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Entries in Zoraki

Two New Blank Guns Added To The Collection - Zoraki M917 & Umarex SW1911


Photo of ZORAKI 917 Removed by Request from Glock "Renzulli Law Firm"

All references, photos and video claiming that any item in this Review/Video looks like a Glock or is a Replica of a Glock in any way shape or form have been removed from this post as requested by Glock"Renzulli Law Firm"

When ever I can get my hands on some blank guns at a realistic price or perhaps a trade that works for both parties, I generally try to make it happen. And if they are guns that I don't have in my collection, well they go directly into my collection so please no offers from fellow Canadians as I tend to hold onto my more rare or hard to acquire Canadian replica guns pretty firmly! .

Both of these 9mm P.A.K. Blank shooting guns are not brand new but they are in very good condition and it's hard to even say it they have been shot or not? My new Zoraki Mod. 917 as you can see, is styled very closely after the NAME REMOVED and so much so that all new version sold in North America must have "This is not a Glock" engraved on the right side frame of the receiver in order to be sold. Mine however was purchased before this requirement :) UPDATE: NO LONGER BEING SOLD IN NORTH AMERICA.

Photo of ZORAKI 917 Removed by Request from Glock "Renzulli Law Firm"

My Umarex SW1911 S is licensed by Smith & Wesson which makes it pretty hard to get in Canada becasue for a very long time we have not been allowed to import any replica guns and since it is licensed it makes it a true replica and would normally be stopped at the boarder. You may own replicas in Canada without a said license but you need to make sure they are stored and handled as defined by the requirements outlined in the Canada Firearms Act.

The S&W 1911 S is for sale in my US Replica Airguns Store for my US customers.

I will be reviewing the Umarex SW1911 but not the Zoraki M917 as I have already reviewed a Chrome Slide version of it.

Blank Pistol.jpg
Categories: 9mm, Blank Gun, Pistol, Replica Airguns News, Semi Auto Tags: M917, Umarex, Zoraki

Zoraki M917 9mm P.A.K. Blank Gun Review


Photo of Zoarki 917 Removed by Request from Glock "Renzulli Law Firm"

All references, photos and video claiming that any item in this Review/Video looks like a Glock or is a Replica of a Glock in any way shape or form have been removed from this post as requested by Glock"Renzulli Law Firm"

Type: Blank Gun.

Manufacturer: Zoraki - ATAK Arms

Model: Zoraki M917

Materials: Metal slide, Polymer frame.

Weight: 1.91 pounds.

Barrel: Semi plugged - front firing.

Propulsion: Gun powder.

Action: Single action.

Ammunition Type: 9mm P.A.K.

Ammunition Capacity: 17 rounds.


Photo of Zoarki 917 Removed by Request from Glock "Renzulli Law Firm"

Trigger Pull: The trigger pull has a medium pull and also has the built in trigger safety found on the real NAME REMOVED. There is also a grip safety that is used in combination with the trigger safety giving the Zoraki M917 a double safety system.

Accuracy: NA.

Build Quality: The overall build quality of this gun is excellent. The design and materials all seem to be of good quality as is true with all of the Zoraki blank guns. Out of all the blank guns I have reviewed the Zoraki gun materials and workmanship are closest to what you would find on real steel guns.

 Photo of Zoarki 917 Removed by Request from Glock "Renzulli Law Firm"

Realism: This gun is not "supposed" to be a replica of any gun in production but it does look amazingly similar to a NAME REMOVED semi auto pistol. The Zoraki M917 is different in that it has the double safety system with the extra grip safety on the back of the grips. The take down switch is also more like what you would find on a Walther series pistols but it makes for very easy field stripping!

Supplied on loan for review.

Photo of Zoarki 917 Removed by Request from Glock "Renzulli Law Firm"


  • Excellent construction, built pretty much just like a real NAME REMOVED.

  • Front firing and flawless performance.

  • Interesting double safety system.

  • Super easy to field strip.

  • High capacity magazine.

