How is the Coronavirus Effecting Replica Airguns Online Stores? — Replica Airguns Blog | Airsoft, Pellet, & BB Gun Reviews

How is the Coronavirus Effecting Replica Airguns Online Stores?

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Unfortunately here at Replica Airguns because of the Coronavirus we are also running into obstacles that are making it harder for us to Acquire, Process and Ship products to our customers. That said we are doing our absolute best to continue to offer Airgun related products to our customers during these trying times. Covid-19 is causing some delays in order processing and shipping, this is unfortunately but completely out of our control.

Most factories are located in Asia and which has been the hardest hit and many of them are not back up and operational and even if they are back at work many of them have switched over to making and supplying medical supplies.

Vendors here in Canada and the US are being shut down for 2 weeks (minimum) so supply will be running low. This is going to make restocking product take much more time.

Staffing is low as many workers have chosen to stay home and isolate as a precaution. This will slow down how quickly we are able to process orders so expect some delays.

Replica Airgun Online Store prices will need adjusting due to the CAD dollar devaluing against the much stronger US dollar. You may already see some price increases and will also see more in the future.

My advice since many people are at home right now is to take this time to do your research and take a good look at the products we sell in our Replica Airguns Online Stores. Watch our Airgun review videos and figure out what your next purchase may be. If you are in a position to purchase now, you may want to do so quickly as stock is limited and will continue to get more limited until factories start making more products and vendors are able to supply those products to us again.

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