field Test, Full Auto, Gas, GBB, Review, Rifle, Semi Auto, YouTube Video Tags: KWA, LM4 PTR RIS, LM4 PTR KR7, M4 Carbine

KWA LM4 RIS PTR and KR7 Full Metal GBB Airsoft Rifle Table Top Review

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Type: Airsoft Rifle (AR).
Manufacturer: KWA.
Model: LM4 RIS PTR & LM4 KR7 PTR
Materials: Metal & plastic.
Weight: 6.4 & 5.6 pounds.
Barrel: Type 3 hop-up.
Propulsion: GBB - Gas Blowback.
Action: Semi-full auto selectable SAO.
Ammunition Type: Airsoft 6mm Plastic BB's.
Ammunition Capacity: 40 rounds.
FPS: 330+.

Trigger Pull: The trigger pull on the KWA LM4 RIS PTR and KWA LM4 KR7 PTR Full Metal GBB Airsoft Rifles is exactly what you would expect on an AR style rifle. You are required to pull the charging handle back for the first shot which draws the bolt back and chambers a round. The Single action trigger has very little take up and a light crisp release. Of course if you select full auto mode all you need to do is hold down the trigger until the magazine is empty!

Accuracy: So far I have not field tested either the KWA LM4 RIS PTR and KWA LM4 KR7 PTR Full Metal GBB Airsoft Rifles but I did throw some green gas in one of the mags and fires off a bunch of semi and full auto shots in my Sea Can Airgun shooting range. You can expect a ton of felt blowback recoil and both semi and full auto modes performed perfectly for me with no problems unloading a full 40 rounds magazine and no slow down in the blowback action.

Build Quality: The KWA LM4 RIS PTR and KWA LM4 KR7 PTR Full Metal GBB Airsoft Rifles are about as good as it gets in terms of build quality. They both have pretty much the same aluminum metal receivers and reenforced steal bolts. Fit and finishes is excellent everything just looks and feels great on these high end KWA Airsoft rifles.

Realism: The PTR in the name stands for “Professional Training Rifle” and the KWA LM4 RIS PTR and KWA LM4 KR7 PTR Full Metal GBB Airsoft Rifles not only look the part but operate as close as you are going to get to the real steal version in an Airsoft rifle. You can even interchange the stock, grips, trigger guard with MilSPec components and the same goes for the rails, all MilSpec ready. I want to mention the blowback recoil again because it is truly awesome on these rifles!

Available at the: Canada Replica Airguns StoreUS Replica Airguns Store


  • KWA brands is one of the best out there.

  • Super heavy blowback action really bucks.

  • Really well built mostly aluminum and steel components.

  • Fully customizable MilSpec design throughout.

  • Amazingly realistic perfect for training.

  • Gas Magazine performs really well easily getting through the 40 rounds.

  • Type 3 Hop-up for extended range shooting.

  • Fully Field Strippable.


  • GBB system has more limitation compared to an AEG, less rounds, not goof in cold weather.

  • Not the cheapest Airsoft rifles out there but worth every penny.

  • Hard to keep in stock.


I know most go-to Airsoft rifles for game play are going to be an AEG since they are going to have a lot more rounds per mag and more consistent performance over a Gas Blowback Airsoft rifle. That said the KWA LM4 RIS PTR and KWA LM4 KR7 PTR Full Metal GBB Airsoft Rifles really make you want to reconsider this choice and try and figure out if perhaps you could use a Gas Blowback Airsoft Rifle on the field? Sure you will need a lot of extra magazines but man is it ever fun feeling that blowback action on your shoulder and experiencing a more true to life experience shooting the KWA LM4 RIS PTR and KWA LM4 KR7 PTR Full Metal GBB Airsoft Rifles. If you want the most realistic training Airsoft rifles then it would be hard to find a better option out there.

Categories: 6mm, Airsoft, Blowback, Comparison, Full Auto, Gas, GBB, Review, Rifle, Semi Auto, YouTube Video Tags: KWA, LM4 PTR RIS, LM4 PTR KR7

KWC Mini UZI Most Commonly Asked Questions

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There has been some confusion when it comes to the KWC made Mini UZI regarding semi and full auto abilities and also when it comes to build materials. But before we get into that if you have one of these Mini UZI Blowback BB or Airsoft guns then most likely yours is made by KWC even if it was distributed through RWS, Umarex, Gletcher, Cybergun or some other company. When it comes to the build materials used they are all made by KWC so they are all built the same with plastic and metal in the same places.

Let’s first talk about why some of these Mini UZI’s only come in semi auto with the Full auto selection not available out of the box. This is most likely because in some countries a full auto BB and/or Airsoft gun can be illegal so to play it safe many airguns that are originally made to shoot in both semi and full auto are modified to only shoot full auto. This is the case with most of the companies that redistribute the KWC Mini UZI under their own brand name. That said if you buy the KWC Mini UZI in either 4.5.mm Steel BB or 6mm Plastic Airsoft from our Replica Airguns Canada or US Online Stores, you will be getting a full auto ready out of the box airgun!

If your MINI UZI Airgun is not full auto ready then checkout my Full Auto Mod Video but make sure before you do this modification it is legal in your country to do so or you could be looking at jail time :(

When it comes to build materials the KWC Mini UZI is often described on websites as being full metal which is close but not entirely true. It is accepted that most full metal airguns will have plastic grips but the KWC Mini UZI also has a plastic shroud around the main receiver that is am all in one piece that makes o=up the front and back sights. This might lead you to think that the gun is mainly plastic which is far from the case since all other parts like the receiver block, bolt, top plate, barrel, rear stock, trigger and magazine are metal. This give the KWC Mini UZI its sold 4.8 pound weight. The heavy metal internal bolt really makes this blowback airgun rock when you shoot it simulating very close recoil action to a 22LR. The KWC Mini UZI for sure has the most blowback recoil out there.

If you are looking for the most bad ass and action packed full auto BB or Airsoft Gun then I would highly suggest you consider getting one of these KWC Mini UZI’s. Just be sure to have lots of CO2 and BB’s on hand because you will go through both like crazy…

Categories: 6mm, 4.5mm / .177 cal, Airsoft, BB, Blowback, CO2, Comparison, Full Auto, Modification, Pistol, Review, Semi Auto, YouTube Video Tags: KWC, Mini UZI, UZI, Cybergun, Umarex, Gletcher

Testing the DJI Spark While Shooting Some Airguns

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This test of the DJI Spark Mini Drone was to make sure I could use it in the way I intended for it when I am outdoors and want to get that nice higher up flowing camera angel you can only get form a drone.. The method I use in this video doesn't even require a remote control or smartphone and I can have it take off right out of my hand.

I then use hand gestures to control the DJI Spark Drone to do things like: Place the drone in the right starting location, make the DJI Spark start recording video, have the Spark zoom up and out from me for an "eye in the sky" aerial follow me mode and then of course when I am finished what I want it to record have the DJI Sparkreturn to me and land again on my hand. Again all of this without even taking the remote out of the box or even using a smartphone to control the DJI Spark Mini Drone!

Watch me test out the DJI Spark Mini Drone in my backyard while I shoot some of my Airguns at miscellaneous targets while I walk around and have the DJI Spark follow me while recording video.

Categories: 4.5mm / .177 cal, 6mm, Airsoft, BB, Blowback, CO2, Field Test, Full Auto Fun, Full Auto, GBB, Pistol, Review, Rifle, Semi Auto, YouTube Video Tags: DJI Spark, Drone, Crosman Remington DPMS SBR, Glock 19, Umarex Glock, Umarex, Crosman, KWA, KWA M226-LE

Another Update Video this Week - What's Going On?

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Some more stuff came in and I just had to show it off before moving on with the reviews. I know you're going to like it so here we go again...

First off the super anticipate Umarex Glock 19 CO2 BB Pistol has arrived and is now available in our Canada and US online Replica Airgun Stores so get yours while we still have them, if we still have them? No this version is not a blowback or even working slide version and yes it has the dreaded stick mag! That all said the Umarex Glock 19 CO2 BB Pistol feels really solid and well made and heck it's the first licensed Airgun Glock ever so it's a good start. Umarex has said that more elaborate blowback versions will be coming out down the road. There are full blowback Airsoft version licensed by Umarex but the FPS is too slow right now for us to import them into Canada, hopefully there is a fix for this at some point...

I have been waiting at least three months now for my AW Custom AG-HX2003 Double Stack Tactical 1911 Full Blowback CO2 BB Pistol to show up. Canada Customs got their hands on it and felt it needed to be processed for three months before delivering it to me. at least I did end up getting it without a fight!

AW Custom is primarily an Airsoft gun manufacturer but is moving into the 4.5mm Steel BB market and has a few 4.5mm Steel BB offerings which have interchangeable parts with their Airsoft guns if you need them. I will making a Table Top and Field Test Sooting Video for the AW Custom AG-HX2003 Double Stack Tactical 1911 Full Blowback CO2 BB Pistol, my list is getting pretty huge now but I am excited I have all these new products to review for everyone!

Last on my Update list is a rather pricey one but not something I have ever revised on this channel, It's the Umarex T4E HK416 .43 caliber Paintball M4/AR Rifle made specifically for m military and police training. This gun is super realistic with similar working parts to its real steel counterpart. Check the Umarex T4E HK416 .43 caliber Paintball M4/AR Rifle in our Canada and US Online Stores.

Categories: .43 cal, 4.5mm / .177 cal, Airgun News, BB, CO2, Blowback, Pistol, Review, Replica Airguns News, Rifle, Semi Auto, YouTube Video, Paintball Tags: Umarex, Umarex Glock, Glock 19, Glock, M4 Carbine, T4E HK416, AW Custom, AG-HX2003

You Are Going to Want to Watch This Update Video!

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In this video I have some really cool stuff to show you guys, many items I have been waiting to get my hands on for some time now...

Right off the bat I need to let you all know I got my Crosman DPMS SBR CO2 Blowback 4.5mm BB M4/AR Full Auto Airgun and it is simply awesome! It's really everything we have all been asking for, A full scale M4 Replica with Blowback operation and semi and full auto, with quality material throughout and realistic working parts. You can even split the Crosman DPMS SBR CO2 Blowback 4.5mm BB M4/AR Full Auto Airgun into its upper and lower sections for cleaning and possible BB jams. Look forward to several upcoming videos featuring the Crosman DPMS SBR CO2 Blowback 4.5mm BB M4/AR Full Auto Airgun.

Next up in this weeks news is... Can you believe it, after two years I now have my hands on a Gletcher M1944 Mosin Nagant, not the short stock and short barreled M1891 Sawn Off Version but the full size rifle version complete with working metal bayonet :) I love it when I first saw it at SHOT Show over two years ago and still love it today. I expect it to shoot similarly to the M1891 Sawn Off M1891 Version I already reviewed a few times but with perhaps more power and a bit better accuracy?

KWA Logo Performance Industries.png

Some other very cool news, we are now selling KWA Airsoft Guns, I have been a big fan of KWA for a long time and enjoy visiting their booth at SHOT Show, they have excellent high quality detailed Airsoft guns and carry a great combination of Blowback and AEG Airsoft Guns. Once I get through my Crosman and Gletcher reviews I will focus on showcasing the new KWA lineup we are selling.