  • Come with a very nice hard shell case and accessory package.


  • Not available in Canada at this time:(

  • NAME REMOVED users may not like the double safety system.


The Zoraki MOD 917 is another very fine blank gun from Zoraki (ATAK Arms) which is exactly what I expected it to be! It is a real shame we can not import blank guns in Canada at this time and also the recent prohibition of several of the Zoraki blank gun models like the R1, M914 and M925. Make sure to watch my YouTube video on the Zoraki M917 for more information on what is happening in Canada with blank related importation. If you're are lucky enough to live in an area like the US or other parts of the world where your government does not treat you like a small child, then you can have one of these beautiful blank shooters!

Blank gun.jpg
Categories: 9mm, Blank Gun, Field Test, Pistol, Review, Semi Auto, YouTube Video Tags: M917, Zoraki

Zoraki M906 Silent Auction



This is the first of hopefully many blank gun silent auctions. Since we can not import blank guns in Canada and I know from all the emails I get each day, that there are lots of buyers looking to purchase blank guns in Canada. I am going to do my best to acquire used and or even sometimes some new blank guns from previous owners who may want to either sell their blank guns to me or trade them in for something else in the Replica Airguns Store.

I in turn will put these items up for sale in a Silent Auction format. A silent auction is where people send their best price to me and whoever is willing to part with the most money for said given item, gets the item that is up for bid!

So here we go! The first item up for bid is a previously owned Zoraki M906 in all black and in very good condition.

Type: Blank Gun.
Manufacturer: Zoraki - ATAK Arms.
Model: Zoraki M906.
Materials: Metal & Polymere.
Weight: .9 pounds.
Barrel: Semi plugged - front firing.
Propulsion: Gun powder.
Action: Single action only.
Ammunition Type: 9mm P.A.K.
Ammunition Capacity: 6 round magazine.

Checkout my full review on this item here.

Also a shooting video located here.

So if you want to be the new owner, send me your top price using our email form and I will sell it to the top bidder. This silent auction is open for one week and will end on April the 25th 2012 at midnight so don't hesitate...

Good luck to the everyone and here is a YouTube video of the gun up for auction.

Buy Zoraki M906 New in the US

Categories: 9mm, Blank Gun, Pistol, Replica Airguns News, Semi Auto, Silent Auction, YouTube Video Tags: M906, Zoraki

Zoraki M917 9mm P.A.K. Blank Gun Review Coming Soon

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Photo of ZORAKI 917 Removed by Request from Glock "Renzulli Law Firm"

All references, photos and video claiming that any item in this Review/Video looks like a Glock or is a Replica of a Glock in any way shape or form have been removed from this post as requested by Glock"Renzulli Law Firm"

You may wonder how I got my hands on a Zoraki M917 front firing blank gun, this one does not belong to me but was sent for review by one of my viewers which was very generous! Not only is it near impossible to get any new blank guns in Canada these days, but many of the Zoraki blank guns are now considered "prohibited", like the Zoraki R1, 914 and 925, thankfully there rae still a couple Zoraki blank guns that are not on the hit list like this M917 Glock inspired blank shooter and also the Zoraki M906.

Photo of ZORAKI 917 Removed by Request from Glock "Renzulli Law Firm"

I plan to talk more about some of this in my full review so make sure to watch that review if you want to know more about what is going on with blank guns in Canada these days.

Enough politics for now, here are some more photos for you to enjoy till I do my full review which I plan to do very soon since this blank firing Zoraki M917 is on loan to me...

Photo of ZORAKI 917 Removed by Request from Glock "Renzulli Law Firm"  

Categories: 9mm, Blank Gun, Blank Gun News, Pistol, Replica Airguns News, Semi Auto Tags: M917, Zoraki

Zoraki M906 Back in the Store - Very Limited Supplies!


This is going to be a rather short lived post because I think this will be the last of these very popular Zoraki M906 blank guns. I was only able get a small batch of them and based on all the request I have had since we ran out, I'm pretty sure they will be gone fairly quickly. So if you're one of the people who has been emailing me asking for one, this is probably your last chance to get one.

