Halloween Costume Contest Giveaway 2013

It's that time of year again and so once again, the anual Halloween Costume Contest Giveaway is here...
And in keeping with the weapons theme around here, the costumes must be weapons based so basically any costume that is based around a weapon of some sort is required to take part in this contest. You will need to send me a comment to this video that you have your Halloween Costume video uploaded and I will add it to my Halloween Contest 2013 Playlist.
Here are some ideas: Police, SWAT, Military, Navy Seal, Rebel Force, Ninja, Viking, Super Hero, Comic Character...
You get the idea!
The winner (Ultimately picked by everyone this time around) will receive a Cybergun Blackwater BW1911 R2 CO2 Blowback 4.5mm Steel BB Pistol.
And here are the official rules:
Looks like YouTube got rid of the Video Response feature without telling me ;)
- You need to make a Weapons Based Video and and post it to your YouTube account, then send me a comment that you have your Halloween Costume video uploaded and I will add it to my Halloween Contest 2013 Playlist.
- You need to be Subscribed to my YouTube Channel.
- You need to Favorite this video.
- You must be an adult or have your parent/s or guardians permission to accept the prize.
- Contest ends at midnight on October 31st 2013 and the winner will be announced shortly there after based on popularity.
- Anyone located outside of North America will be compensated to their PayPal account $99 US.
May the best Cop, Soldier, Rebel, Ninja, Mercenary, Viking, Cave "Person" win!