Categories: 4.5mm / .177 cal, 6mm, AEG, Airgun News, Airsoft, Airsoft News, BB, Blowback, CO2, Full Auto, GBB, Pistol, Replica Airguns News, Review, Rifle, Semi Auto, YouTube Video Tags: Crosman, Crosman Remington DPMS SBR, KWA, Gletcher, Mosin Nagant, M1944

KWC CQBP M45 A1 CO2 Airsoft Pistol Field Test Review

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Another Field Test Shooting video coming to you this week from the Replica Airgun Sea Can Indoor Airgun Range! Today I test out the KWC CQBP M45 A1 CO2 Airsoft Pistol to see what kind of real world velocity it gets and how accurate it is shooting a rapper target form about 30 feet away.

Starting with my Chronograph velocity results, the KWC CQBP M45 A1 CO2 Airsoft Pistol is really powerful! It shot right up to and just over 500 fps using a brand new CO2 with .20 gram Plastic Airsoft BB's. The temperature was decent right around the mid 20's Celsius which is not too hot or too cold.The actual 5 shot average was 497 fps with the fastest shot hitting 503 fps and the slowest hitting 492 fps so all pretty close in velocity.

Next I placed 10 rounds down range at my paper target using a rested seated shooting position (Sand bag up front and seated on chair in the back). I did find the KWC CQBP M45 A1 CO2 Airsoft Pistol shot a bit high but windage was well centered. My 10 shot grouping produced about 1.5 inch fairly tight group with one outlier that came out a bit.

Overall the KWC CQBP M45 A1 CO2 Airsoft Pistol is a pretty well rounded Airsoft 1911, it's mostly metal with good weight, has lots of power, maybe even too much for anything close range, produced some decent accuracy and it isn't going to set you back too much at the end of the day. Just be aware that because it is a none blowback pistol it does only shoot in double action which is not typical of most 1911 pistols.

Categories: 6mm, Airsoft, CO2, Field Test, Pistol, Review, Semi Auto, YouTube Video Tags: KWC, CQBP 45 A1, Colt M45 CQBP

Gletcher TT-A Tokarev CO2 Blowback Airsoft Pistol Field Test Review

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I have already done a Field Test Shooting Video Review for the 4.5mm Steel BB version of the Gletcher TT-A Tokarev, and even Table Top Reviews for both Airsoft and Steel BB but so far I have not made a Field Test Shooting Review so I thought why not finish up the series...

Let's keep it short and simple and get right to my results. My five shot Chronic Testing to find out the real world velocity for the Gletcher TT-A Tokarev CO2 Blowback Airsoft Pistol shooting 5 rounds of .20 gram plastic Airsoft BB's with a brand new CO2 resulted in an average of 434 fps, not bad at all for a Blowback Airsoft Pistol!

For some reason I thought the Gletcher TT-A Tokarev CO2 Blowback Airsoft Pistol was shooting high so I originally time my first 10 shots at the bottom ring on my paper target and pretty much missed the target with every shot. My second go around aiming dead center on the target setup 30 feet away was much better resulting in 9 out of the 10 shots hitting all within about 3 inches of each other pretty well centered but just a tad bit low. Respectable for sure!

The Gletcher TT-A Tokarev CO2 Blowback Airsoft Pistol blowback is fairly heavy and it also has a fair mount of power for a CO2 Blowback Airsoft Pistol so you may want to use it more in an outdoor setting where you are not so close up and personal. The double action trigger is a little bit heavy but not bad and easy enough to get shots off quickly. Not a bad pistol overall and worth considering.

Categories: 6mm, Airsoft, Blowback, CO2, Field Test, Pistol, Review, Semi Auto, YouTube Video Tags: Gletcher, TT-A, TT

KWC M40 Extended Barrel CO2 Blowback Airsoft Pistol Field Test Review

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In this Field Test Shooting Review I put the KWC M40 Extended Barrel CO2 Blowback Airsoft Pistol through my typical Sea Can shooting tests to see what the real world velocity and accuracy are. I made sure i had a brand new 12 gram CO2 in the gun and I used .20 gram plastic Airsoft BB's for the entire test. The temperature was around 17 degrees Celsius which is not too hot or too cold.

