Entries in 6mm,Accessory

Why is My Blank Gun Not Working?


First off I want to say it’s hard to trouble shoot technical or mechanical problems over the internet regardless of if ithas to do with guns, cars, computers or pretty much anything where unless you are there in person it’s really hard to figure out the problem.

But I will attempt to address some of the more common issues why a blank gun may not be functioning properly.

Why is my Semi Auto Blank Gun Not Cycling or Ejecting Shells?

One very common reason a blank gun may not be cycling the shells properly is because the owner has removed the barrel restrictor plug. People usually do this to make the barrel opening look more realistic but the barrel restrictor is a necessary component to increase the back pressure allowing the slide to cycle fully to the rear position so it can eject and pickup a new shell.

The blanks you are using may not have enough gun powder in them. Some blank guns require banks with more gun powder than others, again this additional internal pressure forces the slide all the way back, if the blank does not have enough gun powder in it then only a partial slide motion happens and so the discharged shell may not eject properly, in this case the user would have to clear the blank gun manually so another shell can then be picked up and loaded into the breach.

If your blank guns is dirty or not lubricated then it may act sluggish again restricting the full movement of the slide which will effect correct operation. Make sure to thoroughly clean and lubricate your blank gun, that may be a quick fix for you!

You may have a faulty extractor? The extractor is like a hook that grabs the discharged shell while the slide is in the reward position pulling or extracting the shell out of the breach. If the extractor is worn or broken then the empty shell will not be ejected from the breach so when a new shell is picked up from the magazine it has nowhere to go and usually you will get a jam-up in the ejection port area.

One final situation that can cause your blank gun to not cycle properly is to strong of a slide spring, some blank guns out of the box just come with a really heavy slide spring, so much so that even blanks with lots of gunpowder in them are still not strong enough to make the slide operate full motion. Your only option here would be to replace the heavy slide spring with a lighter one.

Why Are My Blanks Not Firing?

This is a situation where you pull the trigger and nothing happens. Lets get the obvious causes right out of the way here… Did you put blanks in your gun and are they new blanks? Did you chamber the first round in your semi auto pistol?

So now that that’s out of the way let’s look at some other reasons why your blank gun may not be firing a blank. Perhaps the firing pin is broken? Most blank guns are not made out of carbon steel and even the firing pins can be lesser quality than what you would find in a real gun so blank guns are more prone to breaking than real guns. I have seen broken firing pins in blank guns first hand so make sure to check the firing pin and that it is fully operational.

Try changing up your blanks to another brand? Again blank gun ammunition is not made to the same higher standards that real firearm ammo is made and some primers may require a little more pressure than your gun is providing. Even with real guns an ammo change may help the gun operate better.

Why is the Trigger or Hammer Not Operating Properly?

I have come across blank guns where there are mechanical problems in the trigger and hammer areas, you may be able to address this yourself but I would recommend taking your blank gun to a gunsmith since you will have to take the gun pretty much full apart to fix a problem in the trigger and hammer areas.

Of course make sure your gun is clean and lubricated, this can help a lot with the mechanical areas of your blank gun.

One problem I saw with a few EKOL Special 99’s was specifically with the single action potion of the trigger, when I would pull the hammer back it would not lock back and the hammer would often slip and fire randomly, this is rather dangerous. When I took the gun apart I found that the table top or step that the trigger was supposed to catch on was worn down on the edge so it would simply slip off. I was able to fix this by filing a new edge on the step area. Again this can happen because blank guns are not made out of as high quality metal materials as real guns.

Why does the Flame Come out the Top of My Blank Gun and Not the Front?

If you find that the flame or discharge comes out of the top of your blank gun and not the barrel, this usually does not mean anything is wrong with your blank gun. All it means is you own a top venting blank gun and not a front firing blank gun. In some countries front firing blank guns are not allowed but front venting blank guns are. The same may also be reversed in some countries, for instance here in Canada we can only import front firing blank guns with flare adaptors since our blank guns are imported under the assumption that they are to be used as signaling or flare devices.

Can I Convert my Top Venting Blank Gun into a Front Venting Blank Gun?

I really don't recommend altering a blank gun in any way as it may be a violation of your local laws and it could cause the blank gun to malfunction in a very bad way causing serious injury or even death!

In theory I suppose it may be possible to convert your Top Venting Blank Gun into a Front Venting Blank Gun but again you would need to allow for just the right amount of back pressure so a wide open barrel would not work unless it was a revolver. You can not simply remove the red plug and bingo you have a front firing blank gun because in most cases the barrel will be completely plugged in the frontal region. Not only would you need to drill out the plugged portion of the barrel but you would also have to somehow fill in the top venting area and again makes sure to allow for just enough back pressure to cycle the slide back and forth.

Hopefully this has helped some of you with blank gun issues. If you’re looking for a blank gun make sure to come down to www.ReplicaAirguns.ca and www.ReplicaAirguns.us and have a look in our blank gun area of our online stores.

Categories: .22 cal, 380, 6mm, 8mm, 9mm, Blank Gun, How To, Pistol, Review, Revolver, Semi Auto, YouTube Video Tags:

Airsoft Gun Power Source Pro’s & Con’s


Power Sources Covered in this review: CO2 - Green Gas / Propane - Spring - AEG / AEP (Automatic Electric Gun - Airsoft Electric Pistol)


  • CO2 Airsoft Guns allow for fast repeat shooting, great for action shooters, generally CO2 Airsoft Guns will have a little more power then Green Gas Airsoft Guns. There is no need to pump or cock your CO2 powered Airsoft gun in-between shots and a CO2 power source can allow for a very realistic action of the gun you are shooting. 

  • Green Gas (Propane) Airsoft Guns operate much the same as CO2 Airsoft guns so they all make for great action shooters and the Green Gas powers the mechanical operation allowing for very realistic operation. Green Gas (Propane) Airsoft Guns can cost a little bit less to operate that a CO2 Airsoft Gun especially if you plan to use Propane as it can be cheaper to buy than the smaller 12 gram CO2 Cartridges.

  • Spring Airsoft Guns are generally fairly basic and low cost so they are the usually the most affordable Airsoft guns to buy. There is no need to buy CO2 or Green Gas or even a Battery and Charger Setup so the cost to shoot Spring Airsoft Guns is only going to be subject to the Airsoft BB’s you plan on buying.

  • AEG (Automatic Electric Guns) have the most consistent power as they use a spring internally that the electric motor draws back before each shot, the internal spring will essentially apply the same force to the Airsoft BB’s with each shot. AEG (Automatic Electric Guns) are a great option when you are wanting a Full Auto Airsoft gun since there is no cool down effect and as long as your batteries are charged and you have Airsoft BB’s in your magazine, the gun will simply keep shooting. AEG (Automatic Electric Guns) allow for the highest capacity magazines and often hold as many as 500 Airsoft BB’s in a single magazine. So if you’re looking for raw firepower an AEG or AEP Airsoft Gun is your best option. Once you have purchased your AEG (Automatic Electric Gun) and a battery and charger setup, they are fairly inexpensive to operate since no CO2 or Green Gas is required.


  • CO2 Airsoft Guns require the additional cost to buy the CO2 cartridges as they will not function without it. CO2 Airsoft Guns have a limited power output and lose power as you shoot and use up the CO2. CO2 Airsoft Guns are effected by hot and cold temperatures and will have less power in colder temperatures and may not even work in super cold environments. CO2 Airsoft Guns will have a more conservative ammunition capacity since too high of a capacity magazine would freeze up the magazine and even the gun.  

  • Again since Green Gas (Propane) Airsoft Guns work much like CO2 Airsoft Guns, they are effected by cool down and lose power when shoot quickly or as the Green Gas or Propane runs low. Green Gas does not expand as much as CO2 so it will not be as powerful and even less effective in colder temperatures. Green Gas Airsoft Guns will have a more conservative ammunition capacity since too high of a capacity magazine would freeze up.

  • Spring Airsoft Guns are not the best action shooters since you need to manually operate the slide to pullback the spring prior to each shot, this does work well with Pump, Lever and Bolt Action Airsoft guns but is not the best option for pistols since most real steel pistols operate in semi auto mode.

  • If you plan to use your AEG (Automatic Electric Gun) in a battle then it will require a multi battery setup which does cost a bit more upfront. AEG (Automatic Electric Guns) are know to not operate as realistically as a CO2 or Green Gas Airsoft gun since CO2 and Green Gas Guns do allow for the same realistic mechanical operation which can give very believable blowback operation, this is hard to replica with an AEG Airsoft Gun.

Categories: 6mm, AEG, Airsoft, CO2, Comparison, Full Auto, GBB, Gas, Pistol, Repeater, Review, Revolver, Rifle, Semi Auto, YouTube Video Tags:

ASG CZ 75 P-07 Duty CO2 Airsoft Pistol Shooting Review

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Here is my Field Test Shooting Video Review for the ASG CZ 75 P-07 Duty CO2 Airsoft Pistol. Make sure to checkout my previous Table Top Review for more detailed info about the ASG CZ 75 P-07 Duty Airsoft version.

My 5 shot Chronograph test resulted in a much lower than expected average velocity of around 265 fps, the ASG CZ 75 P-07 Duty CO2 Airsoft Pistol did start off in the mid350 range but then suddenly drop into the mid 200 fps range and according to ASG's rating, we should of been getting closer to 400 fps so something may have been up with this gun? My 10 shot accuracy test from 30 feet out using a semi rested position came in at around 4 inches. I am happy to say that my shots did seem to get to the target a bit faster than I was expecting with such a low fps chronograph testing. In terms of shot placement the ASG CZ 75 P-07 Duty CO2 Airsoft Pistol shot a bit high and to the left so you may have to adjust your aim point since there is no hop-up or windage adjustments on this pistol.

I was expecting a lot more power from the ASG CZ 75 P-07 Duty CO2 Airsoft Pistol since the 4.5mm Steel BB version of this same gun even with blowback operation still got an average of closer to 350 fps? I do like the lighter single action trigger the blowback version offers but the double action trigger of the non-blowback version is pretty good, not too heavy and fairly smooth. You can also expect to get at least 100 shots or more from a single 12 gram CO2 which makes this an relatively inexpensive gun overall.

Watch my Vimeo Video Field Test for the ASG CZ 75 P-07 Duty CO2 Airsoft Pistol:

Categories: 6mm, Airsoft, CO2, Field Test, Pistol, Review, Semi Auto, YouTube Video Tags: ASG, CZ 75 P-07 Duty

ASG CZ 75D Compact CO2 Airsoft Pistol Shooting Review

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Here is my Field Test Shooting Video Review for the ASG CZ 75D Compact CO2 Airsoft Pistol. Make sure to checkout my previous Table Top Review for more detailed info about the ASG CZ 75D Compact Airsoft version.

My 5 shot Chronograph test resulted in an average velocity of just over 400fps while my 10 shot accuracy test from 30 feet out using a semi rested position came in at around 2 inches for most of the shots with a few hitting a bit higher. I did have one misfeed which resulted in a double shot for the next trigger pull, those shots obviously did not hit the target as well as expected. For some reason I got a double shot when I tested the 4.5mm Steel BB version so perhaps this is something inherent to this air pistol? In terms of shot placement the ASG CZ 75D Compact CO2 Airsoft Pistol shot fairly well centered left to right but on the high side near the top of the target. You should be able to adjust the internal hop-up to lower the shots a bit if need be.

The ASG CZ 75D Compact CO2 Airsoft Pistol is about what I expected in terms of performance since I have already shot the 4.5mm Steel BB version but with the blowback option. I do like the lighter single action trigger the blowback version offers but the double action trigger of the non-blowback version is pretty good, not too heavy and fairly smooth. You can also expect to get at least 100 shots or more from a single 12 gram CO2 which makes this an relatively inexpensive gun to buy and shoot.

Watch my YouTube Video Field Test for the ASG CZ 75D Compact CO2 Airsoft Pistol:

Categories: 6mm, Airsoft, CO2, Field Test, Pistol, Review, Semi Auto, YouTube Video Tags: ASG, CZ 75D

ASG Ruger MK II Dual Tone CO2 6mm Airsoft Pistol Shooting Review

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Make sure to also check out my Table Top Review for this Airsoft Pistol for more information on features, specifications and high quality photos taken by yours truly! If your interested in the ASG Ruger MK1 then you can find my review for it here.

In this Field Test Shooting Reviews I test out the ASG Ruger MK II CO2 6mm Airsoft Pistol and put five rounds through my Chronograph to find out what the average fps is using .20 gram BB's and a brand new 12 gram CO2 cartridge. ASG claims 417 fps, I was expecting to get pretty close to that but did average a little bit lower at right around 399 but it was only about 7 degrees Celsius or 45 degrees Fahrenheit. Kind of a cold one!

I also shoot the ASG Ruger MK 2 CO2 6mm Airsoft Pistol from the 30 foot range since I hadn't had a chance to shoot it yet. While shooting from a semi rested position at 30 feet back, I was able to get a 5 inch 10 shot group but did notice that the bulk of the shoots seemed to all hit within a 2 inch group with two outliers that shot a bit low and to the right. The other 8 shots all hot really close to dead center on the target. All the ASG Ruger MK pistols have both adjustable hop-up and a rear sight that is adjustable for windage so you should be able to dial this gun in for your shooting style. The trigger pull on the ASG Ruger MK II CO2 6mm Airsoft Pistol is double action only and kind of on the long side but it is pretty smooth and has a nice satisfying metallic click to it when released, I found it pretty easy to shoot but it does take some practice time to get the feel for it.

If you are a Ruger MK series 22LR shooter than you may just want to get your hands on one of these and have the freedom of being able to shoot it just about anywhere for even cheaper than using 22LR ammo!

My Vimeo Field Test Video Review for the ASG Ruger MK2 CO2 6mm Airsoft Pistol:

Categories: 6mm, Airsoft, CO2, Field Test, Pistol, Review, Semi Auto, YouTube Video Tags: ASG, Ruger, Ruger MK2

How to Get Rid of That Ugly White Writing on Your Airgun

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I get asked on a daily bases form many of my Vimeo Viewers about how and if there is a way to get rid of the White lettering on Airguns, Typically people are wanting to remove the intrusive Warning instructions from Airguns like the Cybergun Tanfoglio Witness 1911, the Cybergun/Swiss Arms GSG 92/P92 and many other CO2 Replica Airguns that have lettering or branding that you may want to get rid of.

In this Instructional Tutorial Video I show you how can at least tone down the white lettering and even completely remove it on some Airguns without damaging the Airguns finish underneath the white lettering. You will have to use some patience and perhaps repeat this method a few times but the end result is worth the effort.

The magical product I use to remove the white lettering on many popular Airguns is a product from Birchwood Casey called the Presto Gun Blue Pen. This product is actually designed to touch up real steel gun in areas where the blueing has worn off, lucky for us the Birchwood Casey Presto Gun Blue Pen also works well to remove the ugly white lettering from Airguns.

Categories: 4.5mm / .177 cal, 6mm, Airsoft, BB, Blowback, CO2, How To, Pellet, Pistol, Review, Revolver, Semi Auto, YouTube Video Tags: Cybergun, KWC, Umarex

Which Shells Work in Which Shell Loading Revolvers?

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I have often been asked which of the Shells for the Shell Loading Revolvers work in which Shell Loading Revolvers? After all many of them look a lot alike so can you mix and match Shells for the various types of Shell Loading Revolvers?

In this Vimeo Instructional Video I test out a bunch of Shells to see which ones actually will work or not work in several of the most popular Shell Loading Revolvers.

Some of the Shell Loading Revovers Tested in this Instructional Video are:

Categories: 4.5mm / .177 cal, 6mm, Airsoft, BB, CO2, Comparison, How To, Pellet, Pistol, Review, Revolver, YouTube Video Tags: 357, ASG, Colt Single Action Army, Dan Wesson, Dan Wesson 715, G731, Gletcher, KWC, NGT, NGT R, Umarex, Webley

ANT Advanced Novelty Tech FIRE CO2 HPA Conversion Kit Shooting Review

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Make sure to watch my Table Top Review for all the Features and Specifications for the ANT Advanced Novelty Tech FIRE CO2 HPA Conversion Kit.

In this Field Test Shooting Video Review I compare using a standard 12 gram CO2 versus my ANT Advanced Novelty Tech FIRE CO2 HPA Conversion Kit with HPA (High Pressure Air).

