Colt Defender - H&K USP - S&W M&P - Makarov Replica BB Guns Arrive! — Replica Airguns Blog | Airsoft, Pellet, & BB Gun Reviews

Colt Defender - H&K USP - S&W M&P - Makarov Replica BB Guns Arrive!


Now I haven't shot any of these guns yet, but I did get the chance to open all the packaging and give them a quick once over. My opinions of some of these guns may change after shooting them, depending on how they do, but as it stands I will give my first impressions of the guns. I'm not going to get into all the details as I will be doing individual reviews on each BB gun down the road. So here's a few pros and cons for each replica BB gun based on their first impressions:

Umarex Colt Defender 4.5mm CO2 BB Pistol:

The Umarex Colt Defender is basically a nice looking and fairly heavy all metal BB replica that feels good in the hand and has the Colt markings. It has a medium trigger pull with fairly good finishing.

The down side, it has no removable magazine, and most of the guns external mechanical parts like the hammer, slide release and safety, are molded into the metal and are non-operational.

Umarex Makarov 4.5mm CO2 BB Pistol:

Next we have the Umarex Makarov, this one is probably my immediate favorite out of the bunch for reasons like: It came in a box and has a movable and removable slide. For the most part it is all metal including the drop out magazine. The trigger pull again is about medium and even the safety is in the right place and is actually functional.

Some of my dislikes for this gun are the non-functioning slide release, so even though in this picture it looks like the slide is locked back, it's actually not (I'll show you how I did this in the future video!!). There is also no blowback action with this gun but to be fair, non of the other guns in this comparison have blowback either!

Umarex Smith & Wesson M&P CO2 BB Pistol:

I'm sorry to say the Umarex S&W M&P so far is my least favorite of the bunch, but first let's be positive... It's the right size and shape, has all its bits and pieces and markings in the right places so it would make an excellent low cost prop gun for sure! It is also the only gun with fiber optic sights and it does have a drop out metal magazine.

Now for the bad. When you pick this gun up it just feels cheap and plasticy, more like a toy then a gun! the trigger is OK but it's just so hard to get over the weight and feel of this BB gun. I hope it is a dream to shoot, that might be it's saving grace for me.

Umarex H&K USP CO2 BB Pistol:

OK, so let's leave of on a good note. The Umarex H&K USP was a close second to the Makarov in terms of first impressions with these low cost replica air guns. Even though a lot of the gun is plastic, it has a good weight and feel to it, this is partially due to the full size drop out metal magazine. The Umarex H&K USP also has everything in all the right places including the H&K markings and it too takes advantage of using the safety lever as originally intended, not just molded into the frame for show. Non of the guns had overly heavy trigger pulls and the H&K USP was no exception.

On the down side, it would have been nice to have a metal working slide to finish it off, and even though the hammer moves when the trigger is pulled, it's really only for show as it does not stay back and allow for both single and double action operation. Instead you can only shoot in this gun in double action.

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So that about wraps up this initial overview of my first impressions of the Umarex Colt Defender, H&K USP, S&W M&P, and Makarov Replica BB guns. Next I will be shooting a YouTube table top comparison review of these low cost replica BB guns, so make sure to check back!

4.5mm / .177 cal, BB, CO2, Comparison, Pistol, Semi Auto Colt Defender, H&K USP, Makarov, S&W M&P, Umarex