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Entries in 914

Some New Zoraki 914 Finishes to Choose From


I wanted to let you know we have a couple new Zoraki 914 color finishes to choose from, Shiny Chrome and Titanium. We have limited quantities so get them while we still have them. And that goes for all of our Zoraki line as I can not ensure we will be carrying it for much longer - it has nothing to do with quality as the Zoraki line of blank guns is one of the best! SORRY - ALL GONE!

Buy Blank Guns in Canada   -   Buy Zoraki M914 in the US

Categories: 8mm, 9mm, Blank Gun, Full Auto, Pistol, Replica Airguns News, Semi Auto Tags: 914, 925, M906, Zoraki

Wood Grips for Zoraki 914 Now Available


We just got in some Wood Grips for your Zoraki 914. Well technically they are plastic but they look like wood! We have limited supplies of these real imitation wood grain grips and once they are gone they may be gone for ever - or at least till we get some more. That is if we can get some more, it's really hard to say?

Categories: 9mm, Accessory, Blank Gun, Full Auto, Pistol, Replica Airguns News, Semi Auto Tags: 914, Zoraki

Zoraki 914 Full Auto Product Review by NicFitNation


I don't post a lot of other people's video here on the site but from time to time when I see a really good one, I'll feature it. This video is from a YouTuber named NicFitNation. What I like about this video most of all is the way VST sums up the reasons for getting a blank gun to begin with. I know most of you already understand the reasoning behind owning a blank gun, but for some reason I seem to answer this question a lot on my YouTube channel.

Make sure to watch the video right to the end as there is a nice demo of the Zoraki 914 shooting in full auto!

Categories: 9mm, Blank Gun, Full Auto, Pistol, Review, YouTube Video Tags: 914, Zoraki

Zoraki 914 & R1 9mm and Kimar Lady K 8mm Blank Gun Test Fire

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Below is my Vimeo Video of the Zoraki Mod.914Zoraki Mod.R1 (2.5) and Kimar Lady K Blank

Guns. I fire 9mm and 8mm P.A.K blank ammunition through these guns and even show off the Zoraki Mod.914 in full auto firing mode. In the Vimeo Videos I also slow down the video to one-quarter speed so you can really see the action of these blank guns.

Zoraki Mod.914

  • 9mm P.A.K. Ammunition

  • 14 Round Magazine

  • Semi & Full Auto Modes

  • Front Muzzle Firing

Zoraki Mod. R1

  • 9mm P.A.K. Ammunition

  • 6 Round Capacity

  • Single & Double Action

  • Front Muzzle Firing

Kimar Lady K

  • 8mm P.A.K. Ammunition

  • 6 Round Magazine

  • Semi Auto Only

  • Top Muzzle Firing

Here is the Vimeo Video of my Zoraki 914, R1 and Kimar Lady K Blank Gun Test Firing:

Blank gun.jpg
Categories: 8mm, 9mm, Blank Gun, Full Auto, Pistol, Review, Revolver, Semi Auto, YouTube Video Tags: 914, Kimar, Lady K, R1, Zoraki

Zoraki 914 and Kimar Lady K Blank Gun Reviewc


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I received these Blank Shooters at different times. The Kimar Lady K (Walther PPK Replica), I acquired before the Canadian Blank Replica ban and the Zoraki Mod.914 I purchase just recently from Vinzer Sports. I don't often get the chance to shoot these guns because they are just so darn loud! I even though I live on a farm, I still get nervous shooting off a couple rounds in fear that the cops might show up... 

Some of the Blank Gun specs:

  • The Zoraki Mod.914 shoots 9mm P.A.K. blank ammunition

  • The Zoraki Mod.914 has a 14 round magazine

  • The Zoraki Mod.914 can shoot in either semi auto or full auto modes

  • The Zoraki Mod.914 vents from the front of the barrel

  • The Zoraki Mod.914 is NOT considered a replica because it does not closely resemble any other guns

  • The Kimar Lady K shoots 8mm P.A.K. blank ammunition

  • The Kimar Lady K has a 6 round magazine

  • The Kimar Lady K can shoot in semi auto mode only

  • The Kimar Lady K vents from the top of the barrel

  • The Kimar Lady K IS considered a replica and therefore is prohibited in Canada

Here is a quick summary of these Blank Guns…

The construction of these Blank Guns is very different, the Zoraki Mod.914 is made with standards close to a real firearm and looks and feels very much like a real gun. The Kimar Lady K is not nearly as refined and lacks the fit and finish but still functions very well as a blank shooter.

The Zoraki Mod.914 has a double stack magazine that holds a staggering 14 rounds but this does make the handle a bit on the thick side. The Kimar Lady K has a single stack magazine that only holds 6 rounds but this makes the handle much thinner and easier to tuck away.

