Entries in AEG,Revolver

SHOT Show Vegas 2014 G&G Booth


We carry a lot of the G&G line and perhaps have as much in stock as you would find at the G& G booth ;) I did see a few items we do not have in stock so I will have to see what I can do about that. Some products that I hope to see added to our Canada Replica Airguns Store would for sure be the M1 Grand and our Canadian Military Colt C7A1/2.

Categories: 6mm, AEG, Airsoft, Airsoft News, Blowback, CO2, Full Auto, GBB, Pistol, Revolver, Rifle, Semi Auto Tags: Colt C7A1, G&G, M1 Grand, SHOT Show

SHOT Show Vegas 2014 ASG Booth


I also visited my friends at the ASG booth but for some reason I did not get a photo  of their booth? I do have some video walk through stuff I will show you in my YouTube Video coverage of this years Vegas SHOT Show. Most importantly I have lots of gun photos so let's take a look at them...

One of my favorite ASG pistols is the Bersa BP9CC, I have already reviewed it and I just really like how this gun looks and holds, ASG took it one step further this year by adding a two-tone silver version and I have to say it looks awesome in person, my photos do not do it justice at all :(

A new handgun to the ASG blowback pistol series is the CZ P-09 Duty Pellet pistol. Basically it shares similar mechanics to the Umarex PX4 and Gamo PT-85 using the double sided rotary pellet magazine with 8 shots located on each end of the stick magazine. The ASG CZ P-09 Duty features a metal slide, working hammer and safety.

Another pellets pistol that should be very familiar to most of you is the new .177 caliber pellet shooting Dan Wesson in 6 inch silver and 8 inch black versions. ASG added a rifled barrel and redesigned solid brass shells that hold pellets instead of 4.5mm Steel BB's. Expect to take a little bit longer to reload the pellets as unscrewing the tip of each shell is required to place a .177 caliber pellet in each bullet tip.

Of course ASG has tons of licensed pistols to choose from, many on both 4.5mm Steel BB and 6mm Plastic Airsoft!

One new rifle that stood out to me was the ASG CZ Scorpion EVO 3 A1 AEG Airsoft Rifle, the Scorpion features an intelligent AEG system that detects when there may be a potential feeding problem and also when the magazine is out of ammo.

Categories: 4.5mm / .177 cal, 6mm, AEG, Airgun News, Airsoft, Airsoft News, BB, Blowback, CO2, Full Auto, Pellet, Pistol, Revolver, Semi Auto Tags: ASG, Bersa, CZ P-09 Duty Pellet, CZ Scorpion EVO 3 A1, Dan Wesson Pellet, SHOT Show

Shot Show Vegas 2014 Umarex Booth


Umarex had a lot of new products this year so I thought I would start off showing you some of them. I will be following this post up with a full 2014 Vegas SHOT Show video once I finish posting some of my photos and comments on the show events.

Here is a photo of the main Umarex Booth.

I have always liked the 4.5mm BB version of the Umarex Makarov, Umarex now has the Makarov Ultra version that features blowback, a working slide catch and full size drop out magazine, looking forward to testing this one out!

Another kind of new addition to the 4.5mm Steel BB lineup is the Umarex Beretta Model 84FS. It has been available overseas but is now coming to North America. The Umarex Beretta Model 84FS also features blowback and a full size drop out magazine.

I'm not sure if we needed another rebranded version of the KWC 1911 Blowback BB pistol, but we got one anyways! Umarex now has their own version of what looks to similar to the KWC Tac A1 but with Colt licensing. 

Umarex also made up a very limited edition and very weathered looking blowback BB shooting 1911 based on the KWC design called the Colt 1911 WWII Commemorative. I am not sure how many where made but I know there are not a lot of them... Hope I can get my hands on one...

Umarex came out with Smith & Wesson 327 TRR8 last year and this year they have added a similar styled 4.5mm Steel BB shooting revolver with removable shells but in a licensed Colt Python 357 version.

Last but not least and going back many years, Umarex is bringing out another Legends Series 4.5mm BB pistol. The German Mauser C96, I'm not 100% sure if it's blowback or not but it does seem to have a working action, the main pistol is made out of Polymer but it does have a full size drop out magazine and seems to have good weight overall. Most of the parts work like the original Mauser C96 including the adjustable rear sight and safeties.

Categories: Airgun News, BB, Blowback, CO2, Pellet, Pistol, Revolver, Semi Auto Tags: Beretta Model 84FS, Colt 1911 WWII Commemorative, Colt Commander, Colt Python 357, Makarov Ultra, Mauser C96, SHOT Show, Umarex

ASG Dan Wesson 8 inch Revolver vs Umarex S&W 327 TRR8 Head to Head Shootout

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This post is really all about watching the YouTube video and seeing how these two similar CO2 4.5mm Steel BB revolvers compare to each other. I was working with a new Chronograph since again it was really dark outside and my old Chronograph does not like darkness. I did get some usable Chrony results with the new one but I did have to work for it ;)

Make sure to checkout my other posts for my Dan Wesson revolvers and also the Umarex S&W 327 TRR8.

Watch the video below to see the Dan Wesson 8 inch 4.5mm Steel BB Revolver go head to head against the Umarex S&W 327 TRR8 in both a test of the feet per second performance and accuracy shooting at 30 feet using a semi rested position.

Categories: 4.5mm / .177 cal, BB, CO2, Field Test, Pistol, Review, Revolver, Semi Auto, YouTube Video Tags: ASG, Dan Wesson, S&W 327 TRR8, Umarex

Commonly Asked for Head to Head Gun Shootouts

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I get many question over on my Vimeo Channel, lots of times people asking me which gun is better and in most cases it really comes down to personal preference. But in some situations the comparisons are really close and to be honest it's even hard for me to decide which gun I think is better.

I get asked which one has higher fps, or is more accurate, or has harder blowback recoil... the list goes on. Without actually taking both gun outside and doing a head to head test using the same exact situations, I really can not honestly tell you! So that's exactly what I am going to do. Take some of the most commonly asked about gun comparisons and have a showdown.

Over the next while I will be making a total of five separate videos where I compare the following CO2 BB pistols head to head:

Make sure to come back and check out these upcoming head to head field test shooting videos!

Categories: 4.5mm / .177 cal, BB, Blowback, CO2, Comparison, Field Test, Full Auto, Pellet, Pistol, Review, Revolver, Semi Auto, YouTube Video Tags: ASG, Cybergun, Gamo, KWC, Umarex

My Airgun, Airsoft Gun and Blank Gun Collection Favorites for 2013


So it's 2014 but I still needed to make my 2013 Airgun, Airsoft Gun and Blank Gun Collection Favorites for 2013. It's become a tradition I guess you could say. No I do not show all the guns in my collection but I do cover most of my favorites and also some new guns I picked up in 2013.

Here's a peek but make sure to watch the YouTube video bellow where I go over all my top picks for 2013. You can also buy many of the guns I show in this YouTube video over in our Canada and US Replica Airguns Store!

2013 BB Pistols

2013 Pellet Pistols

2013 Airsoft Pistols

2013 Blank Pistols

2013 Rifles

Categories: .20 cal, .22 cal, .43 cal, 4.5mm / .177 cal, 6mm, 8mm, 9mm, Airsoft, BB, Blank Gun, Blowback, Bulk Air, CO2, Full Auto, GBB, Multi-pump, Paintball, Pellet, Pistol, Review, Revolver, Rifle, Semi Auto, Single Shot, Spring Piston, YouTube Video Tags:

ASG Dan Wesson 2.5 inch Gold - G&G G731 2.5 Airsoft Revolver Field Test Shooting Comparison

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Since both the Gold ASG Dan Wesson and the G&G G731 Airsoft Revolvers both have the 2.5 inch barrels on them and in many ways are very similar (at least mechanically), I thought I would not only do my Table Top Review but also my Field Test Shooting Review using both guns side by side so we can really get an idea of how they perform and compare.

As per usual, I test both pistols out on my Chronograph to see what kind of real world feet per second rating I get, since they are 6 shot Revolvers, I fired 6 single action rounds from each gun using .20 gram plastic Airsoft BB's and averaged out the string. Both guns shot a little bit over 400 fps with the Dan Wesson having just a bit of a higher fps over the G&G G731.

Next up was the accuracy test, I decided to setup at my 30 foot mark so that any accuracy differences would be more noticeable, again I shot 6 rounds from each gun while I used a semi rested position, (sand bag for a hand rest and standing in the back). This time I would have to give the slight edge to the G&G G731 as it seemed to shoot just a bit tighter grouping over my Dan Wesson Gold. Both guns shot pretty close to a 2 inch 6 shot group.

Both pistols have pretty decent single and double action triggers, there is a some noticeable friction when shooting in double action due to the way the barrel seals against the cylinder so you may want to shoot in single action when going for the most accurate of shooting.

When it comes to sight picture the Dan Wesson does have a fully adjustable rear sight but the G&G G731 gets the job done with it's simple yet effective grove sight which I kind of preferred with this style of short barreled revolver.

If you want more of that combat look with some Gold Bling than perhaps the Gold ASG Dan Wesson is the one for you? Perhaps you want something like the G&G G731, as compact and simple as it gets that you know you can count on as a backup ready sidearm. There isn't a bad choice here with either of these nice compact Airsoft Revolvers.

Categories: 6mm, Airsoft, CO2, Field Test, Pistol, Review, Revolver, Semi Auto, YouTube Video Tags: ASG, Dan Wesson, G&G, G731

ASG Dan Wesson 2.5 inch Gold - G&G G731 2.5 Airsoft Pistol Table Top Review Comparison

1 Comment

Type: Airsoft Revolvers.

Manufacturer: ASG - G&G

Model:Dan Wesson 2.5 inch Gold - G&G G731 2.5 inch Silver & Black

Materials: Mostly metal.

Weight: 1.87 pounds. (850 grams) - 1.65 pounds. (750 grams)

Barrel: Metal non-rifled.

Propulsion: CO2 x 1.

Action: Revolver, single and double action.

Ammunition Type: 6mm plastic Airsoft BB's.

Ammunition Capacity: 6 rounds.

FPS: 394.

Trigger Pull: Both of these pistols have about the same style of triggers, they both shoot in true revolvers style offering single and double action triggers. The double action has a bit of friction to it since the cylinder is being rotate during the first part of the trigger pull and there is a spring fed metal gasket between the barrel and the cylinder that creates a seal but does apply pressure and results in some friction and a heavier trigger pull in double action. Single action is much lighter on both guns.

Accuracy: This part of my testing has not been conducted to date, I will put a link in here when I have completed my Shooting Field Test review for the ASG Dan Wesson 2.5 inch Gold and G&G G731 2.5 inch Airsoft pistols. Even thought the claimed fps is around 400 for both guns I am expecting more like 350-375 fps. Accuracy should be decent at closer ranges but since there is no hop-up, neither gun would be good at longer ranges in my opinion.

Build Quality: These detailed revolver are really well built! Both are almost all metal with just a few components made out of plastic, like the handles on both guns and the CO2 screw tab on the Dan Wesson. Both revolvers grips gave me just a bit of concern, you will need to be careful when snapping in the grip on the G&G G731 and the Dan Wesson grips have been known to ware a bit with heavy use. The finish on both of these guns is amazing and while the Silver finish on the G&G looks just like polished stainless steel, the Gold finish on the Dan Wesson offers a very unique and customized finish not found on too many guns. And if you just want classic black then there is always the G&G G731 in standard black as an option.

Realism: The ASG Dan Wesson and G&G G731 revolvers are as close as you can get to real six shooters, all the parts work pretty much like a real revolver, the realistic loading of the metal shells not only make it feel like you are handling a real revolver but also finish off the look making it really hard to tell that both these pistols are in fact Airsoft Revolvers.

Purchased From: The Replica Airguns Store.


  • Revolver with actual brass shells giving you the feeling of a real 6 shooter!

  • Almost all metal design.

  • lots of detail in both revolvers, very well made, fit and finish is excellent.

  • Should have respectable power for a short barreled pistol.

  • Fully adjustable sight on the ASG Dan Wesson.

  • G&G G731 is super compact and flush, great out of the way back up side arm.

  • No Red Tip on the Canada version.


  • Plastic CO2 screw tab on the Dan Wesson (but is well hidden and protected).

  • A bit of concern with wearing and usage on the grips for both guns.

  • No adjustable sight on the G&G G731 but super clean looking.

  • Red tip on the US version :(


As with all of these shell loading revolvers, they are just so realistic and really fun to load up and shoot. You actually get a bit of time in-between shooting to take a breath and enjoy the entire experience rather than just unload round after round with some of the other super high round magazine guns. I love the compact size of both guns, perhaps the G&G G731 just a bit more with it's super clean edges and even smaller profile. But on the other hand the Dan Wesson ASG 2.5 inch has that more aggressive combat look if that is more to your liking! Either way, both guns make a great choice for an out of the way revolver styled side arm when you need that extra backup firepower!

My Vimeo Video Table Top Review for these compact realistic Airsoft Revolvers:

Categories: 6mm, Airsoft, CO2, Comparison, Pistol, Review, Revolver, Semi Auto, YouTube Video Tags: ASG, Dan Wesson, G&G, G731

Dan Wesson Gold 2.5 - G&G G731 - GS-801 Airsoft Update Video


This Update Video covers the Dan Wesson Gold 2.5 inch Revolver, the G&G G731 Revolvers in both Black and Silver, and the G&G GS-801. All of which use 12 gram CO2 cartridges and shoot 6mm plastic Airsoft BB's.

Dan Wesson Gold 2.5 inch Airsoft Revolver:

  • Length: 210 mm

  • Barrel length: 65 mm

  • Mag. Capacity: 6 rounds

  • Standard Mag.: Brass Shells

  • Hop Up Type: None

  • Velocity: (394fps) 4 Joule

  • Weight: 850 grams

G&G G731 Airsoft Revolver - Black or Silver:

  • Length: 200 mm

  • Barrel length: 65 mm

  • Mag. Capacity: 6 rounds

  • Standard Mag.: Brass Shells 

  • Hop Up Type: None

  • Velocity: (380fps) 4 Joule

  • Weight: 900 grams

  • Black or Silver Finish

G&G GS-801 Semi Auto Airsoft Pistol with Laser:

  • Length: 190 mm

  • Barrel length: 98 mm

  • Mag. Capacity: 14 rounds

  • Standard Mag.: Stick Magazine 

  • Hop Up Type: Yes - Adjustable

  • Velocity: (400fps) 4 Joule

  • Weight: 742 grams

Categories: 6mm, Airsoft, Blowback, CO2, Pistol, Review, Revolver, Semi Auto, YouTube Video Tags: Dan Wesson, G&G, G731, GS-801

King Arms Thompson Gold & Silver AEG Airsoft Machine Gun Table Top Review


Type: Airsoft.

Manufacturer:King Arms.

Model:Thompson M1A1 Military & M1928 Chicago (Gold & Chrome).

Materials: Metal & Wood.

Weight: 6.6 pounds.

Barrel: 15 inches, metal.

Propulsion: AEG

Action: Semi/full auto, single action.

Ammunition Type: 6mm Plastic BB (recommended .20 gram plus).

Ammunition Capacity: 420 round magazine.

FPS: 380-410.

Trigger Pull: The trigger pull on the King Arms Thompson Machine Guns is fairly short and light as it is essentially just an on-off switch for the internal electronic components. You can shoot this gun very quickly in semi auto mode, and of course even quicker when full auto is selected. As with all AEG systems their is a slight delay between when you pull the trigger and the shot is taken as the internal spring needs to compress first before releasing.

Accuracy: In many cases Airsoft guns can be just as accurate as 4.5mm BB guns, well at least at fairly close ranges, I was able to get most of my .25 gram BB 10 round target test shots within 1 inch from 30 feet away using a semi-rested position. There where a couple BB's that lengthened the group out to about 2 inches but still a very good result when you consider these are plastic BB's being used. In Terms of FPS, I did stick with the slightly heavier 2.5 gram Airsoft BB's and still got a decent 360 average 5 shot Chronograph test result making this AEG Airsoft rifle perfect for just about any Airsoft game type.

