Zoraki 925 Deluxe Blank Gun on its way — Replica Airguns Blog | Airsoft, Pellet, & BB Gun Reviews

Zoraki 925 Deluxe Blank Gun on its way


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I purchased a Zoraki 925 Deluxe Blank Gun back in late September on a pre-order from CanadaAmmo.com and have been waiting patiently for stock to arrive! Well it finally happened and my Zoraki 925 "Deluxe" is now officially on its way. The last order I received from CanadaAmmo only took two days to arrive as they are located very near to where I live.

Zoraki guns are starting to get a bit harder to buy in Canada and if you can find one it will probably be a bit more expensive now as the Zoraki line distribution channel has changed effectively increased the cost. I paid just under $150 for my 925 Deluxe model including shipping and taxes which is a great deal! The difference between the deluxe model and regular 925 is that the deluxe version comes with two magazines: a shorter 14 round mag and a longer 25 round magazine. I believe the deluxe version also has a nicer hard shell case with cut-outs for the gun, extra mag and accessories.

The Zoraki 925 is based on a simplified 914 9mm P.A.K. blank gun but has a polymer shell around it making it look a bit like a mini UZI. It also is capable of shooting in semi or full auto and a nice little bonus is that the magazines are interchangeable.

Here is a little bit of trivia on the Zoraki 925 - it was used in the movie Universal Soldier: Regeneration by Jean-Claude Van Damme in a few of the carnage scenes. Hey, if it's good enough for JCVD, it's good enough for me!

I can hardly wait for it to get here and of course I will be doing a review and shooting test to follow...

Blank gun.jpg
9mm, Blank Gun, Full Auto, Pistol, Semi Auto 925, Zoraki