Starting with my Chronograph Feet Per Second testing I placed 5 shots with my KWC M40 Extended Barrel CO2 Blowback Airsoft Pistol through my Chrony Chronograph and averaged a nice 397 fps, the fastest shot was 408 fps and the slowest was 387 fps.

Moving on to the accuracy portion this indoor Sea Can Field Test I setup a clean paper target 30 feet down range and placed 10 shots into it using a rested and seated shooting position. The grouping was a bit all over the place but the bulk of the roods did hit pretty close to the center of the target in about a 3-4 inch grouping. 2 of the shots did go a bit high on me. I feel that perhaps because of the higher velocity that heavier Airsoft BB's may perform better in the KWC M40 Extended Barrel CO2 Blowback Airsoft Pistol.

All in all the KWC M40 Extended Barrel CO2 Blowback Airsoft Pistol is a nice shooter with heavy blowback and a light Single Action Only Trigger. The high velocity woful make it a great out doors Airsoft Sidearm.

Categories: 6mm, Airsoft, Blowback, CO2, Field Test, Pistol, Review, Semi Auto, YouTube Video Tags: KWC, S&W M&P40, M40

Umarex Strike Point - KWC M40 - Cybergun Kalashnikov AK47 Preview Video

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Some more Airguns to show everyone! Today I have three very different styles for you... In this Preview video I show off a Multi-pump Pellet Target Pistol, a CO2 Blowback Airsoft Pistol and an AEG AK47 Kalashnikov with all the bells and whistles!

First off is the Strike Point Multi-pump .22 Caliber Target Pellet Pistol from Umarex. It's kind of like the Crosman 1322 Pistol but with more plastic parts on the outside so it's a little bit more bulky than the Crosman. Other than that both Multi-pump Target Air Pistols share similar bolt actions, cross bolt safeties and adjustable rear sights. With 10 pumps you shoudl get around 465 fps form a standard .22 caliber lead pellet so the Umarex Strike Point Multi-pump .22 Caliber Target Pellet Pistol should even be OK for small pest control as long as it proves to be accurate.

I previously reviewed the KWC M40 in it's standard barrel length, the KWC M&P 40 Extended Barrel Airsoft Pistol is pretty much the same Airsoft pistol but with an extended slide and barrel along with higher sights and a vented slide. I also like the stainless steel barrel which give the KWC M&P 40 Extended Barrel Airsoft Pistol a nice tow tone look.

Lastly I take a look at a full featured AEG Kalashnikov Tactical AK47 Airsoft Rifle that comes with everything you are going to need including the battery, charger, two 550 round magazines and an included fore-grip. The AK47 Kalashnikov Tactical 60Th Ann. Airsoft Rifle feels really good in the hands with its near 7 pounds of weight. I look forward to giving this AEG Airsoft rifle a test run for sure!

Categories: .22 cal, 6mm, AEG, Airsoft, Blowback, CO2, Comparison, Full Auto, Multi-pump, Pellet, Pistol, Review, Rifle, Semi Auto, YouTube Video Tags: Kalashnikov AK47, Cybergun, Umarex, KWC, S&W M&P40, Strike Point

Which is Better - Plastic or Metal Airguns?

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We often think that something that is more expensive and perhaps built with what we consider to be better materials is going to be the best option. That's not always the case! In this Vimeo Video I talk about some of the Pros and Cons to buying a Plastic Airgun versus a Metal Airgun. Of course this applies to BB, Airsoft and Pellet shooters.

In most cases a Plastic Airgun is going to be less expensive, so if you have limited funds then your only option may be a Plastic Airgun and at the end of the day both airguns are going to probably get the job done much the same.