Build Quality: The King Arms 23 Karat Gold and Chrome Platted AEG Thompson Machine Guns are very well made using Aluminum Zinc Alloy bodies and real Wood Stocks, the fit and finish is very good and pretty much everything on these rifles are either metal or wood. You will have to polish these guns with a cloth from time to time since the mirror finish shows every smudge and finger print.

Realism: I'm not sure how many real 23 Karat Gold and Chrome Platted Thompson Machine Guns there are out there but there has to be at least a few ;) But going on how these guns look and feel, they are solid and very realistic. Some people have mentioned that the bolt should be on the top for some versions of the Thompson's but there are some Thompson's with the bolt on the side so I suppose we will let that one slide. The Wood stocks are a real plus adding to the overall weight and authenticity. Most parts works as they would on the real steel Thompson M1A1 Military or M1928 Chicago (Gold or Chrome) AEG Airsoft Machine Guns.

Available in the: The Canada Replica Airguns Store.


  • Gorgeous Wood stock and Gold or Chrome platting.

  • Nice high capacity metal magazines, can be mixed and matched.

  • Adjustable rear sight for windage with two sight positions (Notch & Peep).

  • Semi and full auto selectable with really nice rate of fire.

  • FPS is bang on for indoor or outdoor Airsoft games.

  • Fully Thompson licensed.

  • Comes with Certificate of Authenticity.


  • Does not come with a battery or charger.

  • Prone to finger prints and smudges.

  • Need to use a screw driver to get at the battery.


I am a big fan of the King Arms Thompson line, even the all black version with the plastic stocks looks and functions great. Internally the lower cost black version is the same and having previously shot my black Thompson, I knew these blinged out 23 Karat Gold and Chrome Platted versions where also going to perform as good as they looked! I'm not so sure about buying a Gold or Chrome Thompson for everyday use, since they will get knocked around and scratched up but if you are looking for the best of the best with real wood stocks and all metal parts then make sure to consider one of the Thompson 

My Vimeo Video Review for the King Arms Thompson Gold & Silver AEG Airsoft Machine Guns:

Categories: 6mm, AEG, Airsoft, Comparison, Full Auto, Review, Rifle, Semi Auto, YouTube Video Tags: King Arms, Thompson 1928, Thompson M1A1

We Just Received Another KWC Shipment!


We just received an order of KWC products so if you've been waiting for some out of stock items then go take a look! By the way, the KWC Beretta / Taurus full metal blowback BB and Airsoft versions now come semi and full auto enabled!

Canada Replica Airguns Store  -  US Replica Airguns Store

Categories: 4.5mm / .177 cal, 6mm, AEG, Airsoft, BB, Blowback, CO2, Full Auto, GBB, Replica Airguns News, Rifle, Semi Auto, YouTube Video Tags: KWC

King Arms Thompson Gold M1A1 Military AEG Airsoft Machine Gun Field Test Review


I am jumping the gun so to speak with this field test review and showing you my field test video review for the King Arms Thompson Gold M1A1 Military AEG Airsoft Machine Gun before I've even done the table top review... Guess I just wanted to shoot this one :)

I decided to perform my field test shooting review using just the Thompson M1A1 version since the 1928 style has the same internal mechanics, there really was no point in testing them both. Other than a few cosmetic changes like a stick magazine versus the drum magazine and the forward stock pistol grip on the 1928 version, these guns are pretty much the same. I also opted for the most flashy 23 karat Gold version, well... because "Gold is Best!"

So let's get to the results! As with most of the guns I field test, I shot 5 rounds through my chronograph, this time I decided to use .25 gram Airsoft BB's for both my chronograph and target portions of this shooting review since fishing the ammo out of the stick mag was a bit of a pain ;) I was able to get a respectable 360 fps average 5 shot Chrono test which makes this AEG Airsoft rifle bang on for just about any Airsoft battle situation. I would expect to get right around 380-400 fps if I was using the lighter .20 gram BB's.

Once I stepped back to the 30 foot semi rested target position, I shot 10 rounds first in semi auto which got me a pretty nice tight 1 inch group (if you throw out the couple of fliers). In Full Auto the shot placement also stayed nice and tight spreading out to about 2 inches or so. This Classic Thompson AEG Airsoft Machine Gun definitely hits what every you are shooting at and has a nice rate of fire that's not too wasteful of BB's but still offers plenty of cover when required.

At the end of this field test shooting review for the King Arms Thompson Gold M1A1 Military AEG Airsoft Machine Gun, I shoot some water filled cans while capturing the experience in slow motion using my new iPhone 5's 720p 120 frames per second 4 times slow-motion feature.

Categories: 6mm, AEG, Airsoft, Field Test, Full Auto, Review, Rifle, Semi Auto, YouTube Video Tags: King Arms, Thompson 1928, Thompson M1A1

ROHM RG-89 & RG-99 Blank Revolver Update Video


We have added some more ROHM 380 Caliber Front Firing Blank Revolvers to the Replica Airguns Canada Store. Here is a quick Vimeo Update Video showing the ROHM RG-89 and ROHM RG-99 side by side with my already reviewed ROHM RG-59 380 Caliber Front Firing Blank Revolver.

ROHM RG-89 & 99 Blank Revolvers.

  • Made by ROHM (Germany)

  • 380/9mm Crimped Blanks

  • 6 Round Cylinder

  • Front Firing

  • Metal with some Steel Parts

  • Come in Hard Shell Case with Cleaning Rod 

Watch my Update Video showing the ROHM RG-89 & RG-99 Front Firing 380 Blank Revolvers:

Categories: 380, 9mm, Blank Gun, Pistol, Replica Airguns News, Revolver, YouTube Video Tags: RG-89, RG-99, ROHM

Thompson Gold & Chrome AEG Airsoft Rifle Update Video


We have some new arrivals in our Canada Replica Airguns Store that some of you who like the more flashy guns may appreciate! What makes a classic Thompson machine gun even better? First of all make sure it's got an all metal body, then add real wood furnishings and of course cover it in 23 karat gold platting or if you prefer a slightly toned down version, then go with the Chrome plating.

Thompson M1928 Chicago Grand Special - Gold/Chrome

Thompson M1A1 Military Grand Special - Gold/Chrome

  • 6mm Plastic Airsoft BB's

  • 420 round stick or drum magazines

  • AEG 8.4v (Large Type)

  • 6.6 pounds (3000 grams)

  • 400+ fps

  • Aluminum Zinc Alloy body

  • Real Wood

  • Gold version is 23K Gold Plated

Checkout my update video for the Thompson Special Gold & Chrome AEG Airsoft Rifle:

Categories: 6mm, AEG, Full Auto, Replica Airguns News, Rifle, Semi Auto, YouTube Video Tags: King Arms, Thompson 1928, Thompson M1A1

Added Products into the Replica Airguns Canada and US Stores


We have added some items to the Canada and US Replica Airguns Stores, most are completely new items and one is a Canada only item we added to the US store!

KWC 1911 Tac A1 Blowback CO2 Steel BB Pistol

KWC Model M1911 A1 Tac.jpg

Buy in The US Store

Buy In Canada Store

Blackwater 1911 R2 CO2 4.5mm Steel BB Pistol

Buy In The US Store

Buy In Canada Store

Tanfoglio Gold Custom 4.5mm Semi Auto Airgun


Buy in The US Store

Buy In Canada Store

Smith & Wesson M&P 9C GBB Airsoft Pistol

Umarex Smith & Wesson M&P.jpg

Buy in The US Store

Buy in Canada Store

FN SCAR-L CQB Black Assault Rifle

FN Herstal SCAR-L.jpg
Categories: 4.5mm / .177 cal, 6mm, AEG, Airsoft, BB, Blowback, CO2, Full Auto, GBB, Pistol, Replica Airguns News, Rifle, Semi Auto Tags:

What are the Types of Airguns, Airsoft Guns and Blank Guns?


I wanted to cover some basic Airgun, Airsoft Gun, Blank Gun and Paintball Gun information on what do they all shoot, what makes them shoot and some other miscellaneous info thrown in along the way...

Your should also watch the video attached at the bottom of this post as it goes into a fair amount of detail.

Let's begin with the types of ammo used:

Airgun Ammo

  • Airgun ammo for the most part is broken down into BBs and Pellets, the most standard size BB and Pellet is the 4.5mm or .177 caliber Steel BB and Lead Pellet. You can also get Pellets in other calibers and even other materials other than lead such as steel or aluminum, some can have plastic skirting around a metal interior.

  • Pellets also come in a variety of caliber's like .177, .20. 22. 25 and even larger but then I would start considering them to be bullets as they will take on the shape of a bullet when they get into the larger sizes.

  • Airgun Ammo is not be fired at people, it is primarily used for target and hunting small game.

  • Airguns can use Spring Pistons, CO2, Compressed Air and Multi-pump propulsion systems.

Airsoft Gun Ammo

  • Airsoft Guns for the most part shoot round 6mm (.22 caliber) plastic BBs which come in a variety of weights ranging from .12 grams up to .48 grams. There are larger Airsoft BBs such as 8mm and even larger.

  • There are biodegradable and even tracer florescent Airsoft BBs available.

  • Airsoft Ammo is traditionally used for Airsoft battles and can be fired at people using protective gear. Airsoft Ammo can also be used for target shooting.

  • Airsoft Guns can use Spring Pistons, Spring Piston - AEG (Electric Motor) CO2, Gas (Green, Red, Propane) and Compressed Air propulsion systems.

Paintball Gun Ammo

  • Paintball Guns or "Markers" have been historically used for the sport of Paintball but their whereabouts came from the need of ranchers and forestry workers to mark trees. Hence the name "Marker"

  • Paintball ammo comes in a variety of sizes ranging with the most common being .43 and .68 caliber. They are generally made from a gelatin outer coating containing primarily polyethylene glycol, other non-toxic and water-soluble substances, and dye, they are usually biodegradable.

  • Paintball Guns can also shoot a variety of Paintball Ammo that can be made out of Rubber, Plastic, Glass and they can also contain Powders and even Pepper for use in non lethal defense.

  • Paintball Guns can generally use either CO2 or Compressed Air as their propellant.

Blank Gun Ammo

  • Blank Guns are just like Real Guns but without the dangerous bullet at the end of the brass shell. Other than that they work exactly the same as a Real Gun!

  • Blank Guns are used when a bullet is not required or even wanted. For instance... Gun safety, gun training, training animals to be around guns and/or loud noises, Props for Movies - Stage -  Film - TV, Collectors that do not want the red tape associated with owning a Real Gun or when owning a Real Gun is prohibited.

