All I want for Christmas is a Casio EX FC100 High Speed 1000 Frames Per Second Camera, and I'm getting one!
I know this website is all about Replica Air Guns and Blank Guns but I got to keep up with the Jone's! What I'm trying to say is there are some pretty sweet YouTube videos out there that take advantage of some High-Speed capable cameras that can take video up to as many as 1000 frames-per-second. Even though at that super high frame rate the resolution drops down a lot, you still get to see every single thing that the naked eye can't.
Even with my high end Digital SLR Canon EOS Rebel T2i, that is 60 frames per second capable in High Definition, I'm still not able to really slow the motion down enough to see the real story. That will all soon change...
Thanks to phgHunter, another YouTuber with some air gun interests and a high speed camera of his own, I was introduced to the Casio EX FC100. And if by fate, I received an email today from CanadaComputers.com and just as I was about to throw it in the trash I caught a glimpse of what I though just might be the camera I was looking at. A couple of clicks, wallet openings, credit card security formalities and wham-bam thanks for the camera mam! All for the ridiculously low sale price of only $153.42 shipped and taxed :) Thanks Santa's wallet!
Look forward to my future videos complete with super-slow-mo!
UPDATE: I just got an email from CanadaComputers.com but a week later informing me that I paid $40 too much as it's now on sale for only $89. I sent them an email in hopes that they will reimburse my payment the difference! We'll see what they do...
UPDATE #2: I will not be buying anything else from CanadaComputers.com.