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Both guns vent out of the barrel but only the Zoraki Mod.914 vents out of the front making it more realistic when shooting. The Kimar Lady K vents out of the top of the barrel which takes away from the realism and also makes the Blank Gun much louder to shoot as the sound tends to travel back towards the shooter.

The Zoraki Mod.914 can shoot in semi auto and full auto modes while the Kimar Lady K is a semi auto only shooter. That said, I don't think I'll be shooting in full auto mode too often as blank ammunition is actually more expensive than regular 9mm ammo!

If you live in Canada you really don't have too many option available, pretty much all I could find for blank shooters are the Zoraki Mod.914 and Mod.925 as both of these Blank Shooter are not considered replicas. In the US there are definitely way more options available if you're looking for a blank gun, the only downside to US blank guns is that they all have to vent from the top of the barrel.

Here is the Vimeo Video of my Zoraki 914 and Kimar Lady K Blank Gun Comparison/Review:

Categories: 8mm, 9mm, Blank Gun, Full Auto, Pistol, Review, Semi Auto, YouTube Video Tags: 914, Kimar, Lady K, Zoraki

Blank Gun Canadian Laws


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I was kinda right about why the Zoraki Blank Guns are allowed in Canada. It's mainly because they do not closely resemble any existing model of Firearm making it a Non-Replica and a Non-Firearm. The issue with most blank shooters is that they are Replicas of existing guns. Here is the official statement I got from Vinzer Sports located in Chateauguay, Quebec Canada pertaining to what is a Firearm.

Q. What is considered to be a firearm for purposes of the Firearms Act and for offences related to the Firearms Act in the Criminal Code? 

As set out in the Firearms Act, "firearm" means: 

  • A barreled weapon from which any shot, bullet or other projectile can be discharged and that is capable of causing serious bodily injury or death to a person, and includes.
  • Any frame or receiver of such a barreled weapon, as well as:
  • Anything that can be adapted for use as a firearm.

Following are some weapons and devices that meet the definition of a firearm but that are deemed not to be firearms for purposes of the Firearms Act and related offences in the Criminal Code. Some of these items are exempted from the definition only if they were designed exclusively for a specific purpose and are intended to be used exclusively for that purpose by the person who possesses it. However, all of the items listed below are considered to be firearms if used in a criminal or negligent manner. 

  • Antique firearms; 
  • Devices designed exclusively for signaling, for notifying of distress, for firing blank cartridges, or for firing stud cartridges, explosive-driven rivets, or other industrial projectiles.

 I hope this helps anyone else who is interested in legally purchasing and owning a Blank Gun in Canada.

Categories: 8mm, 9mm, Blank Gun, Full Auto, Gun Law, Pistol, Semi Auto Tags: 914, Zoraki

Replica Blank Guns

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I know my website mainly covers Replica Airguns, but I also have a few non-replic airguns listed on the site and may plan to include others down the road. So the new rule is that if it's an Air Gun or if it is a Replica of a gun then I just might put some information about it here on the site. But for the most part I'm going to stick with "Replica Airguns".

One gun I have not mentioned is a 8mm Blank Replica gun that I own. I don't want to get into details about Canadian law, but in a nutshell we can own them but we can not buy or sell them if they fall into the classification of being a "Replica" and not being able to "cause bodily harm".

The reason we can get Replica Airguns in Canada is because Airguns have projectiles that can cause bodily harm, classifying them as a firearm but because most air guns do not shoot faster than 500 FPS, they fall into a grey area where you do not need a firearms license to purchase or own them. In theory they are classified as a firearm because they can cause bodily harm and shoot stuff out of the barrel. I know it's nuts!

Back to my point! I am going to do a side by side review of one of my Blank Replica guns whcih is a Lady K 8MM Starter Pistol or some would refer to as a Blank gun.

And the other gun which I don't have yet but should show up shortly is a Zoraki 914 Semi/Full Auto Blank Pistol in 9mm PAK. I'm not sure why this gun is available in Canada for purchase, but it may be because it can also be used as a flare gun or perhaps that it's not designed after an actual gun like in the case of the Lady K looking very much like a Walther PPK. I hope to know more about this later.

The timing is good for these reviews as Halloween is coming up soon and I can get away with making a bunch of noise. Even though I live in a farm area, these guns are as loud as a real gun and shooting a full auto blank gun might be alarming for my neighbors any other time of the year :)

Check back soon for more on these guns...

Categories: 8mm, 9mm, Blank Gun, Blowback, Full Auto, Pistol, Semi Auto Tags: 914, Kimar, Lady K, Zoraki