  • Blank Guns can shoot a variety of sized ammo, most common are .22 caliber crimped, .380 crimped, 8mm P.A.K. and 9mm P.A.K.

  • Blank Guns use gun powder as their means of operation.

Here are the most common forms of propulsion used in the guns we discussed earlier:


  • CO2 is the most common propellant in Airguns (BB and Pellet), it is also used in Airsoft Guns and Paintball Guns.

  • CO2 is a compressed gas which expands when released, it requires a warm environment to fully expand and tends to cool it's surroundings quickly when shot fast or in full automatic which can slow the velocity of the projectile and even freeze up the gun being used.

  • The most common reusable CO2 cartridges are 12 and 88 gram but you can get larger CO2 tanks in a variety of sizes that can be refilled with CO2.


  • Gas is used primarily in Airsoft Guns, I have not personally seen an Airgun that is made to use Gas other than CO2.

  • Gas is similar to CO2 in that it is a compressed gas that expands when releases, it also cools down the gun it is being used in and requires a warm environment.

  • Gas comes in a variety of names, Green Gas, Red Gas and Propane Gas. Green Gas contains Propane as it's base but has additives in it like silicone for lubrication .

  • Red Gas is know to be a bit more powerful than Green Gas as it has Chlorodifluoromethane or HCFC-22, R22 or Freon 22 used in refrigeration which turns to a liquid under a slightly higher pressure giving you slightly higher fps.

  • Many people use propane gas with an adapter that allows the mixture of silicone as propane is cheaper to buy.

Compressed Air (HPA)

  • Compressed Air (HPA - High Pressure Air) is most commonly used in Airguns and Paintball Guns but some people use it for their Gas based Airsoft guns.

  • The compressed air comes from high PSI tanks that can be purchased in a variety of sizes and contains compressed air at pressures up to 5000psi.

  • These tanks are reusable and usually need to be refilled at a paintball or scuba shop, some people buy their own compressors or large scuba tanks for refilling purposes.

  • Some Compressed Air (HPA) guns have their own built in tanks that can be filled with a compressor or even a manual pump.

  • Compressed air does not cool down the gun it is being used in and is a great option for high output or fully automatic guns.

Multi-Pump Pneumatic

  • Multi-Pump Pneumatic systems are most commonly used in Pellet and/or BB guns.

  • Multi-Pump Pneumatic guns use the same principle as HPA - High Pressure Air guns in that they require pressurized air as the propellant. The main difference with Multi-Pump Pneumatic guns, is that you do all the work by pumping the gun between shots. Generally speaking you pump the gun 3-10 times, take a shot and repeat this process.

  • Multi-Pump Pneumatic guns are not effected by air temperature and are great for target and small pest control.

Spring Piston

  • Spring pistons are generally found in Pellet Rifles and Pistols but some Airsoft Guns also use a Spring Piston System and generally speaking Spring Piston Guns are single shot only or in other words, the Spring needs to be drawn back before each shot. Spring Piston Guns can have magazines that allow for quicker repeat shots.

  • Spring Piston Guns come in many cocking configurations, Brake Barrel and Side lever to name a couple.

  • The Spring can be a Mechanical Spring or a Gas Spring.

  • Spring Piston Guns are not effected by temperature and are often used for small game hunting and target shooting.

Automatic Electric Guns (AEG)

  • Automatic Electric Guns  are generally found in Airsoft Rifles but there are some Airsoft Pistols (AEP) that use this same system.

  • Automatic Electric Guns use a similar system to a Spring Piston gun but have an electric motor that does all the work of drawing back the spring. You can even have fully automatic AEG guns.

  • The power for the electric motor comes from removable batteries, so it is a combination a battery supplying the motor with the power to draw back the spring that creates a pillow of air that shoots the BB.

  • AEG Airsoft Guns are great for situations when you require high capacity magazines with full auto capability. 

Gun Powder

  • Gun powder is used in Blank Guns, in the same manor that it is used in a Real Gun, the charge from the Gun Powder supplies the force required to operate the blowback in most semi auto Blank Pistols, it also creates the sound of a live round along with the muzzle flash which makes Blank Guns great for training and as Props for Movies and Film.

  • Because the kinetic energy from a blank gun is the same as a real gun, blank guns can be very dangerous when used in close proximity to an object, see my "Are Blank Guns Dangerous Video"!

Some other Gun Relevant Terminology:


  • Blowback operation is when some of the force of the propellant is used to move the slide backwards, which in most cases cocks the hammer for single action and can also pickup and chamber a round into the barrel.

  • The slide spring supplies the energy for the return to the forward position of the slide.

  • Blowback Guns do rob some power from the bullet force and in the case of CO2 or Gas Guns the also reduce the amount of shots per CO2 or Gas fill.

Revolver, Semi Automatic

  • Revolver: Revolvers feed ammunition via the rotation of a cartridge-filled cylinder, in which each cartridge is contained in its own ignition chamber, and is sequentially brought into alignment with the weapon's barrel by a mechanism linked to the weapon's trigger (double-action) or its hammer (single-action)

  • Semi Automatic:  semi-automatic pistols use the energy of one shot to reload the chamber for the next. Typically recoil energy from a fired round is mechanically harnessed. After a round is fired, the pistol will cycle, ejecting the spent casing and chambering a new round from the magazine, allowing another shot to take place immediately.

Single Shot, Repeater, Semi Automatic & Fully Automatic

  • Single Shot: A Single Shot Gun needs to be reloaded each time it is shot.

  • Repeater: Repeating action Guns are single barreled guns containing multiple rounds of ammunition. These rounds are loaded from a magazine by means of a manual or automatic mechanism, and the action that reloads the rifle also typically re-cocks the firing action. The term repeating rifle is most often applied to weapons in which the next cartridge is loaded by a manual action, as opposed to semi-automatic rifles, in which the force of one shot is used to load the next.

  • Semi Automatic: A semi-automatic, or self-loading, firearm is a weapon that performs all steps necessary to prepare the weapon to fire again after firing.

  • Fully Automatic: A Gun that uses either its recoil or a portion of the gas propelling the projectile to remove the spent cartridge (in the case of a gun-shell), fire again repeatedly, as long as the trigger is held down or until the magazine is exhausted. Automatic Guns are distinguished from semi-automatic Guns in their ability to fire more than one shot in succession once the trigger is pulled.

Single, Double Action, SA/DA

  • Check out my post explaining Single and Double action!

  • Single-Action (SA): trigger performs the single action of releasing the hammer or striker to discharge the firearm each time the trigger is pulled.

  • Double-Action (DA): The trigger both cocks and releases the hammer or striker

  • SA-DA:  A SA/DA firearm combines the features of both mechanisms. You can pull the trigger in Double Action when the hammer is down which cocks and releases the trigger or you can cock the hammer with your thumb and then release the trigger using Single Action to fire the weapon. 

Lever Action, Pump Action, Bolt Action

  • Lever Action: In a classic lever-action firearm, rounds are individually loaded into a tubular magazine parallel to and below the barrel. A short bolt is held in place with an over center toggle action. Once closed, the over center action prevents opening solely by the force on the bolt when the weapon is fired. This toggle action is operated by a hand grip that forms part of the trigger guard. When operated, a spring in the tubular magazine pushes a fresh round into position. Returning the operating lever to the home position chambers the round and closes the breach.

  • Pump Action: With a pump-action firearm, the action is operated by a movable fore-end that goes backwards and forwards to eject, extract, and chamber a round of ammunition. Pump-actions are usually associated with shotguns.

  • Bolt Action: The bolt opens and closes the breech end of the barrel and contains the firing pin. The bolt is held in place with a lever that fits into a notch. Moving this lever out of the notch will release the restraint on the bolt, allowing it to be drawn back. An extractor removes the spent cartridge, which is then ejected through the lever slot. A spring at the bottom of the magazine pushes up the reserve rounds, positioning the topmost between the bolt and the chamber at the base of the barrel. Pushing the bolt lever forward chambers this round and pushing the lever into the notch locks the bolt and enables the trigger mechanism.

Magazine vs Clip

  • Magazine: A magazine is an ammunition storage and feeding device within or attached to a repeating firearm. Magazines can be removable (detachable) or integral to the firearm. The magazine functions by moving the cartridges stored in the magazine into a position where they may be loaded into the chamber by the action of the firearm. The detachable magazine is often referred to as a clip, although this is technically inaccurate.

  • Clip: A clip is a device that is used to store multiple rounds of ammunition together as a unit, ready for insertion into the magazine or cylinder of a firearm. This speeds up the process of loading and reloading the firearm as several rounds can be loaded at once, rather than one round being loaded at a time. The term "clip" is also frequently used to refer to a detachable magazine, though such usage is incorrect.

Categories: .20 cal, .22 cal, .43 cal, .68 cal, 4.5mm / .177 cal, 6mm, 8mm, 9mm, AEG, Airsoft, BB, Blank Gun, Blowback, Break Barrel, Bulk Air, CO2, Full Auto, GBB, Multi-pump, PCP, Paintball, Pellet, Pistol, Repeater, Revolver, Rifle, Single Shot, Spring Piston, YouTube Video Tags:

ASG Dan Wesson 6 Inch Silver CO2 Airsoft Revolver Field Test Shooting Review


I've had the opportunity to review and shoot my Dan Wesson 4.5mm Steel BB Version so I kind of knew what to expect with the Airsoft version, much of the same but with perhaps a little bit less accurate further out shooting since the plastic BB's will tend to drift a bit more.

I already did my pretest for the ASG Dan Wesson 6 Inch Silver CO2 Airsoft Revolver while making my Table Top Review and shot right around the 400 fps mark, but it was a colder day then, I also shot my ASG Dan Wesson Airsoft Revolver from a closer up 20 feet for the pretest and got a nice tight 1.5 inch shot group.

On the actual Field Test Shooting day it was much warmer (tank top weather ;) and so as would be expected, this time my ASG Dan Wesson 6 Inch Silver CO2 Airsoft Revolver shot a bit faster at closer to a 420 fps average with 6 shots put through it. There is even room for some more fps still as it was only about 22 degrees Celsius or about 72 Fahrenheit on the test day.

Accuracy from 30 feet out was not as tight as my pretest 20 foot testing and I would imagine this will spread out even more the further back we go with the Airsoft ASG Dan Wesson, as is the case with Airsoft BB's. Airsoft BB's are just not as accurate as steel BB's especially when shooting at longer ranges. I would expect this Airsoft Dan Wesson version should still be very effective on a "man sized target" up to about 60 feet or so. Keep in mind there is no hop-up in this revolver so teh Airsoft BB's will drop much more than a gun that has hop-up.

Like the 4.5mm BB shooting version you can expect a good 100 or more shots from this Airsoft BB Shooting Dan Wesson CO2 Revolver. Having tradition revolver single and double action makes for both precise and action styled shooting. All in all a really nice Airsoft pistol from ASG.