Generally speaking, most Metal Airguns are going to have more moving parts, often times with working slides and even blowback operation. This is not always the case but even a Metal Airgun that has few working parts will still feel more realistic simply because of the additional weight to the Airgun. Metal has that cold hard feel to it that makes you feel like you're holing something of substance. Plastic Airguns on the other hand can feel light and cheap and usually are very simple in design with less working parts.

Shooting an Airgun with blowback operation simulates the recoil action and in many cases allows for true single action operation of the trigger and hammer. This is going to feel a lot more realistic than shooting a non-blowback Airgun which again is generally what you get with Plastic Airguns.

Most people assume that because an Airgun is Meta, it is going to be stronger and more durable. This would be true if the Metal used in the Airgun was actually hardened steel but with almost Metal Airguns, they are made using a zinc alloy metal (Pot Metal) that is much softer then hardened steel and can wear and break a lot easier. When you also consider a Metal Airgun is going to be a lot heavier than a Plastic Airgun, a drop onto a hard surface will have a lot more impact which can cause breakage a to a heavy Metal Airgun versus a Plastic light weight Airgun.

Plastic surfaces are also a lot less prone to showing scratches since the Plastic material will usually be black all the way through versus a Metal Airgun that has a painted surface that when scratched hard enough will show through right to the bare metal. You also get wear marks on painted Metal Airguns that will make it look used and older, some people like this look but other do not.

Again people are going to assume a Metal Airgun is going to be more reliable simply because it has more metal parts and metal parts are stronger right? Not the case if the parts are made out of zinc alloy. Now some companies will upgrade some high use parts in Airguns to hardened steel but it's hard to know for sure. You can use a magnet to determine what parts are Metal and what parts are hardened steel.

As we mentioned before, Plastic Airguns are generally pretty simple in design, less working parts means less to go wrong at the end of the day so just because you have a Plastic Airgun it doesn't mean it's going to break on you quickly. Actually it may even outlast your Metal Airgun since all those working parts will eventually wear out.

Now I am the first person to admit that I prefer Metal Airgun over Plastic Airguns, I don't mind spending the extra money for more realism and I'm willing to accept the fact that it's not going to last forever but the fact remains, a Plastic Airgun does have some advantages going for it so don't rule them out completely.

Categories: 4.5mm / .177 cal, 6mm, AEG, Airsoft, BB, Blowback, CO2, Comparison, Full Auto, Pellet, Pistol, Q&A Video, Revolver, Rifle, Semi Auto, Single Shot, YouTube Video Tags:

The Best Way to Hold Your Airgun

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I made a similar video about how to hold your airgun a while back but sometimes they get a bit buried in all the video I make. I feel it's really important how you grip your gun even if it's only an airgun with very little kick or recoil. Proper pistol grip is something you should use no matter what so that you can carry it forward to what ever gun you are shooting.

More kick or recoil means a firmer grip is required to hold the gun so when shooting a powder burner with lots of kick grip becomes even more important.

In this video I go over the proper two handed grip to use when holding a pistol, which hand to hold lose and which had to grip tight, how to overlap your fingers and thumbs.

Categories: Airsoft, BB, Break Barrel, CO2, Blowback, How To, Non Airguns, Paintball, Pellet, Pistol, Real Gun, YouTube Video Tags:

Gletcher TT-A Tokarev CO2 Blowback Airsoft Pistol Table Top Review

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Type: Airsoft Pistol.
Manufacturer: Gletcher.
Model: TT-A (Replica of Tokarev).
Materials: Metal & plastic.
Weight: 1.37 pounds (620 grams).
Barrel: 4.5 inches, smooth bore.
Propulsion: 12 gram CO2.
Action: Blowback - single action only.
Ammunition Type: 6mm Airsoft BB's.
Ammunition Capacity: 13 rounds.
FPS: 263fps. (80m/s) Claimed?

Trigger Pull: The trigger pull on the Gletcher TT-A CO2 Airsoft Tokarev is single action only, the blowback action cocks the hammer after each shot but you will need to either draw the hammer back or rack the slide on the first shot. I did find the the SAO trigger to be rather heavy for a single action type trigger? Perhaps it will loosen up a bit over time? The take-up is kind of long since there is no real reset that takes place after the hammer is drawn back. The release point is sudden but does take some effort to release the trigger.

Accuracy: So far I have only Field Tested the 4.5mm Steel BB version and of dun it shot in the upper 300 fps range with a pretty decent accuracy shooting a 10 shot group form 30 feet back all within 1.5 inches. Hopefully the Airsoft version can produce similar results...

Build Quality: The Gletcher TT-A CO2 Airsoft Tokarev is really nicely made overall, pretty much the entire pistol is metal except for the grips which are plastic of course. The finish looks really nice and the fit is good, not a lot of slide wiggle and all the mechanical parts function smoothly with the exception of the rather strange two piece trigger design. You really need to watch my video to see what I mean here!

Realism: I am lucky enough to own a Tokarev type semi auto real steel pistol and looking at the two of them side by side they look very much the same. Of course my Norinco Tokarev (Type 54) Model 213 is made out of hardened weapons grade steel and so it is heavier but the Gletcher TT-A CO2 Airsoft Tokarev does feel solid in the hand with it's all metal design. The working slide catch, magazine release and hammer are all in the right places and function as they should. Gletcher even made sure to have a recessed barrel and hidden CO2 screw which adds to the realism. The only real giveaways are again that rather strange looking single action trigger and the two pins near the lower front of the slide. Not a deal breaker!. I do have to mention the way the safety was implemented on this Gletcher TT-A CO2 Airsoft Tokarev, Gletcher placed it just inside the Slide Stop Retainer Clip in a kind of unobtrusive location.


  • One of the only 6mm Airsoft BB shooting Tokarev replicas I have come across so far

  • Very solid and weighty gun for it’s size. Mostly all metal.

  • CO2 is well hidden.

  • 13 round all metal stick magazine once installed looks full size.

  • Blowback operation, slide locks back on last round.

  • Did a good job of making the safety discreet.

  • The Tokarev reminds me of a smaller more compact 1911 which is another gun I like.


  • SAO trigger is rather heavy.

  • Trigger looks a bit funky compared to a real Tokarev trigger.

  • Would have liked to have seen a full size drop out metal magazine on this gun.


So far I have liked all the Gletcher guns that I have come across, it's great that Gletcher offers a lot of unique guns from the past, for me the Tokarev is near and dear to my heart since it is very 1911 like and I truly love the 1911 design. It only makes sense that I would own not only a real steel 1911 but also the Russian Tokarev. I'm not really sure how the Gletcher TT-A CO2 Airsoft Tokarev is going to perform using the chronograph and during my paper target testing from 30 feet out but I am popgun ti will shoot a bit harder than  the claimed 263fps and if it can get similar accuracy as the 4.5mm steel BB version that will be great!

My Vimeo Table Top Video of the Gletcher TT-A Tokarev CO2 Airsoft Pistol:

Gletcher TT-A Tokarev Left Side 150.jpg
Categories: 6mm, Airsoft, Blowback, CO2, Comparison, Pistol, Review, Semi Auto, YouTube Video Tags: TT-A, TT, Gletcher

Cybergun Colt 1911 Rail Gun Series CO2 Blowback Airsoft Pistol Shooting Review

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It seems like I am forever reviewing some version of the KWC CO2 Blowback 1911 either in Airsoft or Steel BB or distributed by Cybergun or Gletcher or Umarex or pretty much every company out there has their own rebrand of it. At the end of the day they are all made in the KWC factory and are all interchangeable, you can even swap out the Airsoft parts with the steel BB part if you want to...

So here we have the Cybergun Colt 1911 Rail Gun Series in Airsoft which I believe comes in 4 different finishes: Stainless, All Black, Two-Tone and Dark Earth. They are all Tactical 1911's with a rail on them. They just come in different finishes.

