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KWC Model TT-33 CO2 SAO Non-Blowback BB Pistol Field Test Review

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I will start of this Field Test Shooting video by saying that the KWC Model TT-33 CO2 SAO Non-Blowback BB Pistol is not going to be an action shooter since it is a single action only gun much like the old west 6 shooters but in this case it is not a revolver but rather what looks like a semi auto Tokarev. Once you get over that and accept that there will be no action shooting with the KWC Model TT-33 CO2 SAO Non-Blowback BB Pistol, then we can get back to having some good old shooting fun with it.

For my Chronograph Test to find out if the KWC Model TT-33 CO2 SAO Non-Blowback BB Pistol get’s close to KWC’s 423 claimed fps I loaded up the Full Size Drop Out Metal Magazine with around 10 BB’s in hopes of getting at least 5 recorded shots to determine a real world velocity. Initially the KWC Model TT-33 CO2 SAO Non-Blowback BB Pistol was shooting poorly with the velocity going up and down a lot even as low as 200 fps but as I finished off the 10 round magazine things started to improve a bit. So I loaded up another 10 rounds and gave it another go. This second time around the KWC Model TT-33 CO2 SAO Non-Blowback BB Pistol performed much better getting an Average of 370 fps which is a lot closer to the clamped fps by KWC.

You may wonder why the KWC Model TT-33 CO2 SAO Non-Blowback BB Pistol was not so good out of the box, I think perhaps the CO2 valve just needed a little bit of break in time, perhaps there was some machining residue in the valve area that was hampering things and after a bit of shooting it clear it out? Either way I did not have any more problems with the KWC Model TT-33 CO2 SAO Non-Blowback BB Pistol after the first 10 rounds. The temperature in the Indoor Airgun Sea Can Shooting Range was 24 degrees Celsius or 75 degrees Fahrenheit and I did use a brand new CO2 for this test as always.

For my Accuracy Test the KWC Model TT-33 CO2 SAO Non-Blowback BB Pistol I shot 10 rounds into a paper target from 30 feet away using a seated and rested shooting position. I was able to get 8 of the shots all within about an inch of each other with 2 of the shots coming out just a bit. One of the straggler shots I actually saw hook to the right which makes me think it may have been a BB that was a little deformed, this can happen sometimes. The KWC Model TT-33 CO2 SAO Non-Blowback BB Pistol did shoot about 2.5 inches high and just slightly to the left out of the box and since the sights are non-adjustable you will want to aim a bit low on your target at least at 30 foot ranges.

I found the KWC Model TT-33 CO2 SAO Non-Blowback BB Pistol to be a decent BB shooter capable of 1 inch groupings at 30 feet out and getting close to 400 fps, I imagine since it does not have blowback and your shots are not going to be very rapid that you will get at least 100 shots per CO2. The trigger is Single Action Only so I was expecting it to be lighter than it was so you will have to get a bit use to it as I did have to apply more pressure than I was expecting. Overall the KWC Model TT-33 CO2 SAO Non-Blowback BB Pistol is another nice addition to the Tokarev line of Airguns and should be considered if this is what you are looking for.

Categories: 4.5mm / .177 cal, BB, CO2, Field Test, Pistol, Review, YouTube Video Tags: KWC, TT-33, Tokarev

KWC Model TT-33 CO2 SAO Non-Blowback BB Pistol Table Top Review

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Type: BB Pistol.
Manufacturer: KWC.
Model: TT-33.
Materials: Mostly all Metal with some plastic parts.
Weight: 1.54 pounds (700 grams).
Barrel: Non-rifled.
Propulsion: 12 gram CO2.
Action: Non-Blowback - single action only trigger and hammer.
Ammunition Type: 4.5mm Steel BB's.
Ammunition Capacity: 19 rounds.
FPS: 423

Trigger Pull: The trigger pull on the KWC Model TT-33 CO2 SAO Non-Blowback BB Pistol is strictly single action only, and I mean like a Single Action Only Revolver. You will need to cock the hammer manually with each shot since the trigger does not actuate the hammer as it is only used to release the hammer. And since there is no blowback action the slide recoil will also no accurate the hammer. Because fo this don’t expect the KWC Model TT-33 CO2 SAO Non-Blowback BB Pistol to be an action shooter but the trigger is decent on it since it is short and not too heavy.

Accuracy: You are going to have to wait just a little bit for my Field Test Shooting result since I have not tested or shot the KWC Model TT-33 CO2 SAO Non-Blowback BB Pistol. I hope to have this information for you next week when I do my Field Test Shooting Video for the KWC Model TT-33 CO2 SAO Non-Blowback BB Pistol.

Build Quality: The KWC Model TT-33 CO2 SAO Non-Blowback BB Pistol is built well enough with a mostly metal construction. It feels very solid and the only plastic parts I can tell for sure being the grips. Everything else appears to be all metal. The entire gun is basically two separate halves joined together with screws that you can see but in terms of being well built I would have to say the KWC Model TT-33 CO2 SAO Non-Blowback BB Pistol is a very solid well built airgun.

Realism: This is one area where the KWC Model TT-33 CO2 SAO Non-Blowback BB Pistol may let a few people down, there is not working slide or blowback operation and with the screws required to join the two haves of the gun being fairly visible on the right side of the KWC Model TT-33 CO2 SAO Non-Blowback BB Pistol, it does take away form the realism. The biggest downside for me is the lack of an ejection port entirely, not even a fake one etched into the slide? On the hotter hand you do get a recessed barrel, full size drop out metal magazine and I like the way KWC worked the safety into the slide catch release rather than adding another safety somewhere on the gun where it was not meant to be.


  • One of a handful of 4.5mm BB shooting Tokarev replicas out there.

  • Very solid and weighty gun for it’s size. Mostly all metal.

  • Full size drop out metal magazine that holds the CO2 and BB’s.

  • Recessed barrel adds to realism.

  • Non-blowback will increase fps and CO2 efficiency.

  • SAO trigger shoudl help with accuracy.

  • Did a good job of making the safety discreet by working it into the slide catch release.


  • No action shooting since it has a SAO trigger/hammer.

  • No Blowback operation and no ejection port on slide?

  • Has the rather noticeable assembly screws on the slide.


I like certain things about the KWC Model TT-33 CO2 SAO Non-Blowback BB Pistol and then some things make it hard for me to like it. I like the weigth and feel and almost entirely full metal build including the full size drop out metal magazine. I also expect the single action only trigger to work well for getting some decent accuracy. On the other hand having to cock the hammer on what shoudl be a semi auto pistol is a bit weird and the lack of the ejection port completely on the slide is a big oversight in my books. Maybe the KWC Model TT-33 CO2 SAO Non-Blowback BB Pistol will redeem itself when I do my Field Test Shooting video next week and sway me back to the in favor side? We will have to wait and see.

My Table Top Video of the KWC Model TT-33 CO2 SAO Non-Blowback BB Pistol:

Categories: 4.5mm / .177 cal, CO2, Pistol, Review, Single Shot, YouTube Video, Semi Auto Tags: KWC, Tokarev, TT-33

KWC M92 - 24/7 - M1911 - TT-33 Update Unboxing Video

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Some new guns came in for me to highlight, some will get full reviews and some are KWC unlicensed versions of some Airguns I have already reviewed so this unboxing update video will suffice for them.

KWC PT 24/7 CO2 Blowback Airsoft Pistol

  • Type: Airsoft Pistol

  • Manufacturer: KWC

  • Model: 24/7

  • Materials: Metal slide & Polymer Frame

  • Weight: 797 g (1.76 lb)

  • Barrel: Metal

  • Power Source: 12 g CO2 x 1

  • Action: Semi-Automatic Blowback SAO

  • Ammo Type: 6 mm Airsoft BBs

  • Ammo Capacity: 17 Rounds

  • FPS: 440

  • Buy in Canada

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KWC M1911 NBB CO2 Pellet Pistol

  • Type: Pellet Pistol

  • Manufacturer: KWC

  • Model: M1911

  • Materials: Metal Slide & Frame

  • Weight: 990 g (2.18 lb)

  • Barrel: Metal Rifled

  • Power Source: 12 g CO2 x 1

  • Action: Semi-Automatic DAO

  • Ammo Type: .177 Caliber Pellets

  • Ammo Capacity: 12 Rounds

  • FPS: 345

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KWC TT-33 Tokarev SAO CO2 BB Pistol

  • Type: BB Pistol

  • Manufacturer: KWC

  • Model: Model TT-33

  • Materials: Metal Slide & Frame

  • Weight: 700 g (1.54 lb)

  • Barrel: Metal

  • Power Source: 12 g CO2 x 1

  • Action: Semi-Automatic SAO

  • Ammo Type: .177 Caliber Pellets

  • Ammo Capacity: 12 Rounds

  • FPS: 345

  • Buy in Canada

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KWC M92 Blowback CO2 BB/Airsoft Pistol

  • Type: BB/Airsoft Pistol

Categories: 4.5mm / .177 cal, 6mm, Airsoft, BB, Blowback, CO2, Full Auto, Pellet, Pistol, Review, Semi Auto, YouTube Video Tags: KWC, M92, Taurus PT24 24/7, M1911, TT-33, Tokarev, Beretta