Watch my Field Test Shooting Video for the ASG Dan Wesson 6 Inch Silver CO2 Airsoft Revolver:

Categories: 6mm, Airsoft, CO2, Field Test, Pistol, Review, Revolver, Semi Auto, YouTube Video Tags: ASG, Dan Wesson

ASG Dan Wesson 6 Inch Silver CO2 Airsoft Revolver Table Top Review


Type: Airsoft Revolver.

Manufacturer: ASG.

Model:Dan Wesson 6 inch Sliver Airsoft.

Materials: Mostly metal.

Weight: 2.25 pounds. (968 grams)

Barrel: Metal non-rifled.

Propulsion: CO2 x 1.

Action: Revolver, single and double action.

Ammunition Type: 6mm plastic Airsoft BB's.

Ammunition Capacity: 6 rounds.

FPS: 453.

Trigger Pull: The ASG Dan Wesson Airsoft Revolver has a predictable trigger with the single action being a bit lighter and more consistent, not just in feel but also in fps. Double action shooting is very usable without a lot of extra pressure required and makes for fun consecutive shooting albeit you will run our of ammo pretty quick compared to many high capacity semi auto styled airguns.

Accuracy: I shot the Dan Wesson Airsoft Revolver at a target from 20 feet away in a semi rested position, and it performed excellent, getting a 1.5 inch 6 shot grouping dead center in the bullseye! The sights are fully adjustable for elevation and windage so getting these guns centered on the bullseye if you where out a bit would be very easy. My Chrony testing for the Dan Wesson Airsoft Revolver with a six shots averaged result was 399 fps.

Build Quality: This detailed revolver is extremely well built! All the Dan Wesson Revolvers are almost all metal with just a few components made out of plastic, like the handle and CO2 screw tab. The handle feels like a cross between plastic and rubber but is basically plastic with a coated paint on it that can wear off with long term use so try and go easy on the grips. The finish on the six inch silver Dan Wesson is amazing and looks just like polished stainless steel. Very nice indeed!

Realism: The ASG Dan Wesson BB revolvers are as close as you can get to a real six shooter, ASG didn't leave out any details and has really brought us an extremely believable CO2 revolver that mimics the real steel in almost every way! Loading and ejecting actual brass shells into the cylinder makes you feel like this gun is much more then an unassuming airgun!

Purchased From: The Replica Airguns Store.


  • It's a revolver with actual brass shells giving you the feeling of a real 6 shooter!

  • Almost all metal design.

  • lots of detail in this gun, very well made, fit and finish is excellent.

  • Good power and good accuracy.

  • Fully adjustable sights.

  • Can mount a scope of some sort on it with the rail attached.

  • Right amount of power, even for some indoor CQB style airsoft games


  • Plastic CO2 screw tab (but is well hidden and protected).

  • Grips can wear a bit with extended use.

  • Red tip on the US version :(


I wasn't really a revolver person until I got my Dan Wesson's! They are really fun to shoot and yes you only get to fire off 6 shots at a time but the reloading is kind of fun and adds to the realism of shooting a revolver styled gun. The other benefit to taking breaks every 6 shots to reload is the time it allows your CO2 and gun to warm up which increases the overall FPS and shots per CO2. I am not sure if a large six shot revolver is the way to go when in a high intensity Airsoft game but I can tell you when you're on the other end of the barrel of one of these you are probably not thinking how many shots does he have left :)

My Vimeo Video Table Top Review for this amazingly real Airsoft Revolver:

Categories: 6mm, Airsoft, CO2, Field Test, Pistol, Review, Revolver, Semi Auto Tags: ASG, Dan Wesson

Umarex MP7 - Umarex P99 - ASG Dan Wesson 6 Inch Airsoft Gun Update Video

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Here is a quick Update video of three Airsoft guns, two of which I have touched upon before but have not gotten around to doing any actual Table Top or Field Test Shooting videos for you (The ASG Dan Wesson Airsoft Revolver and the Umarex P99 Blowback Airsoft Pistol). I also show you a new Umarex Airsoft Gas Blowback PDW, the H&K MP7 A1, a very realistic version I am sure will be of interest to many of my Airsoft fans.

I will be doing proper Table Top and Field Test Videos for each of these Airsoft guns as soon as I can get to them all, starting with the Umarex Gas Blowback H&K MP7 A1 Airsoft PDW so stay posted for these upcoming video reviews...

Categories: 6mm, Airsoft, Blowback, CO2, Full Auto, GBB, Modification, Pistol, Revolver, Semi Auto, YouTube Video Tags: ASG, Dan Wesson, HK MP7, MP7, P99, Umarex, Walther

ASG Products Back in Stock Again!

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We have been taking preorders on many of our ASG Airguns and Airsoft guns for our Canada Replica Airguns Store, we where expecting them to be back in stock right around the end of the month. The good news is we got them a bit early so we are now filling back orders and most of our ASG inventory is now showing as in stock and ready to ship!

So if you've been waiting for an ASG gun, make sure to grab yours now before we run out again...



Categories: 4.5mm / .177 cal, 6mm, Airsoft, BB, Blowback, CO2, Pistol, Replica Airguns News, Revolver, Semi Auto Tags: ASG, Bersa, CZ 75 P-07 Duty, Dan Wesson, STI Duty One 1911, Steyr M9-A1 Non-Blowback