So how did we do in our See Can indoor Airgun Shooting test? As expected the Cybergun Colt 1911 Rail Gun Series CO2 Blowback Airsoft Pistol performed well. I placed 5 shots through my Chrony Chronograph using a brand new CO2 with .20 gram Airsoft BB's and averaged 373 fps which is about perfect for a full blowback CO2 Airsoft Pistol. If you're wondering the temperature was moderate at 16 Celsius or 61 Fahrenheit.

Next I placed 10 rounds downrange into my paper target 30 feet away using a rested position) Sand bag up front and sitting in the rear). My Cybergun Colt 1911 Rail Gun Series CO2 Blowback Airsoft Pistol was shooting a bit on the high side but the adjustable Bax Hop-up should allow for us to bring it down accordingly, that said my 10 shot grouping was just under 2 inches at 30 feet.

Even though I find myself reviewing or testing the various versions of the KWC 1911's. I don't really have a problem with it. They have been one of the most popular Blowback Airguns if not thee most popular and for a reason. They look and feel great, are reasonably priced, they perform well and have gotten more and more reliable over the years. All you ahed to do is pick which one of the Cybergun Colt 1911 Rail Gun Series CO2 Blowback Airsoft Pistols you want?

Categories: 6mm, Airsoft, Blowback, CO2, Field Test, Pistol, Review, Semi Auto, YouTube Video Tags: KWC, Cybergun

Cybergun Sig Sauer SP2022 Sportline CO2 Airsoft Pistol Shooting Review

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First off let's get the fact that the Cybergun Sig Sauer SP2022 Sportline CO2 Airsoft Pistol is not going to win any awards for true to scale weight and materials used in its production. This Airsoft pistol is virtually all plastic with the exception of some internal metal parts. It weighs next to nothing but that could actually be a good thing if you don't want a heavy sidearm dragging you down on the field. Once you are all geared up with your primary weapon and all it's extra magazines and what not. And of course you are probably covered head to toe in some sort of tactical uniform, why drag yourself down even more with a heavy sidearm and all it's heavy backup magazines? Just a thought!

What's really important is how does the Cybergun Sig Sauer SP2022 Sportline CO2 Airsoft Pistol actually perform? Well really good for an inexpensive pistol and since there is no blowback operation you are going to get a lot more shots per CO2 and higher fps.

In terms of power, being non-blowback did seem to help out the Cybergun Sig Sauer SP2022 Sportline CO2 Airsoft Pistol. I got an average of 390 fps shooting 6 shots through my Chrony Chronograph. I was using .20 gram plastic Airsoft BB's with a brand new CO2 cartridge. The temperature was around 16-17 degrees Celsius which is around 62 degree Fahrenheit.

Next up I placed 10 rounds into my paper target setup 30 feet down range. From my seated and rested position I was able to get about a 2 inch grouping and all the shots where fairly well centered, just a tad to the left. This is good considering most lower priced Airsoft pistols are not going to have adjustable sights which is the same with the Cybergun Sig Sauer SP2022 Sportline CO2 Airsoft Pistol.

Being that the Cybergun Cybergun Sig Sauer SP2022 Sportline CO2 Airsoft Pistol is non-blowback, it only shoots in double action only but I found the trigger to be really good. It's nice and light, not too long and even good for rapid fire shooting! You just need to learn the break point if you want to slow it down and go for accuracy. Overall I think the Cybergun Sig Sauer SP2022 Sportline CO2 Airsoft Pistol is a nice under the radar kind of Airsoft pistol and if you are looking for a light weight inexpensive backup gun then the Cybergun Sig Sauer SP2022 Sportline CO2 Airsoft Pistol would be a good option.

Categories: 6mm, Airsoft, CO2, Field Test, Pistol, Review, Semi Auto, YouTube Video Tags: Sig Sauer SP2022, Cybergun, KWC