When I got my EKOl Firat a while back with a bunch of other fine EKOL products, I decided to not do a full review on it as it is essentially the same gun as my EKOL Jackal. Well, the people have spoken and I have given into the pressure and made a short comparison video on the differences between the EKOL Jackal and the EKOL Firat.
The Blank EKOL guns in this video are represented in both the Magnum (EKOL Jackal) and Compact (EKOL Firat) sizes which will also help you get an idea of the size difference when ordering as both guns can be purchased in Magnum and Compact versions.
Here are the main differences:
The EKOL Jackal can shoot in both semi auto and full auto while the EKOL Firat is semi auto only.
The EKOL Jackal's rear safety is non-functioning for all intents and purposes as the semi-full auto selector switch is also used as a safety switch. The EKOL Firat uses the rear safety as its safety and it is fully functional.
The EKOL Firat can be shot in single action or double action mode while the EKOL Jackal is a single action only gun meaning you have to either cock the hammer or rack the slide to shoot the first round in this gun. (Once the first shot is fired the blowback of the slide will automatically re-cock the action for you)
The EKOL Firat is about $60 less expensive as it does not have the full auto feature.
Enjoy my Vimeo video of the EKOL Jackal and Firat comparison: