I'm Back! Check out my Maui Family Vacation Photos and Video — Replica Airguns Blog | Airsoft, Pellet, & BB Gun Reviews

I'm Back! Check out my Maui Family Vacation Photos and Video


Some of you may have noticed I have not been making any videos or posting any new articles for the last few weeks, that's cause I took some time off to take a break from work and spend some time with my family while on Vacation in beautiful Maui!

The party is over so to speak and I am back at it and to be honest I kind of missed my "real life" a bit!

The really good news is that I have made a few changes here at Replica Airguns that not only allowed me the time off to take a break and go on a bit of an extended vacation but will now allow me to get back to what started this all off, making videos and interacting with my social network fans :)

So stay posted for even more videos, articles and posts then before!

And don't forget to stick around and watch my YouTube Video I put together for all of you to see some of the fun stuff I did with my Family while on vacation in Maui...

Replica Airguns News, YouTube Video