Categories: 9mm, Blank Gun, Pistol, Replica Airguns News, Semi Auto Tags: M906, Zoraki

Zoraki M906 Factory Seconds Blow-out!



Checkout our latest Factory Refurb Deal Here

I have a limited quantity of Zoraki M906 (factory seconds) 9mm P.A.K. Blank guns with extremely minor blemishes, in most cases you will be hard pressed to find them!

Sorry I can not offer any kind of price protection for anyone purchasing M906's in the past as this a newly stocked item at a new cost to me and ridiculously low price to you. I did not know about this offer until just now and personally purchased three Zoraki M906's at the old pricing, so I feel your pain!!

If you bought one in the past you know how amazing these guns are - kind of like a mini Glock! So the best thing to do is buy another one or two more while you can at this absolutely ridiculously low pricing!

Categories: 9mm, Blank Gun, Pistol, Replica Airguns News, Semi Auto Tags: M906, Zoraki

Webley Alecto HP-01 .22 cal. Air Pistol Shooting Test


The Webley Alecto (AKA: Zoraki HP-01) may not fit in exactly as a "Replica" Airgun, although it does resemble a bloated Dessert Eagle! But it is an Airgun worthy of spending some time reviewing an this is now my third Vimeo Video review for the Webley Alecto. My first Video Review was a Table Top Review where I covered most of the Webley's basic operation. My second Vimeo Video was a Chronograph Test to see what my Webley Alecto could do performance wise for FPS.

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I really wanted to do a video of this gun just shooting because that's what it does best, put lead down range very accurately! So I setup three cameras to capture it all from just about every angle I could think of and I set up 30 feet away from my target and shot 5 rounds in a rested position using a Red Dot Scope. The results where not surprising - pretty close to a 1/2 inch grouping!

If you're looking for a compact, hard hitting, accurate target or small pest control Air gun then look no further, the Webley Alecto has the goods!

Watch the full Multi-angle Vimeo Video of my Webley Alecto Shooting Test:

Categories: .22 cal, Field Test, Modification, Multi-pump, Pellet, Pistol, Review, Scope, Single Shot, YouTube Video Tags: Alecto, Webley, Zoraki

Zoraki M906 Silver Slide 9mm P.A.K. Blank Gun


I already had an all Black Zoraki M906, but I didn't have the Sliver slide version and that was just no good because the two-tone finish just looks great on this blank shooter. It's pretty much the same gun as my all black Zoraki M906 but with a Shiny Chrome Slide and Barrel. I also noticed that the hammer is just a tad bit different but both work just as well!

Here are some more photos for your viewing and drooling pleasure...

Categories: 9mm, Blank Gun, Pistol, Semi Auto Tags: M906, Zoraki

Some New Zoraki 914 Finishes to Choose From


I wanted to let you know we have a couple new Zoraki 914 color finishes to choose from, Shiny Chrome and Titanium. We have limited quantities so get them while we still have them. And that goes for all of our Zoraki line as I can not ensure we will be carrying it for much longer - it has nothing to do with quality as the Zoraki line of blank guns is one of the best! SORRY - ALL GONE!

Buy Blank Guns in Canada   -   Buy Zoraki M914 in the US

Categories: 8mm, 9mm, Blank Gun, Full Auto, Pistol, Replica Airguns News, Semi Auto Tags: 914, 925, M906, Zoraki

Wood Grips for Zoraki 914 Now Available


We just got in some Wood Grips for your Zoraki 914. Well technically they are plastic but they look like wood! We have limited supplies of these real imitation wood grain grips and once they are gone they may be gone for ever - or at least till we get some more. That is if we can get some more, it's really hard to say?

Categories: 9mm, Accessory, Blank Gun, Full Auto, Pistol, Replica Airguns News, Semi Auto Tags: 914, Zoraki

Zoraki 914 Full Auto Product Review by NicFitNation


I don't post a lot of other people's video here on the site but from time to time when I see a really good one, I'll feature it. This video is from a YouTuber named NicFitNation. What I like about this video most of all is the way VST sums up the reasons for getting a blank gun to begin with. I know most of you already understand the reasoning behind owning a blank gun, but for some reason I seem to answer this question a lot on my YouTube channel.

Make sure to watch the video right to the end as there is a nice demo of the Zoraki 914 shooting in full auto!

Categories: 9mm, Blank Gun, Full Auto, Pistol, Review, YouTube Video Tags: 914, Zoraki

Webley Alecto - Zoraki HP-01 .177 & .22 Caliber PCP Air Pistol Review


Related Posts:

Type: Multi-pump Air Pistol.

Manufacturer: Webley - Zoraki ATAK Arms.

Model:Alecto -  HP-01

Materials: Polymer shell with metal internal parts.

Weight: 2.4 pounds.

Barrel: 7.2 inches, metal rifled.

Propulsion: MSP Multi-stroke pneumatic.

Action: Single shot.

Ammunition Type: .177 & .22 caliber pellets.

Ammunition Capacity: 1 pellet.

FPS: 495+.

Trigger Pull: You simply can not get a better trigger. You can adjust it left and right and forwards and backwards. You can also adjust the tension from .9 lbs to 4 lbs and the break point is smooth as butter.

Accuracy: Awesome, I got about a 1 inch group from a free standing position 20 feet away.

Build Quality: Build quality is excellent, it does have an external outer plastic shell but it is very solid and made of what seems to be high quality weapons grade polymer. All the internal mechanical parts are made out of metal.

Realism: This is not a replica air gun but it does resemble the Desert Eagle in shape and size.

Purchased From: the Replica Airguns Store.


  • Very accurate for a pistol.

  • Only a few pumps generate a lot of power.

  • Fully adjustable trigger and grips.

  • Fully adjustable sites, including a rotating front site for quick adjust near and far shooting.

  • Great safety design with one finger operation.

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  • If you're left handed you have to buy the extra left hand grip separately.

  • Comes with the pressure release valve adjusted a bit too lean. (seems to let pressure out even with only two pumps)

  • May be a bit to large for small handed shooters.


I originally got this target air pistol mainly to test it out and do a review for the website, thinking I was going to send it back at the end. After playing around with it for a while, I have decided I simply can not part with it. The Webley Alecto is just to addictive to shoot and has such great power and accuracy that you kind of forget it's not an action shooter. you get lost in literally blasting away anything you point it at.

My table top Vimeo Video Review of the Webley Alecto Target Pistol:

Categories: .22 cal, 4.5mm / .177 cal, Multi-pump, Pellet, Pistol, Review, Single Shot Tags: Alecto, Webley, Zoraki

Webley Alecto .177 and .22 Caliber Multi-Stroke Pneumatic Target Pistol

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The Webley Alecto isn't exactly a "Replica Airgun" but it's really addictive to shoot and OK maybe it looks just a bit like the Desert Eagle? Unlike most BB guns, the Webley Alecto is all about accuracy and consistency. I found myself shooting at all kinds of targets just to see if I could hit them and this gun is simply amazing. It is essentially a PCP compressed air gun that has a three stage pump, you can pump it up to three times to get the maximum feet per second.

I found the one I have (Canadian Version with detuned pressure release valve) had little to no fps gain pumping it the third time because to be imported into Canada it must shoot under 500 fps. The valve can be adjusted internally but you risk higher then 500 fps shots which would make it a Restricted Controlled Firearm in Canada.

One of the most amazing attributes about this compressed air gun is the trigger, it's fully adjustable and smooth as butter. Another nice attention to detail is the included hard shell case and factory quality control test target.

The gun is made in Turkey for Webley by Zoraki and is the HP-01. Unlike the Zoraki version (.177 cal. only), with the Webley Alecto, you have the choice of either a .177 or .22 caliber. I went for the .22 caliber model and mine will for sure get a Red Dot Scope mounted on it one of these days :)

Categories: .22 cal, 4.5mm / .177 cal, Multi-pump, Pellet, Pistol, Single Shot Tags: Alecto, Webley, Zoraki

My 2010 Air Gun & Blank Gun Collection

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This has been a great year of adding to my Air and Blank Gun Collection, and it was also the beginning of and the expansion of my YouTube Channel from 1 video to 30 videos, and all of this started back only in June of this year -  Not bad!

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I wanted to take a snapshot so-to-speak of my entire Air and Blank Gun Collection so over time as my collection expands, I can look back from year-to-year and see how it has grown.

Here is my Air Gun and Blank Gun Collection for 2010:

My Air Pistols:

  • Umarex PPK Nickel platted 4.5mm Blowback BB Gun (Full Auto Mod).

  • Umarex CP99 Compact 4.5mm Blowback BB Gun.

  • Umarex Desert Eagle .177 Cal Blowback Pellet Gun.

  • Umarex Beretta PX4 Storm .177 Cal Blowback Pellet/BB Gun.

  • Umarex Beretta PX4 Storm (Tactical) .177 Cal Blowback Pellet/BB Gun.

  • Umarex S.A.177 4.5mm Blowback BB Gun.

  • Umarex H.P.P 4.5mm Blowback BB Gun.

  • Baikal MP-654K (Makarov) 4.5mm BB Nickel.

  • Cybergun Sig Sauer P226 X-Five 4.5mm Blowback BB Gun.

  • Cybergun GSG 92 4.5mm Blowback BB Gun (Full Auto Mod).

  • Crosman Airmag M50 UZI 6mm BB Airsoft (Full Auto Mod).

My Air Rifles:

  • Crosman Quest 800 .22 Cal Pellet (Rodent/Crow Removal).

  • Crosman Night Stalker .177 Cal Blowback Pellet (Small Rodent Removal).

  • Crosman Backpacker 2289 .22 Cal Pellet (Rodent/Crow Removal).

  • Crosman Marlin Cowboy Lever Action BB Rifle.

  • Baikal MP-661K Blackbird 4.5mm BB Machine Gun (Full Auto 1200 RPM Mod)

  • Umarex MP5K PDW 4.5mm Blowback BB Rifle (Semi Auto).

  • Umarex CX4 Storm .177 Cal Blowback Pellet Rifle.

  • Umarex Steel Storm 4.5mm BB Blowback Machine Gun.

  • Cybergun Mini UZI 4.5mm Blowback BB Gun (Full Auto Mod).

My Blank Guns:

  • Kimar Lady K (Walther PPK) 8mm P.A.K. Blanks - Semi Auto.

  • Zoraki Mod.914 9mm P.A.K. Blanks - Semi/Full Auto.

  • Zoraki R1 Revolver (2.5 inch Barrel) 9mm P.A.K. & Crimped 38 cal. Blanks.

  • Zoraki Mod.925 Mini Machine Gun 9mm P.A.K. Blanks - Semi/Full Auto.

  • Zoraki M906 9mm P.A.K. Blanks - Semi Auto.

Here is the Vimeo Video of My 2010 Air Gun & Blank Gun Collection:

Check out our Replica Airguns Store for products like these.

Categories: 4.5mm / .177 cal, 8mm, 9mm, BB, Blank Gun, Blowback, CO2, Full Auto, Pellet, Pistol, Rifle, Semi Auto, YouTube Video Tags: Baikal, Beretta, Crosman, Cybergun, Kimar, Walther, Zoraki


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Here's a quick YouTube video of the Zoraki M906 P.A.K. Blank pistol firing off some blank rounds. I fire off 6 semi-auto rounds which by the way is the magazines maximum capacity! I also capture the test fire using my Canon High Speed Slow Motion camera in 210 frames per second mode to really slow down the action and see how this small blank shooter cycles rounds.

My YouTube Shooting Review for the Zoraki MOD 925 Blank Gun:

Categories: 9mm, Blank Gun, Pistol, Review, Semi Auto, YouTube Video Tags: M906, Zoraki



Related Posts:

Type: Blank Gun.

Manufacturer: Zoraki - Atak Arms.

Model:Zoraki M906.

Materials: Metal & Polymere.

Weight: .9 pounds.

Barrel: Semi plugged - front firing.

Propulsion: Gun powder.

Action: Single action.

Ammunition Type: 9mm P.A.K.

Ammunition Capacity: 6 round magazine.


Trigger Pull: The trigger pull is short and smooth, typical of a semi auto action.

Accuracy: NA.

Build Quality: The overall build quality of this gun is awesome. The design and materials all seem to be of good quality. After I received my Zoraki Mod.925 and saw how well ATAK Arms made it's polymer components, I was actually expecting the M906 to be as good if not better. I was not disappointed! ATAK Arms put excellent thought into using metal and polymer materials to their full advantage, making the frame and handle out of polymer and where it really counts, metals are used; Slide, Barrel, and most other mechanical parts. The slide feels as well made as you would find in an actual firearm. The overall quality is that of an actual Firearm!

Realism: This gun is not supposed to be a replica of any gun in production but it does look like a shrunken down Sig Sauer in some ways and hey I love the Sigs. The Zoraki M906 looks and feels like a real gun, always make sure to take precautions when using this realistic looking blank shooter!



  • In Canada it is one of the few blank guns available for purchase that is not prohibited.

  • Excellent construction, great usage of metal and polymer materials.

  • Well priced for an extremely high quality blank gun.

  • Very compact in every aspect, great for conceal carry purposes (Check your areas laws).

  • Well thought out modern design.

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  • Not as readily available in Canada, the US and other areas..

  • 9mm P.A.K. Blank ammo is expensive.

  • Limited ammunition capacity.


The Zoraki M906 is well thought out, well built, and well priced! What more do I need to say? If you want an extremely compact modern looking blank shooter, then make sure to consider this ATAK Arms 9mm P.A.K. blank gun. It immediately became my favorite gun in my blank collection.

My table top Vimeo Video Review for the Zoraki M906 Blank Gun:

Categories: 9mm, Blank Gun, Pistol, Review, Semi Auto, YouTube Video Tags: M906, Zoraki

Zoraki M906 9mm P.A.K. Blank Gun on its Way!

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I couldn't help myself, I have all the Zoraki Blank Guns except for the latest Zoraki M906. This is Atak Arms most compact blank gun and it's even smaller than the Zoraki Mod.914. It does come at a bit of an ammo capacity cost as the M906 can only hold 6 rounds due to its shorter and thinner handle.

The Zoraki M906 appears to have more usage of composite component, so it should be a very light gun. It also has a more traditional design than Zoraki's other automatic blank shooter.

I'm looking forward to receiving my new addition some time late next week...

Categories: 9mm, Blank Gun, Pistol, Semi Auto Tags: M906, Zoraki

Zoraki 925 9mm P.A.K. Blank Pistol Shooting Review


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Here's a quick Vimeo video of the Zoraki Mod. 925 P.A.K. Blank pistol firing off some blank rounds. First I shoot two rounds off in semi-auto mode and then switch the Zoraki 925 over to full-auto and fire off the last 10. The Magazine I used is capable of holding 26 rounds but hey, that would have been about the equivalent in cost to 4 Starbucks Mochas!

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My Vimeo Video Shooting Review for the Zoraki MOD 925 Blank Gun:

Categories: 9mm, Blank Gun, Full Auto, Pistol, Semi Auto, YouTube Video Tags: 925, Zoraki



Related Posts:

Type: Blank Gun.

Manufacturer: Zoraki - Atak Arms.

Model:Zoraki MOD 925.

Materials: Metal, Polymere shell.

Weight: 1.8 pounds.

Barrel: Semi plugged - front firing.

Propulsion: Gun powder.

Action: Single action.

Ammunition Type: 9mm P.A.K.

Ammunition Capacity: 16/26 rounds (magazine dependent).


Trigger Pull: The trigger pull is short and smooth, typical of a semi auto action.

Accuracy: NA.

Build Quality: The overall build quality of this gun is excellent. The design and materials all seem to be of good quality. I was actually not expecting this gun to be as well built and finished as it was. Inside it has a metal frame based on the MOD 914 Zaraki with an exo-shell made of a polymer type material. It also comes in a very nice hard shell case with cut outs for everything included. (The Zoraki MOD 925 blank gun, 16 round and 26 round extended magazine, cleaning rod, oil bottle, alternate barrel tip, barrel changing tool, and flare adaptor)

Realism: This gun is not supposed to be a replica of any gun in production but it does look a bit like a mini sub machine pistol. The Zoraki 925 looks and feels like a real gun, so make sure to take precautions when using this blank mini machine gun!



  • In Canada it is one of the few blank guns available for purchase that is not prohibited.

  • Excellent construction, all metal internal frame with high quality external polymer shell.

  • Well priced for what you get even at the newer higher pricing.

  • Magazines interchangeable with the Zoraki MOD 914.

  • Come with a very nice hard shell case and accessory package.

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  • Not as readily available in Canada, the US and other areas..

  • 9mm P.A.K. Blank ammo is expensive.


The Zoraki MOD 925 is a sweet full auto machine pistol and if you can find one is a great addition to anyone blank gun collection. When compared to other full auto blank firing machine guns or pistols (Voltran Ekol UZI 9mm P.A.K. Blank Gun / Voltran Jackal air pistol) it is well priced but does not sacrifice in quality!

My table top Vimeo Video Review for the Zoraki MOD 925 Blank Gun:

Categories: 9mm, Blank Gun, Full Auto, Pistol, Review, Semi Auto, YouTube Video Tags: 925, Zoraki

Zoraki 925 Deluxe Blank Gun Arrives!!


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That was fast shipping, it only took one day from when it left to arrive, not bad for free shipping!

I also got a couple of boxes of Fiocchi 9mm P.A.K. Blanks as theses full auto blank guns eat up the ammo fast and at $29 bucks for a box of 50 it ain't cheap!

The Zoraki 925 came in a very nice plastic box with cut out foam sections for each accessory.

The shorter 16 round magazine was inside the blank gun and the longer 26 round magazine was in a foam cut out in the case. Also included was an alternate barrel adaptor (longer barrel), flare adaptor, cleaning brush, oil container and a tool for swapping the alternate barrels ends. (The short barrel end I left on the gun out of personal preference)

And of course there was a manual with instructions on what to do and most importantly, what not to do!

The Zoraki 925 was surprisingly much nicer than I thought it would be, maybe a bit smaller. I had the impression that it would be a lot larger than my Zoraki 914 but it really was only marginally larger.

The cool part is that both the magazine from my Zoraki 925 also fit into my Zoraki 914 making it an even smaller 26 round full auto machine gun! Maybe not quite as mean looking as the 925?

The quality of the Zoraki 925 is amazing when considering the price! The polymer shell looks flawless and feels very durable, the mechanics of the gun feel tight and snappy with an overall solid feel probably because the polymer shell only covers the metal internal of what is nearly a complete simplified version of the 914 model.

The operation of the Zoraki 925 is very similar to the 914 with the exceptions of the ejection port cover which snaps open when you pull the slide lever back or pull the trigger. The mechanics of pulling the slide back is also different as the internal slide is not accessible from the outside, so you need to pull back on a slide lever located at the back of the gun.

The Zoraki 925 blank gun is definitely one of my favorite blank guns, I imagine it will shoot just like my 914 but I look forward to giving it a go anyways.

Look forward to my table top YouTube review shortly and when I feel like making some noise I will also do a shooting YouTube video of the Zoraki 914 rip'n it up...

Blank gun.jpg
Categories: 9mm, Blank Gun, Full Auto, Pistol, Semi Auto Tags: 925, Zoraki