To make this as comparable a test as possible I used two KWC/Gletcher Makarov Full Blowback Pistols each with their own separate magazine, again one with a 12 gram  CO2 and one using the ANT system.

HPA or High Presure Air is not effected by cold weather which makes this setup ideal for shooting in cold situations since fps is not effected at all. As CO2 requires heat to expand, the colder the outside temperature the less amount of expansion you get from the CO2 whihc results in less power, this is really noticeable on your follow-up magazines as the CO2, magazine and even the gun will have started to cool down from the CO2 exposure.

The ANT Advanced Novelty Tech FIRE CO2 HPA Conversion Kit even when using large 20 ounce CO2 tanks will help with the cool down effect since the large CO2 tanks will take much longer to cool down and even freeze up as compared to the smaller 12 gram CO2 which can get frosty even after the first magazine.

I did notice in this Field Test Shooting Review that the CO2 did pretty good as it was my first magazine and the temperature was not all that cold out. I can say the HPA System was shooting much harder, after making this video I popped off another couple magazine with each gun shooting out to at least 100 feet and the ANT FIRE HPA setup was really throwing the 4.5mm Steel BB's out there quickly. As expected the 12 gram CO2 mags really started to trail off especially on the third magazine of shots.

All in all, the ANT Advanced Novelty Tech FIRE CO2 HPA Conversion Kit will not only bring your cost per shot down significantly but it allows you to keep shooting with no down time waiting for your gun to warm back up and the ability to use HPA (High Pressure Air) means you will get even more fps performance out of your air guns but also much more consistent shot performance all day long!

Categories: 4.5mm / .177 cal, 6mm, Accessory, Airsoft, BB, Bulk Air, CO2, Field Test, Paintball, Pistol, Review, YouTube Video Tags: ANT, ANT FIRE

ANT Advanced Novelty Tech FIRE CO2 HPA Conversion Kit Review

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I reviewed the Original ANT (Advanced Novelty Tech) CO2 HPA Conversion Kit last year and did both a Table Top Review and Field Test Shooting Review, so make sure to check out my video reviews for the Original ANT Advanced Novelty Tech CO2 HPA Conversion Kit.

Well ANT (Advanced Novelty Tech) made an update model that supports a bunch more guns, that's a good thing of course. This new model is called the "FIRE" and it supports the following guns. I did find however that ANT list that the Gletcher NGT and Webley Mark VI Revolvers where supported by the FIRE but my findings indicated the CO2 screw on both these guns had a smaller diameter so they where not compatible. Other than that small discrepancy most of the other guns on their list should work just fine.

What exactly is the ANT Advanced Novelty Tech FIRE CO2 HPA Conversion Kit?

The Advanced Novelty Tech FIRE CO2/HPA Conversion Kit is a remote line adapter for Airsoft, BB, and pellet guns. Compatible with over 60 guns, it is easy to install and converts a compatible gun for use with a Paintball remote line and CO2 or HPA tank. Eliminating the need for disposable CO2 cartridges, while still being interchangeable with disposable CO2 cartridges, it delivers a longer, more powerful, and more consistent shooting experience between refills.

So what is the ANT Advanced Novelty Tech FIRE CO2 HPA Conversion Kit going to do for you?

  • Eliminate the need for the more expensive disposable 12 gram CO2 cartridges.

  • Use interchangeably with disposable 12 gram CO2 cartridges.

  • Use in conjunction with a Paintball remote line with standard quick disconnect fittings and a CO2 or HPA tank. (recommended use up to 1000 psi)

  • Shoot thousands of rounds before needing to refill your CO2.

  • Fits compatible Airsoft, BB, and pellet gun CO2 pistols.

  • Easy drop-in installation.

  • Overall cost savings.

  • More consistent FPS especially when shooting fast or in full auto.

  • Longer play time :)

I will be doing a Field Test Shooting Review for the ANT Advanced Novelty Tech FIRE CO2 HPA Conversion Kit but based on my experience with the Original ANT CO2 HPA Conversion Kit I expect it to work as advertised.

Categories: 4.5mm / .177 cal, 6mm, Accessory, Airsoft, BB, Bulk Air, CO2, Modification, Paintball, Pellet, Pistol, Review, YouTube Video Tags: ANT, ANT FIRE, Advanced Novelty Tech

KWC Mac 11 M11 CO2 BB - Airsoft Pistol Field Test Review

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Almost a year or so ago I made my Table Top Review Video for both the 6mm Airsoft and 4.5mm Steel BB shooting KWC Mac 11 M11 CO2 Pistols, and no they are not machine pistols since they only shoot in semi auto mode. Well anyway, I finally got around to testing these low cost Mac 11 replicas out shooting them through my Chrony Chronograph to find out their real world fps velocity along with my standard 30 foot back semi rested paper target accuracy test. Both CO2 Replica Pistols performed rather well for me and turned out to be both powerful and accurate.

In terms of power, KWC claims 120 meters per second or 394 feet per second for the 4.5mm Steel BB KWC M11 while the 6mm Airsoft Mac 11 had a claimed fps of 152 mps or 499 fps. During my testing both guns actually shot much faster than claimed with the steel BB M11 shooting 5.1 grain steel 4.5mm BB's at an average of 453 fps. The Airsoft KWC Mac 11 with its lighter .20 gram 6mm plastic Airsoft BB's averaged a very hot 556 fps which is probably going to be too hot for most Airsoft fields but a lot of fun shooting in your back yard!

Both the Steel BB and Plastic Airsoft BB KWC M11's have an internal fixed hop-up system which did seem to help out a lot with accuracy. From my semi rested shooting position with paper targets setup 30 feet away, I was able to get well centered 1-5 to 2 inch groupings from both versions of the KWC Mac 11 CO2 Pistols.The Airsoft KWC M11 did shoot a little high and to the right but not a lot while the Steel BB M11 was centered well left to right but again just a little high.

Both KWC Mac 11 M11 CO2 Pistols shoot in double action and have what I would consider to be about medium pull triggers since there are not a lot of moving parts or any type of blowback operation. This means they will be more CO2 efficient and likely to have very few problems since they are very simple in design. If you want a great performing low cost and simple in design Mac 11 Replica then take your pick, 4.5mm Steel BB KWC M11 or 6mm Plastic Airsoft KWC M11!

Categories: 4.5mm / .177 cal, 6mm, Airsoft, BB, CO2, Comparison, Field Test, Pistol, Review, Semi Auto, YouTube Video Tags: KWC, M11, Mac 11

My Favorite BB Pellet Airsoft and Blank Replica Guns

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It has been a while since I picked out some of my favorite guns, after all my favorite gun picks change on a daily basis since there are so many awesome guns out there to pick from.

This Vimeo video is a little different since I pick out my favorites from a bunch of mostly replica gun categories including Steel BB, Pellet, Airsoft, Revolvers and Blank Pistols.

You may notice most of my picks happen to be blowback guns but to me airguns are all about being as realistic as possible and having blowback operation to me help to simulate the realism that much more. The exception in this video is in the pellet gun category since I decided on a pellet gun that was more about function and purpose over being any type of real replica.

Hopefully you take the time to watch my entire Vimeo video since I also bring out some close runner ups but here is a list of my top picks on this day, tomorrow it could be a completely different list of guns ;) 

Categories: 4.5mm / .177 cal, 6mm, 9mm, Airsoft, BB, Blank Gun, Blowback, CO2, Comparison, GBB, Pellet, Pistol, Review, Revolver, Semi Auto, Single Shot, Spring Piston, YouTube Video Tags: Cybergun, Dan Wesson 715, KJWorks, KWC, ROHM, Umarex, Webley

KJWorks KP-11 Hi-Capa 1911 CO2 Blowback Airsoft Pistol Field Test ReviewPHOTO2

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In this Field Test Shooting video I test out the KJWorks KP-11 Hi-Capa 1911 CO2 Blowback Airsoft Pistol to determine what the real work velocity is and also how well it performs in terms of accuracy. To test velocity I use a my Chrony Chronograph and do my best to get 5 good readings which I then average out. I always use a brand new 12 gram CO2 cartridge and generally use .20 gram plastic Airsoft BB's for my entire Field Testing. To test accuracy I set myself up 30 feet back using a semi rested position, to do this I place a sand bag to rest my hand and gun on and then stand securely in the back while I place 10 rounds on a paper target. There is obviously some humane factor involved but I can usually get a good idea on how accurate a given gun is.

During the Velocity or Feet Per Second Chronograph testing, I did manage to get 5 good readings, not all in a row but all within the first 10 or so shots. The KJWorks KP-11 Hi-Capa 1911 CO2 Blowback Airsoft Pistol shot hard and averaged 420fps again using .20 gram Airsoft BB's.

For my accuracy testing, all 10 shots placed within about 3 inches and they where fairly well centered left to right but did shoot a little bit high, this could be corrected using the hop-up adjustment to bring the Airsoft BB's down just a little.

I was rather surprised at how loud the KJWorks KP-11 Hi-Capa 1911 CO2 Blowback Airsoft Pistol is, it is by far one of the loudest CO2 Pistols I have shot to date other than the Umarex Desert Eagle Pellet Pistol. The KJWorks KP-11 Hi-Capa 1911 CO2 Blowback Airsoft Pistol also has a lot of blowback kick which makes it a lot of fun to shoot. Don't expect a lot of shots per CO2 since it uses a lot of CO2 per shot but in my books it is worth it for the added blowback recoil.

The KJWorks KP-11 Hi-Capa 1911 CO2 Blowback Airsoft Pistol may shoot a little bit hot for indoor Airsoft close quarters games but if you plan to use it outdoors at longer ranges it would definitely send Airsoft BB's out to further away targets. You could also pickup a Green Gas Magazine to lower the FPS about 50fps or so which would calm the KJWorks KP-11 down enough for indoor shooting.

Make sure to also checkout my full Table Top Video Review for more info on specifications and features for the KJWorks KP-11 Hi-Capa 1911 CO2 Blowback Airsoft Pistol.

Categories: 6mm, Airsoft, Blowback, CO2, Field Test, GBB, Gas, Pistol, Review, Semi Auto, YouTube Video Tags: Colt Government 1911, KJWorks, KP-11, Model 1911

VFC FN Herstal FNX45 Tactical GBB Airsoft Pistol Table Top Review

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Type: Airsoft Gas Blowback Pistol.

Manufacturer: Cybergun - VFC.

Model: FN Herstal FNX45 Tactical

Materials: Metal and Polymer.

Weight: 2.09 pounds (950 grams).

Barrel: 4 inches, metal non-rifled.

Propulsion: GBB - Green Gas or Propane.

Action: Semi auto, single & double action with full blowback.

Ammunition Type: 6mm plastic Airsoft BB's.

Ammunition Capacity: 25 round full size drop out metal magazine.

FPS: 366+ with extended barrel.

Trigger Pull: The trigger pull on the VFC FN Herstal FNX45 Tactical GBB Airsoft Pistol is surprisingly light in single action mode, there is also minimal takeup. When shooting in double action the trigger pull length is much longer and heavier and has a bit of a stickiness too it but since this is a blowback pistol most of your shooting will be in single action mode where the trigger feels great!

Accuracy: I haven't done a dedicated Field Test Shooting Video yet for the VFC FN Herstal FNX45 Tactical GBB Airsoft Pistol but I did get the chance to play around with it when I did my I.C.U. 2.0 HD Action Camera review. In terms of power and accuracy it feels pretty good and you can expect to get decent power and accuracy out of it, we will have to wait and see how it performs on paper targets and when tested on the Chrony.

Build Quality: The VFC FN Herstal FNX45 Tactical GBB Airsoft Pistol is well made overall, I have found pretty much all the VFC airguns I have gotten my hands on seem to be well made and very realistic. you will find metal parts where they would be on the real Steel version of this pistol and same goes for plastic parts like the frame in this case. The finish seems to be holding up nicely too for me.

Realism: VFC really seams to pay a lot of attention to every detail of their Airsoft guns and the VFC FN Herstal FNX45 Tactical GBB Airsoft Pistol is no exception. All the mechanical working parts on this Airsoft version work as they would on the real .45 ACP FN Herstal FNX45, even the extractor is a separate part not moulded into the slide like you would find on most Airsoft pistols. You also get Interchangeable Back Straps to accommodate different hand sizes and of course it's fully FN licensed!

Purchase it from:The Replica Airguns Store


  • Excellent reproduction of the real steel FN Herstal FNX45 in looks and operation.

  • Very Crisp Firm full blowback operation.

  • Excellent fit and finish.

  • Everything is Ambidextrous so great for lefties too.

  • High Rise sighs suitable for the addition of a moc suppressor.

  • Comes with two interchangeable internal barrel lengths.

  • Fully field strip-able.

  • Fully FN Herstal Licensed.


  • Comes with a red tip.

  • Magazine is kind of shiny

  • My serial number plate fell off while shooting it so make sure yours is on tight.


Like I have mentioned throughout this review, VFC not only makes super realistic Airsoft guns, they also make a really high quality product. The VFC FN Herstal FNX45 Tactical GBB Airsoft Pistol is another example of this and offers everything you would hope to expect in an Airsoft Replica! The only down side is the orange tip  but that can be sorted out easy enough after you get it. It's definitely not a small gun so keep that in mind when deciding on buying it, overall the VFC FN Herstal FNX45 Tactical GBB Airsoft Pistol is a really nice Airsoft gun at a reasonable price point.

My Vimeo Video Review for the VFC FN Herstal FNX45 Tactical GBB Airsoft Pistol:

Categories: 6mm, Airsoft, Blowback, Comparison, GBB, Gas, Pistol, Review, Semi Auto, YouTube Video Tags: FNX -45 Tactical, VFC

KJWorks KP-11 Hi-Capa 1911 CO2 Blowback Airsoft Pistol Table Top Review

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Type: Blowback Airsoft Pistol.


Model:KP-11 M1911 Hi-Capa

Materials: Metal slide with Polymer frame.

Weight: 2 pounds (930 grams).

Barrel: Metalnon-rifled smooth bore.

Propulsion: 12 gram CO2.

Action: Blowback, Single action only.

Ammunition Type: 6mm plastic Airsoft BB's.

Ammunition Capacity: 28 rounds.

FPS: 360+ fps.

Trigger Pull: The trigger pull on the KJWorks KP-11 1911 is very good since it is modeled after a real steel 1911 which makes it short and crisp with a nice light trigger pull. There is a very slight take-up at the very beginning of the pull but once your get past this the release is crisp and predictable. Since it is not a double action trigger you will need to either rack the slide for your first shot or pull the hammer back if you have already chambered a round.

Accuracy: I have not done my actual Field Test Shooting video review for the KJWorks KP-11 M1911 Airsoft Pistol so I do not have any definitive feedback for you but based on my experiences shooting other KJWorks 1911 styled Airsoft CO2 Pistols I expect it to have great blowback action recoil, a nice trigger and good overall FPS and accuracy. In terms of reliability, KJWorks pistols are solid in this department.

Build Quality: As expected, the KJWorks KP-11 Hi-Capa 1911 CO2 Blowback Airsoft Pistol build quality is exactly like all the other KJWorks Airsoft guns I've tested so far, Build quality for the price point is top notch with tolerances between the moving parts like the slide and frame are extremely tight showing excellent workmanship and machining from KJWorks. The finish is always a step above other similar styled Airsoft and BB guns, youn really don't have to worry about the finish coming of as easy.

Realism: The KJWorks CO2 KP-11 Hi-Capa 1911 Blowback Airsoft Pistol copies the real steel very popular even today Colt 1911 45 caliber pistol, it can be field stripped very similarly to a real 1911 Semi Auto pistol and all parts function virtually the same including a working safety, grip safety, slide catch-release, magazine release and hammer. This Hi-Capa version has a more tactical look with a wider frame for what would be a double stack hi capacity styled magazine.

Available in the:Replica Airguns Store


  • Has really good weight but not too heavy since it has a polymer frame..

  • Expect to have typical KJWorks crisp and firm full blowback operation.

  • Excellent fit and finish. I like the mat textured finish which looks to bed super durable.

  • Nice bright white dot sights, really easy to see.

  • I like the look of the tactical hammer and trigger.

  • Nice high capacity magazine with a little extra zing for the CO2 Mag.

  • Fully field strip-able.


  • Is not really setup up for left handers with no real ambidextrous components.

  • CO2 magazine is long to accommodate the 12 gram CO2.

  • Grips may be a bit thick for smaller hands.


I love 1911 pistols and enjoy shooting them, there is something about how they feel in the hand that is different form most other pistols. They always feel so solid. The KJWorks Airsoft versions capture that feeling exactly and again the little bit more you may pay for a KJWorks 1911 over some other lesser quality Full blowback 1911's is worth the cost in my books. This Hi-Capa 1911 version with it's tactical look and finish would make a great game player for sure!

My Vimeo Table Top Review of the KJWorks KP-11 Hi-Capa 1911 CO2 Blowback Airsoft Pistol:

Categories: 6mm, Airsoft, Blowback, CO2, Comparison, GBB, Gas, Pistol, Review, Semi Auto, YouTube Video Tags: KJWorks, KP-11, M1911, Model 1911

ASG Dan Wesson 715 6 Inch Revolver BB Versus Airsoft Field Test Review

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This comparison Review Video serves a few purposes, first to compare the ASG Dan Wesson 715 Revolver 4.5mm steel BB version to the 6mm plastic Airsoft version in both velocity and accuracy. Secondly to give my new Chrony Chronograph with lighting kit a test to see if I can get more reliable readings in lower light and thirdly to try and redeem the Steel BB version of the Dan Wesson 715 as last time I tested it, it did not get all that high of fps readings, well below the claimed 430 on the box.

In this review video I test both Dan Wesson 715 Revolvers out, first with my Chrony Chronograph and then all in one take I setup and shoot 6 rounds each on separate paper targets from 30 feet back to see how accurate the smaller heavier Steel BB rounds are compared to the larger lighter Plastic BB's. I used 5.1 grain RWS 4.5mm Steel BB's and .20 gram 6mm plastic BB's and installed brand new 12 gram CO2 cartridges in both guns.

In terms of my Chrony consistency, the smaller steel BB's still struggled to get consistent readings with only 2 out of 6 shots while the larger Airsoft BB's managed to get a good reading 4 out of 6 shots. Steel BB velocity was right around 350 fps while the Airsoft BB's where travelling much faster at closer to 450 fps.

Both the Steel BB and Airsoft CO2 Dan Wesson 715 Revolvers shot 6 round grouping of about 2 inches with 4 out of the 6 shots making a much tighter 1 inch group again with both ammo types. The Airsoft Dan Wesson 715 seemed to be centered on target well while the Steel BB Dan Wesson 715 shot a bit low.

Categories: 4.5mm / .177 cal, 6mm, Airsoft, BB, CO2, Comparison, Field Test, Pistol, Review, Revolver, YouTube Video Tags: ASG, Dan Wesson, Dan Wesson 715

Mantis MantisX Firearms Training System Field Test Review

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I already did a Table Top Preview Video of the Mantis MantisX Firearms Training System so make sure to either watch my Vimeo video or read my Written Post to find out more detailed info about what the MantisX is and what and who can use it.

In short the MatisX is a Firearms Training System uses motion sensing technology to monitor how you hold your pistol before, during and after you shoot it, the Mantis MantisX Firearms Training System can determine areas that you may need to work on, like your Grip, Trigger Pull, Hesitation, Anticipation and many other common shooting mistakes.

In this Field Test Review for the Mantis MantisX Firearms Training System I setup my MantisX and take it through my first trial shots with it, you will see I am learning how to use it as I go but by the time I finished shooting the video I had a pretty good idea on how it all worked.

Two main areas the Mantis MantisX Firearms Training System directed me to correct where my pistol grip as I was potentially tightening up as I pulled the trigger and also my trigger pull was a bit uneaven, On my second round of shooting I made some corrections in this area and it did give me a much tighter shot grouping so the Mantis MantisX Firearms Training System at least for me did improve my shooting to some degree.

I plan to use the MantisX some mroe and find out other posible areas I can improve upon but overal I feel the Mantis MantisX Firearms Training System will help improve most people shooting skills or at least hlep them to figure out where they are going wrong.

**Make sure to use Coupon Code "ReplicaAirguns" to get free shipping! http://mantisx.com**

Categories: Accessory, Airsoft, BB, Blowback, CO2, Field Test, Pistol, Real Gun, Review, Semi Auto, YouTube Video Tags: Mantis, MantisX

Mantis MantisX Firearms Training System Preview

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First off I want to thank Mantis for sending me this MantisX for review!

By the way, use Coupon Code "ReplicaAirguns" to get free shipping!

This time is not currently in the Replica Airguns Store for sale but it looked really cool so I could not pass up this opportunity to try it out and perhaps we even cary it down the road.

What is the Mantis MantisX Firearms Training System?

MantisX is a revolutionary patent-pending handgun attachment that helps firearms enthusiasts and professionals train more efficiently. While attached to a handgun, it analyzes every shot and generates actionable data you can use to improve your shooting mechanics.

What’s in the box?

  • You get the Mantis MantisX Sensor that  works with most handguns with a rail system.

  • You get the charging cable.

  • You get a very high quality Pelican Water proof case to store your Mantis MantisX.

  • You get the instructions. 

How does the Mantis MantisX Training System Work?

  • First you Connect MantisX to any Picatinny-enabled handgun, just like you would any other firearm attachment.

  • Then install the MantisX smartphone application, turn on MantisX, and pair the device with a phone via Bluetooth. Available for both Android and iOS.

  • All that’s left is to collect the data and evaluate shooting performance, identify areas of improvement, and track progress over time.

What Exactly does the Mantis MantisX Training System Do?

Analyzation:MantisX detects each shot you make, analyzes the movement of the firearm during the trigger pull, and assigns a score to each shot that signifies deviation from the aiming position.

Coaching: Based on the movement patterns of the firearm, MantisX identifies areas of improvement and provides coaching that will improve your mechanics, your score, and your precision. 

Tracking: MantisX keeps track of all your shooting sessions and generates useful reports that will help you identify your shooting trends, gauge your progress, and set adequate improvement goals. 

Who is the Mantis MantisX Training System Made For?

Individuals: With MantisX, practice anytime and anywhere. Analyze each shot you make, keep tabs on your performance overtime, and hone your shooting mechanics by following our data-driven suggestions. Can be used with virtually any gun that has a rail system, even airguns like Airsoft and BB pistols

Instructors: As an instructor, manage your students more efficiently with MantisX, spending more time on actually coaching rather than watching people shoot. MantisX also provides hard data for students to see. 

Agencies: Agencies help their cadets and employees gain and maintain excellent marksmanship skills necessary for military and law enforcement service. MantisX also assists in training for qualification exams.

Next I am going to play around with the Mantis MantisX Training System and see who it works, I am not sure if I will have the chance to use it with my “real guns” but I kind of wanted to focus more on who it works with Airguns related products anyways.

Use Coupon Code "ReplicaAirguns" to get free shipping!

Categories: Accessory, Airsoft, BB, Blowback, CO2, Pistol, Real Gun, Review, Semi Auto, YouTube Video Tags: Mantis, MantisX

RWA M1919 AEG Airsoft Machine Gun vs F-1 Shooting Chrony

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Watch and see what happens when you take an RWA M1919 AEG Airsoft Machine Gun and put it head to head against the all metal F1 Chrony Chronograph. That's right, my old temperamental Chrony F-1 Chronograph meets its first opponent! Did it survive or did it bow to the hail storm of 6mm Airsoft BB's...

Categories: 6mm, AEG, Airsoft, Field Test, Full Auto, Full Auto Fun, Rifle, YouTube Video Tags: Chronograph, RWA M1919 Machine Gun

Chrony Beta Shooting Chronograph Field Test Review

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Recently I picked up my new Chrony Beta Shooting Chronograph to replace my F-1 that has not been working so well for me in past videos... I wanted to get outside and give it a try shooting a few of the airguns that I was not able to test out properly. Now I know that under my patio deck, the lighting is not optimal even on sunny days and because of this I have never expected to get perfectly consistent fps recording but as many of you know, my old Chrony F-1 was pretty much not working at all near the end there.

I have ordered a light kit which will help out a lot especially when summer is over and the sky becomes more overcast. But for now I decided to test my Chrony Beta Chronograph under my deck roof as I have been testing all along and see if I can get better results with this newer Beta version.

So makes sure to watch my Vimeo video testing of my Chrony Beta Shooting Chronograph shooting a selection of airguns.

Categories: 4.5mm / .177 cal, 6mm, Airsoft, BB, Blowback, CO2, Field Test, GBB, Pellet, Pistol, Rifle, Semi Auto, YouTube Video Tags: Chronograph, Chrony Beta

Chrony Beta Shooting Chronograph Table Top Review

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As most my Vimeo Subscribers and Viewers will already know, I have been struggling with my Chrony Shooting Chronograph for a while now. I know some of it is to do with the bad lighting under my deck but over time my Chrony F-1 Shooting Chronograph has become less and less reliable to the point now that I simply don't get any usable feedback from it. If I'm lucky on a good day I might get one FPS reading out of ten shots which is nothing I can use.

So recently I went out and purchased a new Chrony Shooting Chronograph, I actually upgraded a little bit and got the higher end Chrony Beta Shooting Chronograph version which has more options than my older F-1 Chrony like:

  • Selector switch to change from FPS (feet per second) to MPS (meter per second).

  • Delivers Measurements and Statistics such as - High, Low and Average Velocities, Extreme Spread and Standard Deviation.

  • Retrieve individual Shot Velocities and Statistics.

  • Has temporary working memory.

  • Has 60 shot permanent memory (divided into 6 numbered strings of up to 10 shots each, with one set of Statistics for each string).

  • Delete individual shots (with automatic adjustment of Statistics).

  • Delete the content of a whole string or all data from memory.

  • Can be switched off, taken home & switched on again for reviewing and information retrieval.

  • Memory will stay even without battery.

  • Moves instantly from string to string, interrupts shooting on any string without memory loss, returns to any string to continue where you left off.

  • Change string size.

  • Stereo Jack for optional Printer or Remote Control.

  • Forget Button - To clear individual strings instantly.

  • Upgrade to 1000 shot memory.

  • Upgrade to Gamma or Gamma Master Chrony.

Probably a lot more features than I actually need or will even use but the price for the Chrony Beta Shooting Chronograph over the Chrony F-1 Shooting Chronograph I have been using was only about $30 more so I figured why not go for it.

In this review video I mainly show you around my new Chrony Beta Shooting Chronograph and don't really talk too much about features since it is all new to me and I have not played around with my new Beta Chrony much so far.

I do plan to do some Field Testing with my the Chrony Beta Shooting Chronograph and shoot some of the Airguns that I was not overly successful getting readings for like my new Sig Sauer Pellet Pistols and Sig Sauer MPX Rifle along with my ISSC M22 BB CO2 Pistol. So stay tuned for that upcoming Field Test video.

Categories: Accessory, Airsoft, BB, Comparison, Paintball, Pellet, Review, YouTube Video Tags: Chronograph, Chrony Beta