I like to show off some of my acquisitions from time to time even if they are guns I don't necessarily have for sale, I am a collector and some items are not always common enough or even popular enough to keep in our Replica Airguns Store.

Today I show you two blank guns I picked up from a recent gun show I attended in Chilliwack BC. There where not many blank guns at the show, the two I found may have been the only blank guns there, at least that I saw? The ROHM RG300 .22 Caliber Blank Pistol and RST MOD. 1966 .22 Caliber Blank Revolver I picked up for a pretty good price, at least in my mind, $55 for the ROHM and $20 for the RTS. A nice addition to my blank gun collection!

I have been contemplating between a PCP (Pre Charged Pneumatic) or a really good Multi-pump air rifle for pest control around my house, I have been using a spring piston rifle but the combination of my limited skills with spring piston rifles and the fact that most pests in my area stay a good 50+ yards back, means I need an airgun with pin-point accuracy. At the end of the day I decided on the Sheridan Silver Streak because it was a bit more affordable than a PCP air rifle and also the Sheridan is such a classic air rifle but still with the right amount of power and accuracy to get the job done.
Checkout some more photos...

Watch my Vimeo Preview Video of these three guns: