I have talked about how KWC and Cybergun are really the same product and that Cybergun and KWC products in many cases are really the same gun but with some versions having slightly different markings on the guns themselves.

Today I show you a new 4.5mm Steel BB gun we just brought into the store very closely related to the Cybergun Tanfoglio Witness 1911, or otherwise known as the KWC Model 1911. This new airguns is a Tactical version of the Model M1911 and it goes by the name Model M1911 A1 Tac. It shares the same internal parts as the Tanfoglio Witness 1911 including the 4.5mm Steel BB magazine but the Tactical version is all black and has several updated modern parts that you would not find in a traditional 1911 A1 45 auto replica: Like the tactical trigger, hammer, adjustable white dot sights and accessory rial. This gun would make an awesome IPSC trainer for sure.

At this point there is no 6mm Airsoft version but you can get the KWC Model 1911 and M92 in 6mm Airsoft all metal versions.

I also compare my GSG 92 4.5mm Steel BB pistol I reviewed in the past and show you that it is identical to the KWC same M92 version with the exception of some marking on the slide. Many people even prefer the KWC branded models as they do not have the rather offensive white warning instructions all over them.

So if you're in the market for one of these super popular KWC/Cybergun blowback ultra realistic BB and Airsoft pistols you do have some options to consider...
Watch my Vimeo Video Preview for these very popular KWC/Cybergun Blowback Pistols: